Version 2.78

Part Description

LP14318-7   Osmotic fragility
RED BLOOD CELL sensitivity to change in OSMOTIC PRESSURE. When exposed to a hypotonic concentration of sodium in a solution, red cells take in more water, swell until the capacity of the cell membrane is exceeded, and burst. Source: National Library of Medicine, MeSH 2006

Fully-Specified Name

Osmotic fragility^0.90% sodium chloride 24H 37 deg C incubation

Additional Names

Short Name
OF .90% NaCl 24h Inc NFr RBC
Display Name
Osmotic fragility 0.90% sodium chloride 24 Hr 37 degree C incubation (RBC)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
Osmotic fragility 0.90% Sodium Chloride 24 hr 37 Degree C Incubation, Red blood cells

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.24
Last Updated
Version 2.34
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
98903-8 Hemolytic anemia panel
98904-6 Osmotic fragility panel of Red Blood Cells
98905-3 Red blood cell membrane evaluation panel - Red Blood Cells

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Fragilidad osmótica^Incubación 24H a 37º de Cloruro de sodio al 0,90%:Fracción numérica:Punto temporal:Glóbulos rojos:Qn:
Synonyms: Cuantitativo
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Fragilidad osmótica ^0,90% de cloruro de sodio 24 H 37 ° C incubación:Fracción numérica:Punto temporal:Eritrocitos:Cuantitativo:
fr-CA French (Canada) Fragilité osmotique^Incubation 24 h @ 37C 0,90 % chlorure de sodium:Fraction numérique:Temps ponctuel:GR:Quantitatif:
fr-FR French (France) Résistance globulaire osmotique NaCl 0,90% T24h après incubation à 37°C:Fraction de nombres:Ponctuel:Érythrocytes:Numérique:
fr-BE French (Belgium) Fragilité osmotique^Incubation 24 h à 37°C. 0,90 % chlorure de sodium:Fraction numérique:Temps ponctuel:GR:Quantitatif:
Synonyms: Cl- Na+
it-IT Italian (Italy) Fragilità osmotica^0,90% cloruro di sodio incubazione 24h 37 °C:NFr:Pt:RBC:Qn:
Synonyms: 0,90% cloruro di sodio incubazione per 24 ore a 37 Ematologia (coagulazione) conta differenziale Frazione numerica Globuli rossi Punto nel tempo (episodio)
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) osmotische resistentie^0,90% natriumchloride 24 uur 37 graden C-incubatie:getalsfractie:moment:erytrocyten:kwantitatief:
Synonyms: 0,90% natriumchloride 24U 37 graden C incubatie rode bloedcellen
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) Fragilidade Osmótica^0.90% Cloreto de sódio 24 hs após incubação a 37º C:NFr:Pt:Eritroc:Qn:
Synonyms: Na; OF; Osmo Frag; Cl-; Cl; .90% NaCl 24H Inc; .90% NaCl 24H Inc; .90% NaCl; Number fraction; Percent; Point in time; Random; Erythrocytes; Red blood corpusles; Red blood cells; Quantitative; QNT; Quant; Quan; Na Cl; Fragil; degree; @37c; HEMATOLOGY/CELL COUNTS; HEMATOLOGY/CELL COUNTS
ru-RU Russian (Russian Federation) Осмотическая хрупкость^0.90% натрия хлорид 24 часа 37 градусов C инкубация:КолДоля:ТчкВрм:Эритроциты:Колич:
Synonyms: Количественный Количество отношение Осмотическая устойчивость;Осмотическая резистентность Точка во времени;Момент
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) Ozmotik frajilite^%0.90 Sodyum klorür 24Sa 37 C derecede inkübasyon:SayFr:Zmlı:Eritrosit:Kant:
Synonyms: RBC
zh-CN Chinese (China) 渗透脆性^0.90% 氯化钠 37度孵育 24小时:计数型分数:时间点:红细胞:定量型:
Synonyms: 0.90% NaCl;0.90% NaCl溶液;0.90% 氯化钠溶液;0.90% 盐水 0.90% 氯化钠 37度孵育(温育、孵化、培养、酝酿) 24小时;0.90% NaCl 37℃孵育 1天;0.90% NaCl 37℃孵育 24小时;0.90% NaCl 37度孵育 1天;0.90% NaCl 37度孵育 24小时;0.90% NaCl溶液 37℃孵育 1天;0.90% NaCl溶液 37℃孵育 24小时;0.90% NaCl溶液 37度孵育 1天;0.90% NaCl溶液 37度孵育 24小时;0.90% 氯化钠 37℃孵育 1天;0.90% 氯化钠 37℃孵育 24小时 C 型;丙;丙型 Cl;Cl-;氯离子;氯化物 Na Cl Na;Na+;钠离子 NaCl OF Osmo RBC;RBCS;红血球;红血细胞;赤血球 保温 可用数量表示的;定量性;数值型;数量型;连续数值型标尺 培育 孵化 孵育 数量型分数;数量或计数型分数;数量型分数或计数型分数 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 标本刺激 - 保温 标本刺激 - 培育 标本刺激 - 孵化 标本刺激因素 - 保温 标本刺激因素 - 培育 标本刺激因素 - 孵化 标本刺激因素 - 孵育 渗透性 渗透性的 渗透的 渗透的(Osmotic,Osmo) 血液学/细胞计数;血液学与细胞计数

Example Units

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