Version 2.78

Part Descriptions

LP150045-5   Sequencing
Sequencing is a method used to determine the sequence of individual genes, larger genetic regions (i.e. clusters of genes or operons), full chromosomes or entire genomes. Historically, most sequencing has been performed using the chain termination method developed by Frederick Sanger in 1977. PMID: 271968 Sequencing technologies have improved dramatically, making them cheaper, faster, and more accurate. Next-generation sequencing (NGS), also known as high-throughput sequencing, deep sequencing, and second-generation sequencing, is a type of technology that uses parallel sequencing of multiple small fragments of DNA to determine sequence. This "high-throughput" technology has increased the speed and amount of DNA sequenced at a significantly reduced cost. PMID: 18576944 Several NGS platforms (ie, sequencing instruments and associated reagents) have been developed. Third-generation sequencing is another methodology currently under development that uses parallel sequencing similar to NGS. In contrast to NGS, third-generation sequencing uses single DNA molecules rather than amplified DNA as a template. PMID: 20858600 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

LP199670-3   JAK2 gene exon 14
The JAK2 gene (Janus kinase 2) [HGNC Gene ID:6192] is located on chromosome 9p24. Mutations in exon 14 of the JAK2 gene are present in patients with essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera and idiopathic myelofibrosis.[OMIM:147796] The JAK2 V617F mutation in this exon is the most common mutation among patients with chronic myeloproliferative disorders. PMID: 15858187 Source: Regenstrief LOINC

Fully-Specified Name

JAK2 gene exon 14 full mutation analysis

Additional Names

Long Common Name
JAK2 gene exon 14 full mutation analysis in Blood or Tissue by Sequencing
Short Name
JAK2 exon 14 Full Mut Anl Bld/T Seq
Display Name
JAK2 gene exon 14 full mutation analysis Sequencing Doc (Bld/Tiss)
Consumer Name Alpha Get Info
JAK2 gene Exon 14 variant analysis, Blood or tissue specimen

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.72
Last Updated
Version 2.72
Order vs. Observation

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
es-ES Spanish (Spain) Gen JAK2 exon 14 Análisis de mutación completa:Hallazgo:Punto temporal:Sangre o tejido:Doc:Secuenciación
fr-FR French (France) JACK2 gène exon 14 analyse complète des mutations:Recherche:Ponctuel:Sang/Tissu:Document:Séquençage
it-IT Italian (Italy) JAK2, esone 14 del gene Analisi di mutazione completa:Osservazione:Pt:Sangue/Tess:Doc:Sequenziamento
Synonyms: Esone 14 del gene JAK2 Gene JAK2 Osservazione Patologia molecolare Punto nel tempo (episodio) Sangue Sangue o Tessuto Tessuto & Strisci
nl-NL Dutch (Netherlands) JAK2-gen exon 14 volledige mutatie-analyse:bevinding:moment:bloed of weefsel:document:sequencing
Synonyms: JAK2 gen JAK2 gen exon 14
tr-TR Turkish (Turkey) JAK2 geni ekzon 14 tam mutasyon analizi:Bulgu:Zmlı:Kan/Dk:Dokm:Sekanslama
Synonyms: Dizi tayini
zh-CN Chinese (China) JAK2 基因外显子 14 全面突变分析:发现:时间点:全血/组织:文档型:序列测定
Synonyms: Janus 激酶 2 基因;PV;两面神激酶 2 基因;坚纽斯激酶 2 基因;奥斯勒氏病;杰纳斯激酶 2 基因;真性多血症;真性红细胞增多症;真性红血球增多症;红细胞增多;红细胞增多症;红血球增多症;脾大性红细胞增多;脾大性红细胞增多(Polycythemia vera,PV,奥斯勒氏病);脾大性红细胞增多症 临床文档型;临床文档;文档;文书;医疗文书;临床医疗文书 全血或组织;血液/组织;血液或组织 分子病理学;分子病理学试验 发现是一个原子型临床观察指标,并不是作为印象的概括陈述。体格检查、病史、系统检查及其他此类观察指标的属性均为发现。它们的标尺对于编码型发现可能是名义型,而对于叙述型文本之中所报告的发现,则可能是叙述型。;发现物;所见;结果;结论 完整突变分析;综合突变分析 序列分析;测序 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 未作说明的组织;组织;组织 & 涂片 血;血液 遗传基因;遗传因子;吉恩;生物基因

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