Version 2.80


Propylene glycol, known also by the systematic name propane-1,2-diol, is an organic compound (a diol alcohol), usually a tasteless, odorless, and colorless clear oily liquid that is hygroscopic and miscible with water, acetone, and chloroform. It is manufactured by the hydration of propylene oxide. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , Propylene glycol (Wikipedia)

A clear, colorless, viscous organic solvent and diluent used in pharmaceutical preparations. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Propylene glycol
Part Display Name
Propylene glycol
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
Prop glycol

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Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 丙二醇
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Propilenglicol
it-IT Italian (Italy) Glicole propilenico
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Propüleenglükool
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Propilen glikol
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Пропилен гликоль
Synonyms: Пропиленгликоль
fr-BE French (Belgium) Propylène glycol
fr-CA French (Canada) Propylène glycol
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) propyleenglycol
el-GR Greek (Greece) Προπυλενογλυκόλη
Synonyms: Προπυλενογλυκόλη