Version 2.80

Basic Properties

LOINCs using this list

Answer List

Answer Code Score Answer ID
YesCopyright ID:373066001 Yes (qualifier value) LA33-6
NoCopyright ID:373067005 No (qualifier value) LA32-8

LOINC terms using this Answer List

75530-6 Able to request or review patient chart Abstractor [MSCDM]
66420-1 Abnormal lab test [PhenX]
64256-1 About how many such episodes of cough with phlegm that lasted 1 week or more have you had in the past 12 months [PhenX]
64596-0 Acceptable maneuver [PhenX]
66303-9 Actigraph disconnected from USB cable and OK clicked [PhenX]
66300-5 Actigraph is connected to USB cable [PhenX]
66305-4 Actigraph placed as close to iliac crest as possible [PhenX]
66319-5 Actigraph properly connected to USB cable [PhenX]
66301-3 Actigraph set up for free-living [PhenX]
66315-3 Activity collected and recorded on the actigraph [PhenX]
97066-5 Acute illness with fever
54128-4 Adopted
54122-7 Adopted Family member
97070-7 Adverse event following prior vaccination
95369-5 Affiliated with a tribe
97067-3 Allergic reaction to first COVID-19 vaccine dose
96434-6 Always has enough food for family Caregiver
63705-8 Are automobiles, vans, trucks or other motor vehicles parked in this attached garage [NHEXAS]
65120-8 Are people important to your child [CAST]
66102-5 Are you able to sense your feet when you walk [PhenX]
68527-1 Are you always able to stop using drugs when you want to [SAMHSA]
75251-9 Are you blind or do you have difficulty seeing [HHS.ACA Section 4302.ONC]
69857-1 Are you blind, or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses
93676-5 Are you concerned about someone in your home using drugs or alcohol [WellRx]
89174-7 Are you concerned that you have a memory or other thinking problem [ECog]
64862-6 Are you considering wearing contact lenses in the next year [PhenX]
75250-1 Are you deaf or do you have difficulty hearing [HHS.ACA Section 4302.ONC]
69856-3 Are you deaf, or do you have serious difficulty hearing
93669-0 Are you homeless or worried that you might be in the future [WellRx]
70844-6 Are you sexually active or would you like to be sexually active [FACIT]
64168-8 Are you troubled by shortness of breath when hurrying on level ground or walking up a slight hill [Rose Dyspnea Scale]
93673-2 Are you unemployed or without regular income [WellRx]
66092-8 Are your feet too sensitive to touch [PhenX]
66090-2 Are your legs or feet numb [PhenX]
66100-9 Are your symptoms worse at night [PhenX]
72151-4 Arrived at clinic with partner [RHEA]
72038-3 Arteriovenous graft assessed using doppler [US.doppler]
72036-7 Arteriovenous graft assessed using intra-access flow
89074-9 Aspirin usage--post enrollment in ADAPTABLE study [ADAPTABLE]
89076-4 Aspirin usage--pre enrollment in ADAPTABLE study [ADAPTABLE]
66421-9 Asymptomatic screening
67579-3 At any time in your life, have you ever been unfairly fired [PhenX]
96849-5 At least one drink in past 3 months
96441-1 At risk of becoming homeless Caregiver
96435-3 At risk of having utilities shut off in the next week Caregiver
67694-0 Attended a new school [PhenX]
69436-4 Autopsy results available
34524-9 Band form neutrophils [Presence] in Blood by Automated count
69861-3 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a physician's office or shopping
75253-5 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping [HHS.ACA Section 4302.ONC]
69858-9 Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
66929-1 Before you turned 12 years old (when you were in grade school), did anyone ever hit you, kick you, beat you, punch you, slap you around, or hurt your body in some other way [LTVH]
67113-1 Before you turned 12 years old (when you were in grade school), were you ever physically abused [LTVH]
98976-4 Behind on rent or mortgage in past 12 months
67691-6 Being a victim of crime - violence - assault [PhenX]
99291-7 Bracing during movement
99299-0 Bracing while at rest
67690-8 Brother or sister left home [PhenX]
65125-7 Can your child count to 50 without leaving out any numbers [CAST]
65121-6 Can your child dress him or herself [CAST]
65110-9 Can your child keep a two-way conversation going [CAST]
65111-7 Can your child read appropriately for his or her age [CAST]
65132-3 Can your child ride a bicycle, even if with stabilizers [CAST]
96743-0 Cannot read or write in primary language
58254-4 Cardiac enzyme measurements performed during this admission
95385-1 Caregiver for person with age-related complaints, chronic diseases or frailty
67722-9 Cause of hearing problem Family member [PhenX]
99105-9 Chlamydia trachomatis Ag [Presence] in Serum or Plasma by Immunoassay
71476-6 Clinical sepsis symptoms present [ESRD]
99500-1 Clinical trial vaccine received
99348-5 Close contact with COVID-19 in last 2W
67688-2 Close friend died [PhenX]
67680-9 Close friend was seriously sick - injured [PhenX]
72082-1 Constant dialysate sodium prescribed [ESRD]
96544-2 Contact with confirmed case in 14 days prior to symptom onset
64437-7 Contraindications for test [PhenX]
66323-7 Correctly enters activities on computer [PhenX]
99552-2 Could not see doctor due to cost in past 12Mo
70957-6 Creatinine clearance corrected for body surface area using standard methods [ESRD]
82823-6 Criminal household member--before 18 years old [ACE]
48614-2 Cryoglobulin [Presence] in Serum by Immune diffusion (ID)
99615-7 Current anti-inflammatory drug use
64849-3 Currently driving, at least once in a while
66321-1 Data saved properly [PhenX]
58333-6 Death witnessed
99594-4 Delayed medical care due to distance or lack of transportation
64595-2 Deleted maneuver [PhenX]
67506-6 Deprecated CPR prior to EMS arrival NEMSIS
67204-8 Deprecated TNM clinical staging [PhenX]
67208-9 Deprecated TNM pathologic staging [PhenX]
67185-9 Diagnostic_staging procedures supplement form completed [PhenX]
105472-5 Did a doctor or other health provider give you instructions about what to do about a specific illness or health condition 12 months
66930-9 Did anyone else ever do this to you [LTVH]
69444-8 Did death result from injury at work
72075-5 Did patient provide the home blood pressure values to the dialysis unit [ESRD]
72080-5 Did prescribed dialysate sodium concentration exceed 138 mEq/L for any dialysis session during the Mo [ESRD]
71481-6 Did the death of this person involve injury of any kind
67797-1 Did the encounter team administer any medications NEMSIS
67798-9 Did the encounter team perform any procedures NEMSIS
65721-3 Did the episode come on suddenly [PhenX]
71477-4 Did the infection require hospitalization [ESRD]
66295-7 Did the participant receive an actigraph [PhenX]
63801-5 Did you bring home any items from the cleaners that were dry-cleaned during the past week [PhenX]
63823-9 Did you ever get a blistering sunburn [NHL]
63824-7 Did you ever get a skin rash from sun exposure [NHL]
68507-3 Did you ever serve on active duty in the armed forces of the U.S. [SAMHSA]
66889-7 Did you feel intense fear, helplessness, or horror [LTVH]
66928-3 Did you feel like there was nothing you could do to stop what was happening [LTVH]
64001-1 Did you first have the sores or irritations more than 6 months ago [PhenX]
63970-8 Did you give your baby a bottle in the past 2 weeks [IFPS-II]
63800-7 Did you go to the dry cleaners during the past week [PhenX]
63804-9 Did you handle this air contaminant yourself [RIOPA]
64177-9 Did you have any lung trouble before the age of 16 [PhenX]
66558-8 Did you have one or more severe blistering sunburns as a child or teenager [PhenX]
