Version 2.80

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APTA Answerlists
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Answer List

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Cardio/pulm: Adult respiratory distress syndrome LA22196-2
Cardio/pulm: Aneurysm LA25628-1
Cardio/pulm: Angina LA25629-9
Cardio/pulm: Arterial system abnormality LA25630-7
Cardio/pulm: Asthma LA25631-5
Cardio/pulm: Atelectasis LA25632-3
Cardio/pulm: Bronchiectasis LA25633-1
Cardio/pulm: Cardiac arrhythmia LA22197-0
Cardio/pulm: Chronic obstructive lung disease LA22199-6
Cardio/pulm: Claudication LA22088-1
Cardio/pulm: Congenital anomaly of heart (eg, atrial septal defect, tetralogy of fallot) LA22201-0
Cardio/pulm: Congestive heart failure LA25635-6
Cardio/pulm: Coronary artery disease LA25636-4
Cardio/pulm: Cystic fibrosis LA25637-2
Cardio/pulm: Emphysema LA22203-6
Cardio/pulm: Fibrosis of lung LA25638-0
Cardio/pulm: Heart failure LA25639-8
Cardio/pulm: Heart transplant LA25532-5
Cardio/pulm: Heart valve disorder LA25641-4
Cardio/pulm: Hypertensive disorder LA25642-2
Cardio/pulm: Lung transplant LA25534-1
Cardio/pulm: Lymphatic system abnormality LA25644-8
Cardio/pulm: Malignant tumor of lung LA25645-5
Cardio/pulm: Myocardial infarction LA25646-3
Cardio/pulm: Peripheral nervous system abnormality (e.g. neuropathic wounds; offloading Charcot fracture) LA25647-1
Cardio/pulm: Peripheral vascular disease LA25648-9
Cardio/pulm: Pleural effusion LA25649-7
Cardio/pulm: Pleurisy LA25650-5
Cardio/pulm: Pneumonia LA25651-3
Cardio/pulm: Pneumothorax LA25652-1
Cardio/pulm: Pulmonary edema LA25653-9
Cardio/pulm: Pulmonary embolism LA25654-7
Cardio/pulm: Pulmonary hypertension LA25655-4
Cardio/pulm: Respiratory failure LA22207-7
Cardio/pulm: Venous system abnormality LA25656-2
ElectroPhys: Mononeuropathy (e.g., Median, ulnar, radial, axillary, musculocutaneous, suprascapular, tibial, fibular, and sural) LA22253-1
ElectroPhys: Motor neuron disease LA22251-5
ElectroPhys: Myopathy LA22257-2
ElectroPhys: Nerve plexus disorder LA25627-3
ElectroPhys: Neuromuscular Junction Disorders (e.g., Myasthenia Gravis & Lambert Eaton Syndrome) LA22258-0
ElectroPhys: Polyneuropathy LA22254-9
ElectroPhys: Radiculopathy LA22255-6
Integumentary: Burn LA25661-2
Integumentary: Neuropathic wounds due to diabetes LA25662-0
Integumentary: Pressure ulcer LA22311-7
Integumentary: Scar tissue (e.g. skin, pelvic, abdominal, perineal) LA25663-8
Integumentary: Skin disorder (e.g. fungal rashes, contact dermatitis, moisture associated dermatitis, psoriasis ) LA22098-0
Integumentary: Surgical wound complication LA22309-1
Integumentary: Traumatic wound abnormality LA25664-6
Integumentary: Wound disorder, other LA25665-3
Med: Acute infectious disease (e.g. cellulitis, UTI, C-diff) LA22194-7
Med: amputation LA22208-5
Med: Anemia LA25666-1
Med: Autoimmune disorders (e.g. RA, lupus) LA25667-9
Med: Bone density below reference range (e.g. osteopenia/osteoporosis) LA25668-7
Med: Colorectal disorders LA25669-5
Med: Constipation LA25670-3
Med: Dehydration LA25671-1
Med: Dementia LA25672-9
Med: Diabetes mellitus LA25673-7
Med: Diabetic neuropathy LA22314-1
Med: Dyspareunia (Psychologic) LA22285-3
Med: Electrolyte imbalance LA25675-2
Med: Falls LA25676-0
Med: Fecal incontinence LA25677-8
Med: Frailty LA25678-6
Med: Hyperlipidemia LA25679-4
Med: Interstitial Cystitis LA22291-1
Med: Irritable bowel syndrome LA22292-9
Med: Lymphedema LA25680-2
Med: Malignant neoplastic disease LA25681-0
Med: Nocturnal enuresis LA25682-8
Med: Obesity LA25683-6
Med: Renal failure syndrome (acute/chronic) LA25684-4
Med: Retention of urine LA25685-1
Med: Sepsis LA25686-9
Med: Sports injury, non-musculoskeletal (e.g. Heat-related illness, skin lesions, exercise –induced asthma) LA25687-7
