Version 2.80

Answer Description

Score of 0: Unknown: The nurse is unable to assess the patient's previous fall history

Answer Lists using this Answer Code

Answer List Answer List Name Externally Defined
LL105-8 CR_1480_Protocol source N
LL1052-1 Injury intent N
LL1053-9 ED dispo N
LL107-4 CR_150_Marital status N
LL113-2 CR_1550_Radiation treatment location N
LL114-0 CR_1560_Radiation intent N
LL115-7 CR_1570_Radiation modality N
LL117-3 CR_1590_Radiation outcome N
LL118-1 CR_160_Race N
LL119-9 CR_161_Race2 N
LL124-9 CR_1646_Surgery site N
LL1248-5 PhenX11_10_glaucoma drops N
LL131-4 CR_1770_Cancer status follow up N
LL133-0 CR_1790_Follow up source N
LL1362-4 PhenX12_83 N
LL146-2 CR_190_Hispanic origin N
LL1557-9 PhenX10_61 N
LL1633-8 PhenX18_16_hip fracture location N
LL1634-6 PhenX18_17_fracture treatment N
LL1635-3 PhenX18_18_fracture circumstances N
LL1636-1 PhenX18_19_trauma location N
LL1637-9 PhenX18_20_time of fracture N
LL1638-7 PhenX18_21_fracture circumstances N
LL1677-5 PhenX19_23_CA histopathology type N
LL1678-3 PhenX19_24_CA histopathology grade N
LL1735-1 FeedingType N
LL179-3 CR_2140_CoC coding system N
LL1823-5 NEMSIS_36_pt loc in vehicle N
LL183-5 CR_220_Sex-gender N
LL187-6 CR_2320 N
LL1872-2 FMQAI_01 N
LL1942-3 Death certificate_tobacco use N
LL1959-7 PhenX17_14_death in hospitalization N
LL204-9 CR_3300_Rural-urban 1993 N
LL205-6 CR_340_Tobacco history N
LL206-4 CR_35_FIN coding system N
LL208-0 CR_360_Fam hx of cancer N
LL218-9 CR_490_Diagnostic confirmation N
LL2192-4 RHEA - last born child vital status N
LL222-1 CR_520_Screening result N
LL224-7 CR_590_ Inpatient admit date N
LL225-4 CR_600_Inpatient discharge date N
LL226-2 CR_610_Hospital-cancer relationship N
LL227-0 CR_670_Surgical protocol N
LL234-6 CR_910_Tumor stage group N
LL235-3 CR_920_Pathology descriptor N
LL241-1 CR_980_Clincial staging descriptor N
LL2454-8 0|1|2|3 or more|Unknown N
LL247-8 OASIS_M0140_Race-ethnicity N
LL248-6 OASIS_M0150_Payment sources N
LL2511-5 MD-DO-CNM/CM-Other Midwife-Other N
LL2513-1 Type of place where birth occurred N
LL2517-2 Cephalic-Breech-Other N
LL2518-0 Route/method of delivery N
LL252-8 OASIS_M0220_Prior condition N
LL2521-4 First-Second-Third-Fourth-etc. N
LL2533-9 Planned to deliver at home N
LL255-1 OASIS_M0260_Prognosis for recovery N
LL256-9 OASIS_M0270_Rehab prognosis N
LL258-5 OASIS_M0290_High risk factors N
LL261-9 OASIS_M0350_Assisting person N
LL262-7 OASIS_M0360_Primary caregiver N
LL263-5 OASIS_M0370_PCG assistance freq N
LL264-3 OASIS_M0380_Assistance type N
LL2655-0 AHRQ_Medication_Q2 N
LL2660-0 AHRQ_Medication_Q7 N
LL2662-6 AHRQ_Medication_Q9 N
LL2663-4 AHRQ_Medication_Q10 N
LL2664-2 AHRQ_Medication_Q11 N
LL2665-9 AHRQ_Medication_Q12 N
LL2669-1 AHRQ_Medication_Q16 N
LL2682-4 AHRQ_Medication_Q28_Q29 N
LL276-7 OASIS_M0510_UTI treatment N
LL279-1 OASIS_M0540_Bowel incontinence freq N
LL2814-3 AHRQ_PIF_1 N
LL2815-0 AHRQ_PIF_2 N
LL2816-8 AHRQ_PIF_3 N
LL2818-4 AHRQ_PIF_6 N
LL2819-2 AHRQ_PIF_7 N
LL2820-0 AHRQ_PIF_8 N
LL2821-8 AHRQ_PIF_9 N
LL2822-6 AHRQ_PIF_10 N
LL2823-4 AHRQ_PIF_11 N
LL2829-1 AHRQ_SIR_1 N
LL2830-9 AHRQ_SIR_2 N
LL2833-3 AHRQ_SIR_5 N
LL2837-4 AHRQ_SIR_12 N
LL2838-2 AHRQ_Device_1 N
LL2842-4 AHRQ_Device_11 N
LL2843-2 AHRQ_Device_12 N
LL2844-0 AHRQ_Device_13 N
LL2858-0 Race or Unknown N
LL288-2 OASIS_M0640_Prior grooming N
LL290-8 OASIS_M0650_Prior dress upper body N
