Version 2.80

Basic Properties

[PROMIS] Never|Rarely|Sometimes|Often|Always
Answers: 5; Scale: Ord; Code: 1-5; Score: 1-5
LOINCs using this list

Answer List

Answer Code Score Answer ID
Never 1 LA6270-8
Rarely 2 LA10066-1
Sometimes 3 LA10082-8
Often 4 LA10044-8
Always 5 LA9933-8

LOINC terms using this Answer List

91427-5 A sudden noise made me jump in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
92054-6 A sudden noise made my child jump in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92319-3 After not smoking for a while, I need to smoke in order to avoid feeling any discomfort [PROMIS]
68232-8 Being tired made it hard to play or go out with my friends as much as I would like in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
68235-1 Being tired makes me mad in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
68234-4 Being tired makes me sad in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
68228-6 Deprecated Deprecated I felt tired in the past 7 days NeuroQol.Peds
61917-1 Even when I expressed my anger, I had trouble forgetting about it in past 7 days [PROMIS]
92234-4 Even when I feel good, smoking helps me feel better [PROMIS]
78118-7 Everyone in my family could be completely trusted in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78102-1 Everyone in my family loved each other in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78119-5 Everyone in my family loved me in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
91321-0 Everything bothered me in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91358-2 Everything bothered my child in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
61800-9 How often are you less effective at work due to your fatigue (include work at home) in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61771-2 How often did pain keep you from socializing with others in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61783-7 How often did pain make it difficult for you to plan social activities in past 7 days [PROMIS]
89672-0 How often did pain make it hard for you to walk more than 5 minutes at a time in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61780-3 How often did pain make simple tasks hard to complete in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61778-7 How often did pain make you feel anxious in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61764-7 How often did pain make you feel depressed in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61774-6 How often did pain make you feel discouraged in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61788-6 How often did pain prevent you from sitting for more than 10 minutes in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61787-8 How often did pain prevent you from sitting for more than 30 minutes in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61792-8 How often did pain prevent you from sitting for more than one hour in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61784-5 How often did pain prevent you from standing for more than 30 minutes in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61782-9 How often did pain prevent you from standing for more than one hour in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61781-1 How often did pain prevent you from walking more than 1 mile in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61790-2 How often did pain restrict your social life to your home in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61779-5 How often did you avoid social activities because it might make you hurt more in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61844-7 How often did you experience extreme exhaustion in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61843-9 How often did you feel run-down in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61845-4 How often did you feel tired even when you hadn't done anything in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61852-0 How often did you feel tired in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61858-7 How often did you feel totally drained in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61846-2 How often did you feel your fatigue was beyond your control in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61871-0 How often did you find yourself getting tired easily in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61876-9 How often did you have physical energy in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61841-3 How often did you have to force yourself to get up and do things because of your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61811-6 How often did you have to limit your social activities because of your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61798-5 How often did you have to push yourself to get things done because of your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61809-0 How often did you have trouble finishing things because of your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61816-5 How often did you have trouble starting things because of your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61850-4 How often did you run out of energy in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61872-8 How often did you think about your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61808-2 How often did your fatigue interfere with your ability to engage in recreational activities in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61799-3 How often did your fatigue interfere with your social activities in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61823-1 How often did your fatigue limit you at work (include work at home) in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61810-8 How often did your fatigue make it difficult to make decisions in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61815-7 How often did your fatigue make it difficult to organize your thoughts when doing things at home in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61807-4 How often did your fatigue make it difficult to organize your thoughts when doing things at work (include work at home) in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61803-3 How often did your fatigue make it difficult to plan activities ahead of time in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61804-1 How often did your fatigue make it difficult to start anything new in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61813-2 How often did your fatigue make you feel less alert in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61801-7 How often did your fatigue make you feel slowed down in your thinking in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61805-8 How often did your fatigue make you more forgetful in past 7 days [PROMIS]
75416-8 How often do you feel really sad [PROMIS.PEDS]
97091-3 How often Federal Government used as source of information for COVID-19
97088-9 How often friends, family or neighbors used as source of information for COVID-19
