Basic Properties
- Name
- OASIS_M0200
- Description
- No/Yes
- LOINCs using this list
- 503
Answer List
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
NoCopyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:373067005 No (qualifier value) | 0 | LA32-8 | |
YesCopyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:373066001 Yes (qualifier value) | 1 | LA33-6 |
LOINC terms using this Answer List
54873-5 | Abnormal mouth tissue in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
58146-2 | Active discharge planning in place for resident return to community during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54632-5 | Acute onset mental status change [CAM.CMS] |
54804-0 | Alzheimer's disease in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54775-2 | Anemia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66623-0 | Angina or coronary artery bypass [Reported] |
63910-4 | Angina pectoris confirmed angiography [PhenX] |
54985-7 | Antianxiety received in last 7 days or since admission/reentry if less than 7 days [MDSv3] |
58129-8 | Antibiotic received in last 7 days or since admission/reentry if less than 7 days [MDSv3] |
54988-1 | Anticoagulant received in last 7 days or since admission/reentry if less than 7 days [MDSv3] |
54986-5 | Antidepressant received in last 7 days or since admission/reentry if less than 7 days [MDSv3] |
54984-0 | Antipsychotic received in last 7 days or since admission/reentry if less than 7 days [MDSv3] |
54817-2 | Anxiety disorder in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
52637-6 | Any impairments with endurance |
52631-9 | Any impairments with grip strength |
52621-0 | Any impairments with hearing, vision, or communication |
52634-3 | Any impairments with respiratory status |
52617-8 | Any impairments with swallowing [CARE] |
52626-9 | Any impairments with weight-bearing |
67309-5 | Anyone in your child's family less talkative [PhenX] |
67311-1 | Anyone in your child's family that doesn't like to read [PhenX] |
67312-9 | Anyone in your child's family that doesn't read well [PhenX] |
67314-5 | Anyone in your child's family that has a poorer vocabulary than other family members [PhenX] |
67316-0 | Anyone in your child's family that has awkward sentence structures when writing or talking [PhenX] |
67319-4 | Anyone in your child's family that has difficulty explaining things [PhenX] |
67313-7 | Anyone in your child's family that has difficulty thinking of words they want to say when talking [PhenX] |
67315-2 | Anyone in your child's family that is a poor speller [PhenX] |
67318-6 | Anyone in your child's family that is hard to follow when they tell you something, such as a personal experience [PhenX] |
67317-8 | Anyone in your child's family that mispronounces long words [PhenX] |
54805-7 | Aphasia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54766-1 | Appliances - none of the above used in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54980-8 | Application of dressings to feet (with or without topical medications) provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54978-2 | Application of nonsurgical dressings (with or without topical medications) other than to feet provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54979-0 | Applications of ointments/medications other than to feet provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
64628-1 | Are you currently using any method of birth control [PhenX] |
64649-7 | Are you currently using any over-the-counter - herbal, natural, or soy-based - preparations for hormone replacement or to treat post-menopausal symptoms [PhenX] |
64653-9 | Are you currently using them - within the last month [PhenX] |
67405-1 | Are you particularly sensitive to loud sounds [PhenX] |
89437-8 | Are you short of breath on washing or dressing [Rose Dyspnea Scale] |
85407-5 | Arthritis conditions recorded during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54800-8 | Arthritis in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
87538-5 | Assessed for readiness for SBT by day 2 of stay during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
90522-4 | Assessment for state payment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54822-2 | Asthma/chronic obstructive lung disease or chronic lung disease in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54776-0 | Atrial fibrillation and other dysrhythmias in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
45423-1 | Autism [Minimum Data Set] |
94912-3 | Availability of caregiver assistance during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54761-2 | Bedfast [MDSv3] |
54786-9 | Benign prostatic hyperplasia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
55005-3 | BIPAP/CPAP machine in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
55004-6 | BIPAP/CPAP machine in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
52609-5 | Bladder - external or indwelling device or intermittent catheterization [CARE] |
52613-7 | Bladder - needs assistance to manage bladder care equipment [CARE] |
52610-3 | Bowel - external or indwelling device or intermittent catheterization [CARE] |
52614-5 | Bowel - needs assistance to manage bowel care equipment [CARE] |
54772-9 | Bowel toileting program currently being used during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
52594-9 | Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS) was attempted [CARE] |
54871-9 | Broken or loosely fitting full or partial denture in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
67181-8 | Can exact number of adenomas be determined [PhenX] |
