Version 2.80

93491-9 AMPAR2 IgG Ab [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Cell binding immunofluorescent assay

Part Descriptions

LP229975-0   Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor 2
Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA) receptor 1 (AMPAR1) and AMPA receptor 2 (AMPAR2) antibodies target the AMPA receptor, an ionotropic glutamate receptor and key excitatory neurotransmitter. AMPA receptors are comprised of different combinations of four glutamate receptor subunits called GluA1-GluA4 (also known as GluR1-GluR4 and GluR-A to GluR-D). They are vital for brain development and function, such as memory and cognitive development. Detection of antineuronal autoantibodies against AMPA receptors aids in the diagnosis of autoimmune encephalopathies, especially limbic encephalitis, and related conditions. PMCID: PMC4478035 The presence of AMPA antibodies may also indicate an undiscovered tumor in the thymus, lung or breast. PMID: 23983888 The neurological symptoms associated with AMPA receptor 1 antibodies include altered mental status, convulsions, memory loss amnesia, auditory hallucinations, limbic encephalitis, abnormal behavior, schizophrenia, dizziness and hyperthermia. The neurological symptoms associated with AMPA receptor 2 antibodies include seizures, short-term memory loss, limbic encephalitis, altered mental status, chorea and facial dyskinesia. PMID: 24707504 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP269367-1   CBA IFA
In cell binding assays or cell-based assays (CBA) also known as cell-based immunoassays, the DNA coding for a particular antigen is transfected into cultured cells, which are then used directly as substrate for antibody detection by immunofluorescence. The advantage of CBA IFA over conventional immunoassays is that purification and stability of the antigen is not required and they provide an in vivo substrate. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor 2 Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.67
Last Updated
Version 2.69 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG50935-2 Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate receptor 2 Ab.IgG|PrThr|Pt|CSF

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Υποδοχέας 2 α-αμινο-3-υδροξυ-5-μεθυλο-4-ισοξαζολοπροπιονικού οξέος Αντισώματα IgG:PrThr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ord:CBA IFA
Synonyms: PrThr Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Υποδοχέας 2 α-αμινο-3-υδροξυ-5-μεθυλο-4-ισοξαζολοπροπιονικού οξέος
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Receptor 2 de Alfa-amino-3-hidroxi-5-metil-4-isoxazolepropionato IgG:PrThr:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Ord:CBA IFA (inmunofluorescencia indirecta de estudio basqado en células)
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Receptor 2 Ab.IgG de alfa-amino-3-hidroxi-5-metil-4-isoxazolpropionato:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Ordinal:Ensayo inmunofluorescente de unión a células
fr-FR French (France) AMPA récepteur 2 anticorps IgG:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Qualitatif:Immunofluorescence CBA
it-IT Italian (Italy) Recettore tipo 2 per alfa-amino-3-idrossi-5metil-4-isoxazolepropionato Ab.IgG:PrThr:Pt:LCS:Ord:CBA IFA
Synonyms: AMPAR2 anticorpi IgG anticorpo Fluorescenza indiretta degli anticorpi (IFA) Liquido cerebrospinale Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant
zh-CN Chinese (China) Alpha-氨基-3-羟基-5-甲基-4-异噁唑丙酸受体 2 抗体.IgG:存在情况或阈值:时间点:脑脊液:序数型:CBA IFA
Synonyms: Ⅱ Ⅲ Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 Alpha-氨基-3-羟基-5-甲基-4-异恶唑丙酸受体 2;α-氨基-3-羟基-5-甲基-4-异唑丙酸受体 2;α-氨基-3-羟基-5-甲基-4-异唑丙酸受体 2;AMPAR2 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 Hydroxy II III OH α 三 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫球蛋白 G 叁 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 细胞结合分析免疫荧光法;CBA IFA 法 羟 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类 间接荧光抗体 间接荧光抗体试验 阿尔法

94354-8 Amphiphysin IgG Ab [Titer] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Part Descriptions

LP30843-4   Amphiphysin
Amphiphysin is a protein associated with the cytoplasmic surface of synaptic vesicles and is encoded by the AMPH gene. Patients with stiff man syndrome and breast cancer can be positive with autoantibodies against the amphiphysin protein. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Amphiphysin Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.75 (MAJ)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94353-0 Myelopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94818-2 Paraneoplastic Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Αμφιφυσίνη Αντισώματα IgG:Titr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ημιποσοτική:Ανοσοφθορισμός
Synonyms: Titr Αμφιφυσίνη Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Anfifisina IgG:Titulo / Factor de dilución:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Semicuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
Synonyms: Semicuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Anfifisina Ab.IgG:Título:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Cuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
fr-CA French (Canada) Amphiphysine, IgG:Titre:Temps ponctuel:LCR:SemiQn:Immunofluorescence
fr-FR French (France) Amphiphysine anticorps IgG:Titre:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Semi-Quantitatif:Immunofluorescence
it-IT Italian (Italy) Amfifisina Ab.IgG:Titr:Pt:LCS:SemiQn:IF
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Immunofluorescenza (IF) Liquido cerebrospinale Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant Titolo
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) amfifysine As.IgG:titer:moment:liquor cerebrospinalis:semikwantitatief:immunofluorescentie
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IF
zh-CN Chinese (China) 双载蛋白 抗体.IgG:滴定度:时间点:脑脊液:半定量型:免疫荧光法
Synonyms: Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 Amphiphysin Ab CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 IFA法;IF法;抗补体免疫荧光法;时间分辨荧光法;荧光原位杂交技术;荧光原位杂交法;荧光抗体 两亲蛋白;两性蛋白;Amphiphysin(一种位于神经元突触前膜的 128kD 蛋白);神经元突触囊泡 Amphiphysin;两性蛋白(僵直人综合征伴乳腺癌128kDa 自身抗原);amphiphysin (Stiff-Man syndrome with breast cancer 128kDa autoantigen) 免疫球蛋白 G 效价;滴定浓度;滴定率;滴定量;滴度;稀释倍数;稀释因子;稀释系数 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类

Example Units

Unit Source
{titer} Example UCUM Units

94286-2 Contactin-associated protein 2 IgG Ab [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Cell binding immunofluorescent assay

Part Descriptions

LP230270-3   Contactin-associated protein 2
Contactin-associated protein 2 (CASPR2) is present in the axons of the granule neurons of the cerebellum and the juxtaparanodal region of myelinated axons. Increased titers of CASPR2 antibodies were first discovered in patients with Morvan's syndrome. Symptoms of Morvan's syndrome include neuromyotonia, insomnia, autonomic dysfunction and neuropathic pain. Though CASPR2 antibodies have been found in 10% of patients with idiopathic cerebellar ataxia, no specific disease has been attributed to patients with the rare occurrence of positive antibodies for CASPR2 with cerebellar involvement. PMID: 25846566 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP269367-1   CBA IFA
In cell binding assays or cell-based assays (CBA) also known as cell-based immunoassays, the DNA coding for a particular antigen is transfected into cultured cells, which are then used directly as substrate for antibody detection by immunofluorescence. The advantage of CBA IFA over conventional immunoassays is that purification and stability of the antigen is not required and they provide an in vivo substrate. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Contactin-associated protein 2 Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.69 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
101416-6 Pediatric autoimmune central nervous system disorders evaluation panel - Cerebral spinal fluid

