Version 2.79


Activated partial thromboplastic time.lupus sensitive (aPTT-LA), also called sensitive aPTT, is a screening laboratory test often used as the first step in a testing cascade to detect the presence of lupus anticoagulants (LA), which are autoantibodies associated with excess clot formation, excess bleeding, and repeated miscarriages. Sensitive aPTT has less phospholipid relative to the standard aPTT reagent, which makes the test more sensitive to the presence of phospholipid antibodies. PMID: 19624461 Source: Regenstrief LOINC , PMID: 19624461

The amount of phospholipid included in the aPTT-LA reagent is diminshed relative to the standard aPTT reagent. Source: LOINC partner 1

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Coagulation surface induced.lupus sensitive
Part Display Name
aPTT.lupus sensitive
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 表面诱导型凝血过程.狼疮敏感性
Synonyms: APTT-LA;狼疮敏感性 APTT;红斑狼疮敏感性 APTT;表面诱导型凝血.狼疮敏感性;表面诱导型凝血.红斑狼疮敏感性;表面诱导型凝血作用.狼疮敏感性;表面诱导型凝血作用.红斑狼疮敏感性;表面诱导型凝血过程.红斑狼疮敏感性;采用 Platelin LS 的 APTT;采用 Platelin(R) LS 的 APTT
es-ES Spanish (Spain) TTPA (Tiempo de tromboplastina parcial activado).Lupus sensible
it-IT Italian (Italy) Coagulazione superficiale indotta.lupus sensibile
Synonyms: Tempo di tromboplastina parziale attivata (aPTT).l
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Luupustundliku aktiveeritud osalise tromboplastiini aeg
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Koagülasyon yüzeyi uyarılmış.lupusa duyarlı
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Коагуляция поверхность индуцированная.lupus чувствительный
fr-BE French (Belgium) Coagulation induite en surface.sensible au lupus
fr-CA French (Canada) Coagulation induite en surface.sensible au lupus
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) aPTT.lupus-gevoelig
Synonyms: geactiveerde partiële tromboplastinetijd.lupus-gevoelig
pl-PL Polish (Poland) APTT wrażliwość na antykoagulant toczniowy
el-GR Greek (Greece) Επιφανειακά επαγόμενη πήξη.ευαίσθητη στον ερυθηματώδη λύκο
Synonyms: Επιφανειακά επαγόμενη πήξη.ευαίσθητη στον ερυθηματώδη λύκο