Version 2.80


APC Resistance is a ratio of aPTT with APC to aPTT without APC. Source: Regenstrief Institute

A hemostatic disorder characterized by a poor anticoagulant response to activated protein C (APC) which increases the risk of a clotting disorder. The activated form of Factor V (Factor Va) is more slowly degraded by activated protein C. Factor V Leiden mutation (R506Q) is the most common cause of APC resistance. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Activated protein C resistance (APC) has emerged as the most frequent abnormality in patients with idiopathic thrombosis. Patients found to be heterozygous for APC resistence have a seven fold increased risk for venous thrombosis as compared to the general popualtion. Homozygous individuals have an eight fold increased risk of thrombosis. Familial studies and counselling should be considered for positive patients. The activated form of Factor V (Factor Va) is more slowly degraded by activated protein C. Factor V Leiden mutation (R506Q) is the most common cause of APC resistance. Often measured as the ratio of the Appt W APC. Source: Regenstrief Institute

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Activated protein C resistance
Part Display Name
Activated protein C resistance
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 活化蛋白 C 抗性
Synonyms: APC 抗性;APC 抵抗;aPCR;APC-R;活化 C 蛋白抗性;活化蛋白 C 抗性(Activated protein C resistance,APC-R);活化蛋白 C 抗性是采用 APC 的 aPTT 与不采用 APC 的 aPTT 之比。;活化蛋白 C 抵抗;活化蛋白 C 抵抗性
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Resistencia a la proteína C activada
it-IT Italian (Italy) Proteina C attivata, resistenza
Synonyms: Resistenza alla proteina C attivata
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Aktiveeritud proteiini C resistentsus
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Aktiflenmiş protein C resistans
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Активированный протеин С резистентность
fr-BE French (Belgium) Résistance à la protéine C activée
Synonyms: RPCa
fr-CA French (Canada) Résistance à la protéine C activée
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) geactiveerd proteïne C-resistentie
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ανθεκτικότητα στην ενεργοποιημένη πρωτεῒνη C
Synonyms: Ανθεκτικότητα στην ενεργοποιημένη πρωτεῒνη C