Version 2.78


Grass allergen mix 4 (gx4, GP4) detects Sweet vernal grass (G1), Velvet grass (G13), Perennial rye grass (G12),Common reed+ (G7), and Rye (G5) IgE antibodies. Testing for IgE antibodies may be used to help diagnose an allergic disease or the cause of an anaphylactic episode in a patient. Enzyme and fluorescent-based assays, which were preceded by the RAST test (Radio-AllergoSorbent Test), are performed to detect allergen-specific IgE in the patient's serum. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
(Anthoxanthum odoratum+Holcus lanatus+Lolium perenne+Phragmites communis+Secale cereale)
Part Display Name
Grass Allergen Mix 4 (Sweet vernal grass+Velvet grass+Perennial rye grass+Common reed+Rye)
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
Grass Allerg Mix4

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) (黄花茅+白毛茅+多年生黑麦草+芦苇+黑麦)
Synonyms: 草类变应原混合物4 (黄花茅+白毛茅+黑麦草+芦苇+黑麦)
fr-CA French (Canada) (Anthoxanthum odoratum+Holcus lanatus+Lolium perenne+Phragmites communis+Secale cereale)
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Heintaimede õietolmu segu 4 (Lõhnav maarjahein+Vill-mesihein+Karjamaa raihein+Harilik pilliroog+Rukis)
es-ES Spanish (Spain) (Anthoxanthum odoratum+Holcus lanatus+Lolium perenne+Phragmites communis+Secale cereale)
it-IT Italian (Italy) (Anthoxanthum odoratum+Holcus lanatus+Lolium perenne+Phragmites communis+Secale cereale)
Synonyms: Allergeni Erbe, Mix 4 (Paleo odoroso+Bambagiona+Lo
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) (Anthoxanthum odoratum+Holcus lanatus+Lolium perenne+Phragmites communis+Secale cereale)
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) (Anthoxanthum odoratum+Holcus lanatus+Lolium perenne+Phragmites communis+Secale cereale)
Synonyms: Трав аллерген Mix 4 (Колосок душистый+Бухарник шерстистый+Плевел многолетний+Тростник обыкновенный+Рожь посевная)
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) grasallergenen, mix 4 (gewoon reukgras + gestreepte witbol + Engels raaigras + riet + rogge)
Synonyms: gras allergenen mix 4 (Gewoon reukgras+Gestreepte witbol+Engels raaigras+Riet+Rogge)
fr-BE French (Belgium) (Anthoxanthum odoratum+Holcus lanatus+Lolium perenne+Phragmites communis+Secale cereale)
Synonyms: Mix graminées 4 (g1+g13+g5+g7+g12), gx4