61586-4 How often have you been bothered by emotional problems such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable in past 7 days [PROMIS]
97090-5 How often local government officials used as source of information for COVID-19
97092-1 How often medical or health websites used as source of information for COVID-19
97089-7 How often medical providers used as source of information for COVID-19
97095-4 How often social media used as source of information for COVID-19
97094-7 How often TV or radio used as source of information for COVID-19
61817-3 How often was it an effort to carry on a conversation because of your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61789-4 How often was it hard to plan social activities because you didn't know if you would be in pain in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61770-4 How often was pain distressing to you in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61772-0 How often was your pain so severe you could think of nothing else in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61854-6 How often were you bothered by your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61830-6 How often were you less effective at home due to your fatigue in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61851-2 How often were you physically drained in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61849-6 How often were you sluggish in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61806-6 How often were you too tired to do errands in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61812-4 How often were you too tired to do your household chores in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61856-1 How often were you too tired to enjoy life in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61857-9 How often were you too tired to feel happy in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61821-5 How often were you too tired to leave the house in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61818-1 How often were you too tired to socialize with your family in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61842-1 How often were you too tired to socialize with your friends in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61814-0 How often were you too tired to take a bath or shower in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61840-5 How often were you too tired to take a short walk in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61822-3 How often were you too tired to think clearly in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61802-5 How often were you too tired to watch television in past 7 days [PROMIS]
68033-0 I am able to do all of my regular activities with friends in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68031-4 I am able to do all of my regular family activities in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68049-6 I am able to do all of my regular leisure activities in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68063-7 I am able to do all of my usual work in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68046-2 I am able to do all of the activities with friends that I want to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68044-7 I am able to do all of the activities with friends that people expect me to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68052-0 I am able to do all of the community activities that I want to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68058-7 I am able to do all of the community activities that people expect me to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68041-3 I am able to do all of the family activities that I want to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68040-5 I am able to do all of the family activities that people expect me to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68053-8 I am able to do all of the leisure activities that people expect me to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68068-6 I am able to do all of the work that people expect me to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68051-2 I am able to do my hobbies or leisure activities in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68059-5 I am able to go out for entertainment as much as I want in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68042-1 I am able to maintain my friendships as much as I would like in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68035-5 I am able to participate in leisure activities in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68036-3 I am able to perform my daily routines in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68062-9 I am able to run errands without difficulty in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68032-2 I am able to socialize with my friends in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68064-5 I am accomplishing as much as usual at work for me in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68061-1 I am doing fewer social activities with groups of people than usual for me in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68069-4 I am limited in doing my work in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
92217-9 I am tempted to smoke when I am anxious [PROMIS]
92216-1 I am tempted to smoke when I feel depressed [PROMIS]
92317-7 I am tempted to smoke when I realize I haven't smoked for a while [PROMIS]
68028-0 I avoided or cancelled activities with my friends because I was tired from having a bad night's sleep [NeuroQol]
61935-3 I avoided public places or activities in past 7 days [PROMIS]
67989-4 I became easily upset in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
78110-4 I believed in helping my family, no matter what in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
68057-9 I can do all the leisure activities that I want to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68043-9 I can do everything for my friends that I want to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68066-0 I can do everything for work that I want to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68030-6 I can keep up with my family responsibilities in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68034-8 I can keep up with my social commitments in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68037-1 I can keep up with my work in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
78090-8 I could depend on my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
68237-7 I could do my usual things at home in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
91428-3 I could not stay still for long in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
