Version 2.77


A fungus, which may result in allergy symptoms in sensitised individuals. It is a major clinical problem to identify the extent to which a mold-sensitive patient's symptoms can be attributed to IgE-mediated allergy. Copyright Copyright © 2006 Phadia AB. Source: ImmunoCap, ImmunoCap

Ustilago and Tilletia are types of smut fungi, which are multicellular, parasitic fungi that affect plants such as corn and other crops. Spores from these fungi have been found in hospitals and school classrooms, and they may be associated with human allergy, especially in those with underlying asthma. PMID: 24267378 Source: Regenstrief LOINC, PMID: 24267378

Basic Part Properties

Part Display Name
Ustilago nuda+Ustilago tritici (Barley+Wheat smut)
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
Barley+Wheat smut

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Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 大麦裸黑粉菌+小麦裸黑粉菌
Synonyms: 大麦裸黑粉菌(大麦散黑粉菌、大麦黑粉菌、大麦散黑穗病菌)+小麦裸黑粉菌(小麦散黑粉菌、小麦黑粉菌、小麦散黑穗病菌)
fr-CA French (Canada) Ustilago nuda+Ustilago tritici
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Ustilago nuda+Ustilago tritici
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Ustilago nuda+Ustilago tritici
it-IT Italian (Italy) Ustilago nuda+Ustilago tritici
Synonyms: Ustilago nuda+Ustilago tritici (Carbone dell''orzo
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Ustilago nuda+Ustilago tritici
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Ustilago nuda+Ustilago tritici
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) Ustilago nuda + Ustilago tritici
Synonyms: stuifbrand
fr-BE French (Belgium) Ustilago nuda+Ustilago tritici