Version 2.80

20463-6 Mycobacterium avium complex rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP16654-3   Mycobacterium avium complex
A complex that includes several strains of M. avium. M. intracellulare is not easily distinguished from M. avium and therefore is included in the complex. These organisms are most frequently found in pulmonary secretions from persons with a tuberculous-like mycobacteriosis. Strains of this complex have also been associated with childhood lymphadenitis and AIDS; M. avium alone causes tuberculosis in a variety of birds and other animals, including pigs. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP16654-3   Mycobacterium avium complex
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is a group of genetically related bacteria belonging to the genus Mycobacterium. It includes Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , Wikipedia

Fully-Specified Name

Mycobacterium avium complex rRNA

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0m
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94541-0 Mycobacterial identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Σύμπλεγμα άτυπων μυκοβακτηριδίων (Mycobacterium avium complex) rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Ανιχνευτής.ενίσχυση.στόχου
Synonyms: PrThr
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ARNr del complejo Mycobacterium avium:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda.amplificació
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Complejo Mycobacterium avium rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr del complejo de Mycobacterium avium:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Complexe mycobacterium avium, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Mycobacterium avium complex ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Complexe mycobacterium avium ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium avium complex rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: MAC Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 조류형결핵균 복합 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mycobacterium avium complex rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Mycobacterium avium complexo rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; M avium Cmplx; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Acid Fast Bacilli; Mycobact; Myco; AFB; Acid fast bacillus; Tuberculosis; Compx; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Mycobacterium avium complex рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Mycobacterium avium complex rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 鸟型分枝杆菌复合菌群 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: AFB Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 分支杆菌 分支杆菌属 分枝杆菌属 劳瘵 基因探针 复合体 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 抗酸 抗酸杆菌 抗酸杆菌(Acid fast bacillus,AFB) 抗酸菌 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 痨 痨病 经过扩增的 结核 结核病 肺结核 脱氧核糖核酸探针 鸟分支杆菌 鸟分支杆菌复合体 rRNA 鸟分支杆菌复合物 rRNA 鸟分支杆菌复合群 rRNA 鸟分支杆菌复合菌群 rRNA 鸟分枝杆菌 鸟型分支杆菌 鸟型分枝杆菌(鸟分枝杆菌、禽型分枝杆菌、禽分枝杆菌)复合菌群(复合群、复合菌、复合体、复合物);鸟分支杆菌复合体;鸟分支杆菌复合物;鸟分支杆菌复合群;鸟分支杆菌复合菌群;鸟分枝杆菌复合体;鸟分枝杆菌复合物;鸟分枝杆菌复合群;鸟分枝杆菌复合菌群;鸟型分支杆菌复合体;鸟型分支杆菌复合物;鸟型分支杆菌复合群;鸟型分支杆菌复合菌群;鸟型分枝杆菌复合体;鸟型分枝杆菌复合物;鸟型分枝杆菌复合群 鸟型分枝杆菌复合体 rRNA 鸟型分枝杆菌复合物 rRNA 鸟型分枝杆菌复合群 rRNA

5022-9 Mycobacterium avium complex rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP16654-3   Mycobacterium avium complex
A complex that includes several strains of M. avium. M. intracellulare is not easily distinguished from M. avium and therefore is included in the complex. These organisms are most frequently found in pulmonary secretions from persons with a tuberculous-like mycobacteriosis. Strains of this complex have also been associated with childhood lymphadenitis and AIDS; M. avium alone causes tuberculosis in a variety of birds and other animals, including pigs. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP16654-3   Mycobacterium avium complex
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) is a group of genetically related bacteria belonging to the genus Mycobacterium. It includes Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , Wikipedia

