Not applicable
Answer Lists using this Answer Code
Answer List | Answer List Name | Externally Defined |
LL1123-0 | PhenX07_14_laterality | N |
LL1127-1 | PhenX07_18 | N |
LL1147-9 | PhenX08_14_teeth braces duration | N |
LL1304-6 | PhenX12_37_missed mentrual periods | N |
LL1323-6 | PhenX02_06_body image shape | N |
LL1764-1 | PhenX21_13_experience | N |
LL1765-8 | PhenX21_14_event effect | N |
LL1946-4 | OPTIMAL_confidence | N |
LL1947-2 | OPTIMAL_difficulty | N |
LL222-1 | CR_520_Screening result | N |
LL228-8 | CR_759_SEER stage 2000 | N |
LL2521-4 | First-Second-Third-Fourth-etc. | N |
LL2850-7 | Y/N/NA | N |
LL323-7 | OASIS_M0825_Therapy need | N |
LL3268-1 | Always/Usually/Sometimes/Rarely/Never | N |
LL3722-7 | [NEI] Amblyopia type | N |
LL3731-8 | [NEI] Inheritance pattern from family history | N |
LL3951-2 | Complete (0)| |
N |
LL4151-8 | CMS IRFPAI_GG0100 Prior Functioning | N |
LL4153-4 | CMS IRFPAI_GG Functional Abilities | N |
LL4249-0 | Almost always untrue (1) | |
N |
LL4254-0 | [NIH] True or untrue of child | N |
LL4257-3 | [NIH] Extremely true (1) to Extremely untrue (7) | N |
LL4309-2 | Independent | |
N |
LL4347-2 | Low grade| |
N |
LL4450-4 | [CAP] Microsatellitosis | N |
LL4568-3 | Complete| |
N |
LL4970-1 | CMS MDS Prior Functioning | N |
LL508-3 | HL79010_Med reason-unsched trip | N |
LL5132-7 | NotAtAll(5)| |
N |
LL5133-5 | None(5)| |
N |
LL5420-6 | CMS IRFPAI v4.0_GG0100 Prior Functioning | N |
LL5454-5 | CMS_MDS v1.18.1 - GG0100 | N |
LL546-3 | CARE_2_b05a_Prior Functioning | N |
LL5594-8 | HLA donor match status | N |
LL582-8 | CARE_5_f01a_Respiratory status | N |
LL5830-6 | Spine Tango - Surgery outcome | N |
LL586-9 | CARE_6_a01_Core Self Care | N |
LL587-7 | CARE_6_c01_Core Functional Status | N |
LL59-7 | CR_1060_Edition TNM classification | N |
LL6004-7 | Yes| |
N |
LL6493-2 | Orchestra_6.3_6.1 | N |
LL6494-0 | Orchestra_6.5_6.1 | N |
LL6495-7 | Orchestra_6.7_6.1 | N |
LL6556-6 | Job Insecurity | N |
LL6558-2 | Housing instability due to affordability | N |
LL753-5 | CAP_NA/ND | N |
LL820-2 | OASIS-C_M2040 | N |
LL823-6 | OASIS-C_M2250 | N |
LL906-9 | NAACCR_1182 | N |
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Copyright © 2025 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See https://