Version 2.80


Polyspecific (nonspecific) reagent detects both complement and IgG bound Source: Regenstrief Institute

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Indirect antiglobulin test.polyspecific reagent
Part Display Name
Indirect antiglobulin test.polyspecific reagent
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
IAT Poly-Sp Reag

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 间接抗球蛋白试验.非特异性试剂
Synonyms: IAT Poly-Sp Reag;间接抗球蛋白试验.多重特异性试剂
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Prueba indirecta de antiglobulinas.reactivo poliespecífico
it-IT Italian (Italy) Antiglobulina indiretta, test.reagente polispecifico
Synonyms: Test dell''antiglobulina indiretta, reagente polispecifico
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Indirektne antiglobuliintest.polüspetsiifiline reaktiiv
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) İndirekt antiglobulin testi.poli spesifik reaktif
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Непрямой антиглобулиновый тест.полиспецифический реагент
fr-BE French (Belgium) Recherche indirecte d'antiglobuline .réactif poly-spécifique
Synonyms: Coombs indirect test. Polyspécifique
fr-CA French (Canada) Recherche indirecte d'antiglobuline.réactif polyspécifique
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) indirecte antiglobulinetest.polyspecifiek reagent
el-GR Greek (Greece) Δοκιμή έμμεσης αντισφαιρίνης.πολυδύναμο αντιδραστήριο
Synonyms: Δοκιμή έμμεσης αντισφαιρίνης.πολυδύναμο αντιδραστήριο