64000-3 Did you have painful sores or irritations around the lips or on the tongue, cheeks, or gums more than once in past 6 months [PhenX]
64007-8 Did you have this pain or toothache more than once, in past 6 months [PhenX]
105475-8 Did you have to fill out or sign any forms at a doctor or other health provider office 12 months
66559-6 Did you live for more than 1 year in a country where sunshine is high - africa, french west indies, south of united states, australia [PhenX]
105481-6 Did you make any appointments to see a specialist 12 months
93668-2 Did you or others you live with eat smaller meals or skip meals because you didn't have money for food in the past 2 months [WellRx]
68539-6 Did you prescribe or recommend that the patient use one of the 7 FDA - approved medications for tobacco cessation [SAMHSA]
68538-8 Did you provide brief counseling-coaching to quit [SAMHSA]
68540-4 Did you refer the patient to your states tobacco quitline [SAMHSA]
66565-3 Did you use one of the following forms of birth control each time you had sexual intercourse in the past 7 days [PhenX]
63975-7 Did your child consume this beverage during the past week [PhenX]
98068-0 Difficulty communicating in usual language
97119-2 Difficulty getting work or schoolwork done because of other responsibilities at home during the COVID-19 outbreak
97120-0 Difficulty getting work or schoolwork done because of your home environment during the COIVD-19 outbreak
98078-9 Difficulty reading or writing
65722-1 Do any of the following describe your change in speech [PhenX]
66047-2 Do or did you have this diabetes-related problem [PhenX]
68526-3 Do you abuse more than one drug at a time [SAMHSA]
65392-3 Do you consider your severe headaches to be migraines [PhenX]
88381-9 Do you currently have a job or do any unpaid work outside your home [IPAQ]
64860-0 Do you currently wear contact lenses [PhenX]
68529-7 Do you ever feel bad or guilty about your drug use [SAMHSA]
66091-0 Do you ever have any burning pain in your legs or feet [PhenX]
66094-4 Do you ever have any prickling feelings in your legs or feet [PhenX]
66234-6 Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity [Revised PARQ]
93682-3 Do you feel unsafe in your daily life [WellRx]
66099-3 Do you feel weak all over most of the time [PhenX]
66093-6 Do you get muscle cramps in your legs or feet [PhenX]
66237-9 Do you have a bone or joint problem, for example, back, knee or hip, that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity [Revised PARQ]
63777-7 Do you have a twin brother or sister [CBCS]
65913-6 Do you have an unreasonably strong fear for or avoid this situation [CIDI-SF]
65915-1 Do you have an unreasonably strong fear or avoid this social situation [CIDI-SF]
65911-0 Do you have an unreasonably strong fear or avoid this specific thing [CIDI-SF]
66539-8 Do you have any blood relatives affected with psoriasis [PhenX]
66540-6 Do you have any blood relatives with inflammatory bowel disease [PhenX]
75254-3 Do you have difficulty communicating, reading, or do you have limited proficiency in English [HHS.ACA Section 4302.ONC]
69860-5 Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing
75252-7 Do you have difficulty walking or climbing stairs [HHS.ACA Section 4302.ONC]
66545-5 Do you have nail psoriasis [PhenX]
69859-7 Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs
93671-6 Do you have trouble finding or paying for transportation [WellRx]
93670-8 Do you have trouble paying for your gas or electricity bills [WellRx]
66239-5 Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity [Revised PARQ]
66236-1 Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness [Revised PARQ]
98079-7 Do you need any additional assistance or accommodations during your visit
93672-4 Do you need daycare, or better daycare, for your kids [WellRx]
93674-0 Do you need help finding a better job [WellRx]
93675-7 Do you need help getting more education [WellRx]
93677-3 Do you need help with legal issues
95395-0 Do you often feel under extreme stress Caregiver [SEEK]
95398-4 Do you often feel your child is difficult to take care of Caregiver [SEEK]
75855-7 Do you sometimes drink alcoholic beverages [Reported]
95397-6 Do you sometimes find you need to slap or hit your child Caregiver [SEEK]
64154-8 Do you usually bring up phlegm at all during the rest of the day or at night [PhenX]
64153-0 Do you usually bring up phlegm at all on getting up or first thing in the morning [PhenX]
64151-4 Do you usually bring up phlegm from your chest [PhenX]
64152-2 Do you usually bring up phlegm like this as much as twice a day, 4 or more days of the week [PhenX]
64146-4 Do you usually cough as much as 4 to 6 times a day, 4 or more day out of the week [PhenX]
64148-0 Do you usually cough at all during the rest of the day or at night [PhenX]
64147-2 Do you usually cough at all on getting up, or first thing in the morning [PhenX]
64145-6 Do you usually have a cough [PhenX]
95396-8 Do you wish you had more help with your child Caregiver [SEEK]
66101-7 Do your legs hurt when you walk [PhenX]
63991-4 Does anyone else in the family use toothpaste with fluoride [PhenX]
66095-1 Does it hurt when the bed covers touch your skin [PhenX]
67235-2 Does the examinee have hearing aids that cannot be removed [PhenX]
69747-4 Does the patient have any environmental allergies NEMSIS
67794-8 Does the patient have any medication allergies NEMSIS
67791-4 Does the patient take any medications NEMSIS
64542-4 Does the time at which your child gets up from bed change a lot from day to day [PhenX]
64541-6 Does the time at which your child goes to bed change a lot from day to day [PhenX]
63714-0 Does this house or apartment have a central heating system with ducts that blow air into most rooms [NHEXAS]
64161-3 Does your chest ever sound wheezy or whistling most days or nights [PhenX]
64160-5 Does your chest ever sound wheezy or whistling occasionally apart from colds [PhenX]
64159-7 Does your chest ever sound wheezy or whistling when you have a cold [PhenX]
65118-2 Does your child appear to have an unusual memory for details [CAST]
65105-9 Does your child appear to notice unusual details that others miss [CAST]
64537-4 Does your child bang his or her head or rock his or her body when going to sleep [PhenX]
65134-9 Does your child care how he or she is perceived by the rest of the group [CAST]
65101-8 Does your child come up to you spontaneously for a chat [CAST]
65116-6 Does your child enjoy joking around [CAST]
65103-4 Does your child enjoy sports [CAST]
65109-1 Does your child find it easy to interact with other children [CAST]
65113-3 Does your child have an interest which takes up so much time that he or she does little else [CAST]
65127-3 Does your child have any unusual and repetitive movements [CAST]
65117-4 Does your child have difficulty understanding the rules for polite behavior [CAST]
65114-1 Does your child have friends, rather than just acquaintances [CAST]
65136-4 Does your child have odd or unusual phrases [CAST]
65100-0 Does your child join in playing games with other children easily [CAST]
65108-3 Does your child like to do things over and over again, in the same way all the time [CAST]
65126-5 Does your child make normal eye-contact [CAST]
65112-5 Does your child mostly have the same interests as his or her peers [CAST]
65115-8 Does your child often bring you things he or she is interested in to show you [CAST]
65124-0 Does your child often do or say things that are tactless or socially inappropriate [CAST]
