Version 2.80


Macroprolactin is a physiologically inactive form of prolactin found in a small proportion of people. It is prolactin bound to IgG. Macroprolactin is important, as some laboratory assays will detect it as prolactin, leading to a falsely elevated prolactin result. This can lead to a misdiagnosis of hyperprolactinaemia in some people, especially those with other symptoms, such as infertility or menstrual problems. There are certain chemicals, such as polyethylene glycol, that can be added to remove macroprolactin from a suspicious sample. The sample can then be re-analysed to see if the prolactin levels are still high. The gold standard test to diagnose macroprolactin is gel-filtration chromatography. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , Macroprolactin

Monomeric prolactin is the most common form of circulating prolactin. Prolactin also has several isoforms, including the dimeric form ("big-prolactin") that has a molecular weight of ~50 kD and polymeric form ("big-big prolactin") that has a molecular weight of ~ 150 kD). Big-big prolactin, known as macroprolactin, and big prolactin are formed in the circulation after secretion of prolactin from the pituitary. They have a longer half-life than monomeric prolactin are not biologically active. However, typical prolactin assays do not differentiate between the different forms of prolactin, and the presence of big and big-big prolactin can lead to a false diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia. Methods such as PEG precipitation can separate macroprolactin and big prolactin from monomeric prolactin in order to obtain a more accurate measurement of biologically active prolactin, and chromatography can be used to further characterize the isoforms if necessary. PMCID: PMC3719302 Source: Regenstrief LOINC ,

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 巨催乳素
Synonyms: bbPRL;IgG 结合型促乳激素;巨促乳激素;巨促乳泌素;巨促乳素;巨催乳激素;巨泌乳激素;巨泌乳素;巨催乳素(bbPRL、IgG 结合型促乳激素、巨促乳激素、巨促乳泌素、巨促乳素、巨催乳激素、巨泌乳激素、巨泌乳素)
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Macroprolactina
it-IT Italian (Italy) Macroprolattina
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Makroprolaktiin
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Makroprolaktin
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Макропролактин
fr-BE French (Belgium) Macroprolactine
fr-CA French (Canada) Macroprolactine
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) macroprolactine
el-GR Greek (Greece) Μακροπρολακτίνη
Synonyms: Μακροπρολακτίνη