Version 2.78


A glycosidase that hydrolyzes a glucosylceramide to yield free ceramide plus glucose. Deficiency of this enzyme leads to abnormally high concentrations of glucosylceramide in the brain in GAUCHER DISEASE. EC Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 葡糖神经酰胺酶
Synonyms: Beta 葡糖脑苷脂酶;Beta-葡糖脑苷脂酶;B-葡糖脑苷脂酶;β-葡糖脑苷脂酶;葡糖基神经酰胺酶;葡糖基苷酰鞘氨醇酶;葡萄糖基神经酰胺酶
fr-CA French (Canada) Glucosylcéramidase
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Glükosüülkeramidaas
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Glucosilceramidasa
it-IT Italian (Italy) Glucosilceramidasi
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Glukozilseramidaz
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Глюкозилцерамидаза
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) glucosylceramidase
fr-BE French (Belgium) Glucosylcéramidase
pl-PL Polish (Poland) Ceramidaza glukozylowa
Synonyms: Ceramidaza glukozylowa