65135-6 Does your child often turn conversations to his or her favorite subject rather than following what the other person wants to talk about [CAST]
65123-2 Does your child play imaginatively with other children, and engage in role-play [CAST]
65130-7 Does your child prefer imaginative activities such as play-acting or story-telling, rather than numbers or lists of facts [CAST]
65131-5 Does your child sometimes lose the listener because of not explaining what your child is talking about [CAST]
65129-9 Does your child sometimes say you or your child when he or she means I [CAST]
65106-7 Does your child tend to take things literally [CAST]
65133-1 Does your child try to impose routines on him or herself, or on others, in such a way that it causes problems [CAST]
68530-5 Does your spouse or parent ever complain about your involvement with drugs [SAMHSA]
82820-2 Domestic violence--before 18 years old [ACE]
59781-5 Dose validity
66320-3 Download button clicked on actiweb client software [PhenX]
65870-8 During that pregnancy, did you ever develop any of these things [PhenX]
63611-8 During the past 30 days, have you smoked part or all of a cigarette [PhenX]
64174-6 During the past 3Y, have you had any chest illnesses that have kept you off work, indoors at home, or in bed 3 years [PhenX]
65522-5 During the past 6 months have there been times when you felt you have eaten what other people would regard as an unusually large amount of food - a quart of ice cream - given the circumstances [EDDS]
65523-3 During the times when you ate an unusually large amount of food, did you experience a loss of control - feel you couldn't stop eating or control what or how much you were eating [EDDS]
65923-5 During these episodes of overeating and loss of control did you eat alone because you were embarrassed by how much you were eating [EDDS]
65922-7 During these episodes of overeating and loss of control did you eat large amounts of food when you didn't feel physically hungry [EDDS]
65920-1 During these episodes of overeating and loss of control did you eat much more rapidly than normal [EDDS]
65921-9 During these episodes of overeating and loss of control did you eat until you felt uncomfortably full [EDDS]
65924-3 During these episodes of overeating and loss of control did you feel disgusted with yourself, depressed or very guilty after overeating [EDDS]
65925-0 During these episodes of overeating and loss of control did you feel very upset about your uncontrollable overeating or resulting weight gain [EDDS]
64718-0 During this pregnancy, did you receive help with an alcohol or drug problem [PhenX]
96439-5 Emergent risk of becoming homeless Caregiver
82814-5 Emotional abuse--before 18 years old [ACE]
82817-8 Emotional neglect--before 18 years old [ACE]
99222-2 Employed
67511-6 EMS therapeutic hypothermia NEMSIS
95371-1 Enrolled in a tribe
89069-9 Enteric coated aspirin tablet
34525-6 Erythrocytes.lytic resistant [Presence] in Blood by Automated count
58266-8 Ever diagnosed by a doctor as having an abdominal aortic aneurysm
99200-8 Ever driven a car
58287-4 Ever told by doctor that you had rheumatic fever
58256-9 Evidence of hemolytic disease during this hospitalization
45249-0 Evidence of tuberculosis resistance
71785-0 Exam findings communicated to clinician managing diabetic care
99217-2 Experienced blurry vision in past 7 days
99215-6 Experienced distorted vision in past 7 days
99213-1 Experienced glare in past 7 days
99219-8 Experienced trouble seeing in past 7 days
98529-1 Exposed to pesticides, household cleaning products or substances with irritating odors in past 7 days
99290-9 Facial grimaces or winces during movement
99298-2 Facial grimaces or winces while at rest
100256-7 Fallen in last 6 months
97063-2 Family history of Diabetes
67682-5 Family history of Drug - alcohol problem [PhenX]
67689-0 Family history of Mental - emotional problem [PhenX]
67677-5 Family member was seriously injured [PhenX]
67695-7 Family moved [PhenX]
100257-5 Feel unsteady when standing or walking
44255-8 Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless in last 2 weeks
69725-0 Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge in last 2 weeks
66309-6 Fills out actigraph distribution form [PhenX]
98162-1 Financial problems since the beginning of the pandemic
66225-4 Fingertips touch with left arm behind the back and right arm behind the head [PhenX]
66243-7 Fingertips touch with right arm behind the back and left arm behind the head [PhenX]
67481-2 First EMS unit on scene NEMSIS
96851-1 Five or more drinks in one day in the past 3 months
64736-2 For females - have you ever had sex with a woman involving genital area or vaginal contact. For males - have you ever had sex with a man involving genital area or penis contact [PhenX]
67581-9 For unfair reasons, have you ever not been hired for a job [PhenX]
67158-6 Form receipted into SMS [PhenX]
96850-3 Four or more drinks in one day in the past 3 months
95390-1 Four or more drinks in one day in the past 3 months Caregiver
67700-5 Got new brother or sister [PhenX]
67698-1 Got new stepmother or stepfather [PhenX]
67683-3 Got seriously sick or injured [PhenX]
66546-3 Has a dermatologist told you that you have pustular psoriasis [PhenX]
96444-5 Has a job Caregiver
95391-9 Has a partner threatened, shoved, hit or kicked you or hurt you physically in any way in the past 3 months Caregiver [SEEK]
67112-3 Has anyone ever actually hurt you with any kind of a weapon, like a knife, a gun, a baseball bat, a frying pan, scissors, a stick, a rock, or a bottle [LTVH]
67122-2 Has anyone ever damaged or destroyed something on purpose that belonged to you or to someone who you lived with [LTVH]
66915-0 Has anyone ever intentionally damaged or destroyed property owned by you or by someone in your household [LTVH]
67109-9 Has anyone ever shot at you, stabbed you, hit you, kicked you, beaten you, punched you, slapped you around, or hurt your body in some other way [LTVH]
66920-0 Has anyone ever stolen something directly from you without the threat or use of force - purse-snatching or pick-pocket [LTVH]
66916-8 Has anyone ever stolen something from you by using force or the threat of force like in a stick-up, mugging, or car-jacking [LTVH]
67123-0 Has anyone ever stolen something from you by using force or threatening to hurt you, like in a stick-up, a mugging, or a car-jacking [LTVH]
66934-1 Has anyone ever stolen something from you without your knowing it [LTVH]
67111-5 Has anyone ever threatened to hurt you when they were standing right in front of you [LTVH]
67110-7 Has anyone ever threatened to hurt you with any kind of a weapon, like a knife, a gun, a baseball bat, a frying pan, scissors, a stick, a rock or a bottle [LTVH]
66900-2 Has anyone ever threatened you in a face-to-face confrontation [LTVH]
66918-4 Has anyone ever tried to or actually broken in to your house, garage, shed, or storage room when you were not there [LTVH]
66919-2 Has anyone ever tried to or actually broken in to your house, garage, shed, or storage room when you were there [LTVH]
67124-8 Has anyone ever tried to steal something from you by using force or threatening to hurt you [LTVH]
66917-6 Has anyone ever tried to, but not actually, steal something from you by using force or the threat of force like in a stick-up, mugging, or car-jacking [LTVH]
96853-7 Has anyone expressed concern about your drinking in past 3 months [TAPS]
