Not at all 0 | Very much 4
Basic Properties
- Name
- Not at all 0 | Very much 4
- Description
- Answers: 5; Scale: Ord; Code: -; Score: 0-4
- LOINCs using this list
- 672
Answer List
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
Not at all | 0 | LA6568-5 | |
A little bit | 1 | LA13863-8 | |
Somewhat | 2 | LA13909-9 | |
Quite a bit | 3 | LA13902-4 | |
Very much | 4 | LA13914-9 |
LOINC terms using this Answer List
71155-6 | As soon as I start eating, I feel like stopping in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71257-0 | As soon as my child starts eating, s-he feels like stopping in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70447-8 | Because of my illness, I have difficulty planning for the future in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70407-2 | Because of my physical condition, I have trouble meeting the needs of my family in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71383-4 | Being tired made it hard for me to play or go out with my friends as much as I'd like in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71338-8 | Being tired made me mad-angry in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71337-0 | Being tired made me sad in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70752-1 | Bone pain interferes with my ability to care for myself - bathing, dressing, eating, etc - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70753-9 | Bone pain interferes with my social activities in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70754-7 | Bone pain wakes me up at night in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70444-5 | Breathing is easy for me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70353-8 | Caring for my ostomy appliance is difficult in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70618-4 | Changes in my skin condition make daily life difficult in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70593-9 | During the use of tube feeding, I can eat and drink by mouth in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71273-7 | Family or friends try to get my child to eat more in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70318-1 | For men only - I am able to have and maintain an erection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70830-5 | For women only - I am bothered by vaginal bleeding in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70605-1 | Getting a feeding tube was the right decision for me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71122-6 | Heat worsens my symptoms in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70428-8 | I am able to communicate with others in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70323-1 | I am able to concentrate in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70332-2 | I am able to drive a vehicle - my car, truck, etc - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70434-6 | I am able to eat as much food as I want in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70427-0 | I am able to eat the foods that I like in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70400-7 | I am able to enjoy life in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70372-8 | I am able to enjoy meals with family or friends in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71437-8 | I am able to feel like a man in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70313-2 | I am able to feel like a woman in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70342-1 | I am able to find the right words to say what I mean in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71040-0 | I am able to forgive others for any harm they have ever caused me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70320-7 | I am able to get around by myself in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71438-6 | I am able to have and maintain an erection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70794-3 | I am able to keep track of what I am doing, even if I am interrupted in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70354-6 | I am able to maintain my balance in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70325-6 | I am able to make decisions and take responsibility in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71020-2 | I am able to make decisions in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71022-8 | I am able to openly discuss my concerns with the people closest to me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70790-1 | I am able to pay attention and keep track of what I am doing without extra effort in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70329-8 | I am able to put my thoughts into action in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70327-2 | I am able to put my thoughts together in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71029-3 | I am able to reach down deep into myself for comfort in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70330-6 | I am able to read like I used to in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70793-5 | I am able to shift back and forth between two activities that require thinking in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70355-3 | I am able to walk in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70398-3 | I am able to work - include work at home - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70331-4 | I am able to write like I used to in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70339-7 | I am afraid of having a seizure - convulsion - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70364-5 | I am afraid the treatment will harm my body in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70717-4 | I am afraid to be far from a toilet in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71156-4 | I am afraid to eat because it may make me sick in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70362-9 | I am afraid to have sex in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70388-4 | I am bothered by a change in my eating habits in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70611-9 | I am bothered by a change in my skins sensitivity to the sun in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70668-9 | I am bothered by a change in the way food tastes in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70312-4 | I am bothered by a change in weight in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71303-2 | I am bothered by being shorter than other people in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71305-7 | I am bothered by being unable to hear well in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71304-0 | I am bothered by being unable to see well in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
70826-3 | I am bothered by bleeding in my gums or mouth in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70820-6 | I am bothered by blood in my urine or stool in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70365-2 | I am bothered by constipation in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70360-3 | I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70486-6 | I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vulva in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70489-0 | I am bothered by discomfort in my groin or legs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70344-7 | I am bothered by fevers - episodes of high body temperature - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70386-8 | I am bothered by gas - flatulence - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70309-0 | I am bothered by hair loss in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70476-7 | I am bothered by having a blocked nose in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71306-5 | I am bothered by headaches in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