Fully-Specified Name

Mycobacterium avium complex rRNA

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94541-0 Mycobacterial identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Σύμπλεγμα άτυπων μυκοβακτηριδίων (Mycobacterium avium complex) rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Ανιχνευτής
Synonyms: PrThr Σύμπλεγμα άτυπων μυκοβακτηριδίων (Mycobacterium avium complex)
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ARNr del complejo Mycobacterium avium:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Complejo Mycobacterium avium rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr del complejo de Mycobacterium avium:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Complexe mycobacterium avium, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Mycobacterium avium complex ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Complexe mycobacterium avium ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium avium complex rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: MAC Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 조류형결핵균 복합 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mycobacterium avium complex rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Mycobacterium avium complexo rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; M avium Cmplx; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Acid Fast Bacilli; Mycobact; Myco; AFB; Acid fast bacillus; Tuberculosis; Compx; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Mycobacterium avium complex рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Mycobacterium avium complex rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 鸟型分枝杆菌复合菌群 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: AFB 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 分支杆菌 分支杆菌属 分枝杆菌属 劳瘵 复合体 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 抗酸 抗酸杆菌 抗酸杆菌(Acid fast bacillus,AFB) 抗酸菌 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 痨 痨病 结核 结核病 肺结核 脱氧核糖核酸探针 鸟分支杆菌 鸟分支杆菌复合体 rRNA 鸟分支杆菌复合物 rRNA 鸟分支杆菌复合群 rRNA 鸟分支杆菌复合菌群 rRNA 鸟分枝杆菌 鸟型分支杆菌 鸟型分枝杆菌(鸟分枝杆菌、禽型分枝杆菌、禽分枝杆菌)复合菌群(复合群、复合菌、复合体、复合物);鸟分支杆菌复合体;鸟分支杆菌复合物;鸟分支杆菌复合群;鸟分支杆菌复合菌群;鸟分枝杆菌复合体;鸟分枝杆菌复合物;鸟分枝杆菌复合群;鸟分枝杆菌复合菌群;鸟型分支杆菌复合体;鸟型分支杆菌复合物;鸟型分支杆菌复合群;鸟型分支杆菌复合菌群;鸟型分枝杆菌复合体;鸟型分枝杆菌复合物;鸟型分枝杆菌复合群 鸟型分枝杆菌复合体 rRNA 鸟型分枝杆菌复合物 rRNA 鸟型分枝杆菌复合群 rRNA

5024-5 Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by Probe

Fully-Specified Name

Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94541-0 Mycobacterial identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Βακτήριο Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Ανιχνευτής
Synonyms: PrThr Βακτήριο Mycobacterium gordonae
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ARNr de Mycobacterium gordonae:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Mycobacterium grasanae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Mycobacterium gordonae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Mycobacterium gordonae ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Mycobacterium gordonae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 수도물간균 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; M gordonae; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Acid Fast Bacilli; Mycobact; Myco; AFB; Acid fast bacillus; Tuberculosis; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Mycobacterium gordonae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 戈登分枝杆菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: AFB 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 分支杆菌 分支杆菌属 分枝杆菌属 劳瘵 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 戈氏分支杆菌 rRNA 戈氏分支杆菌;戈氏分枝杆菌;戈登分支杆菌 戈氏分枝杆菌 rRNA 戈登分支杆菌 rRNA 抗酸 抗酸杆菌 抗酸杆菌(Acid fast bacillus,AFB) 抗酸菌 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 痨 痨病 结核 结核病 肺结核 脱氧核糖核酸探针

45116-1 Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Fully-Specified Name

Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.69 (MIN)
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94541-0 Mycobacterial identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Βακτήριο Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Ανιχνευτής.ενίσχυση.στόχου
Synonyms: PrThr Βακτήριο Mycobacterium gordonae
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Mycobacterium grasanae:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Mycobacterium gordonae, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Mycobacterium gordonae ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Mycobacterium gordonae ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; M gordonae; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Acid Fast Bacilli; Mycobact; Myco; AFB; Acid fast bacillus; Tuberculosis; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Mycobacterium gordonae рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 戈登分枝杆菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: AFB Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 分支杆菌 分支杆菌属 分枝杆菌属 劳瘵 基因探针 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 戈氏分支杆菌 rRNA 戈氏分支杆菌;戈氏分枝杆菌;戈登分支杆菌 戈氏分枝杆菌 rRNA 戈登分支杆菌 rRNA 扩增型 扩增性 抗酸 抗酸杆菌 抗酸杆菌(Acid fast bacillus,AFB) 抗酸菌 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 痨 痨病 经过扩增的 结核 结核病 肺结核 脱氧核糖核酸探针

