Version 2.78


Onion in the general sense can be used for any plant in the genus Allium but used without qualifiers usually means Allium cepa, also called the garden onion. Onions (usually but not exclusively the bulbs) are edible with a distinctive strong flavour and pungent odour which is mellowed and sweetened by cooking. They generally have a papery outer skin over a fleshy, layered inner core. Used worldwide for culinary purposes, they come in a wide variety of forms and colors. Onions may be grown from seed or very commonly from sets. Onion sets are produced by sowing seed very thickly one year, resulting in stunted plants which produce very small bulbs. These bulbs are very easy to set out and grow into mature bulbs the following year, but they have the reputation of producing a less durable bulb than onions grown directly from seed and thinned. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Allium cepa (Wikipedia)

Edible Onions are not known in the wild, but are grown only in cultivated beds. The bulb can be eaten raw in salads, sandwich fillings, etc., or cooked or preserved in a variety of ways. Fresh, dried, pickled, canned or even frozen, it is the most common flavouring in many cuisines. The leaves, flowers and sprouted seeds are also eaten.

Onion can induce symptoms of food allergy, asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis, and contact dermatitis in sensitised individuals. Onion is one of the commonest causes of contact dermatitis of the hands. Copyright Copyright © 2006 Phadia AB. Source: ImmunoCap, ImmunoCap

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Allium cepa
Part Display Name
Onion (Allium cepa)
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
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Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 洋葱
Synonyms: 葱头;葱属;葱属植物
fr-CA French (Canada) Allium cepa
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Sibul
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Cebolla (Allium cepa)
it-IT Italian (Italy) Allium cepa
Synonyms: Cipolla (Allium cepa)
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Soğan,Allium cepa
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Allium cepa
Synonyms: Лук репчатый (Allium cepa)
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Allium cepa
fr-BE French (Belgium) Allium cepa
Synonyms: Oignon, f48