Version 2.78


The International Scale (IS) was established in 2005 to standardize quantitative BCR-ABL1 measurements across tests and laboratories. (Hughes et al., Blood 2006). The IS is anchored to the baseline BCR-ABL1 expression level from the International Randomized Study of Interferon vs STI571 (IRIS) trial (100% IS) with a major molecular response (MMR) corresponding to 0.1% IS. (Hughes et al., N Engl J Med 2003). The IRIS trial and follow up studies have demonstrated that achieving MMR, or a 3-log reduction in BCR-ABL1 expression from the standardized baseline level, is a key clinical outcome. Percent ratios on the IS are obtained by multiplying the percent ratio (100 x BCR-ABL1/control gene) determined at local labs by a test-specific conversion factor (IS % ratio = local % ratio x conversion factor). Source: LOINC partner 1

Basic Part Properties

Part Display Name
control transcript (International Scale)
Part Type
Divisors (Divisors only)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
Control (IS)

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 对照转录物 (国际标尺)
Synonyms: 对照转录物(转录本、转录产物、转录子、转录);对照基因转录本;控制转录本;International Scale
es-ES Spanish (Spain) transcrito control (escala internacional)
it-IT Italian (Italy) trascritto di controllo (Scala Internazionale)
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) kontrol transkripti (Uluslararası Ölçek)
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) контроль транскрипция (Международная Шкала)
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) controle transcript (internationale schaal)
fr-CA French (Canada) Transcrit de contrôle (échelle internationale)
pl-PL Polish (Poland) kontrolny transkrypt (skala międzynarodowa)