54619-2 | Can recall current season in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54620-0 | Can recall location of own room in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54621-8 | Can recall staff names and faces in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54622-6 | Can recall that he or she is in a nursing home in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54774-5 | Cancer in last 30 days during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54756-2 | Cane/crutch normally used in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66625-5 | Cardiomyopathy [Reported] |
66608-1 | Cataract [Reported] |
54823-0 | Cataracts/glaucoma or macular degeneration in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54806-5 | Cerebral palsy in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54807-3 | Cerebrovascular accident/transient ischemic attack/stroke in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54993-1 | Chemotherapy in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
54992-3 | Chemotherapy in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
66667-7 | Chronic peritonitis [PhenX] |
54783-6 | Cirrhosis in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66628-9 | Claudication for 6 months [Reported] |
86795-2 | Clinical record documents a request that questions regarding possible return to the community be asked only on comprehensive assessments during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
101620-3 | CMS - Referral has been made to the local contact agency during assessment period [CMS Assessment] Patient education material |
66610-7 | Cognitive impairment [Reported] |
85629-4 | Comatose during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54597-0 | Comatose during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54861-0 | Complaints of difficulty or pain with swallowing in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54773-7 | Constipation present during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54777-8 | Coronary artery disease in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54604-4 | Corrective lenses used during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54860-2 | Coughing or choking during meals or when swallowing medications in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66613-1 | Cranial or peripheral neuropathy [Reported] |
54769-5 | Current toileting program or trial during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
58202-3 | Data entry error [MDSv3] |
106664-6 | Death is Imminent during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
87540-1 | Deemed medically ready for SBT by day 2 of stay during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54778-6 | Deep venous thrombosis/pulmonary embolus or pulmonary thrombo-embolism in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66670-1 | Deforming or erosive arthritis [PhenX] |
45696-2 | Dehydrated [Minimum Data Set] |
54680-4 | Delusions in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54877-6 | Dental status - none of the above in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54870-1 | Deprecated Able to perform dental exam MDSv3 |
52572-5 | Deprecated Allergy list is complete |
52557-6 | Deprecated Clinician diagnosis, comorbidity, and complication list is complete |
45482-7 | Deprecated Comatose [CMS Assessment] |
89411-3 | Deprecated Does the patient use a wheelchair/scooter [CMS Assessment] |
52570-9 | Deprecated Drug list is complete |
54788-5 | Deprecated HIV infection in last 30D MDSv3 |
54679-6 | Deprecated Illusions in last 7D MDSv3 |
52555-0 | Deprecated Interpreter needed [CARE] |
52798-6 | Deprecated Medical coding diagnosis, comorbidity, and complication list is complete |
54885-9 | Deprecated One or more unhealed pressure ulcer(s) at Stage 2 or higher, or one or more likely pressure ulcers that are unstageable MDSv3 |
54964-2 | Deprecated Other foot or lower extremity open lesion(s) or infections in last 7D MDSv3 |
52563-4 | Deprecated Procedure list is complete |
54882-6 | Deprecated Risk of developing pressure injuries [MDSv3] |
54789-3 | Deprecated Staphylococcus aureus.methicillin resistant or Enterococcus species.vancomycin resistant or Clostridium difficile infections &or colonization in last 30D MDSv3 |
54586-3 | Deprecated State required assessment MDSv3 |
55061-6 | Deprecated Therapies ordered to begin in first 14D of stay MDSv3 |
55062-4 | Deprecated Therapy evaluations completed MDSv3 |
54793-5 | Deprecated Urinary tract infection in last 7D MDSv3 |
54962-6 | Deprecated Venous or arterial ulcers in last 7D MDSv3 |
54965-9 | Deprecated Wound infection other than on foot or lower extremity in last 7D MDSv3 |
54818-0 | Depression other than bipolar in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66678-4 | Diabetes [PhenX] |
54795-0 | Diabetes mellitus during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54963-4 | Diabetic foot ulcer(s) in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
55011-1 | Dialysis in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
55010-3 | Dialysis in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
85630-2 | Did the (abnormal) behavior fluctuate during the day, that is, tend to come and go or increase and decrease in severity during 3 day assessment period [CAM.CMS] |
95855-3 | Did the (abnormal) behavior fluctuate during the day, that is, tend to come and go or increase and decrease in severity during assessment period [CAM.CMS] |
85631-0 | Did the patient have difficulty focusing attention, for example, being easily distractible or having difficulty keeping track of what was being said during 3 day assessment period [CAM.CMS] |
