Version 2.80

Maturity: Beta

  1. The LOINC Groups project is a work in progress. The contents of this file may change from release to release as we receive feedback from users and refine our processes.
  2. The contents of the file and the groupings MUST be validated by the user prior to implementation in any aspect of clinical care. We have created Groups that may be useful in specific contexts, but these Groups have not been vetted for use in either patient care or research and should be used with caution.
  3. More information on LOINC Groups is available on our website.

Basic Attributes

Version First Released
Pending promotion to Production status (Beta)
Parent Group
LG41751-5  ExerciseOrActivityTerms
Group Category

LOINC Terminology Service (API) using HL7® FHIR® Get Info

ValueSet definition
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LOINC terms in Group

LOINC Long Common Name
100353-2 Norwalk Community Health Center Screening Tool [NCHC]
101688-0 Duration of light activity
101689-8 Duration of moderate activity
101690-6 Duration of vigorous activity
101691-4 Duration of physical activity
41953-1 Walking distance 24 hour Calculated
41954-9 Walking distance 24 hour mean Calculated
41955-6 Distance walked in 1 week Calculated
41956-4 Walking speed 24 hour maximum Calculated
41957-2 Walking speed 24 hour mean Calculated
41958-0 Walking speed in the past week maximum Calculated
41959-8 Walking speed in the past week mean Calculated
45820-8 Activity preferences - exercise or sports [Minimum Data Set]
55411-3 Exercise duration
55412-1 Exercise distance unspecified time
55430-3 Walking distance unspecified time Pedometer
61599-7 Are you able to exercise for an hour [PROMIS]
61616-9 Are you able to exercise hard for half an hour [PROMIS]
61829-8 How often did you have enough energy to exercise strenuously in past 7 days [PROMIS]
62073-2 It was hard for me to play sports or exercise because of my asthma in past 7 days [PROMIS]
62121-9 I could do sports and exercise that other kids my age could do in past 7 days [PROMIS]
62561-6 PhenX - lifetime physical activity protocol 070201
62619-2 PhenX - respiratory - exercise capacity - 6 minute walk test protocol 090601
62628-3 PhenX - respiratory - pulse oximetry - exercise protocol 091001
62812-3 PhenX domain - Physical activity and physical fitness
62823-0 PhenX - physical activity - readiness protocol 150401
62830-5 PhenX - total physical activity - comprehensive - adolescent protocol 150701
62831-3 PhenX - total physical activity - comprehensive - adult protocol 150702
62832-1 PhenX - total physical activity - comprehensive - older adult protocol 150703
62834-7 PhenX - total physical activity - objective protocol 150801
62836-2 PhenX - total physical activity - screener protocol 150901
62842-0 PhenX - physical activity - neighborhood environment protocol 151201
62844-6 PhenX - physical activity - self efficacy - adolescent protocol 151301
62845-3 PhenX - physical activity - self efficacy - adult protocol 151302
62847-9 PhenX - cardiorespiratory fitness - non-exercise protocol 151401
63862-7 Age range for exercise [CA Teachers]
63863-5 Average hours per week you participated in strenuous exercise activities or sports like swimming laps, aerobics, calisthenics, running, jogging, basketball, cycling on hills, racquetball during this age range [CA Teachers]
63864-3 Average months per year you participated in strenuous exercise activities or sports like swimming laps, aerobics, calisthenics, running, jogging, basketball, cycling on hills, racquetball during this age range [CA Teachers]
63865-0 Average hours per week you participated in moderate exercise activities or sports like brisk walking, golf, volleyball, cycling on level streets, recreational tennis, or softball during this age range [CA Teachers]
63866-8 Average months per year you participated in moderate exercise activities or sports like brisk walking, golf, volleyball, cycling on level streets, recreational tennis, or softball during this age range [CA Teachers]
63867-6 Physical activity in past year [CA Teachers]
63868-4 Average hours per day did you spend doing this activity [CA Teachers]
63869-2 Average days per week did you spend doing this activity [CA Teachers]
64461-7 Exercise is not safe for me [PhenX]
66239-5 Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity [Revised PARQ]
66266-8 How long you spend doing this activity on this day [PhenX]
66281-7 Compared to your physical activity over the past 3 months, was last week's physical activity more, less, or about the same [PhenX]
66286-6 Other type of physical activity [PhenX]
66333-6 Kinds of physical activity you usually performed while on the job this last year [PhenX]
66337-7 Kinds of physical activity you usually performed during leisure time this last year [PhenX]
66371-6 Circumstances in which you could exercise 3 time per week in the next 3 months [PhenX]
68261-7 I could do exercise that others my age can do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
68515-6 How many days of moderate to strenuous exercise, like a brisk walk, did you do in the last 7 days [SAMHSA]
68516-4 On those days that you engage in moderate to strenuous exercise, how many minutes, on average, do you exercise
74009-2 Exercise duration/Exercise frequency
