Version 2.80

Term Description

The Review of systems section contains a relevant collection of symptoms and functions systematically gathered by a clinician. It includes symptoms the patient is currently experiencing, some of which were not elicited during the history of present illness, as well as a potentially large number of pertinent negatives, for example, symptoms that the patient denied experiencing.

Fully-Specified Name

Review of systems

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Review of systems Narrative - Reported
Short Name
Review of systems

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 1.0i
Last Updated
Version 2.63 (MIN)

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
69459-6 Care record summary panel
72231-4 Consultation note - recommended C-CDA R1.1 sections
81222-2 Consultation note - recommended C-CDA R2.0 and R2.1 sections
55169-7 Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS) Release 1.0
55168-9 Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS) Release 1.1
72229-8 Discharge summary - recommended C-CDA R1.1 sections
81219-8 Discharge summary - recommended C-CDA R2.0 sections
81218-0 Discharge summary - recommended C-CDA R2.1 sections
81242-0 Enhanced discharge summary - recommended CDP Set 1 R1.0 sections
81615-7 Enhanced discharge summary - recommended CDP Set 1 R1.1 sections
81243-8 Enhanced encounter note - recommended CDP Set 1 R1.0 and R1.1 sections
81244-6 Enhanced procedure note - recommended CDP Set 1 R1.0 and R1.1 sections
72228-0 History and physical note - recommended C-CDA R1.1 and R2.0 and R2.1 sections
92575-0 Labor and delivery admission history and physical - recommended IHE set
57083-8 Labor and Delivery record panel
74449-0 Patient plan of care - recommended IHE set
59843-3 Procedure note - recommended C-CDA R1.1 sections
81217-2 Procedure note - recommended C-CDA R2.0 and R2.1 sections
72225-6 Progress note - recommended C-CDA R1.1 sections
81216-4 Progress note - recommended C-CDA R2.0 and R2.1 sections
81223-0 Referral note - recommended C-CDA R2.0 and R2.1 sections
81221-4 Transfer summary note - recommended C-CDA R2.0 sections
81614-0 Transfer summary note - recommended C-CDA R2.1 sections

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Ανασκόπηση συστημάτων:Εύρεση:Pt:^Ασθενής:Nar:Αναφερόμενη
Synonyms: Εύρεση
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) revisión de sistemas:hallazgo:punto en el tiempo:^paciente:Narrativo:informado
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Revisión de sistemas:Tipo:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:Narrativo:Reported
fr-BE French (Belgium) Revue des systèmes:Observation:Temps ponctuel:^Patient:Narratif:Rapporté
it-IT Italian (Italy) Esame di apparati:Osservazione:Pt:^Paziente:Nar:Riportato
Synonyms: Anamnesi Osservazione paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio)
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) beoordeling van systemen:bevinding:moment:^patiënt:tekstueel:rapportage
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Исследование по системам:Находка:ТчкВрм:^Пациент:Опис:Сообщенный
Synonyms: Анамнестические сведения;Сообщенная третьим лицом информация Описательный Точка во времени;Момент
zh-CN Chinese (China) 系统评审:发现:时间点:^患者:叙述型:报告法
Synonyms: 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 历史纪录与体格检查 历史纪录与体格检查.历史记录;历史纪录与体格检查.历史记录类;历史纪录与体格检查.历史记录类别;历史纪录与体格检查.病史;历史纪录与体格检查.病史类;历史纪录与体格检查.病史类别;历史纪录与体格检查.病史记录;历史纪录与体格检查.病史记录类;历史纪录与体格检查.病史记录类别;历史纪录与体格检查小节.历史记录;历史纪录与体格检查小节.历史记录类;历史纪录与体格检查小节.历史记录类别;历史纪录与体格检查小节.病史;历史纪录与体格检查小节.病史类;历史纪录与体格检查小节.病史类别 历史纪录与体格检查小节 发现是一个原子型临床观察指标,并不是作为印象的概括陈述。体格检查、病史、系统检查及其他此类观察指标的属性均为发现。它们的标尺对于编码型发现可能是名义型,而对于叙述型文本之中所报告的发现,则可能是叙述型。;发现物;所见;结果;结论 叙述;叙述性文字;报告;报告型;文字叙述;文本叙述型;文本描述;文本描述型 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 病史与体格检查 系统回顾;系统审核

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