70814-9 | I am bothered by headaches in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70623-4 | I am bothered by increased facial hair in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70490-8 | I am bothered by itching - burning in my vulva area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70451-0 | I am bothered by itching in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70420-5 | I am bothered by jaundice or yellow color to my skin in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70446-0 | I am bothered by lumps or swelling in certain part of my body - neck, armpits, or groin - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71111-9 | I am bothered by muscle pains in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71123-4 | I am bothered by muscle spasms in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70818-0 | I am bothered by nosebleeds in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70361-1 | I am bothered by odor coming from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70487-4 | I am bothered by odor coming from my vulva in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70491-6 | I am bothered by pain or numbness in my vulva area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70819-8 | I am bothered by pinpoint bruising beneath my skin in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70387-6 | I am bothered by reflux or heartburn in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70472-6 | I am bothered by ringing in my ears in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70621-8 | I am bothered by sensitivity around my fingernails or toenails in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70409-8 | I am bothered by side effects of treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70565-7 | I am bothered by skin problems in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70650-7 | I am bothered by sweating in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70488-2 | I am bothered by swelling, fluid in my legs, in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70456-9 | I am bothered by the amount of swelling in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70324-9 | I am bothered by the change in my personality in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70527-7 | I am bothered by the chills in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70326-4 | I am bothered by the drop in my contribution to the family in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70660-6 | I am bothered by the way my hands or nails look in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70494-0 | I am bothered by wearing compression stockings in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70473-4 | I am bothered by worsening eyesight in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70832-1 | I am comfortable discussing my condition with friends in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70680-4 | I am concerned about how thin I look in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70638-2 | I am concerned about keeping my job - include work at home - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71137-4 | I am concerned about what the future holds for me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71013-7 | I am constipated in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70404-9 | I am content with the quality of my life right now in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71114-3 | I am depressed about my condition in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70709-1 | I am depressed about the infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70721-6 | I am embarrassed by having diarrhea in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70834-7 | I am embarrassed by my condition in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71138-2 | I am embarrassed by my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70352-0 | I am embarrassed by my ostomy appliance in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70615-0 | I am embarrassed by my skin condition in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70403-1 | I am enjoying the things I usually do for fun in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70750-5 | I am forced to rest during the day because of bone pain in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70411-4 | I am forced to spend time in bed in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70733-1 | I am frustrated by being too tired to do the things I want to do in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70755-4 | I am frustrated by my bone pain in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71117-6 | I am frustrated by my condition in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70822-2 | I am frustrated by not being able to do my usual activities in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70708-3 | I am frustrated by the infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70696-0 | I am hopeful about the future in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70827-1 | I am inconvenienced by platelet transfusions in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70317-3 | I am interested in sex in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70806-5 | I am irritable in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70394-2 | I am losing hope in the fight against my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70346-2 | I am losing weight in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70604-4 | I am more confident about my nutrition because of my feeding tube in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70738-0 | I am motivated to do my usual activities in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70416-3 | I am satisfied with family communication about my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70393-4 | I am satisfied with how I am coping with my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71436-0 | I am satisfied with my present level of comfort in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70418-9 | I am satisfied with my sex life in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70306-6 | I am self-conscious about the way I dress in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70402-3 | I am sleeping well in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70732-3 | I am too tired to eat in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70419-7 | I am unhappy about a change in my appearance in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70435-3 | I am unhappy with how my face and neck look in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71134-1 | I am unhappy with my appearance in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71189-5 | I am worried about how thin I am in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70678-8 | I am worried about my weight in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70616-8 | I avoid going out in public because of how my skin looks in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70391-8 | I avoid going out to eat because of my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70821-4 | I avoid or limit physical activity, because of concern with bleeding or bruising, in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70828-9 | I avoid or limit social activity, because of concern with bleeding or bruising, in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70809-9 | I avoid public places for fear of getting an infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70583-0 | I believe that an infusion for my bone treatment will cause me physical pain [FACIT] |
70584-8 | I believe that having my blood drawn will be inconvenient [FACIT] |
70581-4 | I believe that I will be bothered by side effects of treatment for bone disease [FACIT] |
70575-6 | I believe that my treatment for bone disease will cause me physical pain [FACIT] |
70573-1 | I believe that my treatment for bone disease will take up my family's time [FACIT] |
70579-8 | I believe that my treatment schedule for bone disease will be stressful to me [FACIT] |
70580-6 | I believe that my treatment schedule for bone disease will be stressful to my family [FACIT] |
70576-4 | I believe that receiving treatment for bone disease will be inconvenient [FACIT] |
70578-0 | I believe that treatment for bone disease will be harmful to me [FACIT] |
70572-3 | I believe that treatment for bone disease will take up my time [FACIT] |
70582-2 | I believe that waiting up to 60 minutes before eating breakfast in the morning will be inconvenient [FACIT] |
70484-1 | I bleed easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70485-8 | I bruise easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70836-2 | I can be far from home - work without fearing soilage in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70348-8 | I can digest my food well in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70429-6 | I can eat solid foods in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70475-9 | I can enjoy the taste of food in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70337-1 | I can remember new things in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70663-0 | I can remember things in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70436-1 | I can swallow naturally and easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70371-0 | I choke when I swallow in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71162-2 | I could do my usual things at home in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70438-7 | I drink alcohol - beer, wine, etc - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71152-3 | I eat as much as I want in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71153-1 | I eat enough food for me to do whatever I need to do in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70586-3 | I experience a pleasant feeling of fullness during or after my