Version 2.78


The use of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) is increasing significantly and it is important that it be used in conjunction with appropriate laboratory monitoring. The chief functional difference between standard (unfractionated) heparin and LMWH is that standard heparin has equivalent inhibitory activity against both factor Xa and thrombin (by binding to and potentiating antithrombin), while LMWH, on account of its shorter polysaccharide chains, preferentially inactivates factor Xa. LMWH has more favorable pharmacokinetics and bioavailability than standard heparin with a considerably longer plasma half-life, and produces a more predictable anticoagulant response. These properties allow LMWH to be administered only once or twice per day. Copyright Copyright © 2006 - 2008 ClinLab Navigator, LLC. Source: ClinLab Navigator, Heparin Anti-Xa

Basic Part Properties

Part Display Name
LMW Heparin
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 肝素.低分子量
Synonyms: LMW 肝素;低分子肝素;低分子量肝素;依诺肝素;依诺肝素钠;肝素.LMW
fr-CA French (Canada) Héparine.faible poids moléculaire
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Madalmolekulaarne hepariin
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Heparina de bajo peso molecular
it-IT Italian (Italy) Eparina.basso peso molecolare
Synonyms: Eparina LMW
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Heparin.düşük moleküler ağırlıklı
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Гепарин.низкая молекулярная масса
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) heparine.laag moleculair gewicht
fr-BE French (Belgium) Héparine.faible poids moléculaire