5026-0 Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP16658-4   Mycobacterium kansasii
A slow-growing, photochromogenic species that is the etiologic agent of a tuberculosis-like disease in humans and is frequently isolated from human pulmonary secretions or tubercles. The incidence of infection is sharply increased among immunocompromised individuals. (Dorland, 28th ed) Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94541-0 Mycobacterial identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Βακτήριο Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Ανιχνευτής
Synonyms: PrThr Βακτήριο Mycobacterium kansasii
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ARNr de Mycobacterium kansasii:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Mycobacterium kansasii:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Mycobacterium kansasii, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Mycobacterium kansasii ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Mycobacterium kansasii ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Micobatterio kansasii Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 마이코박테륨 칸사시 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; M kansasii; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Acid Fast Bacilli; Mycobact; Myco; AFB; Acid fast bacillus; Tuberculosis; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Mycobacterium kansasii рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 堪萨斯分枝杆菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: AFB 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 分支杆菌 分支杆菌属 分枝杆菌属 劳瘵 坎沙西分支杆菌 rRNA 坎沙西分支杆菌;坎沙西分枝杆菌;堪萨斯分支杆菌 坎沙西分枝杆菌 rRNA 堪萨斯分支杆菌 rRNA 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 抗酸 抗酸杆菌 抗酸杆菌(Acid fast bacillus,AFB) 抗酸菌 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 痨 痨病 结核 结核病 肺结核 脱氧核糖核酸探针

45117-9 Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Part Descriptions

LP16658-4   Mycobacterium kansasii
A slow-growing, photochromogenic species that is the etiologic agent of a tuberculosis-like disease in humans and is frequently isolated from human pulmonary secretions or tubercles. The incidence of infection is sharply increased among immunocompromised individuals. (Dorland, 28th ed) Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.17
Last Updated
Version 2.69 (MIN)
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94541-0 Mycobacterial identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Βακτήριο Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Ανιχνευτής.ενίσχυση.στόχου
Synonyms: PrThr Βακτήριο Mycobacterium kansasii
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Mycobacterium kansasii:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Mycobacterium kansasii, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Mycobacterium kansasii ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Mycobacterium kansasii ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Micobatterio kansasii Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; M kansasii; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Acid Fast Bacilli; Mycobact; Myco; AFB; Acid fast bacillus; Tuberculosis; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Mycobacterium kansasii рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 堪萨斯分枝杆菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: AFB Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 分支杆菌 分支杆菌属 分枝杆菌属 劳瘵 坎沙西分支杆菌 rRNA 坎沙西分支杆菌;坎沙西分枝杆菌;堪萨斯分支杆菌 坎沙西分枝杆菌 rRNA 基因探针 堪萨斯分支杆菌 rRNA 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 抗酸 抗酸杆菌 抗酸杆菌(Acid fast bacillus,AFB) 抗酸菌 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 痨 痨病 经过扩增的 结核 结核病 肺结核 脱氧核糖核酸探针

17296-5 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by Probe

Fully-Specified Name

Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex rRNA

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0l
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94541-0 Mycobacterial identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Mycobacterium-tuberculosis-Komplex rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Sondendetektion
el-GR Greek (Greece) Σύμπλεγμα Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο της φυματίωσης) rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Ανιχνευτής
Synonyms: PrThr
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ADN de complejo de Mycobacterium tuberculosis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Complejo micobacterim tuberculosis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr del complejo de Mycobacterium tuberculosis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
Synonyms: Complexe Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Complexe TB
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Complesso di micobatteri della tubercolosi Micobatterio della tubercolosi Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 결핵균 복합 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complexo rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; TB; M TB Cmplx; Mycobacterium tuberculosum; M tuberculosis; Mtb; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Acid Fast Bacilli; Mycobact; Myco; AFB; Acid fast bacillus; Compx; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Mycobacterium tuberculosis комплекс рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Mycobacterium tuberculosis kompleksi rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 结核分枝杆菌复合菌群 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: AFB 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 分支杆菌 分支杆菌属 分枝杆菌属 劳瘵 复合体 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 抗酸 抗酸杆菌 抗酸杆菌(Acid fast bacillus,AFB) 抗酸菌 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 痨 痨病 结核 结核;肺结核;痨;痨病;TB 结核分支杆菌;结核杆菌;结核菌 结核分支杆菌复合体 rRNA 结核分支杆菌复合群 rRNA 结核分支杆菌复合菌群 rRNA 结核分枝杆菌复合体 rRNA 结核分枝杆菌复合物 rRNA 结核分枝杆菌复合菌群(复合群、复合菌、复合体、复合物);结核分支杆菌复合体;结核分支杆菌复合群;结核分支杆菌复合菌群;结核分枝杆菌复合体;结核分枝杆菌复合物;结核分枝杆菌结核菌群;结核杆菌复合菌群 结核分枝杆菌结核菌群 rRNA 结核杆菌复合菌群 rRNA 结核病 肺结核 脱氧核糖核酸探针