tube feeding in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70589-7 | I experience vomiting during or after my tube feeding in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71044-2 | I feel a sense of appreciation for the beauty of nature in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71030-1 | I feel a sense of harmony within myself in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71028-5 | I feel a sense of purpose in my life in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70656-4 | I feel bloated in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70412-2 | I feel close to my friends in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70417-1 | I feel close to my partner, or the person who is my main support, in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71045-9 | I feel compassion for others in the difficulties they are facing in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71036-8 | I feel connected to a higher power, or God, in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71037-6 | I feel connected to other people in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70602-8 | I feel dependent on others because I have a feeding tube in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70756-2 | I feel depressed about my bone pain in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70627-5 | I feel discomfort in my feet in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70626-7 | I feel discomfort in my hands in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70531-9 | I feel discouraged about my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70639-0 | I feel distant from other people in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70704-2 | I feel embarrassed about the infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70426-2 | I feel fatigued in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71041-8 | I feel forgiven for any harm I may have ever caused in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71285-1 | I feel happy in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71169-7 | I feel happy in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71019-4 | I feel hopeful in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70410-6 | I feel ill in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70341-3 | I feel independent in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70450-2 | I feel isolated from others because of my illness or treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71120-0 | I feel left out of things in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70603-6 | I feel left out when others are eating in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70560-8 | I feel light-headed, dizzy in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71012-9 | I feel like a burden to my family in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71160-6 | I feel like I am getting better in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70727-3 | I feel listless - washed out - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71301-6 | I feel lonely in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71185-3 | I feel lonely in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71039-2 | I feel love for others in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71038-4 | I feel loved in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70654-9 | I feel motivated to do things in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70395-9 | I feel nervous in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70460-1 | I feel numbness at my surgical site in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70469-2 | I feel overwhelmed by my condition in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71024-4 | I feel peaceful in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70392-6 | I feel sad in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70308-2 | I feel sexually attractive in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70698-6 | I feel that I can manage things that come up around this infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70601-0 | I feel that I have lost control of my food choices because I have a feeding tube in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70846-1 | I feel that I received the treatment that was right for me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71011-1 | I feel that my family appreciates me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70443-7 | I feel tightness in my chest in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70304-1 | I feel tired in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71113-5 | I feel trapped by my condition in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70617-6 | I feel unattractive because of how my skin looks in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70448-6 | I feel uncertain about my future health in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70587-1 | I feel uncomfortably full during or after my tube feeding in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71016-0 | I feel useful in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71115-0 | I feel useless in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70425-4 | I feel weak all over in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71336-2 | I feel weak in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70697-8 | I find comfort in my faith or spiritual beliefs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71032-7 | I find strength in my faith or spiritual beliefs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71310-7 | I forget things easily in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
70629-1 | I get a ringing or buzzing in my ears in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70810-7 | I get aches and pains that bother me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70653-1 | I get annoyed easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70652-3 | I get depressed easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70713-3 | I get emotional support from family members in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70413-0 | I get emotional support from my family in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70711-7 | I get emotional support from my partner - spouse in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70338-9 | I get frustrated that I cannot do the things I used to in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70302-5 | I get headaches in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71283-6 | I get ill easily in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71167-1 | I get ill easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71293-5 | I get nervous - frightened easily in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71177-0 | I get nervous - frightened easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70414-8 | I get support from my friends in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71281-0 | I get tired easily in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
70528-5 | I get tired easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71382-6 | I got upset by being too tired to do things I wanted to do in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71380-0 | I had trouble finishing things because I was too tired in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71379-2 | I had trouble starting things because I was too tired in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70525-1 | I have a feeling of fullness or heaviness in my stomach area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70350-4 | I have a good appetite in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70405-6 | I have a lack of energy in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70383-5 | I have a loss of appetite in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70370-2 | I have a pain in my chest when I swallow in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70742-2 | I have a poor range of arm movements on this side in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71025-1 | I have a reason for living in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70722-4 | I have abdominal cramps or discomfort due to my diarrhea in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70401-5 | I have accepted my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70699-4 | I have accepted that I have this infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70464-3 | I have aches and pains in my bones in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71435-2 | I have aches and pains that bother me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70787-7 | I have been able to bring to mind words that I wanted to use while talking to someone in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70786-9 | I have been able to concentrate in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71021-0 | I have been able to reconcile, make peace, with other people in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70788-5 | I have been able to remember things, like where I left my keys or wallet, in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70789-3 | I have been able to remember to do things, like take medicine or buy something I needed, in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70442-9 | I have been coughing in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70689-5 | I have been emotionally distressed in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70305-8 | I have been short of breath in the past 7 days |
