Version 2.80

Answer Lists using this Answer Code

Answer List Answer List Name Externally Defined
LL1001-8 PhenX05_14_30D freq amts N
LL1010-9 PhenX05_23_food freq N
LL1016-6 [PROMIS] Never|Rarely|Sometimes|Often|Always N
LL1019-0 [PROMIS] Had no pain|Nev|Rare|Sometim|Oft|Alw N
LL1020-8 [PROMIS] Never|<=1/W|1/few days|1/D|Every few H N
LL1024-0 [PROMIS] Nev|Alm never|Sometimes|Often|Alm always N
LL1134-7 PhenX08_01_baby to bed with bottle N
LL1135-4 PhenX08_02_add items to baby bottle N
LL1242-8 PhenX11_04_last eye exam N
LL1250-1 PhenX11_12_sunlight protection N
LL1271-7 PhenX12_03 N
LL1273-3 PhenX12_05_upset with self N
LL1340-0 PhenX12_70 N
LL1341-8 PhenX12_71 N
LL1364-0 PhenX12_85 N
LL1624-7 PhenX18_07 N
LL1625-4 PhenX18_08 N
LL1627-0 PhenX18_10 N
LL1645-2 PhenX16_03_autoimmune disroder presence N
LL1715-3 PhenX20_14 N
LL1730-2 PhenX20_29_painkiller freq N
LL1740-1 PhenX20_32_ear protection freq N
LL1753-4 PhenX21_03_personal treament response N
LL1882-1 NeuroQol_07 N
LL2085-0 Edinburgh Postnatal Depression-10 N
LL2179-1 SAMHSA-how often alcohol N
LL2181-7 SAMHSA-6 drinks N
LL282-5 OASIS_M0570_Confusion N
LL286-6 OASIS_M0620_Behavior probs freq N
LL3002-4 PROMIS_16_PedsGlobal N
LL3003-2 PROMIS_17_Social N
LL3004-0 [PROMIS] Nev|alm nev|Some|Often|Alm Always N
LL3121-2 PROMIS_19 N
LL3122-0 Never(5)|Rarely(4)|Sometimes{3)|Often(2)|Always(1) N
LL3268-1 Always/Usually/Sometimes/Rarely/Never N
LL3326-7 PROMIS_21 N
LL3327-5 PROMIS_22 N
LL338-5 RFC B_Postural limitations N
LL3546-0 PROMIS_23 N
LL3573-4 PROMIS_26 N
LL3575-9 PROMIS_28 N
LL4030-4 Never | Once | More than once | DK/NS | Refused N
LL4882-8 Always(0)Often(1)Sometimes(2)Rarely(3)Never(4) N
LL4884-4 KOOS frequency of pain N
LL4888-5 KOOS QoL Q1 N
LL4895-0 Never|Monthly|Weekly|Daily|Constantly N
LL4902-4 Never(0)Monthly(1)Weekly(2)Daily(3)Always(4) N
LL4911-5 Never(0)Rarely(1)Sometimes(2)Often(3)Always(4) N
LL5143-4 Never|Less than monthly|Monthly|Weekly|Daily N
LL5147-5 Never(1)|Rare(2)|Sometimes(3)|Often(4)|V.often(5) N
LL5176-4 Nev(5)|Alm never|Sometimes|Often|Alm always(1) N
LL5207-7 HadNoPain(1),Nev,AlmNev,Sometimes,Oft,Al Always(6) N
LL5292-9 [PROMIS] Nev(1)|Al nev(2)(|Som(3)|Oft(4)|Al alw(4) N
LL5402-4 CMS_Nev|Rare|Some|Often|Alw|Pt Unable Respond N
LL5416-4 Nev(0)Rare(1)Somet(2)Oft(3)Alwy(4)PtUnAbletoRes(8) N
LL5453-7 Never|Rare|Some|Often|Always|Unable N
LL5509-6 Nev|alm nev|some|often|always N
LL5622-7 Nev, Rare, Some, Fair Oft, Freq N
LL5626-8 NIDA-Modified ASSIST Q2 N
LL5627-6 NIDA-Modified ASSIST Q3 N
LL5628-4 NIDA-Modified ASSIST Q4 N
LL5629-2 NIDA-Modified ASSIST Q5 N
LL5630-0 Never | Once or twice | Monthly | Weekly N
LL5642-5 Nev-Rare-Occ-Some-All the Time N
LL5645-8 Frequency N
LL5661-5 Corrective Lenses Do Not Use to Always N
LL5662-3 Corrective Lenses Never to Always Use N
LL5668-0 Always|Often|Sometimes|Occasionally|Never N
LL568-7 CARE_4_f03_Feeling sad N
LL5690-4 Never (1) to All the Time (5) N
LL5727-4 A Lot|Sometimes|Never N
LL5804-1 NIDA - Frequency N
LL5869-4 Nev|Rare|Some|Oft|Always N
LL5943-7 Drinking frequency N
LL6005-4 Nev|Rare|Oft|V Often N
LL6077-3 Nev|Seldom|QOft|VOft|Alw N
LL6115-1 Always/Sometimes/Never Scored N
LL6156-5 Nev|Rare|Some|Fair Oft|Freq N
LL6298-5 Never|Rare|Sometime|Often|Always N
LL6305-8 Never|Rare|Sometimes|Often|Always|declines|unable N
LL6365-2 Social Isolation N
LL6386-8 Perceived stress scale 14 N
LL6511-1 Transport Sec Index_[TSI]_often_sometimes_never N
LL6558-2 Housing instability due to affordability N
LL6631-7 Never|Current|Previous N
LL6726-5 Last seen by doctor or health professional N
LL6824-8 How often these instructions easy to understand N
LL6829-7 How often did you have pain N
LL6843-8 Healthcare provider communications N
LL6858-6 Evaluation basis N
LL6938-6 Perceived Stress Scale - 10 Reversed N
LL7013-7 PSS-14 N
LL7016-0 E-HITS N
LL7021-0 Health Literacy IRF-PAI v4.2 N
LL7022-8 Social Isolation IRF-PAI v4.2 N
LL7043-4 ACORN_Lack transp from med, meet, work, or day liv N
LL7078-0 ACORN_You have trouble pay for your utilities N
LL7085-5 ACORN_Do you feel lonely/isol from th around you N
LL7102-8 EHITS N
LL989-5 PhenX05_02_age other than breastfed N