Version 2.80

Answer Lists using this Answer Code

Answer List Answer List Name Externally Defined
LL1005-9 PhenX05_18_dietary supplements N
LL106-6 CR_1490_Support referral N
LL1091-9 PhenX06_14_job hx N
LL1095-0 PhenX06_18 N
LL1098-4 PhenX06_21_living sibling N
LL1110-7 PhenX07_01 N
LL1111-5 PhenX07_02_drinking weekly age range N
LL1122-2 PhenX07_13_smoke cessation advice N
LL1129-7 PhenX07_20_pain med use N
LL1144-6 PhenX08_11 N
LL1155-2 PhenX09_01 N
LL1192-5 PhenX10_03_tubal ligation status N
LL1209-7 PhenX10_20_HPV vaccination N
LL1211-3 PhenX10_22_male genitalia probs N
LL1231-1 PhenX10_42_urination probs N
LL1239-4 PhenX11_01_eye/reading probs N
LL1241-0 PhenX11_03_difficulty drawing,coloring N
LL1246-9 PhenX11_08_myopia tx N
LL1247-7 PhenX11_09 N
LL1270-9 PhenX12_02 N
LL1353-3 PhenX03_01_alcohol responses N
LL1362-4 PhenX12_83 N
LL1391-3 PhenX13_26 N
LL1404-4 PhenX14_02 N
LL1433-3 PhenX14_27_diary completed N
LL1491-1 PhenX08_31_cleft palate, presence, relative N
LL1500-9 PhenX09_33_cold to chest N
LL1502-5 MDSv3_J1700A N
LL1503-3 MDSv3_F0300v2 N
LL1555-3 PhenX10_59 N
LL1557-9 PhenX10_61 N
LL1599-1 Phenx11_79 N
LL1643-7 PhenX14_35 N
LL1645-2 PhenX16_03_autoimmune disroder presence N
LL1646-0 PhenX17_05 N
LL1650-2 PhenX17_09 N
LL1659-3 PhenX19_05 N
LL1665-0 PhenX19_11_diagnostic procedures performed N
LL1667-6 PhenX19_13_cecum visualization N
LL1710-4 PhenX20_11 N
LL1711-2 PhenX20_12 N
LL1714-6 PhenX20_13 N
LL1724-5 PhenX20_23_hearing difficulty reason known N
LL1727-8 PhenX20_26 N
LL1745-0 PhenX20_36_white finger syndrome response N
LL1942-3 Death certificate_tobacco use N
LL1959-7 PhenX17_14_death in hospitalization N
LL1964-7 PhenX15_18 N
LL2070-2 FACIT-TS-G- treatment choice N
LL208-0 CR_360_Fam hx of cancer N
LL2438-1 Y/N/ Not Given N
LL251-0 OASIS_M0200 N
LL2514-9 Yes-no-Infant transferred,status unk N
LL2533-9 Planned to deliver at home N
LL276-7 OASIS_M0510_UTI treatment N
LL2822-6 AHRQ_PIF_10 N
LL2823-4 AHRQ_PIF_11 N
LL2828-3 AHRQ_Y/N N
LL2850-7 Y/N/NA N
LL2916-6 CDC.CS_Y,N,Unk N
LL2928-1 CDC.CS_29a_Y, N, No test, Unk N
LL2939-8 CDC.CS_11a1_Prenatal care indicator N
LL2952-1 MDSv3_Q0490-Y/N/Info not available N
LL3009-9 Orchestra_5.1 N
LL3044-6 Yes/No/Unk N
LL3139-4 Y/N/UTD/NI N
LL3188-1 20150106-APTASet1_11 N
LL323-7 OASIS_M0825_Therapy need N
LL342-7 RFC IIIA_Treating statement N
LL3570-0 PROMIS_24 N
LL361-7 Y/N N
LL3620-3 Y/N (Word pronounced correctly or incorrectly) N
LL365-8 [HL7-0136] Yes|No N
LL3718-5 Yes (0)|No (1)|Don't Know (1)|N/A (1) N
LL3737-5 No|Yes_please describe test and result N
LL376-5 HL79023_Referred N
LL3789-6 No|Yes, please specify N
LL3792-0 No|Yes|Ambiguous|Unknown N
LL3793-8 Yes|No|Not tested N
LL4012-2 Yes|Other_comment N
LL4027-0 Yes | No | DK/NS | Refused N
LL4029-6 Yes | No | Parents not married | DK/NS | Refused N
LL4122-9 yes|no|no info|unk|other N
LL4128-6 Yes, specify | No | Unknown N
LL4140-1 Yes|No|Not asked|Refused to answer N
LL4175-7 Yes (1) | No (0) | If no, record time N
LL4183-1 CMS IRFPAI_GG0170H1 Patient walks N
LL4184-9 No | Yes | Unknown 8 N
LL4185-6 No (0) | Yes (2) N
LL42-3 MDS_1936_Family participation N
LL4222-7 Yes (1) |Sometimes (2) |No (3) N
LL4256-5 No (0) | Yes (1) N
LL43-1 MDS_1942_Significant other participation N
LL4435-5 NKDEP_Hospice care N
