Version 2.78

Basic Part Properties

Part Display Name
How much difficulty do you currently have reading and following complex instructions, like directions for a new medication
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
Difficulty following complex instructions

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 在阅读和遵循复杂的使用说明方面,比如关于少数几种药物的用法说明,您当前有多大的困难
Synonyms: 在读懂(看懂)和遵循复杂的使用说明(用法说明)方面,比如关于少数几种药物的用法说明,您当前有多大的困难
it-IT Italian (Italy) Quanta difficoltà hai attualmente a leggere e seguere delle istruzioni complesse, come le indicazioni per un nuovo farmaco
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Насколько сложно Вам в настоящее время читать и следовать сложным инструкциям, таким как инструкции нового лекарства