Version 2.80


Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is a beta-globulin that transports testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and estradiol in plasma. Alterations in SHBG levels in certain diseases can result in measurements of testosterone that do not accurately reflect bioavailable levels. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Sex hormone binding globulin
Part Display Name
Sex hormone binding globulin
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 性激素结合球蛋白
Synonyms: ABP;EBP;SBP;SHBG;SSBG;TeBG;性激素结合球蛋白(Sex Hormone Binding Globulin,SHBG);性类固醇结合球蛋白;性类固醇结合球蛋白(Sex steroid binding globulin,SSBG);性类固醇结合蛋白;性类固醇结合蛋白(Sex steroid binding protein,SBP);睾酮/雌二醇结合球蛋白;睾酮/雌二醇结合球蛋白(Testosterone/estradiol binding globulin,TeBG);睾酮结合球蛋白
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Globulina transportadora de hormonas sexuales
el-GR Greek (Greece) Σφαιρίνη δέσμευσης ορμονών φύλου
Synonyms: Σφαιρίνη δέσμευσης ορμονών φύλου
it-IT Italian (Italy) Globulina legante l'ormone sessuale
Synonyms: SHBG
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Suguhormoone siduv globuliin
Synonyms: SHBG
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Cinsiyet hormonu bağlayıcı globulin
Synonyms: Seks hormonu bağlayıcı globulin
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Половые гормоны связывающий глобулин
Synonyms: Глобулин, связывающий половые гормоны
fr-BE French (Belgium) Globuline liant les hormones sexuelles
Synonyms: SHBG
fr-CA French (Canada) Globuline liant les hormones sexuelles
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) geslachtshormoonbindend globuline