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG50959-2 Contactin-associated protein 2 Ab.IgG|PrThr|Pt|CSF

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Πρωτεΐνη 2 που σχετίζεται με την κοντακτίνη Αντισώματα IgG:PrThr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ord:CBA IFA
Synonyms: PrThr Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Πρωτεΐνη Πρωτεΐνη 2 που σχετίζεται με την κοντακτίνη
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Proteína 2 asociada a contactina IgG:PrThr:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Ord:CBA IFA (inmunofluorescencia indirecta de estudio basqado en células)
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Proteína 2 Ab.IgG asociada a contactina:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Ordinal:Ensayo inmunofluorescente de unión a células
fr-FR French (France) CASPR2 anticorps IgG:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Qualitatif:Immunofluorescence CBA
it-IT Italian (Italy) Proteina 2 Contactin-associata Ab.IgG:PrThr:Pt:LCS:Ord:CBA IFA
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo CNTNAP2 Fluorescenza indiretta degli anticorpi (IFA) Liquido cerebrospinale Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant
zh-CN Chinese (China) 接触蛋白关联蛋白 2 抗体.IgG:存在情况或阈值:时间点:脑脊液:序数型:CBA IFA
Synonyms: Ⅱ Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 CASPR2;接触蛋白相关蛋白 2;接触素关联蛋白 2;接触素相关蛋白 2 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 II PR;Prot;成分 - 化学 - 蛋白质类;蛋白;朊;蛋白质类;蛋白质类物质 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫球蛋白 G 关联的 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 有联系的 相关的 细胞结合分析免疫荧光法;CBA IFA 法 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类 间接荧光抗体 间接荧光抗体试验

35385-4 CV2 IgG Ab [Titer] in Cerebral spinal fluid

Part Descriptions

LP32718-6   CV2
CV2 (CRMP5) antibody binds to cytoplasm and cell processes of a subpopulation of oligodendrocytes in the white matter and targets 66 kDa protein known as CRMP5.
It is ofen found in association with small cell lung carcinoma. CV2 autoimmune response can also be found in cerebellar ataxia, encephalomyelitis, limbic encephalitis, sensory and sensorimotor neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, and chorea. CV2 autoantibodies are also present in patients with rapidly progressive dementia, and are used to monitor treatment in some cases. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

CV2 Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.13
Last Updated
Version 2.75 (MAJ)
Change Reason
Collapsin response mediator protein 5 (CRMP5) Ab is also known as CV2 Ab. Changed component from Collapsin response mediator protein 5 Ab.IgG to harmonize with existing terms.
Order vs. Observation
Common Test Rank Get Info

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94353-0 Myelopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG50993-1 CV2 Ab.IgG|Titr|Pt|CSF

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) CV2 Αντισώματα IgG:Titr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ημιποσοτική:
Synonyms: CV2 Titr Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) [anticuerpo anti - ] Ehrlichia chaffeensis [Ac].IgG [Inmunoglobulina G]:factor de dilución (titulación):punto en el tiempo:líquido cefalorraquídeo:cuantitativo:
es-ES Spanish (Spain) CV2 IgG:Titulo / Factor de dilución:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Semicuantitativo:
Synonyms: Semicuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) CV2 Ab.IgG:Título:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Cuantitativo:
fr-FR French (France) CV2 anticorps IgG:Titre:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Semi-Quantitatif:
fr-CA French (Canada) CV2, IgG:Titre:Temps ponctuel:LCR:SemiQn:
it-IT Italian (Italy) CV2 Ab.IgG:Titr:Pt:LCS:SemiQn:
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Liquido cerebrospinale Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant Titolo
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 콜랍신 반응 매개체 단백 5 항체.면역글로불린 G:역가:검사시점:뇌척수액:정량:
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) CV2 As.IgG:titer:moment:liquor cerebrospinalis:semikwantitatief:
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Colapsina proteína mediador de resposta 5 Ac.IgG:Título:Pt:LCR:Qn:
Synonyms: ; Prot; PR; Immune globulin G; Immunoglobulin G; CRMP-5; Dilution factor; Titer; Titre; Ttr; Titered; Point in time; Random; Cerebral spinal fluid; Spinal Fluid; Cerebrospinal Fl; Spinal Flu; Spinal Fld; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Antibodies; Autoantibody; Antibody; Autoantibodies; Antby; Acy; Anti; Serology
uk-UA Ukrainian (Ukraine) CV2 Антитіла.IgG:Титр:МоментЧасу:Спинномозкова рідина:Кількісно:
Synonyms: ABS; Aby; Antby; Anti; Antibodies; Antibody; Autoantibodies; Autoantibody; Cerebral spinal fluid; Cerebrospinal Fl; Collapsin response mediator protein 5; Collapsin response mediator protein 5 Ab; Collapsin response mediator protein 5 Ab.IgG; CRMP5; CRMP-5; Dilution factor; Dilution Factor (Titer); Immune globulin G; Immunoglobulin G; Neuro; Neurology; Point in time; POP66; QNT; Quan; Quant; Quantitative; Random; Serology; Spinal Fl; Spinal Fld; Spinal Flu; Spinal Fluid; Titer; Titered; Titre; Ttr; ULIP
zh-CN Chinese (China) CV2 抗体.IgG:滴定度:时间点:脑脊液:半定量型:
Synonyms: Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 CV2 Ab paraneoplastic oligodendrocyte protein of 66 kDa;66 kDa 副肿瘤性少突胶质细胞蛋白;POP66;ULIP;Unc-33-like phosphoprotein;Unc-33-样磷蛋白;Collapsin response mediator protein 5;CRMP5;坍塌反应调节蛋白 5;脑衰蛋白响应调解蛋白 5;塌陷反应介导蛋白 5;脑衰反应调节蛋白 5;脑衰蛋白响应调解蛋白 5;small cell lung carcinoma;SCLC;小细 免疫球蛋白 G 效价;滴定浓度;滴定率;滴定量;滴度;稀释倍数;稀释因子;稀释系数 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类

Example Units

Unit Source
{titer} Example UCUM Units

93426-5 GABABR IgG Ab [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Cell binding immunofluorescent assay

Part Descriptions

LP230268-7   Gamma aminobutyrate B receptor
Gamma aminobutyrate B receptor (GABABR) is a neural surface cell synaptic antigen and is associated with limbic encephalitis and orolingual dyskinesias. Symptoms of limbic encephalitis include delirium, mood change, memory and personality disturbance and focal seizures of mesial temporal type with or without secondary generalization. Antibodies against GABABR indicate the possibility of undiscovered small cell lung cancer or other neuroendocrine neoplasia. PMCID: PMC3726118 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP269367-1   CBA IFA
In cell binding assays or cell-based assays (CBA) also known as cell-based immunoassays, the DNA coding for a particular antigen is transfected into cultured cells, which are then used directly as substrate for antibody detection by immunofluorescence. The advantage of CBA IFA over conventional immunoassays is that purification and stability of the antigen is not required and they provide an in vivo substrate. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Gamma aminobutyrate B receptor Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.67
Last Updated
Version 2.69 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
101416-6 Pediatric autoimmune central nervous system disorders evaluation panel - Cerebral spinal fluid