71158-0 | I have been throwing up in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70796-8 | I have been upset about these problems in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70479-1 | I have been vomiting in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70748-9 | I have bone pain even when I sit or lie still in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70322-3 | I have bone pain in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70804-0 | I have breast sensitivity - tenderness - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70481-7 | I have certain parts of my body where I experience pain in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70378-5 | I have cold sweats in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70702-6 | I have concerns about my ability to become pregnant in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70321-5 | I have concerns about my ability to have children in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70845-3 | I have confidence in my doctors in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70642-4 | I have confidence in my nurse-s in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71050-9 | I have confidence in my pharmacist-s in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70588-9 | I have constipation during or after my tube feeding in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70347-0 | I have control of my bowels in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70843-8 | I have cramping in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70480-9 | I have cramps in my stomach area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70349-6 | I have diarrhea in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70634-1 | I have difficulty breathing when I am exposed to cold temperatures in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70682-0 | I have difficulty eating rich or heavy foods in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70343-9 | I have difficulty expressing my thoughts in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70471-8 | I have difficulty moving my neck and shoulders because of stiffness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70369-4 | I have difficulty swallowing liquids in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70368-6 | I have difficulty swallowing soft or mashed foods in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70367-8 | I have difficulty swallowing solid foods in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70467-6 | I have difficulty thinking clearly - remembering, concentrating - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70566-5 | I have difficulty urinating in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70841-2 | I have discomfort in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70375-1 | I have discomfort or pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70424-7 | I have discomfort or pain in my stomach area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70389-2 | I have discomfort or pain when I eat in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70366-0 | I have discomfort when I urinate in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70493-2 | I have discomfort when I'm sitting in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70319-9 | I have emotional ups and downs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70730-7 | I have energy in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71161-4 | I have energy or strength in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71010-3 | I have family members who will take on my responsibilities in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70772-9 | I have forgotten names of people soon after being introduced in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70644-0 | I have frequent colds-infections in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70377-7 | I have gained weight in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70461-9 | I have good range of movement in my arm or leg in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70422-1 | I have had a change in the way food tastes in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70564-0 | I have had blood in my urine in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70423-9 | I have had chills in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70707-5 | I have had difficulty telling my partner - spouse about the infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70421-3 | I have had fevers - episodes of high body temperature - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70526-9 | I have had itching in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70334-8 | I have had seizures - convulsions - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70779-4 | I have had to use written lists more often than usual so I would not forget things in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70778-6 | I have had to work harder than usual to express myself clearly in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70776-0 | I have had to work harder than usual to keep track of what I was doing in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70771-1 | I have had to work really hard to pay attention or I would make a mistake in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70762-0 | I have had trouble concentrating in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70763-8 | I have had trouble finding my way to a familiar place in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70767-9 | I have had trouble finding the right words to express myself in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70760-4 | I have had trouble forming thoughts in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70766-1 | I have had trouble recalling the name of an object while talking to someone in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70765-3 | I have had trouble remembering new information, like phone numbers or simple instructions in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70764-6 | I have had trouble remembering where I put things, like my keys or my wallet in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70769-5 | I have had trouble saying what I mean in conversations with others in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70701-8 | I have hidden this problem so others will not notice in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70376-9 | I have hot flashes in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70628-3 | I have joint pain or muscle cramps in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70803-2 | I have lost interest in sex in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70805-7 | I have mood swings in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70561-6 | I have mouth sores in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70406-4 | I have nausea in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70379-3 | I have night sweats in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70465-0 | I have noticed blood in my stool in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70462-7 | I have noticed new changes in my skin - lumps, bumps, color in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70358-7 | I have numbness in my legs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70625-9 | I have numbness or tingling in my feet in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70562-4 | I have numbness or tingling in my hands in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70453-6 | I have pain at my melanoma site or surgical site in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70359-5 | I have pain in my back in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70737-2 | I have pain in my chest in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70659-8 | I have pain in my fingertips in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70563-2 | I have pain in my hands or feet when I am exposed to cold temperatures in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70670-5 | I have pain in my joints in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70430-4 | I