LL292-4 OASIS_M0660_Prior dress lower body N
LL2927-3 CDC.CS_25_Vital status N
LL294-0 OASIS_M0670_Prior bathing N
LL296-5 OASIS_M0680_Prior toileting N
LL298-1 OASIS_M0690_Prior transferring N
LL300-5 OASIS_M0700_Prior ambulation N
LL3012-3 PCORI_Information data source N
LL3017-2 Discharge vital status N
LL3018-0 MSCDM_Discharge status N
LL302-1 OASIS_M0710_Prior feeding N
LL3031-3 Patient Residence Type N
LL3034-7 ED Episode Care N
LL304-7 OASIS_M0720_Prior light meals N
LL3044-6 Yes/No/Unk N
LL306-2 OASIS_M0730_Priot transportation N
LL3068-5 MSCDM_Admitting Source N
LL308-8 OASIS_M0740_Prior laundry N
LL310-4 OASIS_M0750_Prior housekeeping N
LL312-0 OASIS_M0760_Prior shopping N
LL3134-5 Cause Fetal Death N
LL314-6 OASIS_M0770_Prior telephone use N
LL316-1 OASIS_M0780_Prior oral med mgmnt N
LL318-7 OASIS_M0790_Prior inhaled med mgmnt N
LL3188-1 20150106-APTASet1_11 N
LL320-3 OASIS_M0800_Prior inject med mgmnt N
LL322-9 OASIS_M0820_PCG equip mgmnt N
LL324-5 OASIS_M0830_OP emergent care N
LL3275-6 NMMDS_Gender N
LL329-4 OASIS_M0890_Reason acute hospitalization N
LL331-0 OASIS_M0900_Nursing home admission N
LL3323-4 Sexual orientation N
LL3324-2 Sex assigned at birth N
LL3638-5 Heparin|Saline|None|Other|Unknown N
LL3639-3 Positive|Negative|Not tested|Unknown N
LL3656-7 [NHCS] Surgery 24H post-op follow-up outcomes N
LL3676-5 [NHCS] Outpatient visit discharge disposition N
LL3722-7 [NEI] Amblyopia type N
LL3723-5 [NEI] Coloboma location N
LL3724-3 [NEI] Color vision findings N
LL3725-0 [NEI] Color vision test method N
LL3726-8 Normal|Abnormal_specify|UNK N
LL3727-6 [NEI] Findings supporting myopathy N
LL3728-4 [NEI] Type of congenital cranial dysinnervation (C N
LL3729-2 [NEI] Gross eye defects N
LL3730-0 [NEI] Eye-related MRI findings N
LL3732-6 [NEI] International classification (ABC) of intra N
LL3733-4 [NEI] International classification for extraocular N
LL3735-9 [NEI] Corneal dystrophy type N
LL3736-7 [NEI] Previous ophthalmologic treatment N
LL3739-1 [NEI] Ophthalmologic disease related systemic find N
LL3740-9 [NEI] Tetraparesis type N
LL3741-7 [NEI] Tissue types positive for axonal spheroids N
LL3746-6 [NEI] Whole mount exam findings N
LL3756-5 [NEI] Ocular motility findings N
LL3761-5 [NEI] Ocular fundus angiography findings N
LL3763-1 [NEI] Optical coherent tomography (OCT) findings N
LL3771-4 [NEI] Objective refraction method N
LL3788-8 [NEI] Refraction method N
LL3792-0 No|Yes|Ambiguous|Unknown N
LL3860-5 DBS collection method N
LL3865-4 True|False|Unknown N
LL3870-4 [NEI] Progression of problem N
LL3871-2 [NEI] VEP result N
LL3872-0 [NEI] Pigmentation N
LL3972-8 NCHS_Tabulated Ethnicity Detail N
LL3991-8 CDC_Transmission setting N
LL4025-4 Allelic phase N
LL4052-8 Prenatal test | Prison entry | Provider | Cluster N
LL4064-3 Gene sequencing | Serology | RT-PCR | Other N
LL4120-3 PCORI_response_method N
LL4121-1 PCORI_response_source N
LL4122-9 yes|no|no info|unk|other N
LL4123-7 PCORI_Smoked_v_non-smoked_tobacco N
LL4124-5 Expedite|Routine|Stat|NI|UN|OT N
LL4125-2 Laboratory|POC|NI|UN|OT N
LL4126-0 PCORI_Cause_of_death_rank N
LL4128-6 Yes, specify | No | Unknown N
LL4129-4 Pregnant|Not pregnant|Unknown N
LL4139-3 Confirmed|Probable|No|Unknown N
LL4151-8 CMS IRFPAI_GG0100 Prior Functioning N
LL4184-9 No | Yes | Unknown 8 N
LL4207-8 Imputed parts of DOD N
LL4208-6 Excellent|Fair|Poor|NI|UN|OT N
