Version 2.80

Part Description

LP73369-8   Sodium intake
The body uses sodium to control blood pressure and blood volume, and for muscle and nerve function. Sodium occurs naturally in most foods. The most common form of sodium is sodium chloride--table salt. Milk, beets, and celery also naturally contain sodium. Drinking water also contains sodium, but the amount depends on the source. Sodium is also added to many food products, such as, monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium nitrite, sodium saccharin, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and sodium benzoate. These are in items such as Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, onion salt, garlic salt, and bouillon cubes. Processed meats like bacon, sausage, and ham, and canned soups and vegetables also contain added sodium. Fast foods are generally very high in sodium. Too much sodium in the diet may lead to high blood pressure in some people or a serious buildup of fluid in people with congestive heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, or kidney disease. Source: Medline Plus , MedlinePlus: Sodium in diet

Fully-Specified Name

Sodium intake

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Sodium intake Estimated
Short Name
Sodium intake Est

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0i
Last Updated
Version 2.48 (MIN)

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Πρόσληψη νατρίου:Sub:Pt:^Ασθενής:Qn:Εκτιμώμενο
Synonyms: Sub Νάτριο Πρόσληψη νατρίου
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ingesta de sodio:cantidad de sustancia:punto en el tiempo:^paciente:cuantitativo:estimativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Ingesta de sodio:Sub:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:Cuantitativo:Estimated
it-IT Italian (Italy) Sodio, assunzione:Sub:Pt:^Paziente:Qn:Stimato
Synonyms: Assunzione di sodio Entrata/uscita - elettroliti e calorie paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio) Quantità di Sostanza
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Ingestão de sódio:Sub:Pt:^Paciente:Qn:Estimado
Synonyms: Salt intake; Na; Substance amount; Point in time; Random; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Est; estimation; IO_INTAKE_SALTS+CALORIES; IO_INTAKE_SALTS+CALORIES
zh-CN Chinese (China) 钠摄入:物质的量:时间点:^患者:定量型:估计法
Synonyms: Na;Na+;钠离子 克分子;摩尔;物质总量(摩尔数) 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 摄入指标.盐类+热量;摄入指标.盐类与热量;摄入测量指标.盐类与热量;盐类与热量的摄入 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 胎龄估计法;孕龄估计法 钠(钠离子)摄入(摄取、摄食、吸收、吸入、食入、进食、饮入、饮下、喝下、吃进、喝下去、吃进去)

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