106678-6 | Did the screening indicate the patient had shortness of breath during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
69709-4 | Did you feel as if you were choking [Reported.PHQ] |
69712-8 | Did you feel dizzy, unsteady, or faint [Reported.PHQ] |
69707-8 | Did you have chest pain or pressure [Reported.PHQ] |
69710-2 | Did you have hot flashes or chills [Reported.PHQ] |
69711-0 | Did you have nausea or an upset stomach, or the feeling that you were going to have diarrhea [Reported.PHQ] |
63914-6 | Did you have symptoms of gallstones [PhenX] |
69713-6 | Did you have tingling or numbness in parts of your body [Reported.PHQ] |
69708-6 | Did you sweat [Reported.PHQ] |
69714-4 | Did you tremble or shake [Reported.PHQ] |
69706-0 | Did your heart race, pound, or skip [Reported.PHQ] |
65877-3 | Did your main daytime activities during a typical work week have you on water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example working on a boat [PhenX] |
64812-1 | Did your main daytime activities during your leisure time have you over water for a total of three or more hours a day, for example sailing, fishing or swimming [PhenX] |
45613-7 | Direct care staff believe resident is capable of increased independence in at least some ADLs during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
52716-8 | Discharge delayed at least 24 hours |
52690-5 | Discharge destination influenced by caregiver availability [CARE] |
52713-5 | Discharged with referral for additional services [CARE] |
69703-7 | Do some of these attacks come suddenly out of the blue - that is, in situations where you don't expect to be nervous or uncomfortable [Reported.PHQ] |
69704-5 | Do these attacks bother you a lot or are you worried about having another attack [Reported.PHQ] |
67743-5 | Do you drink alcohol regularly, every week [PhenX] |
69721-9 | Do you ever drink alcohol - including beer or wine [Reported.PHQ] |
67407-7 | Do you ever get noises in your head or ears, tinnitus, which usually last longer than 5 minutes [PhenX] |
67412-7 | Do you feel unsteady when walking in the dark [PhenX] |
67404-4 | Do you find it very difficult to follow a conversation if there is background noise [PhenX] |
89439-4 | Do you get short of breath walking with other people of your own age on level ground [Rose Dyspnea Scale] |
70482-5 | Do you have an ostomy appliance [FACIT] |
67463-0 | Do you have any brothers or sisters with hearing difficulties [PhenX] |
67416-8 | Do you have any brothers or sisters with normal hearing [PhenX] |
67465-5 | Do you have any children with hearing difficulties [PhenX] |
67418-4 | Do you have any children with normal hearing [PhenX] |
67400-2 | Do you have any difficulty with your hearing [PhenX] |
67433-3 | Do you have other problems with your heart or circulation [PhenX] |
67440-8 | Do you have other serious health problems that are not covered by the previous questions [PhenX] |
89438-6 | Do you have to stop for breath when walking at your own pace on level ground [Rose Dyspnea Scale] |
67420-0 | Do you have uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, or nieces with hearing difficulties [PhenX] |
67436-6 | Do you need insulin [PhenX] |
69691-4 | Do you often eat, within any 2 hour period, what most people would regard as an unusually large amount of food [Reported.PHQ] |
69690-6 | Do you often feel that you can't control what or how much you eat [Reported.PHQ] |
67423-4 | Do you suffer from migraine [PhenX] |
67450-7 | Do you take aspirin on a daily basis for your heart or to dilute your blood [PhenX] |
66289-0 | Do you think this was a valid 7 days PAR interview Observer [PhenX] |
83271-7 | Does the patient use a wheelchair or scooter during 3 day assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
95738-1 | Does the patient use a wheelchair/scooter during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
65677-7 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to how much you eat [PhenX] |
65675-1 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to your ability to get your work done [PhenX] |
65679-3 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to your desire for chocolate or sweets [PhenX] |
65573-8 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to your mood [PhenX] |
65631-4 | Does this loss of sleep affect you the next day with respect to your tendency to be irritable [PhenX] |
63982-3 | Does your mouth feel dry when eating [PhenX] |
63981-5 | Does your mouth frequently feel dry [PhenX] |
67415-0 | Does your parent have or had hearing problems [PhenX] |
45422-3 | Down's syndrome [Minimum Data Set] |
67459-8 | During your leisure time, have you been regularly, more than once a W, exposed to loud sound or noise, so that you have to shout to make yourself heard by someone who was more than 1 meter away from you [PhenX] |
66617-2 | End-stage renal disease [Reported] |
45424-9 | Epilepsy [Minimum Data Set] |
66615-6 | Estimated or measured glomerular filtration rate less than 50 percent [Reported] |
69696-3 | Exercised for more than an hour specifically to avoid gaining weight after binge eating often in last 3 months in order to avoid gaining weight [Reported.PHQ] |
46533-6 | Experiencing intractable pain [OASIS] |
66675-0 | Extensive scarring or panniculum other than scalp and pulp space [PhenX] |
54763-8 | External catheter used in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54837-0 | Facial expressions of pain in last 5 days [MDSv3] |