LL4309-2 Independent | Needed some help | Dependent | Uknwn N
LL4353-0 Reason vaccine not received N
LL4354-8 Antibody test results N
LL4356-3 Relationships N
LL4359-7 Susceptible|Immune|Unknown N
LL4362-1 Confirmed|Prob|Infect only|Not CRS|Stillbirth|Unk N
LL4363-9 RV genotype N
LL4364-7 Private sector|Public sector|Unknown N
LL4470-2 CMS_LCDS Payer information N
LL4567-5 Known|Unknown N
LL4649-1 Healthy|Mild disease|Mild systemic|Severe systemic N
LL4651-7 No|Yes,wound covered|Yes,wound not covered|Unknown N
LL4652-5 <3 meters | >3 meters | Unknown N
LL4653-3 Role of person in accident N
LL4656-6 Minimal|Moderate|Severe N
LL4729-1 Current every day user | Current some day user N
LL486-2 DEEDS4.08_1st Acuity Assessment N
LL4970-1 CMS MDS Prior Functioning N
LL5029-5 APTA_Payor type N
LL508-3 HL79010_Med reason-unsched trip N
LL526-5 DEEDS4.21_1st HR N
LL527-3 DEEDS4.26_1st Temp N
LL528-1 DEEDS4.29_Measured weight N
LL5313-3 Intentional | Unintentional | Unkwn N
LL5315-8 Monochorionic | Dichorionic | Unknown | NA N
LL5318-2 Never | One | More than one | Unknown N
LL5338-0 Highest Education Level N
LL5420-6 CMS IRFPAI v4.0_GG0100 Prior Functioning N
LL544-8 CARE_1_D_Payor Information N
LL545-5 CARE_2_b01_Prior residence type N
LL5454-5 CMS_MDS v1.18.1 - GG0100 N
LL546-3 CARE_2_b05a_Prior Functioning N
LL548-9 CARE_2_B3_Community assistance N
LL5489-1 Origin of Genetic Variance N
LL549-7 CARE_2_B3a_Living situation N
LL550-5 CARE_2_B4_Structural barriers N
LL551-3 CARE_2_B6_Mobility devices N
LL5515-3 Exposure source N
LL5521-1 Yes/No/Unk/Not Assessed N
LL5532-8 Air intake type N
LL5533-6 None|Mod|Serious|Severe|Unk|Not Assessed N
LL5539-3 none|min|mod|serious|severe|unk|not assessed N
LL5540-1 Entrapment N
LL5546-8 Breathing pattern - cluster N
LL5547-6 Bag-mask-ventilation N
LL555-4 CARE_3_g02a1_Number of pressure ulcers N
LL5551-8 Wound status - MIND Panel N
LL5552-6 COVID19 exposures N
LL5598-9 Animal exposure N
LL56-3 CR_1030 N
LL5605-2 Yes|No|Refused to answer|Asked Unk|Unk N
LL57-1 CR_1040_Cancer stager N
LL576-0 CARE_5_c01a_Understanding Verbal Content N
LL577-8 CARE_5_c01b_Expression of Ideas/Wants N
LL578-6 CARE_5_c01c_Vision N
LL579-4 CARE_5_c01d_Ability to Hear N
LL58-9 CR_1050_Descriptor stage N
LL5850-4 Infection specification N
LL5862-9 Vaccine administration location N
LL5905-6 EuroSpine Morbidity state N
LL5909-8 Elapsed time N
LL5910-6 Blood loss N
LL5911-4 Blood transfusion N
LL5931-2 SARS-CoV-2 immunization status N
LL6117-7 Seizure frequency N
LL613-1 CR_193 N
LL619-8 USSG-FHT age N
LL624-8 Yes|No|Unknown N
LL6329-8 Schmid fall N
LL6350-4 Metabolic syndrome N
LL66-2 CR_1130_Peds staging coding system N
LL6643-2 CVVH catheter presence Y
LL6669-7 Taken medication for high blood cholesterol N
LL6862-8 Age start med N
LL6944-4 CMS HOPE Payer Info N
LL6950-1 Yes, No, Unknown N
LL6968-3 Prior fall history N
LL7005-3 Red reflex N
LL720-4 CARE_1_C11_Race/Ethnicity N
LL760-0 PhenX02_01_body weight N
LL761-8 PhenX02_02_wt <9lbs at birth N
LL772-5 OASIS-C_M0150 N
LL774-1 OASIS-C_M0110 N
LL779-0 OASIS-C_M1036 N
LL822-8 OASIS-C_M2110 N
LL824-4 OASIS-C_M2300 N
LL836-8 Education N
LL866-5 N/Yn/Ynn/U N
LL869-9 AnginaLoc N
LL870-7 AnginaRad N
LL871-5 AnginaType N
LL872-3 AnginaRelief N
LL873-1 N/Y/M/U N
LL875-6 DeathOnset N
LL879-8 TimeCHDdeath N
LL890-5 Hosp/MD N
LL928-3 NAACCR_3600 N
LL939-0 NAACCR_7480 N
LL98-5 CR_1410_BRM treatment N