CYP1A2 gene targeted mutation analysis in Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method
Part Description
LP157423-7 CYP1A2 gene
The CYP1A2 gene (cytochrome P450, family 1, subfamily A, polypeptide 2) [HGNC Gene ID:2596] is located on chromosome 15q24.1. This gene encodes a member of the cytochrome P450 superfamily of enzymes. The cytochrome P450 proteins are monooxygenases which catalyze many reactions involved in drug metabolism and synthesis of cholesterol, steroids and other lipids. The protein encoded by this gene localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum and its expression is induced by some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), some of which are found in cigarette smoke. The enzyme's endogenous substrate is unknown; however, it is able to metabolize some PAHs to carcinogenic intermediates. Other xenobiotic substrates for this enzyme include caffeine, aflatoxin B1, and acetaminophen. The transcript from this gene contains four Alu sequences flanked by direct repeats in the 3' untranslated region. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008] [NCBI Gene ID:1544]
Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Gene
Fully-Specified Name
- Component
- CYP1A2 gene targeted mutation analysis
- Property
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- Method
- Molgen
Additional Names
- Long Common Name
- CYP1A2 gene targeted mutation analysis in Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method
- Short Name
- CYP1A2 Mut Anl Bld/T
- Display Name
- CYP1A2 gene targeted mutation analysis Molgen Doc (Bld/Tiss)
- Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
- CYP1A2 gene targeted mutation analysis, Blood or tissue specimen
Associated Observations
81247-9 Master HL7 genetic variant reporting panel
LOINC | Name | R/O/C | Cardinality | Example UCUM Units |
81247-9 | Master HL7 genetic variant reporting panel | |||
Indent81306-3 | Variables that apply to the overall study | |||
Indent Indent53577-3 | Reason for study | O | 0..* | |
Indent Indent51967-8 | Genetic disease assessed [ID] | O | 0..* | |
Indent Indent51963-7 | Medication assessed [ID] | C | 0..* | |
Indent Indent48018-6 | Gene studied [ID] | C | 0..* | |
Indent Indent36908-2 | Gene mutations tested for in Blood or Tissue by Molecular genetics method Nominal | C | 0..* | |
Indent Indent51959-5 | Range(s) of DNA sequence examined | C | 0..* | |
Indent Indent81293-3 | Description of ranges of DNA sequences examined | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent51968-6 | Discrete variation analysis overall interpretation | R | 1..1 | |
Indent Indent83006-7 | Deletion-duplication overall interpretation | C | ||
Indent Indent51969-4 | Genetic analysis report | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent81291-7 | Variant ISCN | C | ||
Indent Indent62374-4 | Human reference sequence assembly version | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent81303-0 | HGVS version [ID] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent82115-7 | dbSNP version [ID] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent83007-5 | COSMIC version [ID] | O | ||
Indent Indent83008-3 | ClinVar version [ID] | O | ||
Indent81250-3 | Discrete genetic variant panel | 0..n | ||
Indent Indent83005-9 | Variant category | |||
Indent Indent81252-9 | Discrete genetic variant | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent48018-6 | Gene studied [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent51958-7 | Transcript reference sequence [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent48004-6 | DNA change (c.HGVS) | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent48005-3 | Amino acid change (pHGVS) | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent48019-4 | DNA change type | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent48006-1 | Amino acid change [Type] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent48013-7 | Genomic reference sequence [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent81290-9 | Genomic DNA change (gHGVS) | C | ||
Indent Indent69547-8 | Genomic ref allele [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent81254-5 | Genomic allele start-end | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent69551-0 | Genomic alt allele [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent84414-2 | Haplotype name | O | ||
Indent Indent81255-2 | dbSNP [ID] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent81257-8 | CIGAR [ID] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent48001-2 | Cytogenetic (chromosome) location | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent48002-0 | Genomic source class [Type] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent81304-8 | Variant analysis method [Type] | O | ||
Indent Indent53037-8 | Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent69548-6 | Genetic variant assessment | O | ||
Indent Indent81259-4 | Associated phenotype | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent53034-5 | Allelic state | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent81258-6 | Sample variant allelic frequency [NFr] | O | 0..1 | % |
Indent Indent82121-5 | Allelic read depth | O | 0..1 | {#} |
Indent Indent82120-7 | Allelic phase | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent82309-6 | Basis for allelic phase [Type] | O | ||
Indent81297-4 | Structural variant panel | |||
Indent Indent82155-3 | Genomic structural variant copy number | {#} | ||
Indent Indent81299-0 | Structural variant reported arrCGH [Ratio] | C | 0..1 | {Ratio} |
Indent Indent81300-6 | Structural variant [Length] | O | 0..1 | {#} |
Indent Indent81301-4 | Structural variant outer start and end | O | 0..1 | {Range} |
Indent Indent81302-2 | Structural variant inner start and end | O | 0..1 | {Range} |
Indent81251-1 | Complex genetic variant panel | 0..n | ||
Indent Indent81260-2 | Complex genetic variant [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent81262-8 | Complex variant HGVS name | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent81263-6 | Complex variant type | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent81259-4 | Associated phenotype | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent53037-8 | Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent53034-5 | Allelic state | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent82309-6 | Basis for allelic phase [Type] | O | ||
Indent Indent81250-3 | Discrete genetic variant panel | 0..n | ||
Indent Indent Indent83005-9 | Variant category | |||