69695-5 | Fasted - not eaten anything at all for at least 24 hours - often in last 3 months in order to avoid gaining weight [Reported.PHQ] |
45701-0 | Fever [Minimum Data Set] |
63912-0 | Fibrocystic or other benign breast disease confirmed by aspiration [PhenX] |
63911-2 | Fibrocystic or other benign breast disease confirmed by breast biopsy [PhenX] |
54587-1 | First assessment since the most recent admission/reentry during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54784-4 | Gastroesophageal reflux disease/ulcer in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66665-1 | Gastrointestinal infarction or resection of bowel below duodenum, spleen, liver, or gall bladder [PhenX] |
88297-7 | Gradual dose reduction (GDR) attempted during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54678-8 | Hallucinations in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
67310-3 | Has anyone in your child's family had a hard time carrying on a conversation [PhenX] |
67308-7 | Has anyone in your child's family had stuttering [PhenX] |
83280-8 | Has the patient had any falls since admission [CMS Assessment] |
54853-7 | Has the patient had any falls since admission or prior assessment [CMS Assessment] |
69692-2 | Has this been as often, on average, as twice a week for the last 3 months [Reported.PHQ] |
69702-9 | Has this ever happened before [Reported.PHQ] |
91387-1 | Has valid driver license |
67728-6 | Have you been exposed to solvents such as thrichloroethylene, toluene, evaporations from paints or lacquers, for more than one year in one of your jobs [PhenX] |
67446-5 | Have you been treated with chemotherapy or other medication for this condition [PhenX] |
67442-4 | Have you ever been treated for a serious infection with an antibiotic, other than penicillin, which was administered by injection or drip for a week or more [PhenX] |
67454-9 | Have you ever fired a gun [PhenX] |
67408-5 | Have you ever had an ear disease that has caused your hearing to get worse [PhenX] |
63993-0 | Have you ever had any orthodontic treatment [PhenX] |
67429-1 | Have you ever had coronary artery catheterization [PhenX] |
67428-3 | Have you ever had heart surgery [PhenX] |
67447-3 | Have you ever received radiotherapy to your head or neck for a tumor [PhenX] |
70483-3 | Have you ever smoked [FACIT] |
67739-3 | Have you ever smoked regularly [PhenX] |
63874-2 | Have you ever taken premarin by mouth as pills [CA Teachers] |
63960-9 | Have you ever used this estrogen administration method [CA Teachers] |
63958-3 | Have you ever used this premarin pill [CA Teachers] |
67733-6 | Have you ever worked for more than 1 year in a place where you had to raise your voice to make yourself heard by someone standing 1 mile away from you [PhenX] |
67444-0 | Have you had cancer or leukemia [PhenX] |
67225-3 | Have you had this clinician diagnosed condition [PhenX] |
64645-5 | Have you used evista - raloxifene or nolvadex - tamoxifen [PhenX] |
64651-3 | Have you used prescription female hormones [PhenX] |
54599-6 | Hearing aid used during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54779-4 | Heart Failure during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54809-9 | Hemiplegia/hemiparesis in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54802-4 | Hip fracture in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54859-4 | Holding food in mouth/cheeks or residual food in mouth after meals in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
55013-7 | Hospice care in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
55012-9 | Hospice care in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
58113-2 | Huntington's disease Multiple sclerosis in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54797-6 | Hyperkalemia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54798-4 | Hyperlipidemia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54780-2 | Hypertension in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54987-3 | Hypnotic received in last 7 days or since admission/reentry if less than 7 days [MDSv3] |
54796-8 | Hyponatremia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
70712-5 | I have told family members about my infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70710-9 | I have told my partner - spouse about my infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
69720-1 | If you checked yes to any of these ways of avoiding gaining weight, were any as often, on average, as twice a week [Reported.PHQ] |
64446-8 | If you have a wheeze, is it worse in the morning [PhenX] |
52608-7 | Impairments with bladder or bowel management |
69716-9 | In the last 4 weeks, have you had an anxiety attack - suddenly feeling fear or panic [Reported.PHQ] |
67221-2 | In the past 2Y have you had a colonoscopy [PhenX] |
67222-0 | In the past 2Y, have you had a sigmoidoscopy [PhenX] |
67220-4 | In the past 2Y, have you had a virtual CT colonoscopy [PhenX] |
67219-6 | In the past 2Y, have you had upper endoscopy, esophagus or stomach [PhenX] |
54762-0 | Indwelling catheter used in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54875-0 | Inflamed or bleeding gums or loose natural teeth in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
55019-4 | Influenza virus vaccine received in facility during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
71453-5 | Intellectual disability and developmental disability with no organic condition [MDSv3] |
71452-7 | Intellectual disability and developmental disability with organic condition [MDSv3] |
54765-3 | Intermittent catheterization used in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
