Version 2.78

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Custodial care facility
Part Display Name
Custodial care facility
Part Type
Document.setting (Setting is a modest extension of CMS's (also known as HCFA) coarse definition of settings, which have well defined meanings. Setting is not equivalent to location, which typically has more locally defined meanings and is reported in other parts of the message. Setting would be limited to one of the following categories (with some future extensions possible).)
Created On

LOINC Terminology Service (API) using HL7® FHIR® Get Info

CodeSystem lookup$lookup?system=

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 长期看护设施
Synonyms: 长期普通看护设施;长期协助设施;看护设施;长期照护设施;长期照护服务设施;长期监护设施;长期照顾设施