48174-7 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by NAA with probe detection

Fully-Specified Name

Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex rRNA

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.21
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94541-0 Mycobacterial identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Mycobacterium-tuberculosis-Komplex rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Zielfragmentamplifikation mit Sondendetektion
el-GR Greek (Greece) Σύμπλεγμα Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο της φυματίωσης) rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Ανιχνευτής.ενίσχυση.στόχου
Synonyms: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο της φυματίωσης) PrThr Σύμπλεγμα Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο της φυματίωσης)
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Complejo micobacterim tuberculosis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda con amplificación dirigida
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr del complejo de Mycobacterium tuberculosis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Amplificación de ácidos nucleicos con detección de sonda
fr-CA French (Canada) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
fr-FR French (France) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR amplification de cible
fr-BE French (Belgium) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde avec amplification de la cible
Synonyms: Complexe Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Complexe TB
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda.amp.tar
Synonyms: Complesso di micobatteri della tubercolosi Micobatterio della tubercolosi Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda con amplificazione Sonda con amplificazione del target Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 결핵균 복합 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자.증폭.표적
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:probe-detectie
Synonyms: probe.amp.tar ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complexo rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda com limite de detecção da amplificação de alvo
Synonyms: ; TB; M TB Cmplx; Mycobacterium tuberculosum; M tuberculosis; Mtb; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; PCR; Polymerase chain reaction; Transcription mediated amplification; NASBA; Nucleic acid sequence based analysis; SDA; Strand Displacement Amplification; LAT; Ligation-activated transcription; 3SR SR; 3 Self-Sustaining Sequence Replication; LCR; Ligase chain reaction; QBR; Q-Beta Replicase or probe amplification category method; Probe with target amplification; NAAT; TMA; Amp Prb; Probe with ampification; DNA probe; Amplified; ribosomal RNA; Acid Fast Bacilli; Mycobact; Myco; AFB; Acid fast bacillus; Compx; Microbiology; Gen-Probe
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Mycobacterium tuberculosis комплекс рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба.усил.миш
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Проба с мишени усилением Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Mycobacterium tuberculosis kompleksi rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob.amf.hdf
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 结核分枝杆菌复合菌群 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:探针法.基因扩增.靶向
Synonyms: AFB Gen-Probe rRNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 借助扩增的探针方法;借助扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增 借助靶向扩增的探针方法;借助靶向扩增的探针法;探针法.扩增.靶向 分支杆菌 分支杆菌属 分枝杆菌属 劳瘵 基因探针 复合体 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 扩增型 扩增性 抗酸 抗酸杆菌 抗酸杆菌(Acid fast bacillus,AFB) 抗酸菌 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸 探针法.扩增.靶向 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.基因扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA 探针法.扩增.靶向 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 痨 痨病 经过扩增的 结核 结核;肺结核;痨;痨病;TB 结核分支杆菌;结核杆菌;结核菌 结核分支杆菌复合体 rRNA 结核分支杆菌复合群 rRNA 结核分支杆菌复合菌群 rRNA 结核分枝杆菌复合体 rRNA 结核分枝杆菌复合物 rRNA 结核分枝杆菌复合菌群(复合群、复合菌、复合体、复合物);结核分支杆菌复合体;结核分支杆菌复合群;结核分支杆菌复合菌群;结核分枝杆菌复合体;结核分枝杆菌复合物;结核分枝杆菌结核菌群;结核杆菌复合菌群 结核分枝杆菌结核菌群 rRNA 结核杆菌复合菌群 rRNA 结核病 肺结核 脱氧核糖核酸探针

