Version 2.78


Uranium-235 is an isotope of uranium making up about 0.72% of natural uranium. Unlike the predominant isotope uranium-238 it is fissile, i.e. it can sustain fission chain reaction. It is the only fissile isotope that is a primordial nuclide or found in significant quantity in nature. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia, Uranium 235

Testing for uranium isotopes (U238, U235, U234) and depleted uranium (DU) may be performed to determine occupational exposure in the workplaces that involve uranium mining, milling, or processing. Exposure occurs primarily by inhaling dust and other small particles. Exposure to DU may also occur in military personnel from retention internal shrapnel that contains DU or exposure to dust generated from ammunition impact. Health effects from uranium exposure can result from chemical toxicity to the kidney, which can occur occasionally from high occupational exposure. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Uranium Biomonitoring Summary

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Uranium 235
Part Display Name
Uranium 235
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
Uranium 235

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 铀 235
Synonyms: U235
fr-CA French (Canada) Uranium 235
et-EE Estonian (Estonia) Uraan 235
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Uranio 235
it-IT Italian (Italy) Uranio 235
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Uranyum 235
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Уран 235
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) uranium 235
fr-BE French (Belgium) Uranium 235
Synonyms: U235