96871-9 Has anyone expressed concern about your use of a medication for ADHD (for example, Adderall or Ritalin) in past 3 months [TAPS]
96865-1 Has anyone expressed concern about your use of an opiate pain reliever in past 3 months [TAPS]
96859-4 Has anyone expressed concern about your use of cocaine, crack, or methamphetamine (crystal meth) in past 3 months [TAPS]
96862-8 Has anyone expressed concern about your use of heroin in past 3 months [TAPS]
96856-0 Has anyone expressed concern about your use of marijuana in past 3 months [TAPS]
96868-5 Has anyone expressed concern about your use of medication for anxiety or sleep in past 3 months [TAPS]
66905-1 Has anyone, male or female, ever forced or coerced you to engage in unwanted sexual activity [LTVH]
67114-9 Has anyone, male or female, ever forced or pressured you into doing something sexual that you didn't want to do [LTVH]
91388-9 Has automobile available for use
64204-1 Has doctor ever told you that you had heart trouble [PhenX]
99352-7 Has health problems that require activity limits
99353-5 Has health problems that require staying at home
93030-5 Has lack of transportation kept you from medical appointments, meetings, work, or from getting things needed for daily living
99349-3 Has or had COVID-19
67133-9 Has pain that has been most uncomfortable in this area the past 12 months [PhenX]
93258-2 Has subject engaged in non-suicidal self-injurious behavior 3 months
93257-4 Has subject engaged in non-suicidal self-injurious behavior Lifetime
93486-9 Has subject engaged in self-injurious behavior, intent unknown 3 months
93487-7 Has subject engaged in self-injurious behavior, intent unknown Lifetime
96779-4 Has the electric, gas, oil, or water company threatened to shut off services in your home in past 12 months
67793-0 Has the patient had any significant medical conditions NEMSIS
67792-2 Has the patient had any significant medical procedures NEMSIS
63837-9 Has there been renovation in your home during the past 12 months [FEAS]
63836-1 Has there been renovation or repairs in your home due to moisture damage [FEAS]
64277-7 Has this itchy rash at any time affected any of the following places - the folds of the elbows, behind the knees, in front of the ankles, under the buttocks, or around the neck, ears, or eyes [PhenX]
64278-5 Has this itchy rash cleared completely at any time during the last 12 months [PhenX]
65144-8 Has your child ever been diagnosed with a physical disability [CAST]
65143-0 Has your child ever been diagnosed with autism spectrum condition, including aspergers syndrome [CAST]
65142-2 Has your child ever been diagnosed with hearing or visual difficulties [CAST]
65141-4 Has your child ever been diagnosed with hyperactivity - attention deficit disorder, ADHD [CAST]
65140-6 Has your child ever been diagnosed with language delay [CAST]
64402-1 Has your child ever had a problem with sneezing, or a runny or blocked nose, when he or she did not have a cold or the flu [PhenX]
64407-0 Has your child ever had an itchy rash that was coming and going for at least 6 months [PhenX]
64399-9 Has your child ever had asthma [PhenX]
64411-2 Has your child ever had eczema [PhenX]
64406-2 Has your child ever had hay fever [PhenX]
64281-9 Has your child ever had wheezing or whistling in the chest at any time in the past [PhenX]
64408-8 Has your child had this itchy rash at any time in the last 12 months [PhenX]
64282-7 Has your child had wheezing or whistling in the chest in the last 12 months [PhenX]
66233-8 Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor [Revised PARQ]
66098-5 Has your doctor ever told you that you have diabetic neuropathy [PhenX]
65137-2 Have teachers or health visitors ever expressed any concerns about your childs development [CAST]
67115-6 Have there been any other times when anyone, male or female, ever tried to force or bully you into doing something sexual that you didn't want to do, but it didn't end up happening - you stopped them or someone else [LTVH]
95392-7 Have you and a partner fought a lot in the past 3 months Caregiver [SEEK]
93678-1 Have you been at the emergency department more than twice in the last 6 months [WellRx]
66538-0 Have you been diagnosed with any type of autoimmune disease - lupus, scleroderma, etc [PhenX]
66560-4 Have you been diagnosed with melanoma in the past - skin cancer, arising in melanocytes, skin cells that make skin pigment [PhenX]
65931-8 Have you been taking birth control pills during the past 3 months [EDDS]
66536-4 Have you been told by a rheumatologist that you have psoriatic arthritis [PhenX]
66982-0 Have you done anything else in the past year that could have gotten you in trouble with the police [Denver Youth Survey]
68532-1 Have you engaged in illegal activities in order to obtain drugs [SAMHSA]
66901-0 Have you ever been actually assaulted with any kind of a weapon, like a knife, gun, baseball bat, frying pan, scissors, stick, rock, or bottle [LTVH]
66895-4 Have you ever been exposed to dangerous chemicals or radioactivity [LTVH]
65395-6 Have you ever been hospitalized or treated in an emergency room following an injury to your head or neck [PhenX]
66935-8 Have you ever been in any other situation in which you were afraid you might die or get really badly hurt, or when you were very scared or felt like there was nothing you could do to stop what was happening [LTVH]
66924-2 Have you ever been in any other situation in which you were in danger of death or serious physical injury, or in which you felt intense fear, helplessness, or horror [LTVH]
66891-3 Have you ever been involved in a man-made disaster, such as a fire, train crash, car accident, or building collapse [LTVH]
66886-3 Have you ever been involved in a natural disaster, such as a tornado, hurricane, flood, or earthquake [LTVH]
66892-1 Have you ever been involved in direct combat experience in a war [LTVH]
66922-6 Have you ever been kidnapped or held captive [LTVH]
65400-4 Have you ever been nearby when an explosion or a blast occurred [PhenX]
63892-4 Have you ever been pregnant [PhenX]
66896-2 Have you ever been shot at, stabbed, struck, kicked, beaten, punched, slapped around, or otherwise physically harmed [LTVH]
66923-4 Have you ever been stalked by anyone - has anyone ever followed or spied on you [LTVH]
66899-6 Have you ever been threatened with any kind of a weapon, like a knife, gun, baseball bat, frying pan, scissors, stick, rock or bottle [LTVH]
65718-9 Have you ever been told by a physician that you had a stroke [PhenX]
67584-3 Have you ever been unfairly denied a bank loan [PhenX]
67582-7 Have you ever been unfairly denied a promotion [PhenX]
67671-8 Have you ever been unfairly discouraged by a teacher or advisor from continuing your education [PhenX]
67672-6 Have you ever been unfairly prevented from moving into a neighborhood because the landlord or a realtor refused to sell or rent you a house or apartment [PhenX]
67583-5 Have you ever been unfairly stopped, searched, questioned, physically threatened or abused by the police [PhenX]
68533-9 Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms, felt sick, when you stopped taking drugs [SAMHSA]
64719-8 Have you ever fathered a pregnancy, regardless of outcome [PhenX]
67107-3 Have you ever fought in a war [LTVH]
65387-3 Have you ever gone to the hospital emergency room or to an urgent care clinic because of your severe headaches [PhenX]
64270-2 Have you ever had a problem with sneezing, or a runny or blocked nose, when you did not have a cold or the flu [PhenX]
