Version 2.80


Discharge summary is a synopsis of a patient's admission to a hospital; it provides pertinent information for the continuation of care following discharge. The summary may include the reason for hospitalization, procedures performed, the care, treatment and services provided, the patient's condition and disposition at discharge, information provided to the patient and family, and provisions for follow-up care. Source: HL7

Basic Part Properties

Part Name
Discharge summary note
Part Display Name
Discharge summary note
Part Type
Component (Describes the core component or analyte measured)
Created On
Construct for LOINC Short Name
D/C sum

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Tag Language Translation
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) samenvattende ontslagbrief
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Выбытие суммирующая запись
it-IT Italian (Italy) Lettera di dimissione ospedaliera
fr-BE French (Belgium) Note résumée de sortie
de-AT German (Austria) Entlassungsbrief Ärztlich
Synonyms: Entlassungsbrief aus stationärer Behandlung (Arzt); Ärztlicher Entlassungsbrief
zh-CN Chinese (China) 出院摘要记录
Synonyms: 出院(离院)摘要(小结、概要、总结、梗概、概括、总汇)记录;出院总结记录;出院概要记录;出院概括记录;出院摘要;出院小结
el-GR Greek (Greece) Συνοπτικό σημείωμα εξιτηρίου
Synonyms: Συνοπτικό σημείωμα εξιτηρίου