Version 2.78


o-Anisidine is a yellow liquid with melting point -1 to 5 °C and density 1.09 g/cm³. The vapor pressure is 0.05 mbar at 20 °C but increases greatly with temperature. It has an aromatic smell and is well absorbed by inhalation, oral ingestion and skin contact. 2-Anisidine is a very toxic agent that causes blood, enzyme and nerve damage with cyanosis and the danger of suffocation. The agent is an experimental carcinogen and is strongly suspected to be also a human carcinogen. 2-Anisidine has dangerous pollutant properties for water. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, O-Anisidine

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 邻-茴香胺
Synonyms: 1-氨基-2-methoxybenzene;2-氨基苯甲醚;2-氨基茴香醚;2-甲氧基-1-氨基苯;2-甲氧基苯胺;2-甲氧苯胺;Ortho-甲氧基苯胺;Ortho-甲氧苯胺;Ortho-茴香胺;O-甲氧基苯胺;O-茴香胺;邻-甲氧基苯胺;邻-甲氧苯胺
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) O-anisidiin
es-ES Spanish (Spain) O-anisidina
it-IT Italian (Italy) O-anisidina
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) O-anisidin
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) O-анизидин
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) O-anisidine