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG50933-7 Gamma aminobutyrate B receptor Ab.IgG|PrThr|Pt|CSF

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Υποδοχέας γ-αμινοβουτυρικού Β Αντισώματα IgG:PrThr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ord:CBA IFA
Synonyms: B PrThr Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Γ-αμινοβουτυρικό Υποδοχέας γ-αμινοβουτυρικού Β
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Receptor B de Gamma aminobutirato IgG:PrThr:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Ord:CBA IFA (inmunofluorescencia indirecta de estudio basqado en células)
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Receptor de gamma aminobutirato B Ab.IgG:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Ordinal:Ensayo inmunofluorescente de unión a células
fr-FR French (France) Gamma aminobutyrate récepteur B anticorps IgG:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Qualitatif:Immunofluorescence CBA
it-IT Italian (Italy) Gamma-amminobutirrato B, recettore Ab.IgG:PrThr:Pt:LCS:Ord:CBA IFA
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Fluorescenza indiretta degli anticorpi (IFA) Liquido cerebrospinale Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Recettore GABA Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant
zh-CN Chinese (China) Gamma 氨基丁酸 B 受体 抗体.IgG:存在情况或阈值:时间点:脑脊液:序数型:CBA IFA
Synonyms: 4-氨基丁酸;GABA;Gamma 氨基丁酸(Gamma aminobutyric acid,GABA);Gamma-氨基丁酸;G-氨基丁酸;γ氨基丁酸;γ-氨基丁酸;哌啶酸 Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 B 型 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 γ氨基丁酸 B 受体;γ-氨基丁酸 B 受体;GABA-B 受体;GABA-B receptor;GABA-B-R 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫球蛋白 G 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 氨基-n-丁酸 氨基丁酸盐 氨基丁酸酯 细胞结合分析免疫荧光法;CBA IFA 法 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类 间接荧光抗体 间接荧光抗体试验

94360-5 Glial fibrillary acidic protein alpha subunit IgG Ab [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Part Descriptions

LP411550-9   Glial fibrillary acidic protein.alpha subunit Ab.IgG
Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) antibody is a biomarker for immune inflammation. GFAP IgG autoantibody binds to GFAPα, and is found in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of indiviuals with GFAP astrocytopathy. GFAP antibodies are detectable by immunofluorescence (IF), cell-based assay (CBA) and western blot. GFAP astrocytopathy often overlaps with other autoimmune diseases, making diagnosis challenging due to the coexisting neural autoantibodies. PMID: 30568655 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Glial fibrillary acidic protein.alpha subunit Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.68 (ADD)
Order vs. Observation

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94353-0 Myelopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
101416-6 Pediatric autoimmune central nervous system disorders evaluation panel - Cerebral spinal fluid

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG51003-8 Glial fibrillary acidic protein.alpha subunit Ab.IgG|PrThr|Pt|CSF

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Γλοιακή ινιδική όξινη πρωτεΐνη.υπομονάδα άλφα Αντισώματα IgG:PrThr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ord:Ανοσοφθορισμός
Synonyms: PrThr Άλφα υπομονάδα Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Γλοιακή ινιδική όξινη πρωτεΐνη Γλοιακή ινιδική όξινη πρωτεΐνη.υπομονάδα άλφα Πρωτεΐνη
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Subunidad alfa de la proteína ácida fibrilar glial IgG:PrThr:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Ord:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Proteína ácida fibrilar glial subunidad alfa IgG:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Ordinal:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
fr-FR French (France) GFAP alpha anticorps IgG:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Qualitatif:Immunofluorescence
it-IT Italian (Italy) Proteina acida fibrillare gliale.alfa Ab.IgG:PrThr:Pt:LCS:Ord:IF
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo GFAP Immunofluorescenza (IF) Liquido cerebrospinale Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant Subunità alfa
zh-CN Chinese (China) 神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白.alpha 亚单位 抗体.IgG:存在情况或阈值:时间点:脑脊液:序数型:免疫荧光法
Synonyms: Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 GFAP;神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白;glial fibrillary acidic protein IFA法;IF法;抗补体免疫荧光法;时间分辨荧光法;荧光原位杂交技术;荧光原位杂交法;荧光抗体 PGH Alpha 亚单位;PGH α亚单位;α亚单位;垂体糖蛋白;垂体糖蛋白类 PR;Prot;成分 - 化学 - 蛋白质类;蛋白;朊;蛋白质类;蛋白质类物质 α 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫球蛋白 G 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白.alpha 亚单位(alpha 亚基、α-亚基、α-亚单位、α亚基、α亚单位);神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白.α亚基;神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白.α亚单位;GFAP-α 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类 阿尔法

94355-5 Glial nuclear type 1 IgG Ab [Titer] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Part Descriptions

LP71299-9   Glial nuclear type 1
Anti-glial nuclear antibody type 1 (AGNA-1) targets the Sox1 nuclear antigen found in Bergmann cells, a specialized glial cell type found in the cerebellar cortex. AGNA-1 antibodies are associated with paraneoplastic Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) and paraneoplastic neuropathies associated with small cell lung cancer (SCLC). They have also been associated with non-paraneoplastic neuropathy, which may be an immune-mediated condition. PMID: 20701982 Source: Regenstrief LOINC , PMID: 20701982

Fully-Specified Name

Glial nuclear type 1 Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.75 (MAJ)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94353-0 Myelopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94818-2 Paraneoplastic Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Γλοιακός πυρηνικός τύπος 1 Αντισώματα IgG:Titr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ημιποσοτική:Ανοσοφθορισμός
Synonyms: Titr Type Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Γλοιακός πυρηνικός τύπος 1 Πυρηνικό
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Gliales de tipo nuclear 1 IgG:Titulo / Factor de dilución:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Semicuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
Synonyms: Semicuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Glial nuclear tipo 1 Ab.IgG:Título:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Cuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
fr-CA French (Canada) Gliale nucléaire de type 1, IgG:Titre:Temps ponctuel:LCR:SemiQn:Immunofluorescence
fr-FR French (France) Noyau cellule gliale type 1 anticorps IgG:Titre:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Semi-Quantitatif:Immunofluorescence
it-IT Italian (Italy) Gliali di tipo nucleare 1 Ab.IgG:Titr:Pt:LCS:SemiQn:IF
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Immunofluorescenza (IF) Liquido cerebrospinale Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant Titolo
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) gliaal nucleair type 1 As.IgG:titer:moment:liquor cerebrospinalis:semikwantitatief:immunofluorescentie
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IF soort
zh-CN Chinese (China) 神经胶质细胞核 1 型 抗体.IgG:滴定度:时间点:脑脊液:半定量型:免疫荧光法
Synonyms: Ⅰ Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 FANA I IFA法;IF法;抗补体免疫荧光法;时间分辨荧光法;荧光原位杂交技术;荧光原位杂交法;荧光抗体 免疫球蛋白 G 型 效价;滴定浓度;滴定率;滴定量;滴度;稀释倍数;稀释因子;稀释系数 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核;胞核 核心抗体IgG 核心抗原抗体.IgG 核心抗原抗体IgG 核心抗原抗体免疫荧光 核抗体.IgG 核抗体IgG 核抗原抗体.IgG 核抗原抗体IgG 神经胶质细胞核类型 1;神经胶质细胞核 I 型 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类