78113-8 I could rely on my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78095-7 I could talk to someone in my family about my problems in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78117-9 I could talk to someone in my family if I needed to in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78094-0 I could talk to someone in my family if something was bothering me in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78098-1 I could trust others in my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
61896-7 I disagreed with people in past 7 days [PROMIS]
92315-1 I drop everything to go out and buy cigarettes [PROMIS]
92296-3 I feel embarrassed when I smoke [PROMIS]
68045-4 I feel limited in my ability to visit friends in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68047-0 I feel limited in the amount of time I have to visit friends in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
78109-6 I felt a sense of togetherness with my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
91232-9 I felt active in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61910-6 I felt angrier than I thought I should in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61899-1 I felt angry in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61913-0 I felt annoyed in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61926-2 I felt anxious in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91255-0 I felt appreciated in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91429-1 I felt as if I needed to move my legs a lot in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61906-4 I felt bitter about things in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91238-6 I felt blissful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91353-3 I felt calm in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91260-0 I felt carefree in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91250-1 I felt cheerful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91258-4 I felt comfortable in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91323-6 I felt concerned about what was going on in my life in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91264-2 I felt content in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91246-9 I felt delighted in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61967-6 I felt depressed in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61964-3 I felt disappointed in myself in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61969-2 I felt discouraged about the future in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91430-9 I felt dizzy in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61980-9 I felt emotionally exhausted in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91236-0 I felt energetic in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91237-8 I felt enthusiastic in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61895-9 I felt envious of others in past 7 days [PROMIS]
78101-3 I felt everyone in my family loved me in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
67917-5 I felt exhausted in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
67919-1 I felt fatigued in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
67916-7 I felt fearful about my future in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61923-9 I felt fearful in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61936-1 I felt fidgety in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61924-7 I felt frightened in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91257-6 I felt fulfilled in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91231-1 I felt full of pep in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91239-4 I felt good in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91263-4 I felt grateful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91251-9 I felt great in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61905-6 I felt guilty about my anger in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61979-1 I felt guilty in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91249-3 I felt happy in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91229-5 I felt healthy in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61955-1 I felt helpless in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61973-4 I felt hopeless in past 7 days [PROMIS]
78106-2 I felt I had a strong relationship with my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
61972-6 I felt I had no reason for living in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91308-7 I felt I had too much going on in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
78105-4 I felt I really belonged in my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
61974-2 I felt ignored by people in past 7 days [PROMIS]
78084-1 I felt important in my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
67991-0 I felt impulsive in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61945-2 I felt indecisive in past 7 days [PROMIS]
89663-9 I felt irritable in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91247-7 I felt joyful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61962-7 I felt like a failure in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61901-5 I felt like breaking things in past 7 days [PROMIS]
89666-2 I felt like crying in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61918-9 I felt like I needed help for my anger in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61927-0 I felt like I needed help for my anxiety in past 7 days [PROMIS]
89668-8 I felt like I needed help for my depression in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61902-3 I felt like I was ready to explode in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91316-0 I felt like my thinking was slower than usual in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61920-5 I felt like yelling at someone in past 7 days [PROMIS]
89664-7 I felt lonely even when I was with other people in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61966-8 I felt lonely in past 7 days
78103-9 I felt loved by my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78085-8 I felt my family believed in me in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
61944-5 I felt nervous in past 7 days
67915-9 I felt nervous when my normal routine was disturbed in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
91318-6 I felt overwhelmed in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91266-7 I felt peaceful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61907-2 I felt people are trying to anger me in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61977-5 I felt pessimistic in past 7 days [PROMIS]
68029-8 I felt physically tense during the middle of the night or early morning hours [NeuroQol]
91252-7 I felt pleased in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91261-8 I felt positive in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91254-3 I felt proud in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
78114-6 I felt really important to my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78083-3 I felt really respected by my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