LL4485-0 CMS_No (resident is rarely understood)|Yes N
LL4500-6 CMS_Plan of care-notifying physician of changes N
LL4502-2 CMS_Plan of care-diabetic foot care N
LL4506-3 CMS_Plan of care-fall prevention interventions N
LL4507-1 CMS_Plan of care-depression interventions N
LL4508-9 CMS_Plan of care-monitor and mitigate pain N
LL4509-7 CMS_Plan of care-prevent pressure ulcers N
LL4510-5 CMS_Plan of care-moist wound healing N
LL4520-4 CMS_OASIS Medication Intervention N
LL4522-0 CMS_OASIS Intervention Synopsis N
LL4523-8 CMS_OASIS-transfer Depression interventions N
LL4524-6 CMS_OASIS-transfer Intervention-pain N
LL4525-3 CMS_OASIS-transfer Intervention-pressure ulcers N
LL4528-7 CMS_OASIS UTI minus UK option N
LL4587-3 CMS_MDS Ax participation-family N
LL4588-1 CMS_MDS Ax participation-guardian N
LL4624-4 CMS_MDS No(J0400=1thru4),Yes(J0400-9) N
LL4698-8 CMS_LCDS Medication intervention N
LL485-4 DEEDS4.07_Initial Encounter N
LL4866-1 Yes(1)|No(0)|DK/NS(8)|Refused(9) N
LL4951-1 Yes | No | Not currently taking aspirin N
LL498-7 HL70136x_Addl insured on auto N
LL4996-6 CMS_MDS Medication intervention N
LL50-6 MDS_117 N
LL5053-5 Yes (X)|No N
LL518-2 GDS_1 N
LL519-0 GDS_2 N
LL5219-2 ORT Preadolescence sexual abuse N
LL5283-8 Hispanic, Latino-a, Spanish origin N
LL5322-4 Resistance conferred by variant N
LL5332-3 Y|N|Choose Not to Answer N
LL5333-1 PRAPARE_Y|N|Unsure|Choose not to answer N
LL5355-4 PRAPARE_Y|N|Unsure|No Partner|Not Answer N
LL5384-4 C-SSRS - Yes, Describe|No N
LL5401-6 CMS_LCDS v5.0 - Comatose (B0100) N
LL5404-0 CMS_LCDS v5 - Medication Intervention (N2005) N
LL5419-8 CMS_IRF-PAI - Medication Intervention N
LL5440-4 No - then document | Yes | Uk N
LL5466-9 Yes|No N
LL5468-5 Yes, If yes, describe|No N
LL5521-1 Yes/No/Unk/Not Assessed N
LL553-9 CARE_3_f01_known allergies N
LL5547-6 Bag-mask-ventilation N
LL556-2 CARE_3_g04_Stage 3/4 unhealed ulcers N
LL5584-9 Yes | No | DK N
LL5597-1 U.S. Case contact N
LL5605-2 Yes|No|Refused to answer|Asked Unk|Unk N
LL5619-3 NPASS_Pain: Gestational Age <30 weeks N
LL569-5 CARE_4_g01_Pain N
LL570-3 DO NOT USE-CARE_4_g02 N
LL5711-8 AAPCHO - Intervention/Enabling In English N
LL5726-6 Yes|No|Maybe Later N
LL5730-8 Yes(3)\No(0) N
LL5856-1 No (0)/Yes (2) N
LL5858-7 No (0)/Yes (5) N
LL5875-1 Yes, if yes which|No N
LL5878-5 Utility shut off risk N
LL588-5 CARE_7_a01_Care Plan Goals N
LL5887-6 COVEX Continued Student N
LL5949-4 No/ Yes, please describe these N
LL5954-4 Yes 2 / No 0 N
LL5955-1 Yes 1/ No 0 N
LL5981-7 Yes 2 / No 0 / Don't Know 0 N
LL5991-6 Wish to discuss contraception N
LL6-8 MDS_104_Lived alone N
LL6004-7 Yes|No|Not applicable N
LL6059-1 Yes|No|NA N
LL6090-6 Yes (a)|No (b) N
LL6091-4 Homelessness N
LL6161-5 Yes|No|Unsure N
LL6197-9 Yes|No|Other N
LL624-8 Yes|No|Unknown N
LL633-9 MDSv3_A1100A N
LL634-7 MDSv3_A1500 N
LL6359-5 Y/N score N
LL6384-3 Unmet healthcare needs N
LL6385-0 Orchestra_0.1_ability_to_work N
LL6402-3 Hot and cold running water_[ACS] N
LL6406-4 Does household, apart, or mobile home use phones N
LL6415-5 House, apart, mobile home have bathtub or shower N
LL6421-3 Does house, apart, mobile home have sink w facet N
LL6424-7 Does house, apart, mobile home have stove or range N
LL6428-8 Does household, apart, mobile home have fridge N
LL6450-2 Household, apart, mobile memb own desktop/laptop N