have pain in my mouth, throat or neck in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70842-0 | I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70301-7 | I have pain in my stomach area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71159-8 | I have pain in my stomach in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70408-0 | I have pain in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70382-7 | I have pain or discomfort with intercourse in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71018-6 | I have peace of mind in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70714-1 | I have people to help me if I need it in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70744-8 | I have stiffness of my arm on this side in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70390-0 | I have stomach problems that worry me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70356-1 | I have strength in my arms in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70357-9 | I have strength in my legs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70455-1 | I have swelling as a result of surgery in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70454-4 | I have swelling at my melanoma site in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70478-3 | I have swelling in my stomach area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71014-5 | I have swelling in parts of my body in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70345-4 | I have swelling or cramps in my stomach area in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70595-4 | I have the desire to eat in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70719-0 | I have to limit my physical activity because of diarrhea in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70440-3 | I have to limit my physical activity because of my condition in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70720-8 | I have to limit my sexual activity because of diarrhea in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70833-9 | I have to limit my sexual activity because of my condition in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70694-5 | I have to limit my sexual activity because of the infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70734-9 | I have to limit my social activity because I am tired in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70718-2 | I have to limit my social activity because of diarrhea in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70439-5 | I have to limit my social activity because of my condition in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71312-3 | I have to read things several times so I can understand them in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71110-1 | I have to take my condition into account when making plans in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70646-5 | I have tremors in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70492-4 | I have trouble bending in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70432-0 | I have trouble breathing in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70630-9 | I have trouble buttoning buttons in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70530-1 | I have trouble concentrating in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70314-0 | I have trouble controlling my urine in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70374-4 | I have trouble digesting food in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71027-7 | I have trouble feeling peace of mind in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70333-0 | I have trouble feeling sensation in my arms, hands or legs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70631-7 | I have trouble feeling the shape of small objects when they are in my hand in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70729-9 | I have trouble finishing things because I am tired in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71109-3 | I have trouble getting around in public places in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71279-4 | I have trouble getting myself dressed in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71164-8 | I have trouble getting myself dressed in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70477-5 | I have trouble hearing in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70780-2 | I have trouble keeping track of what I am doing if I am interrupted in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71140-8 | I have trouble learning new tasks or directions in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70567-3 | I have trouble moving my bowels in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70651-5 | I have trouble remembering things in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71280-2 | I have trouble running like other people in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71165-5 | I have trouble running like other people in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70781-0 | I have trouble shifting back and forth between different activities that require thinking in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70452-8 | I have trouble sleeping at night in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70474-2 | I have trouble smelling the in past 7 days [FACIT] |
70728-1 | I have trouble starting things because I am tired in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70385-0 | I have trouble swallowing food in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70751-3 | I have trouble walking because of bone pain in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70468-4 | I have trouble walking because of the pain in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70632-5 | I have trouble walking in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70336-3 | I have trouble with coordination in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70669-7 | I have trouble with my bowels in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70340-5 | I have trouble with my eyesight in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71284-4 | I have trouble writing with a pen or pencil in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71168-9 | I have trouble writing with a pen or pencil in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70768-7 | I have used the wrong word when I referred to an object in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70381-9 | I have vaginal bleeding or spotting in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70380-1 | I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70802-4 | I have vaginal dryness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70801-6 | I have vaginal itching - irritation - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70770-3 | I have walked into a room and forgotten what I meant to get or do there in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70335-5 | I have weakness in my arms or legs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70570-7 | I have weakness in my legs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70466-8 | I isolate myself from others because of my condition in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71034-3 | I know that whatever happens with my illness things will be okay in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70351-2 | I like the appearance of my body in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71163-0 | I lose balance or fall down easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71278-6 | I lose my balance or fall down easily in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71009-5 | I maintain contact with my friends in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71017-8 | I make each day count in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70594-7 | I miss being able to take more food or drink by mouth now that I have a feeding tube in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70716-6 | I move my bowels more frequently than usual in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70724-0 | I must move my bowels frequently to avoid accidents in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70839-6 | I must urinate frequently to avoid leaking in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70328-0 | I need help caring for myself - bathing, dressing, eating, etc in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70749-7 | I need help doing my usual activities because of bone pain in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70303-3 | I need help doing my usual activities in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70815-6 | I need to rest during the day in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70731-5 | I need to sleep during the day in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71308-1 | I need to work harder than other people to get my school