75699-9 During the past 2 weeks, what was the hardest physical activity you could do for at least 2 minutes [COOP.WONCA]
75809-4 During the past 4 weeks, what was the hardest physical activity you could do for at least 2 minutes [COOP]
76460-5 Physical activity APTA
77247-5 Readiness for change for improved exercise [Reported]
77293-9 Days per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity
77582-5 International Physical Activity Questionnaire Self-Administered Short Form [IPAQ]
77587-4 During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time [IPAQ]
77588-2 How much time did you usually spend walking on one of those days [IPAQ]
77591-6 Walking physical activity [IPAQ]
77592-4 Moderate physical activity [IPAQ]
77593-2 Vigorous physical activity [IPAQ]
77594-0 Total physical activity [IPAQ]
77595-7 Total physical activity score [IPAQ]
79017-0 Are you able to do an exercise of your choice for 20 minutes several times a week [PROMIS]
79059-2 Are you able to exercise regularly [PROMIS]
79532-8 Daily activity score [AM-PAC]
79533-6 Daily activity score standard error [AM-PAC]
79534-4 Daily activity items number [Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care]
80493-0 Activity level [Acceleration]
82261-9 Measured activity metabolic rate/Standard RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82262-7 Estimated activity metabolic rate/Standard RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82263-5 Reported activity metabolic rate/Standard RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82265-0 Measured Activity metabolic rate/Measured RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82266-8 Estimated Activity metabolic rate/Measured RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82267-6 Reported Activity metabolic rate/Measured RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82269-2 Estimated Activity metabolic rate/Population RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82270-0 Measured Activity metabolic rate/Population RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82271-8 Activity metabolic rate/Standard resting metabolic rate [Relative Energy/Time] adjusted for age+sex+race+BMI 1 minute mean Estimated
82272-6 Reported Activity metabolic rate/Population RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82274-2 Estimated metabolic rate/Predicted RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82275-9 Reported Activity metabolic rate/Predicted RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82276-7 Measured Activity metabolic rate/Predicted RMR [Relative energy/Time]
82290-8 Frequency of moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity
82291-6 Frequency of muscle-strengthening physical activity
82293-2 Frequency of bone-strengthening physical activity
87702-7 I am confident I can help this person with lifestyle changes, like diet and exercise, even during times of stress Caregiver [PAM]
87705-0 Sedentary activity 24 hour
88379-3 International Physical Activity Questionnaire self-administered long form [IPAQ]
88380-1 Job-related physical activity panel [IPAQ]
88384-3 During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate physical activities like carrying light loads as part of your work, not including walking, greater than 10 minutes at a time [IPAQ]
88386-8 During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time as a part of your work, not counting any walking you did to travel to or from work [IPAQ]
88387-6 How much time did you usually spend on one of those days walking as part of your work during the last 7 days [IPAQ]
88388-4 Transportation physical activity panel [IPAQ]
88393-4 During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time to go from place to place [IPAQ]
88394-2 How much time did you usually spend on one of those days walking from place to place during the last 7 days [IPAQ]
88402-3 Recreation, sport, and leisure-time physical activity panel [IPAQ]
88403-1 Not counting any walking you have already mentioned, during the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time in your leisure time [IPAQ]
88404-9 How much time did you usually spend on one of those days walking in your leisure time during the last 7 days [IPAQ]
88412-2 International Physical Activity Questionnaire telephone short form [IPAQ]
88419-7 Vigorous physical domain [IPAQ]
88420-5 Moderate physical domain [IPAQ]
88421-3 Walking physical domain [IPAQ]
88422-1 Total physical domain [IPAQ]
88426-2 Vigorous physical activity.yard work [IPAQ]
88427-0 Moderate physical activity.yard work [IPAQ]
88428-8 Moderate physical activity.inside chores [IPAQ]
88429-6 Total physical activity.domestic and garden domain [IPAQ]
88430-4 Walking physical activity.leisure-time domain [IPAQ]
88431-2 Vigorous physical activity.leisure-time domain [IPAQ]
88432-0 Moderate physical activity.leisure-time domain [IPAQ]
88433-8 Total physical activity.leisure-time domain [IPAQ]
88434-6 International Physical Activity Questionnaire telephone long form [IPAQ]
89555-7 How many days per week did you engage in moderate to strenuous physical activity in the last 30 days
90031-6 Over the past week, are you able to walk two miles or three kilometers, if you wish [HAQ]
90032-4 Over the past week, are you able to participate in recreational activities and sports as you would like, if you wish [HAQ]
96502-0 Number of wheelchair pushes per time period