Example Units

Unit Source
{titer} Example UCUM Units

94359-7 Glutamate decarboxylase 65 IgG+IgM Ab [Moles/volume] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunoassay

Part Descriptions

LP18489-2   Glutamate decarboxylase 65
Glutamate decarboxylase 65 (GAD65) antibody is useful to diagnose insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM, Type I diabetes), to assess the risk for developing IDDM, to predict the onset of IDDM and the risk of developing related endocrine disorders such as thyroiditis. Before clinical onset, Type I diabetes is characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the islet cells and by circulating autoantibodies against a variety of islet cell antigens including GAD-65, IA-2 (a tyrosine phosphatase-like protein), and insulin (IAA). GAD has two isoforms, GAD65 and GAD67, which are highly homologous but found in distinct subsets of patients. PMID: 7532143 GAD65 antibodies are specific to patients with insulin-dependent diabetes. The presence of GAD antibodies in a patient recently diagnosed with diabetes indicates a high risk of requiring insulin within three years. PMID: 11114103 GAD67 is important to the maturation of perisomatic innervation.( GAD65 are also associated with paraneoplastic neurologic syndrome (PNS) which is an autoimmune disorder that is manifested by progressive neurological syndromes of any combination of the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. In addition, the different PNS antibodies are associated with certain cancers and can assist in identifying where an unknown tumor is located. PMID: 22412264 Glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 antibody are associated with stiff person syndrome, cerebellar ataxia encephalitis and other neurological diseases. PMID: 22405456 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Glutamate decarboxylase 65 Ab.IgG+IgM

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.68 (ADD)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94353-0 Myelopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
101416-6 Pediatric autoimmune central nervous system disorders evaluation panel - Cerebral spinal fluid

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Γλουταμινική αποκαρβοξυλάση 65 Αντισώματα IgG+IgM:SCnc:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Qn:IA
Synonyms: SCnc Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Ανοσοσφαιρίνη M Γλουταμινική αποκαρβοξυλάση Γλουταμινική αποκαρβοξυλάση 65 Γλουταμινικό οξύ
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Glutamato decarboxilasa 65 IgG+IgM:Concentración de sustancia:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Qn:IA
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Glutamato descarboxilasa 65 IgG + IgM:Concentración de sustancias:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Cuantitativo:Inmunoensayo
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Glutamaadi dekarboksülaasi 65 vastased antikehad.IgG+IgM:SCnc:Pt:CSF:Qn:IA
Synonyms: Aine kontsentratsioon Immuunglobuliin G Immuunglobuliin M Juhuslik Kvantitatiivne Liikvor
fr-FR French (France) Glutamate décarboxylase 65 anticorps IgG+IgM:Moles/Volume:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Numérique:Immunoanalyse
fr-BE French (Belgium) Glutamate décarboxylase 65 Anticorps.IgG+IgM:Concentration de substance:Temps ponctuel:LCR:Quantitatif:IA
Synonyms: Anticorps
fr-CA French (Canada) Glutamate décarboxylase 65, IgG+IgM:Concentration de substance:Temps ponctuel:LCR:Quantitatif:IA
it-IT Italian (Italy) Glutammato decarbossilasi 65 Ab.IgG+IgM:SCnc:Pt:LCS:Qn:IA
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpi IgG e IgM Anticorpi IgG+IgM anticorpo Concentrazione di Sostanza GAD65 Immunoassay Liquido cerebrospinale Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) glutamaatdecarboxylase 65 As.IgG + IgM:mol/volume:moment:liquor cerebrospinalis:kwantitatief:immunoassay
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IA
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Глутаматдекарбоксилаза 65 Ат.IgG+IgM:МолКонц:ТчкВрм:ЦСЖ:Колич:IA
Synonyms: Антитело Количественный Молярность;Молярная объёмная концентрация Точка во времени;Момент Цереброспинальная жидкость
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Glutamat dekarboksilaz 65 Ab.IgG+IgM:SubKons:Zmlı:BOS:Kant:İA
Synonyms: İmmünölçüm, immünoassay
zh-CN Chinese (China) 谷氨酸脱羧酶-65 抗体.IgG+IgM:物质的量浓度:时间点:脑脊液:定量型:免疫测定法
Synonyms: Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab.IgG+IgM;IgG+IgM;抗体 IgG+抗体 IgM Ab;自身抗体 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 GAD65;GAD-65;谷氨酸脱羧酶 65;谷氨酸脱羧酶 65(Glutamate Decarboxylase 65,GAD65,Glutamic acid decarboxylase-65,GAD-65) GADA Glu 克分子浓度;克分子浓度(单位体积);摩尔浓度;摩尔浓度(单位体积);物质的量浓度(单位体积) 免疫测定;免疫分析法;免疫检定法;免疫检定;免疫试验;酶免疫测定法;酶免疫测定;酶免疫分析法;酶免疫检定法;酶免疫检定;酶免疫试验 免疫球蛋白 G 免疫球蛋白 M 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 抗体.IgG & IgM;抗体.IgG+IgM 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类 谷氨酸脱羧酶 65 Ab 谷氨酸脱羧酶 65 抗体 谷氨酸脱羧酶-65 Ab 麸胺酸去羧酶;麸胺酸去羧基酶;麸氨酸去羧基酶;GAD

Example Units

Unit Source
nmol/L Example UCUM Units

94288-8 Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 IgG Ab [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Cell binding immunofluorescent assay

Part Descriptions

LP230269-5   Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1
Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) is part of a group of antigens that have target antibodies that bind to neuronal cell surface or synaptic proteins but are not associated with a malignancy. The ensuing encephalitis has been designated neuronal surface antibody syndrome or autoimmune synaptic encephalitis. LGI1 antibodies have been associated with encephalitis that responds well to treatment and has a good expected outcome. PMID: 25520958 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP269367-1   CBA IFA
In cell binding assays or cell-based assays (CBA) also known as cell-based immunoassays, the DNA coding for a particular antigen is transfected into cultured cells, which are then used directly as substrate for antibody detection by immunofluorescence. The advantage of CBA IFA over conventional immunoassays is that purification and stability of the antigen is not required and they provide an in vivo substrate. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.69 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
101416-6 Pediatric autoimmune central nervous system disorders evaluation panel - Cerebral spinal fluid

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG50961-8 Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated protein 1 Ab.IgG|PrThr|Pt|CSF