45703-6 | Internal bleeding [Minimum Data Set] |
87541-9 | Is there documentation of reason(s) in the patient's medical record that the patient was deemed medically unready for SBT by day 2 of stay during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
85634-4 | Is there evidence of an acute change in mental status from the patient's baseline during 3 day assessment period [CAM.CMS] |
95813-2 | Is there evidence of an acute change in mental status from the patient's baseline during assessment period [CAM.CMS] |
55017-8 | Isolation or quarantine for active infectious disease in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
55016-0 | Isolation or quarantine for active infectious disease in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
58203-1 | Item coding error [MDSv3] |
55007-9 | IV medications in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
55006-1 | IV medications in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
52553-5 | Language.primary is English |
85646-8 | Level of consciousness - Alert (normal) during 3 day assessment [CAM.CMS] |
95857-9 | Level of consciousness - Alert (normal) during assessment period [CAM.CMS] |
85655-9 | Level of consciousness - Vigilant or lethargic or stupor or coma during 3 day assessment [CAM.CMS] |
95858-7 | Level of consciousness - Vigilant or lethargic or stupor or coma during assessment period [CAM.CMS] |
54846-1 | Life expectancy of less than 6 months during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54759-6 | Limb prosthesis normally used in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
52727-5 | Lives outside U.S. |
54858-6 | Loss of liquids/solids from mouth when eating or drinking in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
69693-0 | Made yourself vomit often in last 3 months in order to avoid gaining weight [Reported.PHQ] |
52585-7 | Major wound (excluding pressure ulcers) [CARE] |
54819-8 | Manic depression other than schizophrenia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
95021-2 | Manual wheelchair use during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
101374-7 | MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.18.11 - Referral has been made to the local contact agency Patient education material [CMS Assessment] |
103569-0 | MDS v3.0 - RAI v1.19.1 - Is the resident's COVID-19 vaccination up to date? [CMS Assessment] |
54866-9 | Mechanically altered diet - require change in texture of food or liquids in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
46506-2 | Medical or treatment regimen change in past 14 days [OASIS] |
58421-9 | Medicare short stay assessment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54594-7 | Medicare-covered stay since the most recent entry during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
57281-8 | Medication follow-up during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
88871-9 | Medication follow-up in the last 3 days [CMS Assessment] |
54989-9 | Medications received - none of the above were received in last 7 days or since admission/reentry if less than 7 days [MDSv3] |
45426-4 | Mental retardation and developmental disabilities with no organic condition [Minimum Data Set] |
66666-9 | Mesenteric insufficiency [PhenX] |
66662-8 | Minor tissue loss [PhenX] |
54760-4 | Mobility aids - none of the above were normally used in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
71451-9 | Moisture associated skin damage (MASD) [MDSv3] |
52601-2 | Mood interview was attempted [CARE] |
95022-0 | Motorized wheelchair/scooter use during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54876-8 | Mouth or facial pain, discomfort or difficulty with chewing in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
58109-0 | Multidrug-resistant organism (MDRO) in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
67173-5 | Multiple polyps in specimen jar [PhenX] |
54812-3 | Multiple sclerosis in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66669-3 | Muscle atrophy or weakness [PhenX] |
54865-1 | Nasogastric or abdominal feeding tube in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
58111-6 | Neurogenic bladder in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
106674-5 | Neuropathic Pain during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
52701-0 | No assistance needed [CARE] |
45421-5 | No mental retardation and developmental disabilities [Minimum Data Set] |
54872-7 | No natural teeth or tooth fragments in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54808-1 | Non-Alzheimer's dementia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54835-4 | Non-verbal sounds of pain in last 5 days [MDSv3] |
54824-8 | None of the above active diagnoses in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54844-6 | None of the above shortness of breath symptoms in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54623-4 | None of the above were recalled in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54839-6 | None of these signs of pain observed or documented in last 5 days [MDSv3] |
54975-8 | Nutrition or hydration intervention to manage skin problems provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54868-5 | Nutritional approaches in last 7 days - none of the above [MDSv3] |
54874-3 | Obvious or likely cavity or broken natural teeth in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54825-5 | On scheduled pain medication regimen in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