5027-8 Mycobacterium tuberculosis rRNA [Presence] in Specimen by Probe

Part Descriptions

LP16659-2   Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is a pathogenic bacterial species in the genus Mycobacterium and the causative agent of most cases of tuberculosis (TB). M. tuberculosis has an unusual, waxy coating on its cell surface (primarily mycolic acid), which makes the cells impervious to Gram staining, so acid-fast detection techniques are used, instead. The physiology of M. tuberculosis is highly aerobic and requires high levels of oxygen. Primarily a pathogen of the mammalian respiratory system, MTB infects the lungs. The most frequently used diagnostic methods for TB are the tuberculin skin test, acid-fast stain, and chest radiographs Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Wikipedia)

LP16659-2   Mycobacterium tuberculosis
A species of gram-positive, aerobic bacteria that produces TUBERCULOSIS in humans, other primates, CATTLE; DOGS; and some other animals which have contact with humans. Growth tends to be in serpentine, cordlike masses in which the bacilli show a parallel orientation. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

LP16659-2   Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis was discovered by Robert Koch in 1882 to be the infectious organism of tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis is a worldwide public health problem, especially in third world countries. The infection is classified as latent when the patient is asymptomatic and the infection is in a non-transmissible state. The active form of TB is transmissible and can be diagnosed by culturing the organism or by using molecular testing. Patients who are symptomatic have symptoms including fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, persistent cough, and hemoptysis. Treatment of TB has been complicated by the emergence of drug-resistant strains which are present all over the world. Resistance to all of the drugs used to treat TB has occurred including the first line of treatment drugs isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. Some strains of TB have become resistant to more than one of the drugs used to treat TB, and are referred to as either multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) or extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB). MDR-TB are defined to be resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin. XDR-TB have worse disease symptoms and are resistant to isoniazid, rifampicin, any one of the fluoroquinolones, and any one of the three injectable second-line drugs amikacin, kanamycin, and capreomycin. The biggest risk factor for acquiring TB is to be infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Twenty-five percent of all TB infections occur in patients also infected with HIV, and most of those occur in Africa. Social and behavioral determinants such as excessive alcohol use, smoking, and type 2 diabetes mellitus can increase the risk of contracting TB by two to three times.[] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Mycobacterium tuberculosis rRNA

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
Change Reason
The PrThr property is used for LOINC terms whose results are reported using an ordered categorical scale, regardless of whether or not an internal threshold was used to make that determination. This change was approved by the Laboratory LOINC Committee in June 2016.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94541-0 Mycobacterial identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Mycobacterium tuberculosis rRNA:Nachweis oder Schwellenwert:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Ordinal:Sondendetektion
el-GR Greek (Greece) Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο της φυματίωσης) rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Ανιχνευτής
Synonyms: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο της φυματίωσης) PrThr
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) ARNr de Mycobacterium tuberculosis:concentración arbitraria:punto en el tiempo:XXX:ordinal:sonda
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Mycobacterium tuberculosis rRNA:PrThr:Punto temporal:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) ARNr de Mycobacterium tuberculosis:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:XXX:Ordinal:Investigacion
fr-CA French (Canada) Mycobacterium tuberculosis, ARNr:Présence-Seuil:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
fr-FR French (France) Mycobacterium tuberculosis ARNr:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Qualitatif:PCR
fr-BE French (Belgium) Mycobacterium tuberculosis ARNr:PrThr:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Ordinal:Sonde
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium tuberculosis rRNA:PrThr:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda
Synonyms: Micobatterio della tubercolosi Microbiologia Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sonda di DNA
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 결핵균 리보솜 리보핵산:임의농도:검사시점:XXX:순위척도:DNA 탐색자
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mycobacterium tuberculosis rRNA:aanwezigheid:moment:XXX:ordinaal:DNA-sonde
Synonyms: ribosomaal RNA
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Mycobacterium tuberculosis rRNA:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord:Sonda de DNA
Synonyms: ; TB; M tb; Mycobacterium tuberculosum; M tuberculosis; Mtb; Arbitrary concentration; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Ql; Ordinal; QL; Qualitative; Qual; Screen; Prb; DNA probe; ribosomal RNA; Acid Fast Bacilli; Mycobact; Myco; AFB; Acid fast bacillus; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Mycobacterium tuberculosis рРНК:PrThr:ТчкВрм:XXX:Пор:Проба
Synonyms: ДНК проба;ДНК зонд Порядковый Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Mycobacterium tuberculosis rRNA:MevcEşik:Zmlı:XXX:Srl:Prob
Synonyms: Mevcut
zh-CN Chinese (China) 结核分枝杆菌 rRNA:存在情况或阈值:时间点:XXX:序数型:DNA探针
Synonyms: AFB 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 分支杆菌 分支杆菌属 分枝杆菌属 劳瘵 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 抗酸 抗酸杆菌 抗酸杆菌(Acid fast bacillus,AFB) 抗酸菌 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核糖体核糖核酸;核糖核酸 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA 核蛋白体 RNA(Ribosomal RNA,RRNA) 核蛋白体核糖核酸 核醣体 RNA 痨 痨病 结核 结核;肺结核;痨;痨病;TB 结核分支杆菌 rRNA 结核分支杆菌;结核杆菌;结核菌 结核病 肺结核 脱氧核糖核酸探针