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Πλούσια σε λευκίνη πρωτεΐνη 1 αδρανοποιημένη από γλοίωμα Αντισώματα IgG:PrThr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ord:CBA IFA
Synonyms: PrThr Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Λευκίνη Πλούσια σε λευκίνη πρωτεΐνη 1 αδρανοποιημένη από γλοίωμα Πρωτεΐνη
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Proteína 1 inactivada del glioma rica en leucina IgG:PrThr:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Ord:CBA IFA (inmunofluorescencia indirecta de estudio basqado en células)
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Proteína inactivada por glioma rica en leucina 1 Ab.IgG:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Ordinal:Ensayo inmunofluorescente de unión a células
fr-FR French (France) LGI1 anticorps IgG:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Qualitatif:Immunofluorescence CBA
it-IT Italian (Italy) Proteina 1 glioma-inattivata ricca di leucina Ab.IgG:PrThr:Pt:LCS:Ord:CBA IFA
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Fluorescenza indiretta degli anticorpi (IFA) Liquido cerebrospinale Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant
zh-CN Chinese (China) 富亮氨酸胶质瘤失活蛋白 1 抗体.IgG:存在情况或阈值:时间点:脑脊液:序数型:CBA IFA
Synonyms: Ⅰ Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 I Leu;异己氨酸;白氨酸 PR;Prot;成分 - 化学 - 蛋白质类;蛋白;朊;蛋白质类;蛋白质类物质 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫球蛋白 G 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 富亮氨酸胶质瘤失活1蛋白;LGI1 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 细胞结合分析免疫荧光法;CBA IFA 法 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类 间接荧光抗体 间接荧光抗体试验

94361-3 Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 IgG Ab [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Part Descriptions

LP411535-0   Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1
Antibodies against metabotropic glutamate receptor type 1 (mGluR1) are associated with a rare autoimmune encephalitis. The primary manifestation is cerebellar ataxia, and other symptoms include dysarthria, cognitive impairment, and abnormalities in the sense of taste. mGluR1 is a cell-surface receptor expressed predominantly in cerebellar Purkinje cell dendrites that plays a major role in coordination and cerebellar motor learning. Other areas in which mGluR1 is expressed include the olfactory bulb, thalamus, and hippocampus. PMID: 31205493 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.68 (ADD)
Order vs. Observation

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94353-0 Myelopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
101416-6 Pediatric autoimmune central nervous system disorders evaluation panel - Cerebral spinal fluid

Member of these Groups Get Info

LOINC Group Group Name
LG50966-7 Metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 Ab.IgG|PrThr|Pt|CSF

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Μεταβοτροπικός υποδοχέας 1 γλουταμινικού οξέως Αντισώματα IgG:PrThr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ord:Ανοσοφθορισμός
Synonyms: PrThr Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Γλουταμινικό οξύ Μεταβοτροπικός υποδοχέας 1 γλουταμινικού οξέως
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Receptor de glutamato metabotrópico 1 IgG:PrThr:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Ord:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Receptor metabotrópico de glutamato 1 Ab.IgG:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Ordinal:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
fr-FR French (France) mGluR1 anticorps IgG:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Qualitatif:Immunofluorescence
it-IT Italian (Italy) Metabotropico del glutammato, recettore 1 Ab.IgG:PrThr:Pt:LCS:Ord:IF
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Immunofluorescenza (IF) Liquido cerebrospinale Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Recettore 1 metabotropico del glutammato Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Glutaminergiczny receptor metabotropowy typu I Ab.IgG:granica wykrywalności:punkt w czasie:płyn mózgowo-rdzeniowy:półilościowy:immunofluorescencja
Synonyms: IgG Przeciwciała IgG onkoneuronalne anty mGluR1 Przeciwciała onkoneuronalne anty mGluR1
zh-CN Chinese (China) 代谢型谷氨酸受体 1 抗体.IgG:存在情况或阈值:时间点:脑脊液:序数型:免疫荧光法
Synonyms: Ⅰ Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 Glu I IFA法;IF法;抗补体免疫荧光法;时间分辨荧光法;荧光原位杂交技术;荧光原位杂交法;荧光抗体 mGluR1 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫球蛋白 G 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类

94356-3 Neuronal nuclear type 1 IgG Ab [Titer] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Part Descriptions

LP14163-7   Neuronal nuclear type 1
Type I anti-neuronal nuclear antibody (ANNA-1) is present in patients with paraneoplastic syndromes (paraneoplastic sensory neuropathy or paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis) most commonly associated with small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC). ANNA-2 is present in patients with midbrain encephalitis, cerebellar ataxia, eye movement disorders (usually opsoclonus), and occasionally myelopathy. Neoplasms most often associated with ANNA-2 are breast carcinoma and SCLC. ANNA-1 and ANNA-2 may be detectable before the associated neoplasm is detectable. Source: ARUP Laboratories , ANNA

Fully-Specified Name

Neuronal nuclear type 1 Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.75 (MAJ)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94353-0 Myelopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94818-2 Paraneoplastic Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence
101416-6 Pediatric autoimmune central nervous system disorders evaluation panel - Cerebral spinal fluid

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Νευρωνικός πυρηνικός τύπος 1 Αντισώματα IgG:Titr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ημιποσοτική:Ανοσοφθορισμός
Synonyms: Titr Type Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Νευρωνικό Νευρωνικό πυρηνικό Νευρωνικός πυρηνικός τύπος 1 Πυρηνικό
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Anticuerpos Antineuronal nuclear tipo 1 IgG:Titulo / Factor de dilución:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Semicuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
Synonyms: Semicuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Tipo 1 nuclear neuronal Ab.IgG:Título:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Cuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
fr-CA French (Canada) Neuronal nucléaire de type 1, IgG:Titre:Temps ponctuel:LCR:SemiQn:Immunofluorescence
fr-FR French (France) Hu1 anticorps IgG:Titre:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Semi-Quantitatif:Immunofluorescence
it-IT Italian (Italy) Nucleare neuronale tipo 1 Ab.IgG:Titr:Pt:LCS:SemiQn:IF
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Immunofluorescenza (IF) Liquido cerebrospinale Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant Titolo
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) neuronaal nucleair type 1 As.IgG:titer:moment:liquor cerebrospinalis:semikwantitatief:immunofluorescentie
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IF soort
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Typ 1 neuronalny jądrowy Ab.IgG:miano:punkt w czasie:płyn mózgowo-rdzeniowy:półilościowy:immunofluorescencja
Synonyms: IgG Przeciwciała do antygenów jądrowych neuronów typu 1 Przeciwciała IgG do antygenów jądrowych neuronów typu 1 Przeciwciała onkoneuronalne
zh-CN Chinese (China) 神经元细胞核 1 型 抗体.IgG:滴定度:时间点:脑脊液:半定量型:免疫荧光法
Synonyms: Ⅰ Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 ANNA 1 Ab ANNA 1 抗体 ANNA 1;ANNA-1;Hu;Hu1;神经元核 1 型;神经元细胞核 1 型(Neuronal nuclear type 1,ANNA 1) ANNA-1 Ab ANNA-1 抗体 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 FANA Hu Ab Hu 抗体 Hu1 Ab Hu1 抗体 I IFA法;IF法;抗补体免疫荧光法;时间分辨荧光法;荧光原位杂交技术;荧光原位杂交法;荧光抗体 免疫球蛋白 G 型 效价;滴定浓度;滴定率;滴定量;滴度;稀释倍数;稀释因子;稀释系数 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核;胞核 核心抗体IgG 核心抗原抗体.IgG 核心抗原抗体IgG 核心抗原抗体免疫荧光 核抗体.IgG 核抗体IgG 核抗原抗体.IgG 核抗原抗体IgG 神经元性;神经元的 神经元核 神经元核 1 型 Ab 神经元核 1 型抗体 神经元细胞核 1 型 Ab 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类

