Version 2.78


Limit of detection is the lowest analyte concentration at which detection is feasible for the assay method. [PMCID: 2556583] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Basic Part Properties

Part Display Name
Detection limit <= 3.47 pmol/L
Part Type
Method (Describes the method by which the test was performed)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
DL<= 3.47 pmol/L

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Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 检测极限 <= 3.47 pmol/L
Synonyms: DL <= 3.47 pmol/L;DL <= 3.47 皮摩尔/升;探测范围 <= 3.47 pmol/L;探测范围 <= 3.47 皮摩尔/升;检测极限 <= 3.47 皮摩尔/升;检测极限 <= 3.47 皮摩/升
fr-CA French (Canada) Limite de détection <= 3,47 pmol/L
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Detección límite <= 3,47 pmol/L
it-IT Italian (Italy) Limite di rilevabilitá <= 3.47 pmol/L
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Saptama sınırı <= 3.47 pmol/L
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) detectielimiet <= 3,47 pmol/L
pl-PL Polish (Poland) granica wykrywalności <=3, 47 pmol/L