91233-7 I felt refreshed in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91259-2 I felt relaxed in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61904-9 I felt resentful when I didn't get my way in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91256-8 I felt respected in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
67995-1 I felt restless in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61959-3 I felt sad in past 7 days
91265-9 I felt satisfied in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91314-5 I felt so upset that I could not remember what happened or what I did in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91431-7 I felt some food coming up into my throat in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61937-9 I felt something awful would happen in past 7 days [PROMIS]
62095-5 I felt stressed in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91230-3 I felt strong in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61950-2 I felt tense in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61939-5 I felt terrified in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91262-6 I felt thankful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
78097-3 I felt that I could trust the people in my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
67918-3 I felt that I had no energy in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61954-4 I felt that I had nothing to look forward to in past 7 days [PROMIS]
78112-0 I felt that I had similar values and beliefs as others in my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
61960-1 I felt that I wanted to give up on everything in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61958-5 I felt that I was not as good as other people in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61965-0 I felt that I was not needed in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61961-9 I felt that I was to blame for things in past 7 days [PROMIS]
78120-3 I felt that my family loved me in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78116-1 I felt that my family really respected me in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78089-0 I felt that my family understood me in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
61978-3 I felt that my life was empty in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91319-4 I felt that my problems kept piling up in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61957-7 I felt that nothing could cheer me up in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61976-7 I felt that nothing was interesting in past 7 days [PROMIS]
67923-3 I felt tired in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
78088-2 I felt totally accepted by my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
91309-5 I felt unable to manage things in my life in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91310-3 I felt unable to react to something that bothered me in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91315-2 I felt unable to remember answers, even for questions I knew the answer to in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91320-2 I felt under pressure in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61949-4 I felt uneasy in past 7 days
61971-8 I felt unhappy in past 7 days
89667-0 I felt unloved in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61975-9 I felt upset for no reason in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61929-6 I felt upset in past 7 days [PROMIS]
78107-0 I felt very close to my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
67932-4 I felt weak all over in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68240-1 I felt weak in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
91234-5 I felt wide awake in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61938-7 I felt worried in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61953-6 I felt worthless in past 7 days [PROMIS]
92314-4 I find myself reaching for cigarettes without thinking about it [PROMIS]
91317-8 I forgot things in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61941-1 I found it hard to focus on anything other than my anxiety in past 7 days
61970-0 I found that things in my life were overwhelming in past 7 days [PROMIS]
92312-8 I get a real gnawing hunger for a cigarette when l haven't smoked in a while [PROMIS]
78093-2 I got all the help I needed from my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
67986-0 I got impatient with other people in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
78091-6 I got the support I needed from my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
68238-5 I got upset by being too tired to do things I wanted to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
91432-5 I had a bad stomach ache in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61914-8 I had a bad temper in past 7 days [PROMIS]
67997-7 I had a hard time accepting criticism from other people in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
91433-3 I had a headache in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91235-2 I had a lot of energy in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61930-4 I had a racing or pounding heart in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61951-0 I had difficulty calming down in past 7 days [PROMIS]
68026-4 I had difficulty falling asleep in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61947-8 I had difficulty sleeping in past 7 days [PROMIS]
68236-9 I had energy or strength in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
89665-4 I had mood swings in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91253-5 I had much to be proud about in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91434-1 I had pain that really bothered me in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61932-0 I had sudden feelings of panic in past 7 days [PROMIS]
67935-7 I had to force myself to get up and do things because I was physically too weak in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68022-3 I had to force myself to get up in the morning in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
67934-0 I had to limit my social activity because I was physically weak in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
67924-1 I had to limit my social activity because I was tired in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
91435-8 I had trouble breathing, even when I was not exercising or playing hard in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91313-7 I had trouble concentrating in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61915-5 I had trouble controlling my temper in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91369-9 I had trouble controlling my thoughts in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61963-5 I had trouble feeling close to people in past 7 days [PROMIS]