Indent Indent Indent81252-9 | Discrete genetic variant | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48018-6 | Gene studied [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent51958-7 | Transcript reference sequence [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48004-6 | DNA change (c.HGVS) | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48005-3 | Amino acid change (pHGVS) | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48019-4 | DNA change type | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48006-1 | Amino acid change [Type] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48013-7 | Genomic reference sequence [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent81290-9 | Genomic DNA change (gHGVS) | C | ||
Indent Indent Indent69547-8 | Genomic ref allele [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent81254-5 | Genomic allele start-end | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent69551-0 | Genomic alt allele [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent84414-2 | Haplotype name | O | ||
Indent Indent Indent81255-2 | dbSNP [ID] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent81257-8 | CIGAR [ID] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48001-2 | Cytogenetic (chromosome) location | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48002-0 | Genomic source class [Type] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent81304-8 | Variant analysis method [Type] | O | ||
Indent Indent Indent53037-8 | Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent69548-6 | Genetic variant assessment | O | ||
Indent Indent Indent81259-4 | Associated phenotype | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent53034-5 | Allelic state | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent81258-6 | Sample variant allelic frequency [NFr] | O | 0..1 | % |
Indent Indent Indent82121-5 | Allelic read depth | O | 0..1 | {#} |
Indent Indent Indent82120-7 | Allelic phase | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent82309-6 | Basis for allelic phase [Type] | O | ||
Indent82118-1 | Pharmacogenomics result panel | |||
Indent Indent48018-6 | Gene studied [ID] | 1..* | ||
Indent Indent84413-4 | Genotype display name | |||
Indent Indent53040-2 | Genetic variation's effect on drug metabolism | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent51961-1 | Genetic variation's effect on drug efficacy | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent83009-1 | Genetic variation's effect on high-risk allele | |||
Indent Indent82117-3 | Medication usage implications panel | O | 0..* | |
Indent Indent Indent51963-7 | Medication assessed [ID] | R | 1..* | |
Indent Indent Indent82116-5 | Medication usage suggestion [Type] | C | 1..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent83010-9 | Medication usage suggestion [Narrative] | C | ||
Indent83011-7 | Haplotype definition panel | |||
Indent Indent48018-6 | Gene studied [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent84414-2 | Haplotype name | O | ||
Indent Indent81250-3 | Discrete genetic variant panel | 0..n | ||
Indent Indent Indent83005-9 | Variant category | |||
Indent Indent Indent81252-9 | Discrete genetic variant | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48018-6 | Gene studied [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent51958-7 | Transcript reference sequence [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48004-6 | DNA change (c.HGVS) | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48005-3 | Amino acid change (pHGVS) | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48019-4 | DNA change type | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48006-1 | Amino acid change [Type] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48013-7 | Genomic reference sequence [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent81290-9 | Genomic DNA change (gHGVS) | C | ||
Indent Indent Indent69547-8 | Genomic ref allele [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent81254-5 | Genomic allele start-end | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent69551-0 | Genomic alt allele [ID] | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent84414-2 | Haplotype name | O | ||
Indent Indent Indent81255-2 | dbSNP [ID] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent81257-8 | CIGAR [ID] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48001-2 | Cytogenetic (chromosome) location | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent48002-0 | Genomic source class [Type] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent81304-8 | Variant analysis method [Type] | O | ||
Indent Indent Indent53037-8 | Genetic variation clinical significance [Imp] | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent69548-6 | Genetic variant assessment | O | ||
Indent Indent Indent81259-4 | Associated phenotype | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent53034-5 | Allelic state | C | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent81258-6 | Sample variant allelic frequency [NFr] | O | 0..1 | % |
Indent Indent Indent82121-5 | Allelic read depth | O | 0..1 | {#} |
Indent Indent Indent82120-7 | Allelic phase | O | 0..1 | |
Indent Indent Indent82309-6 | Basis for allelic phase [Type] | O |
Basic Attributes
- Class
- Type
- Laboratory
- First Released
- Version 2.56
- Last Updated
- Version 2.67
- Change Reason
- Release 2.67: CLASS: Updated to MOLPATH.PHARMG, the more representative LOINC Class for this concept.
- Order vs. Observation
- Both
Language Variants Get Info
Tag | Language | Translation |
es-ES | Spanish (Spain) | Gen CYP1A2 Analisis de mutaciones: |
es-MX | Spanish (Mexico) | Análisis de mutaciones dirigidas al gen CYP1A2: |
fr-FR | French (France) | CYP1A2 gène mutation cible trouvée: |
it-IT | Italian (Italy) | CYP1A2, gene analisi di mutazione mirata: Synonyms: Farmacogenomica Gene CYP1A2 Genetica molecolare Osservazione Patologia molecolare Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue Sangue o Tessuto Tessuto & |
nl-NL | Dutch (Netherlands) | CYP1A2-gen doelgerichte mutatie-analyse: Synonyms: molgen targeted |
ru-RU | Russian (Russian Federation) | CYP1A2 ген исследование на мутацию: Synonyms: Документ Кровь Кровь или Ткань Ткань и мазки Точка во времени; |
tr-TR | Turkish (Turkey) | CYP1A2 geni Mutasyon analizi: |
zh-CN | Chinese (China) | CYP1A2 基因 突变分析: Synonyms: 临床文档型; |
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Copyright © 2024 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See https://