T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC)
95829-8 Viable CD45 cells/Cells.CD45 in Blood product unit
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Viable CD45 cells/Cells.CD45
- Property
- NFr
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^BPU
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.69
- Last Updated
- Version 2.79 (NAM)
- Change Reason
- Release 2.79: COMPONENT: Triggered by Coll w SCT: This is a specific fraction case where the denominator is percentage or /100. Because the logic is that the percentage piece is captured by Property: NFr (Numeric Fraction), and by Unit: %, therefore, it is redundant to include "100" in the component;
- Order vs. Observation
- Both
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
95830-6 | Hematopoietic progenitor cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Células CD45 viables / 100 células CD45: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Células CD45 viables/100 células CD45: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
fr-FR | French (France) | Cellules viables CD45/100 cellules CD45: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Cellule vitali CD45/Cellule..CD45: Synonyms: Banca del sangue Cellule CD45 Cellule..CD45 Frazione numerica Punto nel tempo (episodio) Unità di prodotto sangue |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | levensvatbare CD45-cellen/100 cellen.CD45: |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 活 CD45 细胞/细胞.CD45: Synonyms: B220; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
% | Example UCUM Units |
95827-2 Viable CD3 cells/Cells.CD3 in Blood product unit
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Viable CD3 cells/Cells.CD3
- Property
- NFr
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^BPU
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.69
- Last Updated
- Version 2.79 (NAM)
- Change Reason
- Release 2.79: COMPONENT: Triggered by Coll w SCT: This is a specific fraction case where the denominator is percentage or /100. Because the logic is that the percentage piece is captured by Property: NFr (Numeric Fraction), and by Unit: %, therefore, it is redundant to include "100" in the component;
- Order vs. Observation
- Both
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Βιώσιμα κύτταρα CD3/Κύτταρα.CD3: Synonyms: CD3 NFr Βιώσιμα κύτταρα CD3 Κύτταρα Κύτταρα.CD3 |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Células CD3 viables / 100 células CD3: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Células CD3 viables/Linfocitos CD3: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
fr-FR | French (France) | Cellules viables CD3/100 cellules CD3: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Cellule vitali CD3/Cellule.CD3: Synonyms: Banca del sangue Cellule CD3 Frazione numerica Punto nel tempo (episodio) Unità di prodotto sangue |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | levensvatbare CD3-cellen/cellen.CD3: |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 活 CD3 细胞/细胞.CD3: Synonyms: BPU; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
% | Example UCUM Units |
95832-2 CD3 dose in hematopoietic progenitor cell transfusion [#/mass]
Term Description
CD3 dose represents the number of cells delivered per kg of body weight of the recipient.
Part Descriptions
LP419712-7 CD3 dose in hematopoietic progenitor cell transfusion
Transplant dose of CD34+ and CD3+ cells correlates with outcome in patients with hematological malignancies undergoing peripheral blood stem cell transplants PMID: 11722418.
Source: Regenstrief LOINC
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- CD3 dose in hematopoietic progenitor cell transfusion
- Property
- NCnt
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.69
- Last Updated
- Version 2.69 (ADD)
- Order vs. Observation
- Both
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
95830-6 | Hematopoietic progenitor cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Δόση CD3 σε μεταμόσχευση αρχέγονων αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων: Synonyms: CD3 NCnt Δόση CD3 σε μεταμόσχευση αρχέγονων αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Dosis de CD3 en la transfusión de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Dosis de CD3 en la transfusión de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas: |
fr-FR | French (France) | CD3+ dans une transfusion de cellules souches hématopoïétiques: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | CD3 dose in trasfusione cellule progenitrici emopoietiche: Synonyms: Banca del sangue Contenuto Numerico paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | CD3-dosis in hematopoëtische stamceltransfusie: |
pl-PL | Polish (Poland) | Zawartość komórek CD3 w transfuzji progenitorowych komórek hematopoetycznych: Synonyms: CD3 ilość Zawartość komórek CD3 w transfuzji progenitorowych komórek hematopoetycznych |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 造血祖细胞输注品之中的 CD3 剂量: Synonyms: Leu4; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
10*6/kg | Example UCUM Units |
78003-1 Nucleated cell dose in hematopoietic progenitor cell transfusion [#/mass] per recipient body mass
Term Description
The total nucleated cell count (TNC) in hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) is an important predictor of engraftment and clinical outcomes. A TNC of at least 2.5 × 10^7 per kilogram of transplant recipient's body weight is associated with more rapid time to engraftment, decreased risk for graft failure, and improved overall survival. PMID: 22533817
