Version 2.78


The Kell blood group consists of 25 antigens coded by the KEL gene. Commonly tested Kell antigens include K, k (Cellano), Kp^a (K little p super a), Kp^b (K little p super b), Js^a (J little s super a), and Js^b (J little s super b). Other Kell antigens include Ku, Ula, Wka, Kx, Km, and Kp^c. Antibodies to Kell antigens are important in transfusion medicine, autoimmune hemolytic anemia and hemolytic disease of the newborn, and the Kell system is the third most common cause of these diseases (after ABO and Rh). [Britannica online] [NCBI Books: NBK2270] Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Basic Part Properties

Part Display Name
little k Ag inferred phenotype
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
little k Ag inferred

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) k 抗原推导表型
Synonyms: k(little k)抗原(Ag)推导表型(推导表现型、推导型表现型、推导型表型、推断表型、推演表型)
it-IT Italian (Italy) k minuscola Ag fenotipo inferito
Synonyms: k Ag fenotipo inferito
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Fenotipo inferido del Ag k