68230-2 I had trouble finishing things because I was too tired in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
67928-2 I had trouble finishing things because I was too tired in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61968-4 I had trouble making decisions in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61934-6 I had trouble paying attention in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61948-6 I had trouble relaxing in past 7 days [PROMIS]
68025-6 I had trouble sleeping because of bad dreams in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61993-2 I had trouble sleeping in past 7 days [PROMIS]
68229-4 I had trouble starting things because I was too tired in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
67927-4 I had trouble starting things because I was too tired in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68023-1 I had trouble stopping my thoughts at bedtime in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61943-7 I had twitching or trembling muscles in past 7 days [PROMIS]
89678-7 I had unpleasant thoughts that wouldn't leave my mind in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91248-5 I had very strong happy feelings in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
68054-6 I have to do my hobbies or leisure activities for shorter periods of time than usual for me in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68070-2 I have to do my work for shorter periods of time than usual for me in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68050-4 I have to limit my hobbies or leisure activities in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68039-7 I have to limit my regular family activities in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68055-3 I have to limit social activities outside my home in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68048-8 I have to limit the things I do for fun at home, like reading, listening to music, etc in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68060-3 I have to limit the things I do for fun outside my home in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68067-8 I have trouble doing my regular chores or tasks in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68056-1 I have trouble keeping in touch with others in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68038-9 I have trouble meeting the needs of my family in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61909-8 I held grudges towards others in past 7 days [PROMIS]
78096-5 I knew my family would help me if I needed it in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78100-5 I knew that my family would be there if I needed them in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78092-4 I knew what I could expect from others in my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
61990-8 I laid in bed for hours waiting to fall asleep in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91243-6 I laughed a lot in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61897-5 I made myself angry about something just by thinking about it in past 7 days [PROMIS]
67925-8 I needed help doing my usual activities because of my fatigue in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
67933-2 I needed help doing my usual activities because of weakness in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68239-3 I needed help doing my usual things at home in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
68231-0 I needed to sleep during the day in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
67926-6 I needed to sleep during the day in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
67993-6 I said or did things that other people probably thought were inappropriate in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
67985-2 I said or did things without thinking in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
91244-4 I smiled a lot in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
92311-0 I smoke even when I am so ill that I am in bed most of the day [PROMIS]
92310-2 I smoke more before going into a situation where smoking is not allowed [PROMIS]
61908-0 I stayed angry for hours in past 7 days [PROMIS]
67994-4 I suddenly became emotional for no reason in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
67998-5 I threatened violence toward people or property in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
91436-6 I threw up in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61898-3 I tried to get even when I was angry with someone in past 7 days [PROMIS]
62011-2 I tried to sleep whenever I could in past 7 days [PROMIS]
78111-2 I wanted to help my family however I could in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
61916-3 I was angry when I was delayed in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61919-7 I was angry when something blocked my plans in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61931-2 I was anxious if my normal routine was disturbed in past 7 days [PROMIS]
67988-6 I was bothered by little things in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61928-8 I was concerned about my mental health in past 7 days [PROMIS]
67922-5 I was frustrated by being too tired to do the things I wanted to do in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61911-4 I was grouchy in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91241-0 I was in a good mood in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
67990-2 I was in conflict with others in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
91240-2 I was in good spirits in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
67987-8 I was irritable around other people in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61894-2 I was irritated more than people knew in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91242-8 I was merry in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
68024-9 I was sleepy during the daytime in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
91311-1 I was slow to react to things in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
67931-6 I was so tired that I needed to rest during the day in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61912-2 I was stubborn with others in past 7 days [PROMIS]
91437-4 I was sweaty, even when I was not exercising or playing hard in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
67920-9 I was too tired to do my household chores in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68233-6 I was too tired to eat in the past 7 days [NeuroQol.Peds]
67930-8 I was too tired to eat in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
67921-7 I was too tired to leave the house in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
67929-0 I was too tired to take a short walk in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61956-9 I withdrew from other people in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61994-0 I woke up and had trouble falling back to sleep in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61991-6 I woke up too early and could not fall back asleep in past 7 days [PROMIS]