work done in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71385-9 | I needed help doing my usual things at home in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71381-8 | I needed to sleep during the day in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71191-1 | I often feel that other children are better than me in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71233-1 | I often feel that other children are better than me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71289-3 | I often feel that other people are better than me in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71173-9 | I often feel that other people are better than me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71291-9 | I often switch from good moods to bad moods in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71175-4 | I often switch from good moods to bad moods in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70643-2 | I regret having the bone marrow transplant in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70445-2 | I regret my smoking in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70437-9 | I smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70705-9 | I tend to blame myself for the infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71192-9 | I think I have fewer friends than other children in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71299-2 | I think I have fewer friends than others in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71183-8 | I think I have fewer friends than others in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70315-7 | I urinate more frequently than usual in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70373-6 | I wake at night because of coughing in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70706-7 | I was careful who I told about the infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71384-2 | I was too tired to eat in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70840-4 | I wear protection for leakage of urine in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70725-7 | I wear protection for soiling of stool in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71295-0 | I worry about being able to date because of my illness history in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71296-8 | I worry about being able to go to college because of my illness history in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71180-4 | I worry about being able to go to college because of my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71179-6 | I worry about being able to have a girlfriend or boyfriend because of my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71290-1 | I worry about being sick again in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
70396-7 | I worry about dying in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71181-2 | I worry about getting a job because of my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71297-6 | I worry about getting a job to support myself because of my illness history in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
70599-6 | I worry about getting an infection from the feeding tube in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71174-7 | I worry about getting another cancer-tumor in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70470-0 | I worry about getting infections in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70808-1 | I worry about getting sick due to low blood counts in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71294-3 | I worry about having a good life in the future in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71178-8 | I worry about having a good life in the future in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70600-2 | I worry about losing weight because I have a feeding tube in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70703-4 | I worry about other peoples attitudes towards me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70817-2 | I worry about problems with bruising or bleeding in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70574-9 | I worry about side effects from treatment for bone disease [FACIT] |
71136-6 | I worry about spreading my infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70695-2 | I worry about spreading the infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70463-5 | I worry about the appearance of surgical scars in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70311-6 | I worry about the effect of stress on my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70825-5 | I worry about the possibility of serious bleeding in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70597-0 | I worry about the tube coming out by accident in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70598-8 | I worry about the tube getting plugged or blocked in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70811-5 | I worry my condition will not improve if my treatment is delayed in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70596-2 | I worry that having a feeding tube means my health is worse in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70449-4 | I worry that I might get new symptoms of my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70757-0 | I worry that my bone pain will get worse in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70397-5 | I worry that my condition will get worse in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70829-7 | I worry that my treatment dose will be reduced, because of low blood counts, in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70577-2 | I worry that my treatment for bone disease will not be effective [FACIT] |
70823-0 | I worry that my treatment will be delayed, because of low blood counts, in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70310-8 | I worry that other members of my family might someday get the same illness I have in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70700-0 | I worry that the infection will get worse in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70640-8 | I worry that the transplant will not work in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71292-7 | I worry when I go back to the hospital or clinic in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71176-2 | I worry when I go back to the hospital or clinic in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71302-4 | I would rather do something by myself than with other people in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71186-1 | I would rather do something by myself than with other people in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71194-5 | I would rather play alone than with other children in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70316-5 | It burns when I urinate in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70747-1 | It hurts when I put weight or pressure on the place where I have bone pain in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71311-5 | It is hard for me to concentrate in school in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71314-9 | It is hard for me to find the right words to say what I mean in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71331-3 | It is hard for my child to concentrate in school in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71135-8 | It is hard to tell other people about my infection in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71154-9 | Most food tastes bad to me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71255-4 | Most food tastes bad to my child in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70679-6 | Most food tastes unpleasant to me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70741-4 | Movement of my arm on this side is painful in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70457-7 | Movement of my swollen area is painful in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70743-0 | My arm on this side feels numb in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71282-8 | My arms or legs are weak in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71166-3 | My arms or legs feel weak in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71252-1 | My child eats as much as s-he wants in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71253-9 | My child eats enough to do whatever s-he needs to do in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71263-8 | My child feels like s-he is getting better in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71330-5 | My child forgets things easily in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71200-0 | My child gets ill easily in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71270-3 | My child gets ill easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71211-7 | My child gets nervous - frightened easily in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71242-2 | My child gets nervous - frightened easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71198-6 | My child gets tired easily in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71268-7 | My child gets tired easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71260-4 | My child has been throwing up in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71334-7 | My child has difficulty using the right words in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71220-8 | My child has fewer friends than others in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71247-1 | My child has fewer friends than others in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71262-0 | My child has pain in his-her stomach in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71202-6 | My child has pain in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71332-1 | My child has to read things several times so s-he can understand them in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71196-0 | My child has trouble getting dressed on his-her own in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71266-1 | My child has trouble getting dressed on his-her own in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71197-8 | My child has trouble running like other people in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71267-9 | My child has trouble running like other people in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71201-8 | My child has trouble writing with a pen or pencil in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71271-1 | My child has trouble writing with a pen or pencil in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71258-8 | My child is afraid to eat because it may make her-him sick in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71323-0 | My child is bothered by being shorter than his-her peers in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71326-3 | My child is bothered by headaches in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71325-5 | My child is bothered by poor hearing in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71324-8 | My child is bothered by poor vision in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71209-1 | My child is moody or irritable in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71240-6 | My child is moody or irritable in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71254-7 | My child is worried about his-her weight in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71256-2 | My child is worried about how thin s-he is in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71195-2 | My child loses balance or falls down easily in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71265-3 | My child loses balance or falls down easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71328-9 | My child needs to work harder than his-her peers to get school work done in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71335-4 | My child often feels inferior to other children in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71207-5 | My child often feels inferior to other people in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71238-0 | My child often feels inferior to other people in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71223-2 | My child prefers to do something alone in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71250-5 | My child prefers to do something alone in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71277-8 | My child prefers to play alone in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71203-4 | My child seems happy in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71236-4 | My child seems happy in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71222-4 | My child seems lonely in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71249-7 | My child seems lonely in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71225-7 | My child thinks I spoil him-her in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71224-0 | My child thinks I worry too much about him-her in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71214-1 | My child worries about being able to go to college because of his-her illness in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71245-5 | My child worries about being able to go to college because of his-her illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71213-3 | My child worries about being able to have a girlfriend or boyfriend because of his-her illness in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71244-8 | My child worries about being able to have a girlfriend or boyfriend because of his-her illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71215-8 | My child worries about getting a job because of his-her illness in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71246-3 | My child worries about getting a job because of his-her illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71208-3 | My child worries about getting another cancer-tumor in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71239-8 | My child worries about getting another cancer-tumor in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71212-5 | My child worries about having a good life in the future in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71243-0 | My child worries about having a good life in the future in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71210-9 | My child worries when we go back to the hospital or clinic in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71241-4 | My child worries when we go back to the hospital or clinic in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71199-4 | My child's arms or legs seem weak in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71269-5 | My child's arms or legs seem weak in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71329-7 | My child's school performance is worse than it was before s-he was diagnosed in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71327-1 | My child's speech is hard for others to understand in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
70838-8 | My condition wakes me up at night in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70835-4 | My condition wakes or keeps me up at night in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70384-3 | My digestive problems interfere with my usual activities in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70848-7 | My doctor explained the possible benefits of my treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70847-9 | My doctor gave me explanations that I could understand in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70620-0 | My eyes are dry in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70645-7 | My eyesight is blurry in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70415-5 | My family has accepted my illness in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70758-8 | My family has trouble understanding when my bone pain interferes with my activity in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71119-2 | My family has trouble understanding when my condition gets worse in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70683-8 | My family or friends are pressuring me to eat in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71157-2 | My family or friends try to get me to eat more in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70685-3 | My general health is improving in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71309-9 | My grades are worse than they were before I was sick in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