92827-5 Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex species identified in Specimen by Sequencing

Term Description

This term is used to report the specific species within the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex that was identified, such as M. bovis.

Part Descriptions

LP150045-5   Sequencing
Sequencing is a method used to determine the sequence of individual genes, larger genetic regions (i.e. clusters of genes or operons), full chromosomes or entire genomes. Historically, most sequencing has been performed using the chain termination method developed by Frederick Sanger in 1977. PMID: 271968 Sequencing technologies have improved dramatically, making them cheaper, faster, and more accurate. Next-generation sequencing (NGS), also known as high-throughput sequencing, deep sequencing, and second-generation sequencing, is a type of technology that uses parallel sequencing of multiple small fragments of DNA to determine sequence. This "high-throughput" technology has increased the speed and amount of DNA sequenced at a significantly reduced cost. PMID: 18576944 Several NGS platforms (ie, sequencing instruments and associated reagents) have been developed. Third-generation sequencing is another methodology currently under development that uses parallel sequencing similar to NGS. In contrast to NGS, third-generation sequencing uses single DNA molecules rather than amplified DNA as a template. PMID: 20858600 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex species

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.66
Last Updated
Version 2.79 (NAM)
Change Reason
Release 2.79: COMPONENT: Triggered by the coll w SCT:The understanding is that the word "identified" refers to the property "PRID", its presence in the component is redundant to the property. Therefore it is better to remove "identified" from the component.;
Order vs. Observation

Example Answer List LL4779-6

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Mycobacterium africanum LA28506-6
Mycobacterium bovis LA19286-6
Mycobacterium tuberculosis LA20996-7
No sequence LA28507-4
Not detected LA11883-8