58214-8 | One or more unhealed pressure injuries stage 1 or higher during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54967-5 | Open lesion(s) other than ulcers, rashes, cuts in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54781-0 | Orthostatic hypotension in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66673-5 | Osteomyelitis [PhenX] |
54801-6 | Osteoporosis in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66671-9 | Osteoporosis with fracture or vertebral collapse [PhenX] |
54764-6 | Ostomy (including suprapubic catheter, ileostomy, and colostomy) present in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
67190-9 | Other cancer diagnosis [PhenX] |
52600-4 | Other disruptive or dangerous behavioral symptoms not directed towards others, including self-injurious behaviors during 2 day assessment period [CARE] |
58208-0 | Other error requiring error requiring inactivation [MDSv3] |
58204-9 | Other error requiring modification [MDSv3] |
54803-2 | Other fracture in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
71455-0 | Other organic condition related to intellectual disability and developmental disability status [MDSv3] |
45425-6 | Other organic condition related to mental retardation and developmental disabilities [Minimum Data Set] |
54969-1 | Other ulcers, wounds, and skin problems - none of above in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54685-3 | Overall presence of behavioral symptoms during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54997-2 | Oxygen therapy in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
54996-4 | Oxygen therapy in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
106670-3 | Pain Active Problem during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
52501-4 | Pain Effect on Function during last 2 days |
52603-8 | Pain interview was attempted [CARE] |
54810-7 | Paraplegia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54864-4 | Parenteral/IV feeding in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54813-1 | Parkinson's disease in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
55054-1 | Participation in assessment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
85411-7 | Patient discharged against medical advice during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
85415-8 | Patient discharged alive during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
52719-2 | Patient requested information not be shared with next provider [CARE] |
66627-1 | Pericarditis for 6 months, or pericardiectomy [Reported] |
54782-8 | Peripheral Vascular Disease or Peripheral Arterial Disease during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
52598-0 | Physical behavioral symptoms directed toward others during 2 day assessment period [CARE] |
66621-4 | Pleural fibrosis [Reported] |
55022-8 | Pneumococcal vaccination up to date during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
57210-7 | Pneumococcal vaccine [OASIS-C] |
54790-1 | Pneumonia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54066-6 | Post acute care or personal assistance anticipated following discharge [CARE] |
54821-4 | Post-traumatic stress disorder in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66677-6 | Premature gonadal failure [PhenX] |
54957-6 | Pressure injuries were present on the prior assessment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
46535-1 | Pressure injury [OASIS] |
54881-8 | Pressure injury risk - none of the above [MDSv3] |
54880-0 | Pressure injury risk by clinical judgment [MDSv3] |
54879-2 | Pressure injury risk by formal assessment [MDSv3] |
54878-4 | Pressure injury risk by resident has a stage 1 or greater, a scar over bony prominence, or a non-removable dressing, device in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54973-3 | Pressure reducing device for bed provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54972-5 | Pressure reducing device for chair provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
86772-1 | Previous rehabilitation therapy regimen (speech, occupational, and/or physical therapy) ended, and regimen now resumed at exactly the same level for each discipline during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
52652-5 | Primarily uses wheelchair for mobility during 2 day assessment period [CARE] |
54848-7 | Problem conditions - none of above [MDSv3] |
66287-4 | Problems with the 7 days PAR interview Observer [PhenX] |
52558-4 | Procedure this admission [CARE] |
52560-0 | Procedure.left [CARE] |
52561-8 | Procedure.right [CARE] |
52562-6 | Procedure.side not applicable [CARE] |
85412-5 | Program interruption(s) during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54838-8 | Protective body movements or postures in last 5 days [MDSv3] |
54816-4 | Protein or calorie malnutrition or at risk for malnutrition in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66616-4 | Proteinuria greater than or equal to 3.5 gm in 24 hours [Reported] |
54681-2 | Psychoses - none of the above in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66619-8 | Pulmonary fibrosis [Reported] |
66618-0 | Pulmonary hypertension [Reported] |
66622-2 | Pulmonary infarction [Reported] |
54689-5 | Put others at significant risk for physical injury during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54686-1 | Put the resident at significant risk for physical illness or injury during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54811-5 | Quadriplegia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54995-6 | Radiation in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
54994-9 | Radiation in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
58207-2 | Reasons for inactivation - event did not occur [MDSv3] |