67108-1 Have you ever had a serious accident at home, at school, or somewhere else [LTVH]
66894-7 Have you ever had a serious accident at home, at work, or somewhere else [LTVH]
66104-1 Have you ever had an amputation [PhenX]
64163-9 Have you ever had an attack of wheezing that has made you feel short of breath [PhenX]
66911-9 Have you ever had an immediate family member, romantic partner, or very close friend commit suicide [LTVH]
66909-3 Have you ever had an immediate family member, romantic partner, or very close friend who was murdered [LTVH]
64275-1 Have you ever had an itchy rash which was coming and going for at least 6 months [PhenX]
66097-7 Have you ever had an open sore on your foot [PhenX]
64202-5 Have you ever had any chest injuries [PhenX]
64236-3 Have you ever had any chest operations [PhenX]
64735-4 Have you ever had any kind of sexual experience or sexual contact with a female, for women, or male, for men [PhenX]
64200-9 Have you ever had any other chest illnesses [PhenX]
64195-1 Have you ever had asthma [PhenX]
64178-7 Have you ever had attacks of bronchitis [PhenX]
63928-6 Have you ever had cancer [PhenX]
64187-8 Have you ever had chronic bronchitis [PhenX]
64280-1 Have you ever had eczema [PhenX]
64191-0 Have you ever had emphysema [PhenX]
64184-5 Have you ever had hay fever [PhenX]
64181-1 Have you ever had pneumonia, include bronchopneumonia [PhenX]
64728-9 Have you ever had vaginal intercourse [PhenX]
64263-7 Have you ever had wheezing or whistling in the chest at any time in the past [PhenX]
64244-7 Have you ever had wheezing or whistling in your chest [PhenX]
65396-4 Have you ever injured your head or neck in a car accident or from some other moving vehicle accident, motorcycle, ATV [PhenX]
65398-0 Have you ever injured your head or neck in a fall or from being hit by something, falling from a bike, horse, or rollerblades, falling on ice, being hit by a rock or have you ever injured your head or neck playing sports or on the playground [PhenX]
65399-8 Have you ever injured your head or neck in a fight, from being hit by someone, or from being shaken violently or have you ever been shot in the head [PhenX]
67118-0 Have you ever known someone who committed suicide or killed themselves; that is, a parent, a sister, a brother, a very close friend, a boyfriend or girlfriend, or someone who lived with you [LTVH]
66933-3 Have you ever known someone who was murdered; that is, a parent, a brother, a sister, a very close friend, a boyfriend or girlfriend, or someone who lived with you [LTVH]
66893-9 Have you ever lived in a war zone such as the Persian Gulf or Bosnia [LTVH]
65405-3 Have you ever lost consciousness from a drug overdose [PhenX]
65406-1 Have you ever lost consciousness from being choked [PhenX]
67673-4 Have you ever moved into a neighborhood where neighbors made life difficult for you or your family [PhenX]
64494-8 Have you ever nodded off or fallen asleep while driving a vehicle [PhenX]
67585-0 Have you ever received service from someone such as a plumber or car mechanic that was worse than what other people get [PhenX]
67119-8 Have you ever seen a dead body [LTVH]
66912-7 Have you ever seen a dead or mutilated body, other than at a funeral, in the movies or newspaper [LTVH]
67137-0 Have you ever seen a doctor about this pain [PhenX]
66914-3 Have you ever seen or been present when another person was raped, sexually attacked, or made to engage in unwanted sexual activity [LTVH]
66913-5 Have you ever seen or been present when another person was shot at, stabbed, struck, kicked, beaten, slapped around, or otherwise physically harmed [LTVH]
67117-2 Have you ever seen or been present when someone was murdered or hurt very badly [LTVH]
66910-1 Have you ever seen or been present when someone was murdered or seriously injured [LTVH]
67121-4 Have you ever seen or heard another person be raped, sexually attacked, or made to do something sexual that they didn't want to do [LTVH]
67120-6 Have you ever seen or heard another person be threatened with a weapon - a gun or a knife [LTVH]
64221-5 Have you ever smoked a pipe regularly [PhenX]
64216-5 Have you ever smoked cigarettes [PhenX]
64227-2 Have you ever smoked cigars regularly [PhenX]
65389-9 Have you ever taken prescription medication for headache on a daily basis, whether or not you have a headache, to help prevent a severe headache from happening in the first place [PhenX]
63825-4 Have you ever used a sunlamp [NHL]
63826-2 Have you ever used a tanning booth [NHL]
66065-4 Have you ever used this method to prevent pregnancy [PhenX]
64207-4 Have you ever worked full time, 30 hours per week or more, for 6 months or more [PhenX]
64861-8 Have you ever worn contact lenses [PhenX]
65461-6 Have you experienced such highs in the past 12 months [HCL-32]
67105-7 Have you had a hysterectomy - removal of the uterus, or tubal ligation - tubes tied [PhenX]
63889-0 Have you had a menstrual period within the last year [PhenX]
96855-2 Have you had a strong desire or urge to use marijuana at least once a week or more often in past 3 months [TAPS]
96867-7 Have you had a strong desire or urge to use medications for anxiety or sleep at least once a week or more often in past 3 months [TAPS]
66168-6 Have you had alcohol, such as beer, wine, or liquor since eating or drinking anything but plain water [PhenX]
66172-8 Have you had antacids, laxatives, or anti-diarrheals since eating or drinking anything but plain water [PhenX]
68528-9 Have you had blackouts or flashbacks as a result for drug use [SAMHSA]
66166-0 Have you had coffee or tea with cream and sugar since eating or drinking anything but plain water [PhenX]
66182-7 Have you had dietary supplements such as vitamins and minerals since eating or drinking anything but plain water [PhenX]
66170-2 Have you had gum, breath mints, lozenges, or cough drops, or other cough or cold remedies since eating or drinking anything but plain water [PhenX]
68534-7 Have you had medical problems as a result of your drug use [SAMHSA]
64157-1 Have you had periods or episodes of increased cough and phlegm lasting for 3 weeks or more each year [PhenX]
66564-6 Have you had sexual intercourse in the past 7 days [PhenX]
63908-8 Have you had this clinician-diagnosed illness [PhenX]
64276-9 Have you had this itchy rash at any time in the last 12 months [PhenX]
64264-5 Have you had wheezing or whistling in the chest in the last 12 months [PhenX]
68531-3 Have you neglected your family because of your use of drugs [SAMHSA]
63765-2 Have you participated for 6 months or longer in this hobby [LIBCSP]
96852-9 Have you tried and failed to control, cut down or stop drinking in past 3 months [TAPS]
96864-4 Have you tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using an opiate pain reliever in past 3 months [TAPS]
96861-0 Have you tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using heroin in past 3 months [TAPS]
95389-3 Have you used an illegal drug or a prescription medication for nonmedical reasons in the past 3 months Caregiver [SEEK]
68536-2 Have you used smokeless tobacco product in the last 30 days [SAMHSA]
68535-4 Have you used tobacco in the last 30 days [SAMHSA]
63803-1 Have you, or has someone near you, used this air contaminant in the last 48 hours [RIOPA]
66759-2 Heparin neutralization [Presence] in Blood by Thromboelastography
72056-5 Hepatitis B vaccination received
96446-0 High school degree Caregiver
97068-1 History of Chronic diseases AndOr immunodeficiency
