Version 2.78

Panel Hierarchy

Details for each LOINC in Panel LHC-Forms

LOINC Name R/O/C Cardinality Example UCUM Units
55177-0 ED History and Physical Examination Data Set DEEDS
Indent11368-8 Illness or injury onset date and time
Indent11374-6 Injury incident description Narrative
Indent11373-8 Injury cause
Indent11376-1 Injury location
Indent11372-0 Injury associated activity
Indent11375-3 Injury intent
Indent11457-9 Safety equipment used
Indent10160-0 History of Medication use Narrative
Indent48766-0 Information source
Indent10154-3 Chief complaint Narrative - Reported
Indent29299-5 Reason for visit Narrative
Indent56817-0 Presenting problem
Indent10164-2 History of Present illness Narrative
Indent56818-8 Problem description [Identifier]
Indent56819-6 Problem prior evaluation
Indent56865-9 Problem diagnostic considerations
Indent56820-4 Problem context
Indent56821-2 Problem exacerbating factors
Indent38211-9 Pain initiating event Narrative - Reported
Indent55258-8 Problem alleviating factors Narrative
Indent38210-1 Pain alleviating factors - Reported
Indent56822-0 Problem response to therapy
Indent56823-8 Problem quality or description
Indent32419-4 Pain quality
Indent56824-6 Problem location
Indent38204-4 Pain primary location - Reported
Indent38205-1 Pain radiation
Indent56825-3 Problem time course
Indent38206-9 Pain temporal pattern - Reported
Indent56826-1 Problem frequency {#}/d; {#}/wk; {#}/mo
Indent38203-6 Speed of pain onset - Reported
Indent56827-9 Symptom duration during occurrences or episodes
Indent38207-7 Pain duration - Reported min;h;d
Indent56866-7 Onset of painful contractions
Indent56828-7 Time contractions became regular
Indent56829-5 Time membranes ruptured
Indent55259-6 Time last ate solid food
Indent55260-4 Time last drank liquid
Indent56830-3 Limitations in obtaining history
Indent56831-1 Problem associated signs and symptoms
Indent11450-4 Problem list - Reported
Indent11348-0 History of Past illness Narrative
Indent11323-3 General health - Reported
Indent11338-1 History of Major illnesses and injuries Narrative
Indent10162-6 History of pregnancies Narrative
Indent48765-2 Allergies
Indent44939-7 History of Adverse drug reaction Narrative
Indent11382-9 Medication allergy - Reported
Indent10167-5 History of Surgical procedures Narrative
Indent46239-0 Chief complaint+Reason for visit Narrative
Indent11336-5 History of Hospitalization Narrative
Indent10156-8 History of Childhood diseases Narrative
Indent11346-4 History of Outpatient visits Narrative
Indent46264-8 History of medical device use
Indent10155-0 History of allergies, reported
Indent11334-0 History of Growth+Development Narrative
Indent11370-4 Immunization status - Reported
Indent11369-6 History of Immunization Narrative
Indent11458-7 Clostridium tetani immunization status
Indent55261-2 Rabies virus immunization status
Indent55262-0 Influenza virus immunization status
Indent55263-8 Bordetella pertussis immunization status
Indent55264-6 Hepatitis A virus immunization status
Indent55265-3 Measles virus status
Indent55266-1 Haemophilus influenzae B immunization status
Indent55267-9 Human papilloma virus immunization status
Indent55268-7 Rotavirus immunization status
Indent55269-5 Neisseria meningitidis immunization status
Indent55270-3 Streptococcus pneumoniae polyvalent immunization status
Indent55271-1 Streptococcus pneumoniae conjugated immunization status
Indent55272-9 Corynebacterium diphtheriae immunization status
Indent55273-7 Polio virus immunization status
Indent55274-5 Varicella zoster virus status
Indent55275-2 Hepatitis B virus status
Indent55276-0 Hepatitis C virus status
Indent55277-8 HIV status
Indent55278-6 Rubella virus status
Indent55279-4 Cytomegalovirus status
Indent11320-9 Feeding and dietary status Narrative - Reported
Indent47420-5 Functional status assessment note
Indent11332-4 History of Cognitive function Narrative
Indent29762-2 Social history Narrative
Indent11380-3 Marital status and living arrangements Narrative - Reported
Indent11294-6 Current employment Narrative - Reported
Indent11340-7 History of Occupation Narrative
Indent10161-8 History of Occupational exposure Narrative
Indent55280-2 Military service Narrative
Indent11330-8 History of Alcohol use Narrative
Indent11287-0 Alcoholic drinks per drinking day - Reported /d
Indent11286-2 Alcohol binge episodes per month - Reported {#}/mo
Indent44940-5 Alcoholic drinks per week - Reported {#}/wk
Indent11366-2 History of Tobacco use Narrative
Indent8663-7 Cigarettes smoked current (pack per day) - Reported {#}/d
Indent8664-5 Cigarettes smoked total (pack per year) - Reported {#}/a
Indent11342-3 History of Other nonmedical drug use Narrative
Indent56832-9 Type of substance abused
