Immunoglobulin light chains.free/Protein.total in 24 hour Urine
Part Descriptions
LP29071-5 Immunoglobulin light chains.free
Healthy patients have the majority of light chains in serum bound to heavy chains. Low levels of free light chains (unbound) are normal due to the over-production and secretion of free light chains by plasma cells. In the kidneys, the free light chains are selectively reabsorbed by the tubular cells, so their presence in urine is likely due to secretion into the urinary tract. Elevation of monoclonal free light chains in serum or urine signal malignant plasma cell proliferation (multiple myeloma), primary amyloidosis, or light chain deposition disease. Elevation of polyclonal free light chains suggests autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus. (Information from Freelite Beckman Coulter IMMAGE II package insert, Version 23, Feb 2009)
Source: Regenstrief Institute
LP32144-5 Protein.total
Serum total protein, also called plasma total protein or total protein, is a biochemical test for measuring the total amount of protein in blood plasma or serum.
Protein in the plasma is made up of albumin and globulin. The globulin in turn is made up of α1, α2, β, and γ globulins. These fractions can be quantitated using protein electrophoresis, but the total protein test is a faster and cheaper test that estimates the total of all fractions together. The traditional method for measuring total protein uses the biuret reagent, but other chemical methods such as Kjeldahl method, dye-binding and refractometry are now available. The measurement is usually performed on automated analysers along with other laboratory tests.
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Source: Wikipedia
, Total protein
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- Immunoglobulin light chains.free/Protein.total
- Property
- MFr
- Time
- 24H
- System
- Urine
- Scale
- Qn
- Method
Additional Names
- Long Common Name
- Immunoglobulin light chains.free/Protein.total in 24 hour Urine
- Short Name
- BJ Protein Free 24h MFr Ur
- Display Name
- Immunoglobulin light chains.free (24H U) [Mass fraction]
- Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
- Free light chains, Urine
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.74
- Last Updated
- Version 2.75 (MIN)
- Order vs. Observation
- Both
Member of these Panels
LOINC | Long Common Name |
95801-7 | Immunoglobulin light chains.free and IFE panel - Urine |
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
el-GR | Greek (Greece) | Ελαφρές αλυσίδες ανοσοσφαιρίνης.ελεύθερες/Πρωτεΐνη.ολική: Synonyms: MFr |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Cadenas ligeras libres de inmunoglubulina/Proteinas totales: Synonyms: Cuantitativo |
et-EE | Estonian (Estonia) | Immuunglobuliini vabad kerged ahelad/valk.üld: Synonyms: Kvantitatiivne Uriin |
fr-CA | French (Canada) | Chaînes légères des immunoglobulines.libres/Protéines.totales: |
fr-BE | French (Belgium) | Chaînes légères des immunoglobulines.libres/Protéines.totales: Synonyms: LC LC. Libres, FLC |
fr-FR | French (France) | Immunoglobuline chaines légères libres/protéines totales: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | Immunoglobuline, catene leggere.libere/Proteina.totale: Synonyms: 24 Ore Catene leggere delle immunoglobuline Catene leggere libere delle immunoglobuline Chimica Frazione di massa |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | immunoglobuline lichte ketens.vrij/totaal eiwit: Synonyms: 24U proteïne.totaal |
pl-PL | Polish (Poland) | Łańcuchy lekkie immunoglobulin.wolne/białko całkowite: Synonyms: Łańcuchy lekkie immunoglobulin Wolne lekkie łańcuchy immunoglobulin |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | Иммуноглобулин лёгкие цепи.свободный/Протеин.общий: Synonyms: Белок Белок.общий Количественный Массовая доля |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | Immunoglobulin hafif zincirler.serb/Protein.total: |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | 免疫球蛋白轻链.游离型/蛋白质.总计: Synonyms: 1天; |
Example Units
Unit | Source |
% | Example UCUM Units |
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