97069-9 History of Coagulation disorder AndOr blood-thinning medication use
100258-3 History of fall related injury
97062-4 History of High blood glucose
89078-0 History of hospitalization--post enrollment in ADAPTABLE study [ADAPTABLE]
91390-5 History of Preadolescent sexual abuse
89062-4 History of Severe bleeding related to aspirin use
98978-0 Homeless in past 12 months
71520-1 Hospitalized due to presumptive diagnosis [ESRD]
93680-7 Hospitalized in the last 6 months
98896-4 Household income changed significantly since the beginning of the pandemic
97121-8 Household job or income loss due to the COVID-19 outbreak
82821-0 Household substance abuse--before 18 years old [ACE]
65397-2 If no, were you dazed or did you have a gap in your memory from the injury [PhenX]
66478-9 Immigrant [PhenX]
65919-3 In a high state I have this behavior or feeling [HCL-32]
66284-1 In a typical week, during the past 4 weeks, did you do this activity [PhenX]
64248-8 In the last 12 months, does your chest ever sound wheezy or whistling more than once a week [PhenX]
64249-6 In the last 12 months, does your chest ever sound wheezy or whistling most days and nights [PhenX]
64247-0 In the last 12 months, does your chest ever sound wheezy or whistling when you have a cold [PhenX]
64398-1 In the last 12 months, has wheezing ever been severe enough to limit your childs speech to only one or two words at a time between breaths [PhenX]
64267-8 In the last 12 months, has wheezing ever been severe enough to limit your speech to only one or two words at a time between breaths [PhenX]
64268-6 In the last 12 months, has your chest sounded wheezy during or after exercise [PhenX]
64401-3 In the last 12 months, has your child had a dry cough at night, apart from a cough associated with a cold or chest infection [PhenX]
64400-5 In the last 12 months, has your childs chest sounded wheezy during or after exercise [PhenX]
64250-4 In the last 12 months, have you been awakened from sleep by coughing, apart from a cough associated with a cold or chest infection [PhenX]
64251-2 In the last 12 months, have you been awakened from sleep by shortness of breath or a feeling of tightness in your chest [PhenX]
64269-4 In the last 12 months, have you had a dry cough at night, apart from a cough associated with a cold or chest infection [PhenX]
64246-2 In the last 12 months, have you had wheezing or whistling in your chest at any time [PhenX]
106927-7 In the last year, did a current or former partner hit, kick, punch, slap, shove, or otherwise physically hurt you
106923-6 In the last year, did a current or former partner make you feel afraid that they might try to hurt you in some way
106924-4 In the last year, did a current or former partner make you feel cut off from others, trapped, or controlled in a way you did not like
106926-9 In the last year, did a current or former partner pressure or force you to do something sexual that you didn't want to do
64272-8 In the past 12 months, has this nose problem been accompanied by itchy or watery eyes [PhenX]
64404-7 In the past 12 months, has this nose problem been accompanied by itchy, watery eyes [PhenX]
64403-9 In the past 12 months, has your child had a problem with sneezing, or a runny or blocked nose, when he or she did not have a cold or the flu [PhenX]
64252-0 In the past 12 months, have you been bothered by sneezing or a runny or blocked nose when you did not have a cold or the flu [PhenX]
64253-8 In the past 12 months, have you been bothered by watery, itchy, or burning eyes when you did not have a cold or the flu [PhenX]
64271-0 In the past 12 months, have you had a problem with sneezing, or a runny or blocked nose, when you did not have a cold or the flu [PhenX]
64254-6 In the past 12 months, have you had periods or episodes of cough with phlegm that lasted 1 week or more [PhenX]
66235-3 In the past Mo, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity [Revised PARQ]
64257-9 In the past year, have you been to the emergency room or hospitalized for lung problems [PhenX]
64259-5 In the past year, have you been treated with antibiotics for a chest illness [PhenX]
64261-1 In the past year, have you been treated with steroid pills or injections, such as prednisone or solumedrol, for a chest illness [PhenX]
68525-5 In the past year, have you used drugs other than those required for medical reasons [SAMHSA]
63923-7 In the past, have you ever made a serious attempt to quit smoking That is, have you stopped smoking for at least one day or longer because you were trying to quit [PLCO]
47224-1 In vitro fertilization pregnancy
63633-2 In your entire life, have you had at least 1 drink of any kind of alcohol, not counting small tastes or sips [AUDADIS-IV]
63737-1 In your work or daily life, were you regularly exposed to this material [ACSCP-II]
69757-3 Indications of drug or alcohol use by the patient NEMSIS
64483-1 Infant awake [PhenX]
72058-1 Influenza virus vaccination received
99356-8 Influenza virus vaccination received in last 12 months
99351-9 Informed of being at severe risk from COVID-19 due to an underlying health condition
95492-5 Injection drug use Lifetime
69448-9 Injury leading to death associated with transportation event
72066-4 Intravenous iron prescribed [ESRD]
72067-2 Iron prescription current [ESRD]
63709-0 Is air conditioning, refrigeration, used to cool this house or apartment [NHEXAS]
93683-1 Is anyone in your home threatening or abusing you [WellRx]
65104-2 Is it important to your child to fit in with the peer group [CAST]
64749-5 Is it still ongoing [PhenX]
106510-1 Is mother of advanced age Qualitative
68338-3 Is patient expected to complete training
63694-4 Is property actively used as a farm or ranch [NHEXAS]
63899-9 Is relative alive [CA Teachers]
76749-1 Is someone available to help you if you need it
77318-4 Is the patient breastfed
77239-2 Is the patient fed something other than breast milk or formula
77241-8 Is the patient having any problems breastfeeding
69749-0 Is the patient on anticoagulants NEMSIS
96539-2 Is the patient on mechanical ventilation for condition of interest
66535-6 Is the physician who diagnosed you a dermatologist [PhenX]
65845-0 Is the psychological, psychiatric, emotional, or behavioral problem still present [PhenX]
66103-3 Is the skin on your feet so dry that it cracks open [PhenX]
64587-9 Is the sleep disorder still present [PhenX]
63704-1 Is there an enclosed garage attached to this house or apartment [NHEXAS]
67093-5 Is there anyone you know who has this career [The Position Generator]
65122-4 Is your child good at turn-taking in conversation [CAST]
65128-1 Is your childs social behavior very one-sided and always on your childs own terms [CAST]
65119-0 Is your childs voice unusual, overly adult, flat, or very monotonous [CAST]
66238-7 Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs, for example, water pills, for your blood pressure or heart condition [Revised PARQ]
88096-3 Known bacterial drug resistant infection
72070-6 Left ventricular hypertrophy
72083-9 Left ventricular hypertrophy change [ESRD]
44250-9 Little interest or pleasure in doing things in last 2 weeks
98531-7 Lives in an environment with extreme changes in temperature
67679-1 Lost a close friend [PhenX]
98969-9 Lost weight in last 3 months
50957-0 Manual differential performed [Presence] in Blood
67159-4 Manual review completed [PhenX]
67490-3 Mass casualty incident NEMSIS
72043-3 Measurement of arterial pre-pump pressure performed [ESRD]