Indent82589-3 Highest level of education
Indent11350-6 History of Sexual behavior Narrative
Indent10182-4 History of Travel Narrative
Indent11344-9 History of Other social factors Narrative
Indent10157-6 History of family member diseases Narrative
Indent10187-3 Review of systems Narrative - Reported
Indent56872-5 Constitutional symptoms Narrative
Indent8672-8 History of Nervous system disorders Narrative
Indent11358-9 History of Psychiatric disorders Narrative
Indent10170-9 History of Endocrine system disorders Narrative
Indent10172-5 History of Hematologic system disorders Narrative
Indent11352-2 History of Allergenic and Immunologic disorders Narrative
Indent56836-0 History of Blood transfusion Narrative
Indent56837-8 History of Neoplastic disease Narrative
Indent56838-6 History of Infectious disease Narrative
Indent11357-1 History of Integumentary system disorders Narrative
Indent10178-2 History of Skin disorders Narrative
Indent11353-0 History of Breasts disorders Narrative
Indent10171-7 History of Eyes disorders Narrative
Indent11354-8 History of Ears and Nose and Sinuses and Mouth and Throat disorders Narrative
Indent10169-1 History of Ear disorders Narrative
Indent10174-1 History of Nose disorders Narrative
Indent10168-3 History of Cardiovascular system disorders Narrative
Indent10175-8 History of Oral cavity disorders Narrative
Indent10177-4 History of Respiratory system disorders Narrative
Indent11355-5 History of Gastrointestinal system disorders Narrative
Indent11356-3 History of Genitourinary systems disorders Narrative
Indent10176-6 History of Reproductive system disorders Narrative
Indent10181-6 History of Urinary tract disorders Narrative
Indent10176-6 History of Reproductive system disorders Narrative
Indent56871-7 History of Gynecologic system disorders
Indent49033-4 Menstrual History - Reported
Indent8678-5 Menstrual status - Reported
Indent8659-5 Birth control method - Reported
Indent8665-2 Last menstrual period start date {date}
Indent56833-7 Pregnancy related history Narrative
Indent11778-8 Delivery date Estimated
Indent11996-6 [#] Pregnancies {#}
Indent11977-6 [#] Parity {#}
Indent10181-6 History of Urinary tract disorders Narrative
Indent55281-0 Number of fetuses {#}
Indent56834-5 Fetal Narrative Movement
Indent56835-2 Viability of current pregnancy Narrative
Indent11449-6 Pregnancy status - Reported
Indent55282-8 Date symptoms of pregnancy first noted
Indent10173-3 History of Musculoskeletal system disorders Narrative
Indent29545-1 Physical findings Narrative
Indent9272-6 1 minute Apgar Score {score}
Indent9274-2 5 minute Apgar Score {score}
Indent9271-8 10 minute Apgar Score {score}
Indent10210-3 Physical findings of General status Narrative
Indent56839-4 Acuity assessment Narrative
Indent8716-3 Vital signs
Indent38208-5 Pain severity - Reported
Indent38214-3 Pain severity [Score] Visual analog score {score}
Indent38221-8 Pain severity Wong-Baker FACES pain rating scale
Indent38215-0 Pain severity total [Score] FLACC {score}
Indent56840-2 Pain severity verbal numeric scale [Score] {score}
Indent56840-2 Pain severity verbal numeric scale [Score] {score}
Indent38212-7 Pain assessment panel
Indent56842-8 Chronic pain assessment Narrative
Indent44971-0 Capillary refill [Time] s
Indent59408-5 Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry %
Indent3151-8 Inhaled oxygen flow rate L/min
Indent55283-6 Fetal Heart rate {beats}/min
Indent8897-1 QRS complex Ventricles by EKG
Indent55284-4 Blood pressure systolic and diastolic
Indent8478-0 Mean blood pressure mm[Hg]
Indent8462-4 Diastolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
Indent8480-6 Systolic blood pressure mm[Hg]
Indent8893-0 Heart rate Peripheral artery by palpation {beats}/min
Indent44969-4 Heart rate rhythm palpation
Indent8867-4 Heart rate {beats}/min;{counts/min}
Indent9279-1 Respiratory rate {breaths}/min;{counts/min}
Indent8310-5 Body temperature Cel
Indent29463-7 Body weight [lb_av];kg
Indent3141-9 Body weight Measured [lb_av];kg
Indent8302-2 Body height [in_us];cm;m
Indent9269-2 Glasgow coma score total {score}
Indent9267-6 Glasgow coma score eye opening
Indent9270-0 Glasgow coma score verbal
Indent9268-4 Glasgow coma score motor
Indent55285-1 Glasgow coma score special circumstances
Indent55286-9 Physical exam by body areas
Indent10199-8 Physical findings of Head Narrative
Indent32432-7 Physical findings of Face
Indent32446-7 Physical findings of Lip
Indent32469-9 Physical findings of Scalp
Indent11411-6 Physical findings of Neck Narrative
Indent44965-2 Jugular vein distention --head raised 30 degrees [in_i]
Indent11391-0 Physical findings of Chest Narrative
Indent11392-8 Physical findings of Chest wall Narrative