Med: Transplant, other (e.g. kidney and liver) LA25688-5
Med: Urinary frequency LA25689-3
Med: Urinary Incontinence (stress, urge, mixed) LA22303-4
Med: Urinary urgency LA25690-1
MSK: Chronic pain syndromes (e.g. fibromyalgia) LA22218-4
MSK: Connective tissue disorder (e.g. Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos, lupus) LA25691-9
MSK: Diastasis recti LA22284-6
MSK: Musculoskeletal pain LA25692-7
MSK: Osteogenesis imperfecta LA25693-5
MSK-Ankle/foot: Fracture LA25747-9
MSK-Ankle/foot: Hallux valgus LA25748-7
MSK-Ankle/foot: Ligamentous injuries LA25749-5
MSK-Ankle/foot: Other disorders of ankle or foot LA25752-9
MSK-Ankle/foot: Plantar fasciitis LA25750-3
MSK-Ankle/foot: Tendinopathies LA25751-1
MSK-Elbow: Cubital tunnel syndrome LA25725-5
MSK-Elbow: Fracture (includes forearm) LA25726-3
MSK-Elbow: Instability (e.g. subluxation/dislocation, ligamentous) LA25727-1
MSK-Elbow: Other disorders of the elbow or forearm LA25729-7
MSK-Elbow: Tendinopathies LA25728-9
MSK-Hand/wrist: Carpal tunnel syndrome LA22213-5
MSK-Hand/wrist: Fracture (including fingers) LA25730-5
MSK-Hand/wrist: Instability including fingers (e.g. subluxation/dislocation, ligamentous) LA25731-3
MSK-Hand/wrist: Other disorders of the wrist, hand or fingers LA25733-9
MSK-Hand/wrist: Tendinopathies including fingers LA25732-1
MSK-Head/neck: Cervicogenic headache LA25694-3
MSK-Head/neck: Other disorders LA25695-0
MSK-Head/neck: Temporomandibular dysfunction LA22214-3
MSK-Hip: Femoroacetabular impingement LA22225-9
MSK-Hip: Fracture LA22086-5
MSK-Hip: Osteoarthritis LA25735-4
MSK-Hip: Osteochondral defect (femoral head) LA25736-2
MSK-Hip: Other disorders of the hip and thigh LA25739-6
MSK-Hip: Tendinopathies LA25737-0
MSK-Hip: Total replacement LA30065-9
MSK-Hip: Trochanteric bursitis LA25738-8
MSK-Knee: Fracture (patella, distal femur, proximal tibia) LA25740-4
MSK-Knee: Ligamentous injuries LA25741-2
MSK-Knee: Meniscal disorder LA25742-0
MSK-Knee: Osteoarthritis LA25743-8
MSK-Knee: Osteochondral defect (distal femur, tibial or patella) LA25744-6
MSK-Knee: Other disorders of the knee LA25746-1
MSK-Knee: Patellofemoral dysfunction (Disorder of patellofemoral joint) LA22222-6
MSK-Knee: Tendinopathies LA25745-3
MSK-Knee: Total replacement LA30066-7
MSK-Shld: Adhesive capsulitis LA22212-7
MSK-Shld: Complex/upper arm fracture LA25719-8
MSK-Shld: Injury of glenoid labrum LA25720-6
MSK-Shld: Instability (eg, subluxation/dislocation, ligamentous) LA25721-4
MSK-Shld: Osteoarthritis LA22085-7
MSK-Shld: Osteochondral defect (humeral head) LA25722-2
MSK-Shld: Other disorders of the shoulder complex LA25724-8
MSK-Shld: Rotator cuff syndromes LA22224-2
MSK-Spine: Cervical disc disorder (e.g. DDD, protrusion, herniation) LA25696-8
MSK-Spine: Cervical instability LA25697-6
MSK-Spine: Cervical other disorder LA25702-4
MSK-Spine: Cervical radiculopathy LA25698-4
MSK-Spine: Cervical sprain/strain LA25699-2
MSK-Spine: Cervical stenosis LA25700-8
MSK-Spine: Curvature of spine (eg, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis) LA25701-6
MSK-Spine: Lumbar disc disorder (eg, DDD, protrusion, hermiation) LA25708-1
MSK-Spine: Lumbar instability LA25709-9
MSK-Spine: Lumbar other disorders LA25714-9
MSK-Spine: Lumbar radiculopathy LA25710-7
MSK-Spine: Lumbar spondylosis/spondylolisthesis LA25711-5
MSK-Spine: Lumbar stenosis LA25712-3
MSK-Spine: Lumbar strain LA25713-1
MSK-Spine: Neck pain LA30064-2
MSK-Spine: Pelvic other disorders LA25718-0
MSK-Spine: Pelvic pain in the coccyx LA25715-6
MSK-Spine: Pelvic piriformis syndrome LA25716-4
MSK-Spine: Pelvic sacroiliac dysfunction LA25717-2
MSK-Spine: Thoracic other disorders LA25707-3
MSK-Spine: Thoracic outlet syndrome LA25703-2
MSK-Spine: Thoracic rib dysfunction LA25704-0
MSK-Spine: Thoracic sprain/strain LA25705-7