70657-2 | My hands are swollen in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71033-5 | My illness has strengthened my faith or spiritual beliefs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70647-3 | My illness is a personal hardship for my close family members in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70681-2 | My interest in food drops as soon as I try to eat in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70658-0 | My legs or feet are swollen in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71026-9 | My life has been productive in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71031-9 | My life lacks meaning and purpose in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70813-1 | My low blood counts interfere with my intimate relationships in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70792-7 | My memory is as good as it has always been in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70791-9 | My mind is as sharp as it has always been in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71015-2 | My mouth and throat are dry in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70431-2 | My mouth is dry in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70558-2 | My pain keeps me from doing things I want to do in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71188-7 | My parents spoil me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71187-9 | My parents worry too much about me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70812-3 | My partner worries about me when my blood counts are low in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71049-1 | My pharmacist advises me on the adverse - side - effects of my medicines in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71048-3 | My pharmacist advises me on the proper use of my medicines in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71052-5 | My pharmacist helps with the arrangements necessary to obtain my medicines in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71051-7 | My pharmacist is available to answer my questions in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71053-3 | My pharmacist is aware of my treatment-related needs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71054-1 | My pharmacist responds to my treatment-related needs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70723-2 | My problem with diarrhea keeps - wakes - me up at night in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70559-0 | My problems with urinating limit my activities in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70773-7 | My reactions in everyday situations have been slow in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70610-1 | My skin bleeds easily in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70613-5 | My skin condition affects my mood in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70612-7 | My skin condition interferes with my ability to sleep in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70614-3 | My skin condition interferes with my social life in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70607-7 | My skin or scalp feels irritated in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70608-5 | My skin or scalp is dry or flaky in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70609-3 | My skin or scalp itches in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70761-2 | My thinking has been slow in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70777-8 | My thinking has been slower than usual in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70441-1 | My thinking is clear in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71139-0 | My thinking is slower than before in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70363-7 | My vagina feels too narrow or short in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70433-8 | My voice has its usual quality and strength in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70399-1 | My work - include work at home - is fulfilling in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70307-4 | One or more of my arms are swollen or tender in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71193-7 | Other children avoid playing with me because I am different in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71276-0 | Other children avoid playing with my child because s-he is different in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71184-6 | Other people avoid hanging out with me because I am different in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71300-8 | Other people avoid hanging out with me because of my illness history in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71221-6 | Other people avoid hanging out with my child because s-he is different in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71248-9 | Other people avoid hanging out with my child because s-he is different in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70784-4 | Other people have told me I seemed confused in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70775-2 | Other people have told me I seemed to have trouble remembering information in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70782-8 | Other people have told me I seemed to have trouble speaking clearly in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70783-6 | Other people have told me I seemed to have trouble thinking clearly in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71298-4 | Other people pick on - tease me in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71182-0 | Other people pick on - tease me in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71219-0 | Other people pick on - tease my child in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71272-9 | Other people pick on - tease my child in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70622-6 | Sensitivity around my fingernails makes it difficult to perform household tasks in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70687-9 | Stomach pain interferes with my daily functioning in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70458-5 | Swelling keeps me from doing the things I want to do in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70459-3 | Swelling keeps me from wearing clothes or shoes I want to wear in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70677-0 | The amount I eat is sufficient to meet my needs in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71172-1 | The cancer-tumor experience has taught me to appreciate life in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71206-7 | The cancer-tumor experience has taught my child to appreciate life in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71171-3 | The cancer-tumor experience makes me a stronger person in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71205-9 | The cancer-tumor experience makes my child a stronger person in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70648-1 | The cost of my treatment is a burden on me or my family in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70641-6 | The effects of treatment are worse than I had imagined in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71288-5 | The illness experience has taught me to appreciate life in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71231-5 | The illness experience has taught my child to appreciate life in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71287-7 | The illness experience makes me a stronger person in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71232-3 | The illness experience makes my child a stronger person in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
70619-2 | The skin side effects from treatment have interfered with household tasks in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70798-4 | These problems have interfered with my ability to do things I enjoy in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70797-6 | These problems have interfered with my ability to work in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70799-2 | These problems have interfered with the quality of my life in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71042-6 | Throughout the course of my day, I feel a sense of thankfulness for my life in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71043-4 | Throughout the course of my day, I feel a sense of thankfulness for what others bring to my life in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70592-1 | Tube feeding limits my activities with my friends in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70590-5 | Tube feeding limits what I can do inside the house - for example housework, watching TV or reading - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70591-3 | Tube feeding limits what I can do outside of the house - for example shopping, driving or yard work - in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
70684-6 | When I eat, I seem to get full quickly in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71313-1 | When I play games or sports, I react more slowly than most people my age in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71307-3 | When I speak, people have trouble understanding me in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71286-9 | When I try to do something, I usually believe I will do it well in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71170-5 | When I try to do something, I usually believe I will do it well in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71261-2 | When my child eats, s-he seems to get full quickly in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
71333-9 | When my child plays games or sports, s-he reacts more slowly than his-her peers in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71204-2 | When my child tries to do something, s-he usually believes s-he will do it well in the past 4 weeks [FACIT] |
71237-2 | When my child tries to do something, s-he usually believes s-he will do it well in the past 7 days [FACIT] |
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Copyright © 2025 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See https://