Example Units

Unit Source
{titer} Example UCUM Units

94357-1 Neuronal nuclear type 2 IgG Ab [Titer] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Part Descriptions

LP14164-5   Neuronal nuclear type 2
Type I anti-neuronal nuclear antibody (ANNA-1) is present in patients with paraneoplastic syndromes (paraneoplastic sensory neuropathy or paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis) most commonly associated with small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC). ANNA-2 is present in patients with midbrain encephalitis, cerebellar ataxia, eye movement disorders (usually opsoclonus), and occasionally myelopathy. Neoplasms most often associated with ANNA-2 are breast carcinoma and SCLC. ANNA-1 and ANNA-2 may be detectable before the associated neoplasm is detectable. Source: ARUP Laboratories , ANNA

Fully-Specified Name

Neuronal nuclear type 2 Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.75 (MAJ)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94353-0 Myelopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94818-2 Paraneoplastic Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Νευρωνικός πυρηνικός τύπος 2 Αντισώματα IgG:Titr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ημιποσοτική:Ανοσοφθορισμός
Synonyms: Titr Type Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Νευρωνικό Νευρωνικό πυρηνικό Νευρωνικός πυρηνικός τύπος 2 Πυρηνικό
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Anticuerpos Antineuronal nuclear tipo 2 IgG:Titulo / Factor de dilución:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Semicuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
Synonyms: Semicuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Ab.IgG neuronal nuclear tipo 2:Título:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Cuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
fr-CA French (Canada) Neuronal nucléaire de type 2, IgG:Titre:Temps ponctuel:LCR:SemiQn:Immunofluorescence
fr-FR French (France) Hu2 anticorps IgG:Titre:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Semi-Quantitatif:Immunofluorescence
it-IT Italian (Italy) Nucleare neuronale tipo 2 Ab.IgG:Titr:Pt:LCS:SemiQn:IF
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Immunofluorescenza (IF) Liquido cerebrospinale Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant Titolo
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) neuronaal nucleair type 2 As.IgG:titer:moment:liquor cerebrospinalis:semikwantitatief:immunofluorescentie
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IF soort
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Typ 2 neuronalny jądrowy Ab.IgG:miano:punkt w czasie:płyn mózgowo-rdzeniowy:półilościowy:immunofluorescencja
Synonyms: IgG Przeciwciała do antygenów jądrowych komórek nerwowych typu 2 Przeciwciała jądrowe antyneuronalne typu 2 IgG Przeciwciała onkoneuronalne
zh-CN Chinese (China) 神经元细胞核 2 型 抗体.IgG:滴定度:时间点:脑脊液:半定量型:免疫荧光法
Synonyms: Ⅱ Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 ANNA 2 Ab ANNA 2 抗体 ANNA 2;ANNA-2;Hu2;Ri;神经元核 2 型;神经元细胞核 2 型(Neuronal nuclear type 2,ANNA 2) ANNA-2 Ab ANNA-2 抗体 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 FANA Hu2 Ab Hu2 抗体 IFA法;IF法;抗补体免疫荧光法;时间分辨荧光法;荧光原位杂交技术;荧光原位杂交法;荧光抗体 II Ri Ab Ri 抗体 免疫球蛋白 G 型 效价;滴定浓度;滴定率;滴定量;滴度;稀释倍数;稀释因子;稀释系数 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核;胞核 核心抗体IgG 核心抗原抗体.IgG 核心抗原抗体IgG 核心抗原抗体免疫荧光 核抗体.IgG 核抗体IgG 核抗原抗体.IgG 核抗原抗体IgG 神经元性;神经元的 神经元核 神经元核 2 型 Ab 神经元核 2 型抗体 神经元细胞核 2 型 Ab 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类

Example Units

Unit Source
{titer} Example UCUM Units

94358-9 Neuronal nuclear type 3 IgG Ab [Titer] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Part Descriptions

LP31707-0   Neuronal nuclear type 3
Neuronal nuclear type 3 Ab (ANNA-3) is one of three neuronal nuclear paraneoplastic antibodies that primarily binds to the nuclei of cerebellar Purkinje neurons and to renal glomerular podocytes. Symptoms of the presence of ANNA-3 include sensory or sensorimotor neuropathies, cerebellar ataxia, myelopathy, brain stem and limbic encephalopathy.It's presence in serum is most commonly indicative of a small-cell malignant tumor, most of which are primary tumors of the lung.Fluorescent staining patterns are used to distinguish ANNA-3 from the other two neuronal nuclear types, ANNA-1 and ANNA-2. ANNA-3 binds the nuclei of Purkinje neurons in the cerebellar cortex more than the molecular neurons, and does not bind granular neurons. ANNA-3 binds only the nuclei of indentate neurons, while ANNA-1 and ANNA-2 bind both the nuclei and cytoplasm of all neurons. ANNA-3 binds the nuclei of glomuerular podocytes in of the renal cortex in 10 of 11 sera. For the same cell type, ANNA-2 binds both the nuclei and cytoplasm in 8 of 32 sera, and ANNA-1 does not bind the podocytes at all. PMID: 11558786 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Neuronal nuclear type 3 Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.75 (MAJ)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94353-0 Myelopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94818-2 Paraneoplastic Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Νευρωνικός πυρηνικός τύπος 3 Αντισώματα IgG:Titr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ημιποσοτική:Ανοσοφθορισμός
Synonyms: Titr Type Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Νευρωνικό Νευρωνικό πυρηνικό Νευρωνικός πυρηνικός τύπος 3 Πυρηνικό
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Neuronal nuclear tipo 3 IgG:Titulo / Factor de dilución:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Semicuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
Synonyms: Semicuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Tipo nuclear neuronal 3 Ab.IgG:Título:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Cuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
fr-CA French (Canada) Neuronal nucléaire de type 3, IgG:Titre:Temps ponctuel:LCR:SemiQn:Immunofluorescence
fr-FR French (France) Hu3 anticorps IgG:Titre:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Semi-Quantitatif:Immunofluorescence
it-IT Italian (Italy) Nucleare neuronale tipo 3 Ab.IgG:Titr:Pt:LCS:SemiQn:IF
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Immunofluorescenza (IF) Liquido cerebrospinale Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant Titolo
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) neuronaal nucleair type 3 As.IgG:titer:moment:liquor cerebrospinalis:semikwantitatief:immunofluorescentie
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IF soort
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Typ 3 neuronalny jądrowy Ab.IgG:miano:punkt w czasie:płyn mózgowo-rdzeniowy:półilościowy:immunofluorescencja
Synonyms: IgG Przeciwciała do antygenów jądrowych neuronów typu 3 Przeciwciała IgG do antygenów jądrowych neuronów typu 3 Przeciwciała onkoneuronalne
zh-CN Chinese (China) 神经元细胞核 3 型 抗体.IgG:滴定度:时间点:脑脊液:半定量型:免疫荧光法
Synonyms: Ⅲ Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 ANNA 3 Ab ANNA 3 抗体 ANNA 3;ANNA-3;Hu3;神经元核 3 型;神经元细胞核 3 型(Neuronal nuclear type 3,ANNA 3) ANNA-3 Ab ANNA-3 抗体 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 FANA Hu3 Ab Hu3 抗体 IFA法;IF法;抗补体免疫荧光法;时间分辨荧光法;荧光原位杂交技术;荧光原位杂交法;荧光抗体 III 三 免疫球蛋白 G 叁 型 效价;滴定浓度;滴定率;滴定量;滴度;稀释倍数;稀释因子;稀释系数 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 核;胞核 核心抗体IgG 核心抗原抗体.IgG 核心抗原抗体IgG 核心抗原抗体免疫荧光 核抗体.IgG 核抗体IgG 核抗原抗体.IgG 核抗原抗体IgG 神经元性;神经元的 神经元核 神经元核 3 型 Ab 神经元核 3 型抗体 神经元细胞核 3 型 Ab 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类