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Nucleated cell dose in hematopoietic progenitor cell transfusion
- Property
- NCnt
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.52
- Last Updated
- Version 2.52 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
95830-6 | Hematopoietic progenitor cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Δόση εμπύρηνων κυττάρων σε μεταμόσχευση αρχέγονων αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων: Synonyms: NCnt Δόση εμπύρηνων κυττάρων σε μεταμόσχευση αρχέγονων αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Dosis de células nucleadas en la transfusión de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Dosis de células nucleadas en la transfusión de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas: |
fr-FR | French (France) | Cellules nucléées dans une transfusion de cellules souches hématopoïétiques: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Dose cellula nucleata in trasfusione di cellula progenitrice ematopoietica: Synonyms: Banca del sangue Contenuto Numerico paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | çekirdekli hücre dozu, hematopoietik öncülü hücre transüzyonunda: |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 造血祖细胞输注品之中的有核细胞剂量: Synonyms: Nuc 一剂物质 一剂药物 具核的 剂量物质 医疗服务对象; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
10*7/kg | Example UCUM Units |
14578-9 ABO group [Type] in Blood from Blood product unit
Part Descriptions
LP17806-8 ABO group
The ABO blood group antigens are encoded by one genetic locus, the ABO locus, which has three alternative forms: A, B, and O. A child receives one of these three forms from each parent, yielding six possible genotypes and four possible blood types (aka phenotypes: A, AB, B, O). ABO blood group antigens remain of prime importance in transfusion and transplantation medicine, and they are the most immunogenic of all the blood group antigens. ABO antibodies are of major clinical significance because they are naturally and universally occurring, and they are highly reactive. The distribution of the four phenotypes varies across the world - type O is the most common, followed by type A, then type B, and type AB is the least common. The ABO system is acknowledged in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular, infectious and neoplastic disorders, and pre-eclampsia. H antigen deficiency is known as the "Bombay phenotype" and is found in 1 in 10,000 people in India and 1 in 1 million people in Europe. [NCBI Books:NBK2267] PMID: 27177402[NCBI Books:NBK2264]
Source: Regenstrief LOINC
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- ABO group
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Bld^BPU
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 1.0k
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 2201
Preferred Answer List LL2419-1
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Group A Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:112144000 Blood group A (finding) | LA19710-5 | ||
Group B Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:112149005 Blood group B (finding) | LA19709-7 | ||
Group O Copyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:58460004 Blood group O (finding) | LA19708-9 | ||
Group AB | LA28449-9 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
93916-5 | ABO and Rh group panel - Blood from Blood product unit |
95830-6 | Hematopoietic progenitor cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Ομάδα ABO: Synonyms: Type |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | grupo ABO: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Grupos sanguíneos AB0: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Grupo ABO: |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Groupe ABO: |
fr-FR | French (France) | ABO groupage: |
fr-BE | French (Belgium) | Groupe ABO: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | ABO, gruppo: Synonyms: Banca del sangue Gruppo ABO Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue Unità di prodotto sangue |
ko-KR | Korean (Korea, Republic Of) | ABO 그룹: |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | AB0-bloedgroep: |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Grupo ABO: Synonyms: Typ; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | ABO группа: Synonyms: Кровь Кровь препарат единица; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | ABO grubu: Synonyms: Tür |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | ABO 血型: Synonyms: BPU; |
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
14907-0 Rh [Type] in Blood from Blood product unit
Part Descriptions
LP14541-4 Rh
Rh is the most complex of the blood groups systems, encompassing over 45 distinct antigens. The most clinical important antigen, D or Rho, was first described in 1940 and is present in over 85% of the population. Those individuals who lack the D antigen are considered to be Rh negative.
The Rh antigens are encoded by two highly homologous and closely linked genes on the short arm of chromosome 1. The RHD gene codes for the D antigen, or most of its components; RhCE gene codes the Cc and Ee antigens or their variants. The majority of the antigens within this system represent products of gene cross-over, point mutations or deletions within one or both genes.