67872-2 Medicare end stage renal disease coverage requested
67539-7 Medication administered prior to this unit's EMS care
58298-1 Medication taken for high blood pressure
82822-8 Mental illness in household--before 18 years old [ACE]
49898-0 Metabolic syndrome [Presence] in Serum or Plasma
98867-5 Missed scheduled appointment with healthcare provider in past Mo
98869-1 Missed taking medication in past month
99354-3 Mobility device or aid is regularly used
62363-7 Mosaicism detected
67685-8 Mother or father figure lost job [PhenX]
63732-2 Near fields or orchards [PEG]
96442-9 Needs daycare for child Caregiver
96437-9 Needs help getting food for family for tonight Caregiver
95401-6 Needs smoke detector for home from Caregiver
67681-7 Negative change in parent's financial situation [PhenX]
97109-3 New employment during the COVID-19 outbreak
71475-8 New infection suspected [ESRD]
72033-4 Non-oral vitamin D analog prescribed [ESRD]
99289-1 Nonverbal vocal complaints during movement
99297-4 Nonverbal vocal complaints while at rest
68509-9 Not able to stop or control worrying in the last 2 weeks
67518-1 Obtained prior to units EMS care NEMSIS
55212-5 Occupation related direct blood or body fluid exposure frequency
99573-8 Often feel lack of companionship
67697-3 One of the parents went to jail [PhenX]
52574-1 One or more unhealed pressure ulcer(s) at stage 2 or higher [CARE]
67686-6 One parent was away from home more often [PhenX]
72064-9 Oral iron prescribed [ESRD]
72031-8 Oral vitamin D analog prescribed [ESRD]
66906-9 Other than what we just talked about, did anyone, male or female ever attempt to, but not actually, force you to engage in unwanted sexual activity [LTVH]
67106-5 Other than what we just talked about, has anyone ever actually touched private parts of your body or made you touch theirs against your wishes [LTVH]
71460-0 Outpatient antibiotics prescribed in past month [ESRD]
65374-1 Over the past Y, have you suffered from severe headaches [PhenX]
89014-5 Oxygen was used for preoxygenation
99675-1 Pacemaker Atrial electrical activity captured
99676-9 Pacemaker Atrial electrical activity sensed
99689-2 Pacemaker Ventricular electrical activity captured
99690-0 Pacemaker Ventricular electrical activity sensed
67699-9 Parent got a new job [PhenX]
82819-4 Parental separation or divorce--before 18 years old [ACE]
67684-1 Parents argued more than previously [PhenX]
67696-5 Parents got divorced [PhenX]
67693-2 Parents got into trouble with the law [PhenX]
54135-9 Parents related [USSG-FHT]
54118-5 Parents related Family member [USSG-FHT]
67692-4 Parents separated in last 12 months [PhenX]
66308-8 Participant asked if they have any questions [PhenX]
58255-1 Participant had active liver disease
66304-7 Participant instructed about how to wear actigraph [PhenX]
99204-0 Participate less in active sports or other outdoor activities because of vision
75607-2 Paternal sample received Qualitative
96541-8 Patient is within 6 weeks postpartum
99554-8 Personal needs are urgent
82815-2 Physical abuse--before 18 years old [ACE]
97059-0 Physical activity at least 30 minutes per day
55216-6 Physical assault on exposed person involving blood or semen
72045-8 Physical examination dialysis access performed prior, during and after cannulation [ESRD]
82818-6 Physical neglect--before 18 years old [ACE]
64599-4 Plateau achieved [PhenX]
72073-0 Post-dialysis target weight for session prescribed [ESRD]
97043-4 Postoperative complication occurred
98866-7 Postponed medical procedures since the beginning of the pandemic
66562-0 Pregnancy test required [PhenX]
97071-5 Pregnant or nursing
76517-2 Premature infant
70955-0 Prescription changed following the peritoneal dialysis adequacy measurement [ESRD]
99551-4 Problems getting child care make work or study difficult
66306-2 Procedure for completing 7 days activity diary explained to participant [PhenX]
66307-0 Procedure for returning actigraph explained to participant [PhenX]
67542-1 Procedure performed prior to this units EMS care NEMSIS
67544-7 Procedure successful NEMSIS
58324-5 Provider familiar with the events surrounding the decedent's death
76398-7 Provider has a national provider ID
58325-2 Provider witnessed decedent's death
95937-9 Pulmonary vasodilation induced
107099-4 Readmission indicator
98868-3 Reason for missed appointment with healthcare provider in past month
98163-9 Received any financial or material aid since the beginning of the pandemic
97073-1 Received COVID-19 vaccine
98879-0 Received or applied for assistance from a food pantry since the beginning of the pandemic
98881-6 Received or applied for assistance from a religious organization since the beginning of the pandemic
98882-4 Received or applied for assistance from a union since the beginning of the pandemic
98880-8 Received or applied for assistance from community organization since the beginning of the pandemic
98885-7 Received or applied for government health insurance since the beginning of the pandemic
98888-1 Received or applied for nutrition assistance since the beginning of the pandemic
98878-2 Received or applied for other assistance since the beginning of the pandemic
98883-2 Received or applied for other government aid since the beginning of the pandemic
98884-0 Received or applied for paycheck protection since the beginning of the pandemic
98887-3 Received or applied for social security since the beginning of the pandemic
98886-5 Received or applied for supplemental social security since the beginning of the pandemic
98901-2 Received or applied for temporary assistance since the beginning of the pandemic
98890-7 Received or applied for unemployment insurance since the beginning of the pandemic
67212-1 Record stage [PhenX]
66324-5 Records how many days the actigraph was worn on actigraph return and reading form [PhenX]
66325-2 Records how many valid days the actigraph was worn on actigraph return and reading form [PhenX]
66326-0 Records whether diary was completed partially, fully, or not at all on the actiGraph return and reading form [PhenX]
98970-7 Reduced nutritional intake in last week in the past week
98530-9 Regularly exposed to other people's smoke
63901-3 Relative never had cancer [CA Teachers]
68347-4 Renal replacement therapy discontinued prior to death
70950-1 Residual renal function testing performed [ESRD]
99293-3 Restlessness during movement
99300-6 Restlessness while at rest
66312-0 Returned actigraph [PhenX]
66322-9 Reviews activity diary to see if completely filled out, partially filled out, or not filled out at all [PhenX]
66310-4 Reviews form for completeness [PhenX]
54411-4 Rh immune globulin given Qualitative
99292-5 Rubbing during movement
99301-4 Rubbing while at rest
66264-3 Safe to stand five times [PhenX]
66260-1 Safe to stand without help [PhenX]
67678-3 Saw crime - accident [PhenX]
97117-6 School has offered classes remotely during the COVID-19 outbreak
71756-1 Score out of range [M3]
96747-1 Service provided in a language other than English
98971-5 Severely ill
82816-0 Sexual abuse--before 18 years old [ACE]
55211-7 Shared razor, toothbrushes or nail care items
71478-2 Signs of soft tissue infection present [ESRD]
96846-1 Smoked at least one cigarette containing tobacco in past 3 months
96848-7 Smoked cigarette within 30M after waking in past 3 months
96847-9 Smoked more than 10 cigarettes per day in past 3 months
72069-8 Sodium profiling-modeling prescribed for any dialysis sessions in the reporting month [ESRD]