Example Units

Unit Source
{titer} Example UCUM Units

93502-3 NMDAR subunit 1 IgG Ab [Presence] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Cell binding immunofluorescent assay

Part Descriptions

LP229977-6   N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 1
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor 1 (NMDAR1) is subunit of NMDA receptors and belongs to the glutamate receptor channel superfamily. It is encoded by the GRIN1 (Glutamate [NMDA] receptor subunit zeta-1) gene located on chromosome 9q34.3.[UniProt: Q05586] Glutamate receptors are highly permeable to calcium and important for nervous system functioning. NMDAR1 antibodies are detected in patients with paraneoplastic syndromes, autoimmune encephalopathies and related conditions. Identification of specific antineuronal autoantibodies may direct evaluation for underlying malignancy. Characterization of autoantibody specificity may allow syndromic classification and assist in diagnosis and management. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP269367-1   CBA IFA
In cell binding assays or cell-based assays (CBA) also known as cell-based immunoassays, the DNA coding for a particular antigen is transfected into cultured cells, which are then used directly as substrate for antibody detection by immunofluorescence. The advantage of CBA IFA over conventional immunoassays is that purification and stability of the antigen is not required and they provide an in vivo substrate. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 1 Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.67
Last Updated
Version 2.69 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation

Example Answer List LL360-9

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Positive Copyright ID:10828004 Positive (qualifier value) LA6576-8
Negative Copyright ID:260385009 Negative (qualifier value) LA6577-6

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
101416-6 Pediatric autoimmune central nervous system disorders evaluation panel - Cerebral spinal fluid

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Υπομονάδα 1 υποδοχέα N-μεθυλο-D-ασπαρτικού Αντισώματα IgG:PrThr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ord:CBA IFA
Synonyms: D N PrThr Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Ασπαρτικό Υποδοχέας N-μεθυλο-D-ασπαρτικού Υπομονάδα 1 υποδοχέα N-μεθυλο-D-ασπαρτικού
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Subunidad 1 del receptor de N-metil-D-aspartato (NMDAR-1) IgG:PrThr:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Ord:CBA IFA (inmunofluorescencia indirecta de estudio basqado en células)
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Subunidad 1 del receptor de N-metil-D-aspartato Ab.IgG:Presencia o umbral:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Ordinal:Ensayo inmunofluorescente de unión a células
fr-FR French (France) NMDAR1 anticorps IgG:Présence/Seuil:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Qualitatif:Immunofluorescence CBA
it-IT Italian (Italy) N-metil-D-aspartato, subunità 1 recettore Ab.IgG:PrThr:Pt:LCS:Ord:CBA IFA
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Fluorescenza indiretta degli anticorpi (IFA) Liquido cerebrospinale Presenza o Soglia Punto nel tempo (episodio) Recettore dell''N-metil-D-aspartato; NMDAR Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant Subunità 1 del recettore dell''N-metil-D-aspartato
zh-CN Chinese (China) N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体亚单位 1 抗体.IgG:存在情况或阈值:时间点:脑脊液:序数型:CBA IFA
Synonyms: Ⅰ Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 Asp;天冬氨酸;门冬氨酸 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 I N 型 N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体亚基 1;N-甲基-D-天门冬氨酸受体亚单位 1;N-甲基-D-天门冬氨酸受体亚基 1;NMDAR 亚单位 1;NMDAR 亚基 1 N-甲基-D-天门冬氨酸(Asp、天冬氨酸、门冬氨酸)受体 Rh;Rhesus;恒河猴;猕猴;罗猴 依次型;分类顺序型;定性的;序数型(或称等级型);性质上的;有序型;有序性分类应答;有序性分类结果;秩次型;等级型;筛查;顺序型 免疫球蛋白 G 存在情况;存在;存在与否;是否存在;阈值;界值;界限;阀值;临界值;存在情况(存在、存在与否、是否存在)或阈值(界值、界限、阀值、临界值) 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 细胞结合分析免疫荧光法;CBA IFA 法 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类 间接荧光抗体 间接荧光抗体试验

94364-7 PCA-2 IgG Ab [Titer] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Part Descriptions

LP31708-8   Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type 2
Anti-PCA-2 (purkinje cell cytoplasmic antibody type 2) autoantibodies are important markers of neurological autoimmunity related to cancer. PCA-2 binds to cerebellar Purkinje somata and dendrites, neurons in internal granular layer and dentate nucleus, and neuronal elements in gut and kidney. Patients present with mixed subacute neurological diorders, including brainstem or limbic encephalitis, cerebellar ataxia, Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, and autonomic and motor neuropathy. Patients with symptoms of such disorders, especially those with known risk factors for cancer, will undergo testing for paraneoplastic antibodies, including PCA-2. Testing is also performed to monitor the immune response of seropositive patients in the course of cancer therapy. PMID: 10716248 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type 2 Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.75 (MAJ)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94353-0 Myelopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94818-2 Paraneoplastic Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Κύτταρο Purkinje κυτταροπλασματικού τύπου 2 Αντισώματα IgG:Titr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ημιποσοτική:Ανοσοφθορισμός
Synonyms: Titr Type Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Κύτταρο Purkinje κυτταροπλασματικού τύπου 2 Κυτταροπλασματικό
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Células de Purkinje tipo 2 IgG:Titulo / Factor de dilución:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Semicuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
Synonyms: Semicuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Citoplasma de células de Purkinje tipo 2 Ab.IgG:Título:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Cuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
fr-FR French (France) APCA-2 anticorps IgG:Titre:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Semi-Quantitatif:Immunofluorescence
fr-CA French (Canada) Cellules de Purkinje cytoplasmique type 2, IgG:Titre:Temps ponctuel:LCR:SemiQn:Immunofluorescence
it-IT Italian (Italy) Cellule di Purkinje tipo 2 Ab.IgG:Titr:Pt:LCS:SemiQn:IF
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Immunofluorescenza (IF) Liquido cerebrospinale Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant Titolo
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) purkinjecellen type 2 As.IgG:titer:moment:liquor cerebrospinalis:semikwantitatief:immunofluorescentie
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IF soort
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Cytoplazmatyczne typu 2 komórek Purkinjego Ab.IgG:miano:punkt w czasie:płyn mózgowo-rdzeniowy:półilościowy:immunofluorescencja
Synonyms: IgG PCA-2 Przeciwciała IgG do cytoplazmy komórek Purkinjego typu 2 Przeciwciała typu 1 do cytoplazmy komórki Purkinjego
zh-CN Chinese (China) 浦肯雅细胞胞浆 2 型 抗体.IgG:滴定度:时间点:脑脊液:半定量型:免疫荧光法
Synonyms: 2 型 Purkinje 细胞 Ab 2 型 Purkinje 细胞抗体 2 型朴金耶细胞 Ab 2 型朴金耶细胞抗体 2 型浦肯雅细胞 Ab 2 型浦肯雅细胞抗体 2 型浦金埃细胞 Ab 2 型浦金埃细胞抗体 Ⅱ Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 IFA法;IF法;抗补体免疫荧光法;时间分辨荧光法;荧光原位杂交技术;荧光原位杂交法;荧光抗体 II Purkinje 细胞 2 型 Ab Purkinje 细胞 2 型抗体 免疫球蛋白 G 型 效价;滴定浓度;滴定率;滴定量;滴度;稀释倍数;稀释因子;稀释系数 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 朴金耶细胞 2 型 Ab 朴金耶细胞 2 型抗体 浦肯雅细胞 2 型 Ab 浦肯雅细胞胞浆(细胞浆、细胞质、胞质) 2 型;浦肯雅细胞 2 型;2 型 Purkinje 细胞;2 型朴金耶细胞;2 型浦肯雅细胞;2 型浦金埃细胞;Purkinje 细胞 2 型;朴金耶细胞 2 型;浦金埃细胞 2 型 浦金埃细胞 2 型 Ab 浦金埃细胞 2 型抗体 细胞浆的;细胞质;细胞质的;胞浆;胞浆的 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类

