Basic Properties
- Name
- PhenX20_13
- Description
- Yes/Sometimes/No
- LOINCs using this list
- 25
Answer List
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
YesCopyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:373066001 Yes (qualifier value) | 4 | LA33-6 | |
Sometimes | 2 | LA10082-8 | |
NoCopyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:373067005 No (qualifier value) | 0 | LA32-8 |
LOINC terms using this Answer List
67359-0 | Because of your problem, are you afraid people may think you are intoxicated [PhenX] |
67364-0 | Because of your problem, are you afraid to stay at home alone [PhenX] |
67367-3 | Because of your problem, are you depressed [PhenX] |
67354-1 | Because of your problem, are you embarrassed in front of others [PhenX] |
67353-3 | Because of your problem, are your afraid to leave your home without having someone accompany you [PhenX] |
67356-6 | Because of your problem, do you avoid heights [PhenX] |
67346-7 | Because of your problem, do you feel frustrated [PhenX] |
67365-7 | Because of your problem, do you feel handicapped [PhenX] |
67349-1 | Because of your problem, do you have difficulty getting into or out of bed [PhenX] |
67351-7 | Because of your problem, do you have difficulty reading [PhenX] |
67347-5 | Because of your problem, do you restrict your travel for business or recreation [PhenX] |
67362-4 | Because of your problem, is it difficult for you to concentrate [PhenX] |
67358-2 | Because of your problem, is it difficult for you to do strenuous housework or yard work [PhenX] |
67363-2 | Because of your problem, is it difficult for you to walk around the house in the dark [PhenX] |
67360-8 | Because of your problem, is it difficult for you to walk by yourself [PhenX] |
67355-8 | Do quick movements of your head increase your problem [PhenX] |
67369-9 | Does bending over increase your problem [PhenX] |
67345-9 | Does looking up increase your problem [PhenX] |
67352-5 | Does performing more ambitious activities such as sports or dancing or household chores such as sweeping or putting dishes away increase your problem [PhenX] |
67357-4 | Does turning over in bed increase your problem [PhenX] |
67361-6 | Does walking down a sidewalk increase your problem [PhenX] |
67348-3 | Does walking down the aisle of a supermarket increase your problem [PhenX] |
67368-1 | Does your problem interfere with your job or household responsibilities [PhenX] |
67350-9 | Does your problem significantly restrict your participation in social activities such as going out to dinner, the movies, dancing or to parties [PhenX] |
67366-5 | Has your problem placed stress on your relationship with members of your family or friends [PhenX] |
LOINC Terminology Service (API) using HL7® FHIR® Get Info
Requests to this service require a free LOINC username and password. Below is a sample of the possible capabilities. See the LOINC Terminology Service documentation for more information.
- CodeSystem lookup
- https:
//fhir.loinc.org/CodeSystem/$lookup?system=http: //loinc.org&code=LL1714-6 - ValueSet definition
- https:
//fhir.loinc.org/ValueSet/?url=http: //loinc.org/vs/LL1714-6 - ValueSet expansion
- https:
//fhir.loinc.org/ValueSet/$expand?url=http: //loinc.org/vs/LL1714-6
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
LOINC Copyright
Copyright © 2025 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See https://