Indent10193-1 Physical findings of Breasts Narrative
Indent11387-8 Physical findings of Axilla Narrative
Indent10200-4 Physical findings of Heart Narrative
Indent10207-9 Physical findings of Thorax and Lungs Narrative
Indent10191-5 Physical findings of Abdomen Narrative
Indent11403-3 Physical findings of Groin Narrative
Indent10204-6 Physical findings of Pelvis Narrative
Indent11400-9 Physical findings of Genitalia Narrative
Indent11402-5 Physical findings of Male genitalia Narrative
Indent32465-7 Physical findings of Prostate
Indent11401-7 Physical findings of Female genitalia Narrative
Indent32487-1 Physical findings of Vagina
Indent32486-3 Physical findings of Uterus
Indent32423-6 Physical findings of Cervix
Indent11388-6 Physical findings of Buttocks Narrative
Indent10205-3 Physical findings of Rectum Narrative
Indent10192-3 Physical findings of Back Narrative
Indent32476-4 Physical findings of Spine
Indent32462-4 Physical findings of Paraverteberal muscles
Indent11404-1 Physical findings of Hand Narrative
Indent32427-7 Physical findings of Digits
Indent56843-6 Physical findings of Nail bed Narrative
Indent11415-7 Physical findings of Wrist Narrative
Indent11398-5 Physical findings of Forearm Narrative
Indent11394-4 Physical findings of Elbow Narrative
Indent11386-0 Physical findings of Upper arm Narrative
Indent11413-2 Physical findings of Shoulder Narrative
Indent11397-7 Physical findings of Foot Narrative
Indent32480-6 Physical findings of Toes
Indent11385-2 Physical findings of Ankle Narrative
Indent11389-4 Physical findings of Calf Narrative
Indent11407-4 Physical findings of Knee Narrative
Indent11414-0 Physical findings of Thigh Narrative
Indent11406-6 Physical findings of Hip Narrative
Indent10197-2 Physical findings of Eye Narrative
Indent56844-4 Intraocular pressure of Eye mm[Hg]
Indent32424-4 Physical findings of Conjunctiva
Indent32425-1 Physical findings of Cornea
Indent32429-3 Physical findings of Extraocular muscles
Indent32431-9 Physical findings of Eye lid
Indent32440-0 Physical findings of Iris
Indent32443-4 Physical findings of Lacrimal apparatus
Indent32459-0 Physical findings of Optic lens
Indent32466-5 Physical findings of Pupil
Indent32468-1 Physical findings of Retina
Indent32471-5 Physical findings of Sclera
Indent28631-0 Visual acuity study
Indent11393-6 Physical findings of Ears and Nose and Mouth and Throat Narrative
Indent10195-6 Physical findings of Ear Narrative
Indent32484-8 Physical findings of Tympanic membrane
Indent32421-0 Physical findings of Auditory canal
Indent10203-8 Physical findings of Nose Narrative
Indent32460-8 Physical findings of Palate
Indent32453-3 Physical findings of Mouth
Indent32478-0 Physical findings of Teeth and gum
Indent32483-0 Physical findings of Tongue
Indent56867-5 Physical findings of Throat Narrative
Indent32444-2 Physical findings of Larynx
Indent32482-2 Physical findings of Tonsil
Indent10201-2 Physical findings of Mouth and Throat and Teeth Narrative
Indent11390-2 Physical findings of Cardiovascular system Narrative
Indent10208-7 Physical findings of Vessels Narrative
Indent56845-1 Pulse strength on exam Narrative
Indent11412-4 Physical findings of Respiratory system Narrative
Indent11399-3 Physical findings of Gastrointestinal system Narrative
Indent10198-0 Physical findings of Genitourinary tract Narrative
Indent11410-8 Physical findings of Musculoskeletal system Narrative
Indent32455-8 Physical findings of Muscle tone
Indent10206-1 Physical findings of Skin Narrative
Indent10202-0 Physical findings of Nervous system Narrative
Indent10190-7 Mental status Narrative
Indent56876-6 Physical findings of Primitive reflexes Narrative
Indent56873-3 Physical findings of Brain stem reflexes Narrative
Indent32473-1 Physical findings sensation
Indent32452-5 Physical findings of Motor function
Indent10212-9 Physical findings of Strength Narrative
Indent10209-5 Physical findings of Neurologic balance and Coordination Narrative
Indent32433-5 Physical findings of Gait
Indent10194-9 Physical findings of Neurologic deep tendon reflexes Narrative
Indent32389-9 Deep tendon reflex of Achilles
Indent32390-7 Deep tendon reflex of Biceps
Indent32391-5 Deep tendon reflex of Brachioradialis
Indent32392-3 Deep tendon reflex of Patellar
Indent32393-1 Deep tendon reflex of Triceps
Indent32426-9 Physical findings of Nerves.cranial
Indent32385-7 Babinski reflex
Indent11451-2 Psychiatric findings Narrative
Indent11447-0 Physical findings of Hematologic and Lymphatic and Immunologic System Narrative
Indent32450-9 Physical findings of Lymph node
Indent29301-9 Physical findings of Endocrine system
Indent32441-8 Physical findings of Joint
Indent8703-1 Physical findings of Extremities
Indent42348-3 Advance directives