89922-9 I worried about dying in past 7 days [PROMIS]
68321-9 I worried about dying in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
61940-3 I worried about other people's reactions to me in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61925-4 It scared me when I felt nervous in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61989-0 It was easy for me to fall asleep in past 7 days [PROMIS]
78108-8 It was easy to be close to everyone in my family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
67996-9 It was hard to adjust to unexpected changes in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
67984-5 It was hard to control my behavior in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
68149-4 Lately I avoided making new friends to avoid talking about my illness [NeuroQol.Peds]
68010-8 Lately I could laugh and see the humor in situations [NeuroQol]
68009-0 Lately I felt a sense of purpose in my life [NeuroQol]
68004-1 Lately I felt cheerful [NeuroQol]
68015-7 Lately I felt confident [NeuroQol]
68157-7 Lately I felt embarrassed about my illness [NeuroQol.Peds]
68158-5 Lately I felt embarrassed about the way I talk [NeuroQol.Peds]
68013-2 Lately I felt emotionally stable [NeuroQol]
68000-9 Lately I felt hopeful [NeuroQol]
68014-0 Lately I felt lovable [NeuroQol]
68016-5 Lately I had a good life [NeuroQol]
68006-6 Lately I had a sense of balance in my life [NeuroQol]
67999-3 Lately I had a sense of well-being [NeuroQol]
68020-7 Lately I had good control of my thoughts [NeuroQol]
68012-4 Lately I looked forward with enjoyment to upcoming events [NeuroQol]
68159-3 Lately I lost friends by telling them that I have this illness [NeuroQol.Peds]
68011-6 Lately I was able to be at ease and feel relaxed [NeuroQol]
68008-2 Lately I was able to enjoy life [NeuroQol]
68018-1 Lately I was living life to the fullest [NeuroQol]
68155-1 Lately I was unhappy about how my illness affected my appearance [NeuroQol.Peds]
68003-3 Lately my life had meaning [NeuroQol]
68002-5 Lately my life had purpose [NeuroQol]
68017-3 Lately my life was peaceful [NeuroQol]
68001-7 Lately my life was satisfying [NeuroQol]
68005-8 Lately my life was worth living [NeuroQol]
68113-0 Lately, because of my illness, I felt different from others [NeuroQol]
68148-6 Lately, because of my illness, I felt different from others my age [NeuroQol.Peds]
68104-9 Lately, because of my illness, I felt embarrassed in social situations [NeuroQol]
68145-2 Lately, because of my illness, I felt embarrassed when I was in front of others my age [NeuroQol.Peds]
68102-3 Lately, because of my illness, I felt emotionally distant from other people [NeuroQol]
68143-7 Lately, because of my illness, I felt left out of things [NeuroQol.Peds]
68095-9 Lately, because of my illness, I felt left out of things [NeuroQol]
68107-2 Lately, because of my illness, I was treated unfairly by others [NeuroQol]
68146-0 Lately, because of my illness, I was treated unfairly by others my age [NeuroQol.Peds]
68106-4 Lately, because of my illness, I worried about other people's attitudes towards me [NeuroQol]
68154-4 Lately, because of my illness, I worried about what others my age thought about me [NeuroQol.Peds]
68156-9 Lately, because of my illness, I worried that I made life harder for my parents or guardians [NeuroQol.Peds]
68111-4 Lately, because of my illness, I worried that I was a burden to others [NeuroQol]
68109-8 Lately, because of my illness, it was hard for me to stay neat and clean [NeuroQol]
68142-9 Lately, because of my illness, others my age avoided me [NeuroQol.Peds]
68150-2 Lately, because of my illness, others my age bullied me [NeuroQol.Peds]
68144-5 Lately, because of my illness, others my age made fun of me [NeuroQol.Peds]
68151-0 Lately, because of my illness, others my age seemed uncomfortable with me [NeuroQol.Peds]
68147-8 Lately, because of my illness, others my age tended to ignore my good points [NeuroQol.Peds]
68153-6 Lately, because of my illness, others my age tended to stare at me [NeuroQol.Peds]
68152-8 Lately, because of my illness, others my age were mean to me [NeuroQol.Peds]
68096-7 Lately, because of my illness, people avoided looking at me [NeuroQol]
68103-1 Lately, because of my illness, people made fun of me [NeuroQol]
68110-6 Lately, because of my illness, people tended to ignore my good points [NeuroQol]
68100-7 Lately, because of my illness, people were unkind to me [NeuroQol]
68094-2 Lately, because of my illness, some people avoided me [NeuroQol]
68098-3 Lately, because of my illness, some people seemed uncomfortable with me [NeuroQol]
68105-6 Lately, because of my illness, strangers tended to stare at me [NeuroQol]
68021-5 Lately, even when things were going badly, I still had hope [NeuroQol]
68115-5 Lately, I avoided making new friends to avoid telling others about my illness [NeuroQol]
68097-5 Lately, I felt embarrassed about my illness [NeuroQol]
68112-2 Lately, I felt embarrassed about my speech [NeuroQol]
68099-1 Lately, I felt embarrassed because of my physical limitations [NeuroQol]
68117-1 Lately, I lost friends by telling them that I have this illness [NeuroQol]
68114-8 Lately, I tended to blame myself for my problems [NeuroQol]
68108-0 Lately, I was unhappy about how my illness affected my appearance [NeuroQol]
68019-9 Lately, in most ways, my life was close to my ideal [NeuroQol]
68007-4 Lately, many areas of my life were interesting to me [NeuroQol]
68116-3 Lately, people with my illness lost their jobs when their employers found out about it [NeuroQol]
68101-5 Lately, some people acted as though it was my fault I have this illness [NeuroQol]
61946-0 Many situations made me worry in past 7 days [PROMIS]
68065-2 My ability to do my work is as good as it can be in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
91438-2 My appetite changed in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91439-0 My back hurt in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91440-8 My body shook in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91441-6 My breathing was fast in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91442-4 My breathing was fast, even when I was not exercising or playing hard in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