MSK-Spine: Thoracic stenosis LA25706-5
Neuro: Acquired brain injury LA22236-6
Neuro: Anoxia LA22237-4
Neuro: Brachial plexus injury LA25754-5
Neuro: Central nervous system infections (eg, Viral or bacterial infections of the central nervous system) LA22242-4
Neuro: Central nervous system neoplasms LA22243-2
Neuro: Cerebellar disorders LA22239-0
Neuro: Cerebral palsy LA22240-8
Neuro: Cerebrovascular accident LA25758-6
Neuro: Concussion LA25759-4
Neuro: Encephalopathy (toxic, metabolic, anoxic) LA25760-2
Neuro: Hypotonia LA25761-0
Neuro: Multiple Sclerosis LA25762-8
Neuro: Neurogenic bladder LA25763-6
Neuro: Neurologic disorder, progressive (e.g. ALS, Huntington's disease) LA25764-4
Neuro: Normal pressure hydrocephalus LA22248-1
Neuro: Parkinson's disease LA22249-9
Neuro: Peripheral neuropathy LA22095-6
Neuro: Spinal cord injury LA25765-1
Neuro: Vestibular disorders LA22250-7
Onc: Leukemia LA30069-1
Onc: Malignant lymphoma LA30070-9
Onc: Malignant melanoma LA30071-7
Onc: Malignant neoplasm of brain LA30072-5
Onc: Malignant neoplasm of breast LA30073-3
Onc: Malignant neoplasm of central nervous system LA30074-1
Onc: Malignant neoplasm of testis LA30075-8
Onc: Malignant neoplasm of uterus LA30076-6
Onc: Malignant tumor of cervix LA30077-4
Onc: Malignant tumor of head and/or neck LA30078-2
Onc: Malignant tumor of kidney LA30079-0
Onc: Malignant tumor of large intestine LA30080-8
Onc: Malignant tumor of lung LA30081-6
Onc: Malignant tumor of ovary LA30082-4
Onc: Malignant tumor of pancreas LA30083-2
Onc: Malignant tumor of prostate LA30084-0
Onc: Malignant tumor of stomach LA30085-7
Onc: Malignant tumor of thyroid gland LA30086-5
Onc: Malignant tumor of urinary bladder LA30087-3
Onc: Multiple myeloma LA30088-1
Onc: Osteosarcoma LA30089-9
Onc: Sarcoma LA30090-7
Pediatric: Arthrogryposis LA22259-8
Pediatric: Autism spectrum disorders (autistic disorder) LA22261-4
Pediatric: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia of newborn LA22262-2
Pediatric: Complications of prematurity (e.g. osteopenia, RSD, IVH, BD) LA25766-9
Pediatric: Congenital leg length discrepancy LA25767-7
Pediatric: Developmental coordination disorders LA22264-8
Pediatric: Developmental delay LA22265-5
Pediatric: Down syndrome LA22266-3
Pediatric: Genetic syndrome LA22267-1
Pediatric: High risk infant LA22270-5
Pediatric: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis LA22271-3
Pediatric: Juvenile osteochondrosis of tibial tubercle LA25768-5
Pediatric: Muscular dystrophy (eg, Duchenne, Becker, SMA) LA22273-9
Pediatric: Myelodysplasia/Spina Bifida (e.g. spina bifida, Arnold-Chiari, hydrocephalus) LA22274-7
Pediatric: Rett syndrome LA22277-0
Pediatric: Sensory processing disorders LA25769-3
Pediatric: Torticollis/plagiocephaly LA25770-1
Women's health: Amenorrhea/dysmenorrhea LA22280-4
Women's health: Endometriosis LA22286-1
Women's health: Female athlete/female athlete triad LA22287-9
Women's health: Gynecologic conditions/surgery LA22288-7
Women's health: High-risk pregnancy LA22289-5
Women's health: Hysterectomy LA22290-3
Women's health: Menopause LA22295-2
Women's health: Neoplasm of breast LA25626-5
Women's health: Neoplasm of ovary LA25625-7
Women's health: Neoplasm of uterus LA22304-2
Women's health: Pelvic adhesions LA22297-8
Women's health: Pelvic girdle pain LA22130-1
Women's health: Pelvic organ prolapse LA22300-0
Women's health: Pelvic pain LA22301-8
Women's health: Vaginismus LA22305-9
Women's health: Vulvar vestibulitis LA22306-7
Women's health: Vulvodynia LA22307-5
Other, Please specify: LA46-8
NoneCopyright ID:260413007 None (qualifier value) LA137-2

LOINC terms using this Answer List

76472-0 Other health condition
76442-3 Primary health condition

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