Version 2.78


Mycobacterium bovis (aka Bovine TB) is a slow growing aerobic bacterium closely related to Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is a significant zoonotic disease concern especially among those who consume raw milk. Interferon Gamma is a cytokine produced by T helper cells as part of the immune response to various stimuli. The level of gamma interferon produced provides a measure of sensitization of the cell mediated immune system to the specific stimulus. Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Mycobacterium bovis tuberculin stimulated gamma interferon
Part Display Name
Mycobacterium bovis tuberculin stimulated gamma interferon
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
M bovis tuberc stim IFN-g

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Tag Language Translation
zh-CN Chinese (China) 牛型分枝杆菌结核菌素刺激型 gamma 干扰素
Synonyms: 牛型分枝杆菌结核菌素刺激型 gamma 干扰素(γ干扰素、IFN-γ)
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Interferon gamma estimulado por tuberculina de Mycobacterium bovis
it-IT Italian (Italy) Mycobacterium bovis, interferone gamma stimolato da tubercolina