Version 2.80

Part Description

LP410825-6   Monotypic plasma cell DNA ploidy
DNA index (DI), which is associated with DNA ploidy, is a reflection of the average amount of DNA in the tumor cells. The DI can be measured by flow cytometry or image cytometry, both of which result in a DNA ploidy histogram, where the channel number on the x-axis represents fluorescent intensity or optical density for the two methods, respectively. All cells with the same quantity of DNA form one peak on the histogram, and with a population of normal cells, the largest peak represents diploid cells in G1 of the cell cycle, and a smaller peak represents cells in G2/M-phase. When there is a mixed population of normal and tumor cells, two or more G1 peaks will be seen, one for the normal cells and one or more for the tumor cells. The DI is calculated by dividing the channel number of the tumor cell G1 peak by the channel number of the normal (diploid control) G1 peak. If the tumor cells are diploid, the DI is 1, and if the cells are aneuploid, the DI is greater than or less than 1. For example, tetraploid cells have a DI of 2 because they have twice as much DNA content as normal diploid cells, and hypodiploid tumor cells have a DI of <1. PMID: 24532190 Source: Regenstrief LOINC , PMID: 24532190

Fully-Specified Name

Monotypic plasma cell DNA ploidy
Bone mar
Flow cytometry

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Monotypic plasma cell DNA ploidy [Type] in Bone marrow by Flow cytometry (FC)
Short Name
Monotypic PC DNA ploidy Mar FC
Display Name
Monotypic plasma cell DNA ploidy FC Nom (BM)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Monotypic Plasma Cell DNA Ploidy, Bone marrow

Example Answer List: LL5361-2

Source: Mayo Medical Laboratories
Answer Code Score Answer ID
Diploid LA30218-4
Hypodiploid LA30221-8
Hyperdiploid LA30219-2
Tetraploid LA30220-0

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.67
Last Updated
Version 2.67 (ADD)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
93363-0 Plasma cell DNA content and proliferation panel - Bone marrow by Flow cytometry (FC)

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Μονοτυπική πλοειδία DNA πλασματοκυττάρων:Type:Pt:Μυελός των οστών:Nom:Κυτταρομετρία ροής
Synonyms: DNA Type Μονοτυπική πλοειδία DNA πλασματοκυττάρων Πλάσμα Πλασματοκύτταρο Πλοειδία DNA
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Ploidía de ADN de células plasmáticas monotípicas:Tipo:Punto temporal:Médula ósea:Nom:Citometria de flujo (FC)
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Ploidía de ADN de células plasmáticas monotípicas:Tipo:Punto temporal:Médula ósea:Nominal:Citometría de flujo (FC)
fr-FR French (France) Cellule plasmatique monotypique ADN ploïdie:Type:Ponctuel:Moelle osseuse:Résultat nominal:Cytométrie de flux
it-IT Italian (Italy) Plasmacellule monotipiche, ploidia DNA:Tipo:Pt:Mid oss:Nom:Citometria a flusso
Synonyms: Citometria a flusso (FC) Midollo osseo Patologia molecolare Plasmocita Ploidia del DNA Ploidia DNA delle plasmacellule monotipiche Punto nel tempo (episodio)
zh-CN Chinese (China) 单型浆细胞 DNA 倍性:类型:时间点:骨髓:名义型:流式细胞测量术
Synonyms: DNA 倍数性;DNA 含量 倍数性 倍数性(一个细胞中染色体基本数目的倍数) 分子病理学;分子病理学试验 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 动态 单型(单一型)浆细胞 DNA 倍性 去氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸;脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic acid,DNA) 型 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 流 流式细胞光度计;流式细胞测量术(Flow Cytometry,FC);流式细胞计 血液制品 - 血浆 骨骼;骨头 髓

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