Example Units

Unit Source
{titer} Example UCUM Units

94362-1 PCA-Tr IgG Ab [Titer] in Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence

Part Descriptions

LP31709-6   Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type Tr
Purkinje cell cytoplasmic-Tr (PCA-Tr) antibodies are associated with Hodgkin's lymphoma. The clinical presentation that corresponds with PCA-Tr antibodies includes paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) and limbic encephalopathy (LE). PMID: 22412264 PCD and LE are types of paraneoplastic neurological syndrome (PNS), an autoimmune disorder that is manifested by progressive neurological syndromes of any combination of the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. The antibodies that attack the neural tissue develop in response to tumor cells. The neurological symptoms include encephalitis, autonomic failure, peripheral neuropathy, cerebellar ataxia, visual complaints and more. The neoplasm may or may not be detectable using conventional imaging modalities. Since PNS can be associated with multiple antibodies, testing usually includes a panel of PNS antibodies. In addition, the different PNS antibodies are associated with certain cancers so the antibody pattern can assist in identifying the specific tumor if it was previously undiagnosed. PMID: 22412264 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

Purkinje cell cytoplasmic type Tr Ab.IgG

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.68
Last Updated
Version 2.75 (MAJ)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
94707-7 Dementia autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94708-5 Encephalopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94709-3 Epilepsy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94712-7 Movement disorder autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94353-0 Myelopathy autoimmune Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid
94818-2 Paraneoplastic Ab panel - Cerebral spinal fluid by Immunofluorescence
101416-6 Pediatric autoimmune central nervous system disorders evaluation panel - Cerebral spinal fluid

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Κύτταρο Purkinje κυτταροπλασματικού τύπου Tr Αντισώματα IgG:Titr:Pt:ΕΝΥ:Ημιποσοτική:Ανοσοφθορισμός
Synonyms: Titr Type Ανοσοσφαιρίνη G Κυτταροπλασματικό
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Células de Purkinje tipo Tr IgG:Titulo / Factor de dilución:Punto temporal:Líquido Cefalorraquideo:Semicuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
Synonyms: Semicuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Citoplasma de células de Purkinje tipo Tr Ab.IgG:Título:Punto temporal:Fluído espinal cerebral:Cuantitativo:Inmunofluorescencia (IF)
fr-FR French (France) Tr anticorps IgG:Titre:Ponctuel:Liquide céphalorachidien:Semi-Quantitatif:Immunofluorescence
fr-CA French (Canada) Cellules de Purkinje cytoplasmique type Tr, IgG:Titre:Temps ponctuel:LCR:SemiQn:Immunofluorescence
it-IT Italian (Italy) Cellule di Purkinje tipo Tr Ab.IgG:Titr:Pt:LCS:SemiQn:IF
Synonyms: anticorpi IgG anticorpo Immunofluorescenza (IF) Liquido cerebrospinale Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sierologia (anticorpi e la maggior parte degli ant Titolo
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) purkinjecellen type Tr As.IgG:titer:moment:liquor cerebrospinalis:semikwantitatief:immunofluorescentie
Synonyms: antistof; antilichaam IF soort
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Cytoplazmatyczne typu Tr komórek Purkinjego Ab.IgG:miano:punkt w czasie:płyn mózgowo-rdzeniowy:półilościowy:immunofluorescencja
Synonyms: IgG Przeciwciała IgG do cytoplazmy komórek Purkinjego typu Tr Przeciwciała typu Tr do cytoplazmy komórki Purkinjego
zh-CN Chinese (China) 浦肯雅细胞胞浆 Tr 型 抗体.IgG:滴定度:时间点:脑脊液:半定量型:免疫荧光法
Synonyms: Ab.IgG;IgG;抗体 IgG Ab;自身抗体 CSF CSF;脊髓液;Cerebral spinal fluid;脑脊髓液 IFA法;IF法;抗补体免疫荧光法;时间分辨荧光法;荧光原位杂交技术;荧光原位杂交法;荧光抗体 Purkinje 细胞 Tr 型 Ab Purkinje 细胞 Tr 型抗体 Tr 型 Purkinje 细胞 Ab Tr 型 Purkinje 细胞抗体 TR 型朴金耶细胞 Ab TR 型朴金耶细胞抗体 TR 型浦肯雅细胞 Ab TR 型浦肯雅细胞抗体 TR 型浦金埃细胞 Ab TR 型浦金埃细胞抗体 免疫球蛋白 G 型 效价;滴定浓度;滴定率;滴定量;滴度;稀释倍数;稀释因子;稀释系数 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 朴金耶细胞 Tr 型 Ab 朴金耶细胞 Tr 型抗体 浦肯雅细胞 Tr 型 Ab 浦肯雅细胞 Tr 型抗体 浦金埃细胞 Tr 型 Ab 浦金埃细胞 Tr 型抗体 细胞浆的;细胞质;细胞质的;胞浆;胞浆的 脊液 脊髓液 脑脊液(Cerebral spinal fluid,CSF) 脑脊髓液 血清;血清学;血清学检验项目;血清学检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学检验项目(非微生物学);血清学检验项目类;血清学检验项目类 (非微生物学);血清学类;血清学类检验项目;血清学类检验项目 (非微生物学);血清学类试验;血清学类试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验;血清学试验 (非微生物学);血清学试验(非微生物学);血清学试验类 (非微生物学);血清类

Example Units

Unit Source
{titer} Example UCUM Units