72077-1 Sodium restriction education received [ESRD]
67674-2 Someone in family died [PhenX]
67687-4 Someone in the family was arrested [PhenX]
99344-4 Sought medical attention for symptoms
97027-7 Speaks a language other than English at home
64024-3 Spirometry contraindicated [PhenX]
70954-3 Standard process followed for residual renal function assessed in calculating Kt/V [ESRD]
66408-6 Stay was longer than 30 consecutive days 2 years ago [PhenX]
66409-4 Stay was longer than 30 consecutive days 3 years ago [PhenX]
66410-2 Stay was longer than 30 consecutive days 4 years ago [PhenX]
66411-0 Stay was longer than 30 consecutive days 5 years ago [PhenX]
66407-8 Stay was longer than 30 consecutive days last year [PhenX]
66406-0 Stay was longer than 30 consecutive days this year [PhenX]
55217-4 Stick or puncture with a needle or other object contaminated with blood
66261-9 Stood without using arms [PhenX]
64104-3 Stopped or paused before 6 minutes
97116-8 Student during the COVID-19 outbreak
97115-0 Student in the few weeks before COVID-19 outbreak
58267-6 Surgery or other repair for aneurysm
99355-0 Takes routine medication
98862-6 Taking medication for condition of interest
58289-0 Taking medication for rheumatic fever
99346-9 Temperature taken Reporting Period
80290-0 Temporal orientation - person
80291-8 Temporal orientation - place
80292-6 Temporal orientation - time
107248-7 Test dose included in cumulative AUC Qualitative
107249-5 Test dose Qualitative
66263-5 Test not completed [PhenX]
72041-7 Testing of arteriovenous graft for access dysfunction performed [ESRD]
72040-9 Testing of arteriovenous graft performed using static venous pressure [ESRD]
98532-5 There are pets in the household
98527-5 Things are in the house that trigger breathing problems
98528-3 Things are outside that trigger breathing problems
45344-9 Tick mouth intact [Identifier]
99261-0 Told not to have LASIK by an eye care professional
68360-7 Transplant options given
96542-6 Travel in 14 days prior to symptom onset
66402-9 Travelled to country 2 years ago [PhenX]
66403-7 Travelled to country 3 years ago [PhenX]
66404-5 Travelled to country 4 years ago [PhenX]
66405-2 Travelled to country 5 years ago [PhenX]
66401-1 Travelled to country last year [PhenX]
66400-3 Travelled to country this year [PhenX]
46694-6 Treating or examining source conclusions about the claimant's limitations or restrictions which are significantly different from your file [RFC]
96436-1 Trouble paying heating bill AndOr electricity bill Caregiver
66262-7 Used arms to stand [PhenX]
96858-6 Used cocaine, crack, or methamphetamine at least once a week in past 3 months
96857-8 Used cocaine, crack, or methamphetamine in past 3 months
96860-2 Used heroin in past 3 months
96854-5 Used marijuana in past 3 months
96870-1 Used medication for ADHD not as prescribed or not prescribed for you at least once a week in past 3 months
96869-3 Used medication for ADHD not as prescribed or not prescribed for you in past 3 months
96866-9 Used medication for anxiety or sleep not as prescribed or not prescribed for you in past 3 months
96872-7 Used other illegal or recreational drug in past 3 months TAPS
96863-6 Used prescription opiate pain reliever not as prescribed or not prescribed for you in past 3 months
97072-3 Vaccinated in last 14 days
99294-1 Verbal complaints during movement
99302-2 Verbal complaints while at rest
96543-4 Visited healthcare facility in 14 days prior to symptom onset
99555-5 Want assistance with personal needs
96780-2 Wants help finding or keeping work or a job
96782-8 Wants help with school or training
67116-4 Was anyone murdered who was a parent, a brother, a sister, a very close friend, a boyfriend or girlfriend, or someone who lived with you [LTVH]
66180-1 Was blood drawn [PhenX]
71458-4 Was erythropoiesis-stimulating agent prescribed [ESRD]
66181-9 Was full sample obtained [PhenX]
66202-3 Was the participant fasting [PhenX]
66890-5 Was there another time this happened [LTVH]
66932-5 Was there any other time when anyone, male or female, tried to force or bully you into doing something sexual that you didn't want to do, but it didn't end up happening [LTVH]
64724-8 Was this a multiple pregnancy [PhenX]
64722-2 Was this a planned pregnancy [PhenX]
67227-9 Was this the site of the bleeding [PhenX]
65102-6 Was your child speaking by 2 years old [CAST]
99553-0 Went without health care due to lack of transportation in last 12 months
63734-8 Were geocoordinates verified [PEG]
99205-7 Were recreational or sports activities avoided because of vision
68344-1 Were there secondary causes of death
66926-7 Were you afraid that you might die or get hurt really badly [LTVH]
63956-7 Were you exposed to smoke from other peoples cigarettes or tobacco products during this time at this location [PhenX]
66888-9 Were you in danger of death or serious injury [LTVH]
65829-4 Were you knocked out or did you lose consciousness [PhenX]
63806-4 Were you near somebody who handled this air contaminant [RIOPA]
66927-5 Were you very scared [LTVH]
66096-9 When you get into the tub or shower, are you able to tell the hot water from the cold water [PhenX]
65889-8 When you have panic attacks do you experience this thing [CIDI-SF]
66904-4 When you were a child - that is, when you were in elementary or middle school, before about age 12 - were you ever physically abused [LTVH]
66902-8 When you were a child - that is, when you were in elementary or middle school, before about age 12 - were you ever struck, kicked, beaten, punched, slapped around, or otherwise physically harmed [LTVH]
65816-1 When you were living in your city or town, did your exposure to direct sunlight in April through September stay pretty much the same for all your daytime activities between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM. [PhenX]
65909-4 When you were worried or anxious did this thing also occur [CIDI-SF]
65107-5 When your child was 3Y old, did your child spend a lot of time pretending, play-acting being a superhero, or holding teddy's tea parties [CAST]
98077-1 Whether the patient previously met the case definition for condition of interest
96540-0 Whether the patient received ECMO for condition of interest
96548-3 Whether the patient was isolated per Infection Prevention and Control guidelines
65741-1 While you were having numbness, tingling and loss of sensation, did any of these things occur [PhenX]
65744-5 While you were having paralysis or weakness did any of these things occur [PhenX]
65748-6 While you were having sudden spells of dizziness, loss of balance or spinning sensation, did any of these things occur [PhenX]
65734-6 While you were having your double vision, did any of these things occur [PhenX]
65725-4 While you were having your episode of change in speech, did any of these things occur [PhenX]
65730-4 While you were having your loss of vision, did any of these things occur [PhenX]
97112-7 Worked during the COVID-19 outbreak
95373-7 Workplace is a part of critical infrastructure
99550-6 Worried about housing stability in next 2 months
68537-0 Would you be interested in quitting tobacco use within the next few weeks [SAMHSA]
70914-7 Would you like to answer the question referring to your sex life [FACIT]
95402-4 Would you like us to give you the phone number for poison control Caregiver [SEEK]
99134-9 You or your families' health is affected by environmental conditions at home

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