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94541-0 Mycobacterial identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-DE German (Germany) Mycobacterium-tuberculosis-Komplex-Spezies:Nachweis oder Identität:Zeitpunkt:XXX:Nominal:Sequenzierung
el-GR Greek (Greece) Είδη συμπλέγματος Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο της φυματίωσης):Prid:Pt:XXX:Nom:Αλληλούχιση
Synonyms: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο της φυματίωσης) Prid Είδη συμπλέγματος Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο της φυματίωσης) Σύμπλεγμα Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο της φυματίωσης)
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Especis complejas de Mycobacterium tuberculosis:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:XXX:Nom:Secuenciación
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Especies del complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis identificadas:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:XXX:Nominal:Secuenciación
fr-FR French (France) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex espèces identifiées:Identification:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Résultat nominal:Séquençage
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, specie:Prid:Pt:XXX:Nom:Sequenziamento
Synonyms: Complesso di micobatteri della tubercolosi Micobatterio della tubercolosi Microbiologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio) Specie del mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex sp.:identificator:moment:XXX:nominaal:sequencing
zh-CN Chinese (China) 结核分枝杆菌复合菌群种:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:XXX:名义型:序列测定
Synonyms: AFB 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 分支杆菌 分支杆菌属 分枝杆菌属 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 劳瘵 复合体 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 序列分析;测序 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 抗酸 抗酸杆菌 抗酸杆菌(Acid fast bacillus,AFB) 抗酸菌 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 痨 痨病 结核 结核;肺结核;痨;痨病;TB 结核分支杆菌;结核杆菌;结核菌 结核分枝杆菌复合菌群(复合群、复合菌、复合体、复合物);结核分支杆菌复合体;结核分支杆菌复合群;结核分支杆菌复合菌群;结核分枝杆菌复合体;结核分枝杆菌复合物;结核分枝杆菌结核菌群;结核杆菌复合菌群 结核分枝杆菌复合菌群(复合群、复合菌、复合体、复合物)种;结核分支杆菌复合体种;结核分支杆菌复合群种;结核分支杆菌复合菌群种;结核分枝杆菌复合体种;结核分枝杆菌复合物种;结核分枝杆菌结核菌群种;结核杆菌复合菌群种 结核病 肺结核

40699-1 Mycobacterium sp identified in Specimen

Fully-Specified Name

Mycobacterium sp

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.15
Last Updated
Version 2.78 (NAM)
Change Reason
Release 2.78: COMPONENT: Removed "Identified" from the component because it is implied by the Property "Prid";
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Example Answer List LL2286-4

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Mycobacterium abscessus LA16933-6
Mycobacterium avium/intracellulare LA16934-4
Mycobacterium bovis LA19286-6
Mycobacterium chelonae LA19288-2
Mycobacterium kansasii LA19287-4
Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex LA16935-1

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94541-0 Mycobacterial identification panel - Specimen by Molecular genetics method

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Mycobacterium sp (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο):Prid:Pt:XXX:Nom:
Synonyms: Mycobacterium sp (Μυκοβακτηρίδιο) Prid
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Micobacteria sp:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:XXX:Nom:
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Mycobacterium sp identificado:Presencia o identidad:Punto temporal:XXX:Nominal:
fr-CA French (Canada) Mycobacterium sp:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Nominal:
fr-FR French (France) Mycobacterium:Identification:Ponctuel:Milieux divers:Résultat nominal:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Mycobacterium sp:Présence ou identité:Temps ponctuel:XXX:Nominal:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium sp:Prid:Pt:XXX:Nom:
Synonyms: Microbiologia Presenza o Identità Punto nel tempo (episodio)
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 마이코박테륨종 동정:존재:검사시점:XXX:명칭결과:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Mycobacterium sp.:identificator:moment:XXX:nominaal:
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Identificação de Mycobacterium sp:Ident:Pt:XXX:Nom:
Synonyms: Tuberculosis; Identity or presence; Point in time; Random; Misc; Miscellaneous; Unspecified; Other; Nominal; Isolated; species; spp; Acid Fast Bacilli; Mycobact; Myco; AFB; Acid fast bacillus; Microbiology
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Mycobacterium sp:ПрИд:ТчкВрм:XXX:Ном:
Synonyms: Номинальный;Именной Присутствие или Идентификация Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Mycobacterium sp:MevcKimlik:Zmlı:XXX:Snf:
zh-CN Chinese (China) 分枝杆菌属单个未知种:存在与否或特征标识:时间点:XXX:名义型:
Synonyms: AFB 不明的;其他;将在相应消息内其他部分之中加以详细说明;未作详细说明的;未作说明的;未做说明的标本;未加规定的;未加说明的标本;杂项 分支杆菌 分支杆菌;分支杆菌属;分枝杆菌;劳瘵;痨;痨病;结核;结核病;肺结核;分枝杆菌单个未知种 分支杆菌属 分枝杆菌属 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 劳瘵 存在;存在与否;特征标识;身份;身份标识 微生物学;微生物学试验;微生物学试验(培养、DNA、抗原及抗体) 抗酸 抗酸杆菌 抗酸杆菌(Acid fast bacillus,AFB) 抗酸菌 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 物种 生物种 痨 痨病 结核 结核病 肺结核