Version 2.80

Answer Lists using this Answer Code

Answer List Answer List Name Externally Defined
LL1034-9 Normal|Abnormal|Clinical significance unknown N
LL1366-5 PhenX13_01_speech, Parkinson's N
LL1367-3 PhenX13_02_facil expression N
LL1371-5 PhenX13_06_movement impairment N
LL1372-3 PhenX13_07_arising from chair N
LL1374-9 PhenX13_09_gait N
LL1378-0 PhenX13_13 N
LL1379-8 PhenX13_14_strength, legs N
LL1380-6 PhenX13_15_strength, arms N
LL1401-0 PhenX13_36_postural stability N
LL1700-5 PhenX20_04_ear comments N
LL1804-5 NEMSIS_17_skin assessment N
LL1805-2 NEMSIS_18_head assessment N
LL1806-0 NEMSIS_19_face assessment N
LL1807-8 NEMSIS_20_neck assessment N
LL1808-6 NEMSIS_21_chest/lung assessment N
LL1809-4 NEMSIS_22_heart assessment N
LL1810-2 NEMSIS_23_abd assessment N
LL1811-0 NEMSIS_24_pelvic/GU assessment N
LL1812-8 NEMSIS_25_back/spine assessment N
LL1813-6 NEMSIS_26_extremity assessment N
LL2027-2 NIHSS-best gaze N
LL2035-5 NIHSS-dysarthria N
LL2159-3 ESRD-home BP value N
LL2208-8 Not visual, sub visual, norm, abnorm N
LL2225-2 Nail Shape N
LL2354-0 Normal|Abnormal N
LL2366-4 Abdomen defects N
LL2367-2 Abdomen wall defects N
LL2368-0 Asc aorta defects N
LL2369-8 Desc aorta defects N
LL2370-6 Aortic arch defects N
LL2371-4 Aortic valve defects N
LL2372-2 Cerebellum defects N
LL2373-0 Cerebrum defects N
LL2374-8 Colon defects N
LL2375-5 Cranium defects N
LL2376-3 Diaphragm defects N
LL2377-1 Ductal arch defects N
LL2378-9 Facial defects N
LL2379-7 Choroid plexus defects N
LL2381-3 Cerebral LV defects N
LL2383-9 Atrial defects N
LL2387-0 IV septum defects N
LL2388-8 Heart valve defects N
LL2389-6 L outflow N
LL2390-4 R outflow N
LL2391-2 Intestinal defects N
LL2392-0 Kidney defects N
LL2393-8 Limb defects N
LL2394-6 Mitral valve defects N
LL2395-3 Nuchal fold defects N
LL2397-9 Pulm art defects N
LL2398-7 Pulm valve defects N
LL2399-5 Pulm vein defects N
LL2400-1 Sm bowel defects N
LL2401-9 Spine defects N
LL2402-7 Stomach defects N
LL2403-5 Thorax defects N
LL2404-3 Tricusp valve defects N
LL2406-8 Bladder updates N
LL2407-6 IVC defects N
LL2408-4 SVC defects N
LL2409-2 VC defects N
LL2439-9 Normal|Abnormal|Borderline N
LL3492-7 UPDRS_Salivation N
LL3499-2 UPDRS_Turning in bed and adjusting bed clothes N
LL3512-2 UPDRS_Motivation or initiative N
LL3515-5 UPDRS_Swallowing N
LL3516-3 UPDRS_Handwriting N
LL3517-1 UPDRS_Cutting food and handling utensils N
LL3518-9 UPDRS_Dressing N
LL3519-7 UPDRS_Hygiene N
LL3523-9 UPDRS_Walking N
LL3644-3 UPDRS_Finger taps N
LL3645-0 UPDRS_Arising from chair N
LL3647-6 UPDRS_Gait N
LL3648-4 UPDRS_Postural stability N
LL366-6 HL79025_Screen assessment result N
LL3692-2 Signifi decreased | Decreased | Normal | Increased N
LL3724-3 [NEI] Color vision findings N
LL3726-8 Normal|Abnormal_specify|UNK N
LL3743-3 [NEI] Ocular alignment findings N
LL3756-5 [NEI] Ocular motility findings N
LL3768-0 [NEI] Optic nerve exam findings N
LL3790-4 Normal|Abnormal_specify|Not performed N
LL3809-2 Stool usual consistency N
LL3815-9 Stool consistency N
LL3878-7 [NEI] Stereopsis Titmus N
LL3918-1 Skin color N
LL3919-9 Skin moisture N
LL3954-6 Macroscopic serosal appearance types N
LL4093-2 [ALSFRS-R] Handwriting N
LL4094-0 [ALSFRS-R] Alternative scale for cutting food N
LL4097-3 [ALSFRS-R] Walking N
LL4099-9 [ALSFRS-R] Climbing stairs N
LL4168-2 [ALSFRS] Turning in bed N
LL4170-8 [ALSFRS] Salivation N
LL4171-6 [ALSFRS] Cutting food N
LL4462-9 High | Normal N
LL4670-7 UPDRS_Speech N
LL4676-4 Gynecologic exam or test result N
LL472-2 D36_Ear size N
LL473-0 D37_Dental arch size N
LL481-3 SWM N
LL5027-9 Physical findings of skin N
LL5342-2 SARA_Speech disturbance N
LL5346-3 SARA_Heel-shine slide N
LL5478-4 Normal|Mild|Moderate|Severe|Very Severe N
LL5479-2 Normal|Mild|Moderate|Severe N
LL5566-6 Normal|Abnormal|High Abnormal N
LL5634-2 Dilation estimate N
LL5635-9 Volume estimate N
LL5636-7 Decrease level N
LL5692-0 Visual Acuity Condition Types N
LL581-0 CARE_5_e01a_Grip Strength N
LL5932-0 Normal/1+/2+ N
LL6041-9 Increased|Normal|Decreased N
LL6044-3 Normal|Reduced|Early N
LL6066-6 Normal|Decreased|Equivocal N
LL6223-3 NEMSIS_Lung assessment N
LL6224-1 NEMSIS_Chest assessment N
LL6641-6 Cough reflex Y
LL833-5 NBS Inf interp N
LL882-2 CardEnz N
LL986-1 TIMP_26_Clinical impression N