78150-0 My child believed in helping our family, no matter what in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92056-1 My child could not stay still for long in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78149-2 My child felt a sense of togetherness with our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91270-9 My child felt active in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91293-1 My child felt appreciated in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92053-8 My child felt as if he or she needed to move his or her legs a lot in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91276-6 My child felt blissful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91305-3 My child felt calm in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91298-0 My child felt carefree in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91288-1 My child felt cheerful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91296-4 My child felt comfortable in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91356-6 My child felt concerned about what was going on in his or her life in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91302-0 My child felt content in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91284-0 My child felt delighted in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92064-5 My child felt dizzy in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91274-1 My child felt energetic in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91275-8 My child felt enthusiastic in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78142-7 My child felt everyone in our family loved each other in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78141-9 My child felt everyone in our family loved him or her in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91295-6 My child felt fulfilled in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91269-1 My child felt full of pep in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91277-4 My child felt good in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91301-2 My child felt grateful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91289-9 My child felt great in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91287-3 My child felt happy in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78130-2 My child felt he or she could depend on our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78134-4 My child felt he or she could talk to someone in our family if something was bothering him or her in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78133-6 My child felt he or she got all the help he or she needed from our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78131-0 My child felt he or she got the support he or she needed from our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78146-8 My child felt he or she had a strong relationship with our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91291-5 My child felt he or she had much to be proud about in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91366-5 My child felt he or she had too much going on in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78145-0 My child felt he or she really belonged in our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78154-2 My child felt he or she was really important to our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91267-5 My child felt healthy in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91283-2 My child felt his or her life was pleasurable in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78124-5 My child felt important in our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78148-4 My child felt it was easy for him or her to be close to everyone in our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91285-7 My child felt joyful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78143-5 My child felt loved by our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91280-8 My child felt merry in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78139-3 My child felt our family treated him or her fairly in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91361-6 My child felt overwhelmed in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91304-6 My child felt peaceful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91290-7 My child felt pleased in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91299-8 My child felt positive in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91292-3 My child felt proud in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78123-7 My child felt really respected by our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91271-7 My child felt refreshed in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91297-2 My child felt relaxed in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91294-9 My child felt respected in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91303-8 My child felt satisfied in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91362-4 My child felt so upset that he or she could not remember what happened or what he or she did in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92075-1 My child felt some food coming up into his or her throat in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
75905-0 My child felt stressed in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91268-3 My child felt strong in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91300-4 My child felt thankful in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78137-7 My child felt that he or she could trust the people in our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78152-6 My child felt that he or she had similar values and beliefs as others in our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91360-8 My child felt that his or her problems kept piling up in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78125-2 My child felt that our family believed in him or her in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78160-9 My child felt that our family loved him or her in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78156-7 My child felt that our family really respected him or her in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78144-3 My child felt that our family showed that they cared about him or her in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78129-4 My child felt that our family understood him or her in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78155-9 My child felt that people in our family helped each other in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78128-6 My child felt totally accepted by our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91365-7 My child felt unable to manage things in his or her life in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91359-0 My child felt under pressure in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