The Rh antigens appear to be expressed only on red blood cell and they appear early during red cell development. Antibodies against the Rh antigens have caused severe and fatal transfusion reactions and hemolytic disease of the newborn. Rh antigens have been implicated in many diseases such as auto-immune hemolytic anemia, auto-Rh antibodies. Collect: One 4 mL green (sodium or lithium heparin) or serum separator tube. Also acceptable: lavender or pink (EDTA).
Source: Serum, Cells and Rare Fluid Exchange
, Rh
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Rh
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Bld^BPU
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 1.0k
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
95830-6 | Hematopoietic progenitor cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Rh: Synonyms: Type |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | Rh: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Rh: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Rh: |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Rh: |
fr-FR | French (France) | RH1 (D): |
fr-BE | French (Belgium) | Rh: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Rh: Synonyms: Banca del sangue Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue Unità di prodotto sangue |
ko-KR | Korean (Korea, Republic Of) | RH: |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | Rh: |
pl-PL | Polish (Poland) | Rh: |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Fator Rh: Synonyms: Rh typing; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Rh: Synonyms: Кровь Кровь препарат единица; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Rh: Synonyms: Tür |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | Rh: Synonyms: BPU; |
931-6 Blood product source [Type]
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Blood product source
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^BPU
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 1.0
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 6569
Example Answer List LL2412-6
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Autologous | LA19690-9 | ||
Directed donor | LA19691-7 | ||
Anonymous donor | LA19692-5 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
102078-3 | CAR-T therapy panel - Specimen |
95830-6 | Hematopoietic progenitor cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
93904-1 | Transfusion reaction panel |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πηγή προϊόντων αίματος: Synonyms: Type Αίμα Πηγή προϊόντων αίματος Προϊόν αίματος |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | origen del hemoderivado: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Fuente de producto de sangre: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Fuente de producto sanguíneo: |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Source du produit sanguin: |
fr-FR | French (France) | Produit sanguin origine: |
fr-BE | French (Belgium) | Source du produit sanguin: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Prodotto sangue, provenienza: Synonyms: Banca del sangue Provenienza di prodotto sangue Punto nel tempo (episodio) Unità di prodotto sangue |
ko-KR | Korean (Korea, Republic Of) | 혈액 생성물 출처: |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | bloedproduct bron: |
pl-PL | Polish (Poland) | Źródło produktu krwiopochodnego: |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Fonte de produto do sangue: Synonyms: ; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Кровь препарат источник: Synonyms: Кровь препарат единица; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Kan ürünü kaynağı: Synonyms: Tür |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 血液制品来源: Synonyms: BPU; |
936-5 Blood product unit [Identifier]
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Observation
- Property
- ID
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^BPU
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 1.0
- Last Updated
- Version 2.79 (NAM)
- Change Reason
- Release 2.79: COMPONENT: Updated to be inline with modeling updates.;
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 288
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
95830-6 | Hematopoietic progenitor cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
de-DE | German (Germany) | Beobachtung: |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | identificador de unidad de sangre: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Observación: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Identificador de unidad de producto sanguíneo: |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Observation: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Osservazione: Synonyms: Banca del sangue Identificatore Punto nel tempo (episodio) Unità di prodotto sangue |
ko-KR | Korean (Korea, Republic Of) | 혈액 단위 식별자: |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | waarneming: |
pl-PL | Polish (Poland) | Obserwacja: |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Identificador da unidade de produto do sangue: Synonyms: ; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 观察: Synonyms: BPU; |
43414-2 Blood product units available [#]
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Blood product units available
- Property
- Num
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^BPU
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.17
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 9755
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
95830-6 | Hematopoietic progenitor cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Διαθέσιμες μονάδες προϊόντων αίματος: Synonyms: Αίμα Αρ. Διαθέσιμες μονάδες προϊόντων αίματος Μονάδες προϊόντων αίματος Προϊόν αίματος |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Unidades disponibles de productos sanguíneos: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Unidades de hemoderivados disponibles: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Unità prodotto sangue disponibili: Synonyms: Banca del sangue Numero (conta) Punto nel tempo (episodio) Unità di prodotto sangue |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | bloedproducteenheden beschikbaar: |