Fully-Specified Name

ED History and Physical Examination Data

Additional Names

Short Name
ED H&P Exam Data DEEDS

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.27
Last Updated
Version 2.27
Panel Type

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
55168-9 Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS) Release 1.1

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Historial de urgencias y datos del examen físico:-:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:Set:DEEDS
it-IT Italian (Italy) PS, Anamnesi e Dati Esame Obiettivo:-:Pt:^Paziente:Determinato:DEEDS
Synonyms: Anamnesi e Dati Esame Obiettivo di Pronto Soccorso Emergenza (DEEDS - Data Elements for Emergency Dep paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio) Set di prescrizione pronto soccorso (DEEDS) Stabilito;Fissato
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil) PS dados do histórico e exame físico:#N/A:Pt:^Paciente:Set:DEEDS
zh-CN Chinese (China) 急诊科病史与体格检查数据:-:时间点:^患者:集合型:DEEDS
Synonyms: ED 临床信息附件集;临床信息附件集合;集;集合 医嘱套餐 医嘱套餐类 医嘱套餐组 医嘱组 医嘱组.急诊科;组套(组合、医嘱组、套餐、套餐医嘱、医嘱套餐、组合申请、组合项目).急诊科 (DEEDS);急诊科医嘱组;医嘱组.急诊;急诊科系统数据元素;急救部门系统数据元;急诊部门系统数据元;急诊科室系统数据元;急诊科信息系统数据元;急诊科系统数据元;Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems;DEEDS 医嘱组合 医嘱组合类 医嘱组套 医嘱组套类 医嘱组类 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 套餐 套餐医嘱 套餐医嘱组 套餐医嘱组类 实验室医嘱套餐 实验室医嘱套餐类 实验室医嘱组 实验室医嘱组合类 实验室医嘱组套 实验室医嘱组套类 实验室套餐医嘱组 实验室套餐医嘱组类 实验室检验项目医嘱组合类 实验室检验项目组合类 急诊病史与体格检查数据;急诊科病史与体格检查资料 急诊科 急诊科(DEEDS)变量;DEEDS 变量;急诊;急诊科;Emergency Department;ED;急诊科(急诊科系统代码之数据元素)变量;急诊科(急诊科系统代码之数据元素)指标;急诊科(美国CDC急诊科系统代码之数据元素)指标;急诊科指标 急诊科(Emergency Department,ED) 急诊科系统数据元素;急救部门系统数据元;急诊部门系统数据元;急诊科室系统数据元;急诊科信息系统数据元;急诊科系统数据元;Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems;急诊科系统数据元 急诊部 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 检验医嘱组合类 检验项目医嘱组合类 检验项目组合类 组 组合 组合医嘱 组合类 组套

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