75895-3 My child felt uneasy in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78147-6 My child felt very close to our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91272-5 My child felt wide awake in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92072-8 My child had a bad stomach ache in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92069-4 My child had a headache in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91273-3 My child had a lot of energy in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92073-6 My child had pain that really bothered him or her in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92063-7 My child had trouble breathing, even when he or she was not exercising or playing hard in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91363-2 My child had trouble concentrating in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92051-2 My child had trouble staying asleep in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91286-5 My child had very strong happy feelings in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78159-1 My child knew everyone in our family loved him or her in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78153-4 My child knew he or she could rely on our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78135-1 My child knew he or she could talk to someone in our family about his or her problems in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78157-5 My child knew he or she could talk to someone in our family if he or she needed to in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78138-5 My child knew he or she could trust others in our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78126-0 My child knew our family was interested in what he or she was doing in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78136-9 My child knew our family would help if he or she needed it in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78158-3 My child knew that everyone in our family could be completely trusted in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78140-1 My child knew that our family would be there if he or she needed them in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78132-8 My child knew what he or she could expect from others in our family in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91281-6 My child laughed a lot in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91282-4 My child smiled a lot in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92076-9 My child threw up in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
78151-8 My child wanted to help our family however he or she could in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91279-0 My child was in a good mood in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91278-2 My child was in good spirits in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92060-3 My child was sweaty, even when he or she was not exercising or playing hard in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92074-4 My child's appetite changed in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92071-0 My child's back hurt in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92068-6 My child's body shook in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92065-2 My child's breathing was fast in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92058-7 My child's breathing was fast, even when he or she was not exercising or playing hard in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92066-0 My child's hands shook in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92062-9 My child's heart beat faster than usual, even when he or she was not exercising or playing hard in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92061-1 My child's heart pounded, even when he or she was not exercising or playing hard in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92067-8 My child's legs shook in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92057-9 My child's mouth was dry in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92055-3 My child's muscles felt tight in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92052-0 My child's neck felt tight in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92070-2 My child's neck hurt in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92059-5 My child's palms were sweaty in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
91364-0 My child's thoughts went very fast in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
62012-0 My daytime activities are disturbed by poor sleep in past 7 days [PROMIS]
78104-7 My family showed that they cared about me in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78099-9 My family treated me fairly in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78086-6 My family was interested in what I was doing in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
91443-2 My hands shook in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91444-0 My heart beat faster than usual, even when I was not exercising or playing hard in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91445-7 My heart pounded, even when I was not exercising or playing hard in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91446-5 My legs shook in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91245-1 My life was pleasurable in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91447-3 My mouth was dry in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91448-1 My muscles felt tight in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91449-9 My neck felt tight in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91450-7 My neck hurt in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91451-5 My palms were sweaty in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91312-9 My thoughts went very fast in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
61942-9 My worries overwhelmed me in past 7 days
68027-2 Pain woke me up in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
78115-3 People in my family helped each other in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78087-4 People in my family made me feel good about myself in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PEDS]
78127-8 People in our family made my child feel good about himself or herself in past 4 weeks [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
67992-8 People told me that I talked in a loud or excessive manner in the past 7 days [NeuroQol]
91322-8 Small things upset me in past 7 days [PROMIS.PEDS]
91357-4 Small things upset my child in past 7 days [PROMIS.PARENTPROXY]
92208-8 Smoking helps me when I'm upset about something [PROMIS]
92207-0 When I am worrying about something, a cigarette is helpful [PROMIS]
92303-7 When I go too long without a cigarette I feel impatient [PROMIS]
92302-9 When I go too long without a cigarette I get strong urges that are hard to get rid of [PROMIS]
92300-3 When I haven't been able to smoke for a few hours, the craving gets intolerable [PROMIS]
92299-7 When I run out of cigarettes, I find it almost unbearable [PROMIS]
61903-1 When I was angry, I sulked in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61893-4 When I was frustrated, I let it show in past 7 days [PROMIS]
61900-7 When I was mad at someone, I gave them the silent treatment in past 7 days [PROMIS]
92206-2 When I'm angry, a cigarette can calm me down [PROMIS]
92298-9 When I'm really craving a cigarette, it feels like I'm in the grip of some unknown force that I cannot control [PROMIS]

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