pl-PL | Polish (Poland) | Dostępny składnik krwi: |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Unidades de produtos do sangue disponíveis: Synonyms: ; |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Кровь продукт единицы доступно: Synonyms: Единицы препарата крови Количественный Количество Количество доступных единиц препарата крови Кровь препарат единица; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Kan ürünü üniteleri mevcut: |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 现成可用的血液制品单位: Synonyms: BPU; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
{#};{# units} | Example UCUM Units |
82772-5 Lab result date reported
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Lab result date reported
- Property
- Date
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^Patient
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.58
- Last Updated
- Version 2.58 (ADD)
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
HL7® Attributes
HL7® Field ID- OBX-14
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
95830-6 | Hematopoietic progenitor cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
85057-8 | PCORnet Common Data Model set - version 3.0 [PCORnet] |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Ημερομηνία αναφοράς αποτελέσματος εργαστηρίου: Synonyms: Ημερομηνία Ημερομηνία αναφοράς αποτελέσματος εργαστηρίου |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Fecha del resultado de laboratorio: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Fecha de resultado de laboratorio informada: |
fr-FR | French (France) | Date d'envoi des résultats: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Data riportata di risultato laboratorio: Synonyms: Codici richieste di laboratorio Data riportata del risultato di laboratorio paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
pl-PL | Polish (Poland) | Data wydania wyniku badania laboratoryjnego: |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 实验室结果报告日期: Synonyms: 医疗服务对象; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
{mm/dd/yyyy} | Example UCUM Units |
18771-6 Provider signing name
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Provider.signing name
- Property
- Pn
- Time
- Pt
- System
- Report
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Clinical
- First Released
- Version 1.0l
- Last Updated
- Version 2.73 (MIN)
- Change Reason
- Moved term from ATTACH.CLINRPT Class to the more general ADMIN Class.
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 3860
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
104535-0 | Cobalamin, Methionine and Methylmalonic Acid Pathways Panel - Serum or Plasma |
85430-7 | Diagnostic imaging report - example sections and entries |
102116-1 | ESR1 gene mutation panel - Tissue by Molecular genetics method |
102117-9 | Gastrointestinal stromal tumor multigene mutation panel - Tissue by Molecular genetics method |
95830-6 | Hematopoietic progenitor cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
102118-7 | Rhabdomyolysis and Metabolic myopathy multigene panel - Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method |
102119-5 | Skeletal muscle channelopathy multigene panel - Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Πάροχος.όνομα υπογράφοντος: Synonyms: Pn |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | proveedor.nombre del firmante: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Proveedor nombre firmante: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Provider.nome firma: Synonyms: Amministrativo Nome di persona Punto nel tempo (episodio) |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Провайдер.подписавающий фамилия: Synonyms: Номинальный; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 服务提供者.签字 姓名: Synonyms: 人名 分类型应答; |
933-2 Blood product type
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Observation
- Property
- Type
- Time
- Pt
- System
- ^BPU
- Scale
- Nom
- Method
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 1.0
- Last Updated
- Version 2.79 (NAM)
- Change Reason
- Release 2.79: COMPONENT: Updated to be inline with modeling updates.;
- Order vs. Observation
- Observation
- Common Test Rank Get Info
- 318
Example Answer List LL2423-3
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Whole blood | LA19720-4 | ||
Packed cells | LA19721-2 | ||
Fresh frozen plasma | LA19722-0 | ||
Irradiated blood | LA19723-8 | ||
Leucocyte free blood | LA19724-6 | ||
Cryoprecipitate | LA19725-3 | ||
Platelets | LA19726-1 |
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
95830-6 | Hematopoietic progenitor cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
95828-0 | T cell product characterization panel - Blood product unit by Flow cytometry (FC) |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
de-DE | German (Germany) | Beobachtung: |
es-AR | Spanish (Argentina) | tipo de producto hemático: |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Observación: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Tipo de producto sanguíneo: |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Observation: |
fr-FR | French (France) | Produit sanguin type: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Osservazione: Synonyms: Banca del sangue Punto nel tempo (episodio) Unità di prodotto sangue |
ko-KR | Korean (Korea, Republic Of) | 혈액 생성물 형: |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | waarneming: |
pl-PL | Polish (Poland) | Obserwacja: |
pt-BR | Portuguese (Brazil) | Tipo de produto do sangue: Synonyms: ; |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 观察: Synonyms: BPU; |