LL6453-6 Does household, apart, mobile home use smart phone N
LL6465-0 House, apart, mobile use tablet, portab WIFI comp N
LL6478-3 House, apart, mobile members use other comput type N
LL6490-8 Pacmed_non-invasive mechanical ventilation support N
LL6491-6 Invasive mechanical ventilation support N
LL6492-4 Orchestra_6.1_6.1 N
LL6496-5 Orchestra 5.1 N
LL6497-3 PhenX_MEPS_pay bills N
LL653-7 MDSv3_D0200A1 N
LL6535-0 PACMed N
LL6567-3 Disparate health care quality N
LL6611-9 Symptom Presence MDS v1.19.1 N
LL6617-6 Held in jail one night or more N
LL6622-6 Marked crosswalk N
LL6643-2 CVVH catheter presence Y
LL665-1 MDSv3_J0300 N
LL6668-9 Told you have high blood cholesterol N
LL6670-5 Blood requested for lipid profile N
LL6671-3 Consent given N
LL6672-1 Was blood drawn N
LL6677-0 Have Hemophilia N
LL6679-6 ***** CLONED FROM - LL6672-1 ***** Yes No N
LL6680-4 Was full amount obtained N
LL6683-8 Specimens stored at -20 degrees Celsius or cooler N
LL6685-3 Serum or plasma separated within 60 mins N
LL6686-1 Sample volume at least 0.3 mL N
LL6687-9 Specimens stored in glass or plastic vials N
LL6689-5 Specimens centrifuged for 10 minutes at 15,000g N
LL6690-3 Reagents stored 4-8 Celsius and never frozen N
LL6691-1 Diluent and Rx buffer stored at room temperature N
LL6695-2 Control materials stored at -20 deg C N
LL6696-0 Calibration dilutions used within 4 hours of prep N
LL6697-8 Levels of control not conform to specifications N
LL6699-4 Temperatures brought up to room temps before use N
LL6700-0 Dilution wells empty N
LL6701-8 Control specimens used at beginning of each run N
LL6702-6 Lowest value at least 0.02 mg per dL N
LL6705-9 Specimen at 20-25 deg C stored at -70 deg C N
LL6719-0 Dental care, seeking N
LL6727-3 Wellness, physical, or general purpose check-up N
LL6733-1 Usual place you go for health care N
LL675-0 MDSv3_O0200A N
LL6764-6 No medical care because of cost past 12Mo N
LL6776-0 Need dental care, but couldn't afford, last 12Mo N
LL679-2 MDSv3_Q0100B N
LL680-0 MDSv3_Q0200 N
LL6808-1 Delay get prescrip meds, worry about cost 12Mo N
LL6826-3 Close family held one night or more N
LL6832-1 Work or unable to work due to pain or pain cond N
LL6833-9 PHQ9 N
LL690-9 MDSv3_F0300 N
LL691-7 MDSv3_D0100 N
LL6913-9 Yes_No N
LL6928-7 Advanced age N
LL6929-5 Abnormal maternal serum screen N
LL6930-3 Abnormal ultrasou N
LL6950-1 Yes, No, Unknown N
LL6961-8 Was tx initiated N
LL6966-7 Bowel Regimen (N0520) N
LL7005-3 Red reflex N
LL7028-5 ACORN_Internet at home N
LL7034-3 ACORN_info about ed benefits & resources for Vet N
LL7051-7 ACORN_Elec, gas, oil, H2O comp thre shut off serv N
LL7074-9 ACORN_ Are you currently w/o a place to stay N
LL7076-4 Do you need help getting food for this week N
LL7080-6 ACORN_Appointment tha needs transp assist N
LL7081-4 ACORN_Currently have legal matters need help N
LL7091-3 Mini nutrition assess - psych stress or acute dis N
LL731-1 CARE_F2a N
LL780-8 OASIS-C_M1040 N
LL799-8 OASIS-C_M1500 N
LL815-2 OASIS-C_M2004 N
LL816-0 OASIS-C_M2010 N
LL817-8 OASIS-C_M2015 N
LL823-6 OASIS-C_M2250 N
LL860-8 MDSv3_Q0100C N
LL863-2 Y/N/Dk N
LL865-7 Y/N/Ns N
LL867-3 N/Y 1/2 N
LL868-1 N/Y/M/Dk N
LL872-3 AnginaRelief N
LL873-1 N/Y/M/U N
LL874-9 Y/N/Unc N
LL899-6 MFS_1 N
LL900-2 MFS_2 N
LL902-8 MFS_4 N
LL963-0 Y1/N0 N
LL988-7 PhenX05_01 N