71449-3 | Received non-medication intervention for pain during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54827-1 | Received non-medication intervention for pain in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54826-3 | Received PRN pain medications in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
71448-5 | Received PRN pain medications or was offered and declined during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
71447-7 | Received scheduled pain medication regimen during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
46593-0 | Receives psychiatric nursing during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54787-7 | Renal insufficiency or renal failure/end-stage renal disease in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
45612-9 | Resident believes he or she is capable of increased independence in at least some ADLs [Minimum Data Set] |
54729-9 | Resident prefers being around animals such as pets [MDSv3] |
54717-4 | Resident prefers caring for personal belongings [MDSv3] |
54716-6 | Resident prefers choosing clothes to wear [MDSv3] |
54731-5 | Resident prefers doing things with groups of people [MDSv3] |
54724-0 | Resident prefers family or significant other involvement in care discussions [MDSv3] |
54730-7 | Resident prefers keeping up with the news [MDSv3] |
54728-1 | Resident prefers listening to music [MDSv3] |
54736-4 | Resident prefers none of the above [MDSv3] |
54732-3 | Resident prefers participating in favorite activities [MDSv3] |
54735-6 | Resident prefers participating in religious activities or practices [MDSv3] |
54726-5 | Resident prefers place to lock personal belongings [MDSv3] |
54727-3 | Resident prefers reading books, newspapers, magazines [MDSv3] |
54720-8 | Resident prefers receiving bed bath [MDSv3] |
54719-0 | Resident prefers receiving shower [MDSv3] |
54721-6 | Resident prefers receiving sponge bath [MDSv3] |
54718-2 | Resident prefers receiving tub bath [MDSv3] |
54722-4 | Resident prefers snacks between meals [MDSv3] |
54733-1 | Resident prefers spending time away from the nursing home [MDSv3] |
54734-9 | Resident prefers spending time outdoors [MDSv3] |
54723-2 | Resident prefers staying up past 8:00 p.m. [MDSv3] |
54725-7 | Resident prefers use of phone in private [MDSv3] |
58116-5 | Respiratory failure in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
55015-2 | Respite care in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
55014-5 | Respite care in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
54655-6 | Responsible staff or provider was informed of potential for resident self harm during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
66609-9 | Retinal change or optic atrophy [Reported] |
57280-0 | Risk of developing pressure injuries during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
87542-7 | SBT performed by day 2 of stay during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
66674-3 | Scarring chronic alopecia [PhenX] |
54820-6 | Schizophrenia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54968-3 | Second or third degree burns in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54814-9 | Seizure disorder or epilepsy during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
66611-5 | Seizures requiring therapy for 6 months [Reported] |
54791-9 | Septicemia in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
90549-7 | Short stay assessment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54843-8 | Shortness of breath or trouble breathing when lying flat in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54842-0 | Shortness of breath or trouble breathing when sitting at rest in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54841-2 | Shortness of breath or trouble breathing with exertion in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
66620-6 | Shrinking lung [Reported] |
54691-1 | Significantly disrupt care or living environment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54687-9 | Significantly interfere with the resident's care during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54688-7 | Significantly interfere with the resident's participation in activities or social interactions during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54690-3 | Significantly intrude on the privacy or activity of others during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54862-8 | Signs or symptoms of possible swallowing disorder - none of the above [MDSv3] |
54981-6 | Skin and ulcer treatments - none of above provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
106709-9 | Skin Conditions. Does the patient have one or more skin conditions during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
46534-4 | Skin lesion or open wound during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
71450-1 | Skin tear(s) [MDSv3] |
66676-8 | Skin ulceration for >6 months [PhenX] |
90525-7 | SNF Part A Interrupted Stay during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
86525-3 | SNF Part A PPS discharge assessment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
58227-0 | Software product error [MDSv3] |
46543-5 | Stasis ulcer [OASIS] |
66668-5 | Stricture or upper gastrointestinal tract surgery [PhenX] |
54999-8 | Suctioning in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
54998-0 | Suctioning in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
46547-6 | Surgical wound [OASIS] |
54977-4 | Surgical wound care provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54966-7 | Surgical wound(s) in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
