Version 2.80

Part Descriptions

LP16482-9   Plasminogen
Plasmin, an enzyme that degrades many blood plasma proteins (most notably fibrin clots) is released as a zymogen called plasminogen (PLG) from the liver into the systemic circulation. Two major glycoforms of plasminogen are present in humans - type I plasminogen contains two glycosylation moieties (N-linked to N289 and O-linked to T346), whereas type II plasmingen contains only a single O-linked sugar (O-linked to T346). Type II plasminogen is preferentially recruited to the cell surface over the type I glycoform. Conversely, type I plasminogen appears more readily recruited to blood clots.

Plasminogen deficiency in mice leads to defective liver repair, defective wound healing, reproductive abnormalities.

In human, a rare disorder called plasminogen deficiency type I (Online 'Mendelian Inheritance in Man' [OMIM: 217090] is caused by mutations of the PLG gene and is often manifested by ligneous conjunctivitis. Copyright Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. See for details. Source: Wikipedia , Plasminogen (Wikipedia)

LP16482-9   Plasminogen
Precursor of fibrinolysin (plasmin). It is a single-chain beta-globulin of molecular weight 80-90,000 found mostly in association with fibrinogen in plasma; plasminogen activators change it to fibrinolysin. It is used in wound debriding and has been investigated as a thrombolytic agent. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Plasminogen actual/Normal

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Plasminogen actual/normal in Platelet poor plasma by Chromogenic method
Short Name
PLG Act/Nor PPP Chro
Display Name
Plasminogen actual/normal Chromogenic method (PPP) [Rel catalytic activity/Vol]
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Plasminogen actual/normal, Blood

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.00
Last Updated
Version 2.73 (MIN)
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Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
de-AT German (Austria) Synonyms: Plasminogen Akt.
de-DE German (Germany) Plasminogen aktuell/normal:Relative katalytische Konzentration:Zeitpunkt:Thrombozytenarmes Plasma:Quantitativ:Chromogene Methode
el-GR Greek (Greece) Πλασμινογόνο πραγματικό/φυσιολογικό:RelCCnc:Pt:PPP:Qn:Chromo
Synonyms: RelCCnc
es-AR Spanish (Argentina) plasminógeno real/normal:concentración relativa catalítica:punto en el tiempo:plasma desplaquetado:cuantitativo:enzimoanálisis
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Plasminógeno actual/normal:Concentración catalítica relativa:Punto temporal:Plasma pobre en plaquetas:Qn:Cromogénico ( Enzima)
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Plasminógeno real / Normal:Concentración catalítica relativa:Punto temporal:Plasma pobre en plaquetas:Cuantitativo:Cromogénico (enzima)
fr-CA French (Canada) Plasminogène, Mesuré/normal:Concentration catalytique relative:Temps ponctuel:Plasma pauvre en plaquettes:Quantitatif:Chromogénique
fr-FR French (France) Plasminogène Patient (%):Activité catalytique relative:Ponctuel:Plasma pauvre en plaquettes:Numérique:Technique chromogénique
fr-BE French (Belgium) Plasminogène Mesuré/normal:Concentration catalytique relative:Temps ponctuel:Plasma pauvre en plaquettes:Quantitatif:Chromogénique
Synonyms: Mesuré/normal
it-IT Italian (Italy) Plasminogeno effettivo/normale:RelCCnc:Pt:PPP:Qn:Cromo
Synonyms: Concentrazione Catalitica Relativa Cromogenico (Enzima) Plasma povero di piastrine Punto nel tempo (episodio) Studio di coagulazione
ko-KR Korean (Korea, Republic Of) 플라스미노겐 실제값/정상범위:상대촉매농도:검사시점:혈소판제거혈장:정량:색소/효소검사
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) plasminogeen gemeten/normaal:relatieve enzymatische activiteit/normaal:moment:plaatjesarm plasma:kwantitatief:chromogeen
Synonyms: coagulatiemethode gemeten/normaal
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Plasminogênio verdadeiro/Normal:RelCCnc:Pt:PPPQ:Qn:Método Cromogênico (enzima)
Synonyms: ; PLG; PLGN; Profibrinolysin; Nor; RlCCnc; Point in time; Random; Platelet poor plasma; Plas; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Chro; Enzymatic assay; Chromogenic assay; ENZY; Act/Nor; Control; COAGULATION
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Плазминоген актуальный/нормальный:ОтнКаталКонц:ТчкВрм:ОПП:Колич:Хромо
Synonyms: Количественный Обеднённая пластинками плазма;Бедная тромбоцитами плазма Относительная каталитическая концентрация Точка во времени;Момент Хромогенный (Фермент)
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Plazminojen gerçek/normal:GörKtlKons:Zmlı:TFkP:Kant:Kromo
zh-CN Chinese (China) 纤溶酶原 实际的/正常的:相对催化浓度:时间点:贫血小板血浆:定量型:凝血因子酶学测定法
Synonyms: PLG;PLGN;前纤维蛋白溶酶;纤维蛋白溶解原;胞浆素原;血浆酶原;血纤维蛋白溶酶原;血纤维蛋的溶酶原 乏血小板血浆;Platelet poor plasma;PPP 凝血功能;凝血功能试验;凝血过程;血液凝固;血液凝固功能;血液凝固过程 凝血因子发色测定方法;凝血因子发色测定法;凝血因子酶学测定方法;发色法;发色测定方法;发色测定法;显色法;显色测定方法;显色测定法;酶学法;酶学测定方法;酶学测定法;酶法 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 实测值 实测值/正常值;实际/正常;实际值/正常值;实际测定值/正常值 实测的 实际值 对照 对照标准 对照物 对照的 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 正常的

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