Version 2.78


von Willebrand collagen binding assay is used to distinguish the subtype (1, 2 or 3) of von Willebrand disorders, not to establish the presence of the disorder. Source: Regenstrief Help

Basic Part Properties

Part Display Name
von Willebrand factor (vWf).collagen binding activity
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) von Willebrand 因子.胶原结合活性
Synonyms: von Willebrand 因子(vWf 因子、血管性假血友病因子、血管性血友病因子).胶原结合活性;von Willebrand 因子.胶原蛋白结合活性;Von willebrand 因子胶原结合活性;Von willebrand 因子胶原蛋白结合活性;vWf 因子.胶原结合活性;vWf 因子.胶原蛋白结合活性;vWf 胶原结合活性;vWf 胶原蛋白结合活性;vWF:CBA;血管性血友病因子.胶原结合活性
fr-CA French (Canada) Facteur von Willebrand.activité de liaison au collagène
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Factor von Willebrand.ensayo de unión al colágeno
it-IT Italian (Italy) von Willebrand, fattore.attività collagene legante
Synonyms: Attività collagene legante del fattore di von Will
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) von Willebrand faktörü.kollajen bağlayıcı aaktivite
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) von Willebrand фактор.коллаген связывающая активность
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) von Willebrand-factor.collageen bindingsactiviteit
fr-BE French (Belgium) Facteur von Willebrand.activité de liaison au collagène