58107-4 | Swing bed clinical change assessment during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
54867-7 | Therapeutic diet in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54799-2 | Thyroid disorder in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54845-3 | Tobacco use during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
69694-8 | Took more than twice the recommended dose of laxatives often in last 3 months in order to avoid gaining weight [Reported.PHQ] |
58114-0 | Tourette's syndrome in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
55001-2 | Tracheostomy care in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
55000-4 | Tracheostomy care in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
58201-5 | Transcription error [MDSv3] |
55009-5 | Transfusions in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
55008-7 | Transfusions in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
66614-9 | Transverse myelitis [Reported] |
54815-6 | Traumatic brain injury in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54792-7 | Tuberculosis in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54974-1 | Turning/repositioning provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54976-6 | Ulcer care provided in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54785-1 | Ulcerative colitis/Crohn's disease/inflammatory bowel disease in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
58119-9 | Unable to examine oral or dental status [MDSv3] |
57307-1 | Unhealed pressure injury at stage 2 or higher or designated as unstageable [OASIS-C] |
85918-1 | Unhealed pressure injury at stage 2 or higher or designated as unstageable during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
46540-1 | Unobserved pressure injury [OASIS] |
46545-0 | Unobserved stasis pressure injury [OASIS] |
46549-2 | Unobserved surgical wound [OASIS] |
88695-2 | Used bowel toileting program during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
95042-8 | Used or needed assistive devices in the past month [CMS Assessment] |
66626-3 | Valvular disease [Reported] |
66664-4 | Venous thrombosis with swelling, ulceration, or venous stasis [PhenX] |
55003-8 | Ventilator or respirator in last 14 days - while a resident [MDSv3] |
55002-0 | Ventilator or respirator in last 14 days - while not a resident [MDSv3] |
52599-8 | Verbal behavioral symptoms directed towards others during 2 day assessment period [CARE] |
54794-3 | Viral hepatitis in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54836-2 | Vocal complaints of pain in last 5 days [MDSv3] |
45708-5 | Vomiting [Minimum Data Set] |
54757-0 | Walker normally used in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
54694-5 | Wandering places resident at significant risk of getting to a potentially dangerous place in last 7 days [CMS Assessment] |
54695-2 | Wandering significantly intrudes on the privacy or activities of others in last 7 days [CMS Assessment] |
106668-7 | Was a comprehensive pain assessment done during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
106716-4 | Was a PRN opioid initiated or continued during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
106719-8 | Was a scheduled opioid initiated or continued during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
106684-4 | Was a symptom impact screening completed during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
106705-7 | Was an in-person SFV completed during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
63916-1 | Was endometriosis confirmed by laparoscopy [PhenX] |
106665-3 | Was the patient screened for pain during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
106676-0 | Was the patient screened for shortness of breath during assessment period [CMS Assessment] |
85651-8 | Was the patient's thinking disorganized or incoherent, such as rambling or irrelevant conversation, unclear or illogical flow of ideas, or unpredictable switching from subject to subject during 3 day assessment period [CAM.CMS] |
66606-5 | Was this the source of fracture confirmation [PhenX] |
63917-9 | Were uterine fibroids confirmed by pelvic exam [PhenX] |
63918-7 | Were uterine fibroids confirmed by ultrasound or hysterectomy [PhenX] |
69715-1 | Were you afraid you were dying [Reported.PHQ] |
66271-8 | Were you employed in the last 7 days [PhenX] |
69705-2 | Were you short of breath [Reported.PHQ] |
54758-8 | Wheelchair (manual or electric) normally used in last 7 days [MDSv3] |
67554-6 | Work related exposure, injury, or death Provider NEMSIS |
69697-1 | You drank alcohol, even though a doctor suggested that you stop drinking because of a problem with your health, more than once in last 6 months [Reported.PHQ] |
69698-9 | You drank alcohol, were high from alcohol, or hung over while you were working, going to school, or taking care of children or other responsibilities more than once in last 6 months [Reported.PHQ] |
69701-1 | You drove a car after having several drinks or after drinking too much more than once in last 6 months [Reported.PHQ] |
69700-3 | You had a problem getting along with other people while you were drinking more than once in last 6 months [Reported.PHQ] |
69699-7 | You missed or were late for work, school, or other activities because you were drinking or hung over, more than once in last 6 months [Reported.PHQ] |
52540-2 | ZIP Code unknown |
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This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
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