Version 2.79


The BCL2 gene (B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2) [HGNC Gene ID:990] is located on chromosome 18q21.3. This gene encodes an integral outer mitochondrial membrane protein that blocks the apoptotic death of some cells such as lymphocytes. Constitutive expression of BCL2, such as in the case of translocation of BCL2 to Ig heavy chain locus, is thought to be the cause of follicular lymphoma. Two transcript variants, produced by alternate splicing, differ in their C-terminal ends. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008] [NCBI Gene ID:596] Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Gene

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Webcontent Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man®Copyright OMIM® and Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man® are registered trademarks of the Johns Hopkins University. Link to OMIM

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
BCL2 gene rearrangements
Part Display Name
BCL2 gene rearrangements
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
BCL2 gene Rear

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) BCL2 基因重排
Synonyms: BCL2 基因重排(重组);B 细胞 CLL;B 细胞慢性淋巴细胞白血病;慢性 B 淋巴细胞白血病;淋巴瘤 2;BCL-2;B-细胞白血病/淋巴瘤 2;B细胞白血病/淋巴瘤2;BCL-2 基因重排
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Reordenamientos del gen BCL2
it-IT Italian (Italy) BCL2, riarrangiamenti gene
Synonyms: Riarrangiamenti gene BCL2
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) BCL2 geeni muudatused
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) BCL2 geni yeniden düzenlenmeler
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) BCL2 ген перестройки
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) BCL2-genherschikking
Synonyms: BCL2 gen translocaties
el-GR Greek (Greece) Γονιδιακές αναδιατάξεις BCL2
Synonyms: Γονιδιακές αναδιατάξεις BCL2