Version 2.80

Answer Lists using this Answer Code

Answer List Answer List Name Externally Defined
LL1013-3 [PROMIS] Completely|Mostly|Mod|A little|Not at all N
LL1017-4 [PROMIS] Not at all|Lit bit|Somwh|Qte bit|Ver much N
LL1021-6 [PROMIS] Not at all|Ver litt|Some|Qte lot|Can't do N
LL1158-6 PhenX09_04- smoking inhalation N
LL1159-4 PhenX09_05_inhale pipe,cigars N
LL1172-7 PhenX09_11_noise interfere w/ activities N
LL1177-6 PhenX09_16_resp probs freq N
LL1272-5 PhenX12_04 N
LL1280-8 PhenX12_12 N
LL1350-9 PhenX12_80_sleepier than others N
LL1354-1 PhenX03_02_current cig smoking N
LL1623-9 PhenX18_06 N
LL1747-6 PhenX20_38_sunburn susceptability N
LL1765-8 PhenX21_14_event effect N
LL2005-8 English speaking N
LL2037-1 PTSD Checklist - PCL N
LL2076-9 Edinburgh Postnatal Depression-1 N
LL2095-9 FACT-G N
LL2115-5 M3-All answers N
LL2154-4 VA-36-work/social activity limitations N
LL2182-5 SAMHSA-common sources contribute to stress N
LL2184-1 SAMHSA-control worrying N
LL3267-3 Not at all/Little/Some extent/Rather much/Very N
LL3325-9 NotAtAll(5)|Little(4)|Some(3)|Quite(2)|VeryMuch(1) N
LL358-3 PHQ N
LL3797-9 Not | 1 in 5 | half | >half | almst always N
LL4057-7 More than once a day | 3 to 6 times a week | Not N
LL4058-5 4 or more nights a week | Not at all N
LL4059-3 3 or more times per day | Not at all N
LL4754-9 Not at all | A little | Rather | Much | Very stron N
LL4755-6 Not at all | Once | 2-3 times | 4-6 times | Daily N
LL4886-9 KOOS QoL Q3 N
LL4887-7 KOOS QoL Q2 N
LL4899-2 Not at all|Mildly|Moderately|Severely|Totally N
LL4915-6 Not at all,Mildly,Moderately,Severly,Extremely N
LL5083-2 Not at all (0)|Somewhat(1)|Very much(2) N
LL5132-7 NotAtAll(5)|Little(4)|Some(3)|Quite(2)|Very(1)|NA N
LL5186-3 NotAtAll|(0)Slight|Mod|Considerably|Extreme(4) N
LL5209-3 [PROMIS]NotAtAll(1|Lit bit(1|Som(2|Qte bit(3|Ver(4 N
LL5212-7 Not at all|Slightly|Moderately|Very much|Extreme N
LL5215-0 Not at all 0 | Very much 4 N
LL5265-5 GWB Schedule_Level of anxious, worried, upset N
LL5266-3 GWB Schedule_Level of strain, stress, or pressure N
LL5268-9 GWB Schedule_Level of being bothered by nerves N
LL5273-9 GWB Schedule_Level of concern N
LL5275-4 GWB Schedule_Level of sadness, discouraged N
LL5354-7 PRAPARE_Not|lil bit|somwht|qt bit|v much|not answe N
LL5360-4 Not at all (1)|Somewhat(2)|Very much(3) N
LL5474-3 Definitely | Mostly | Somewhat | Not at all N
LL5669-8 Not at all|Li'l bit|Somew|Quite bit|Extrem N
LL5774-6 PhenX Frequency of Anxiety N
LL5799-3 A lot|Some|Little|Not at all N
LL5813-2 Not at all/Extremely N
LL5871-0 Frequency: Not at all --> Nearly every day N
LL6058-3 Not at all|A lit|Mod|Mos|Comp w/score N
LL6073-2 Amounts - Not at all to Extreme N
LL6074-0 Not at all|Lil|Mod|V much|Ext w/score N
LL6084-9 Very|Somewhat|A little|Not at all N
LL6099-7 Freq: Not at all to near evry day w/o score N
LL6568-1 PhenX_English proficiency Y
LL7004-6 Since becoming aware of the COVID-19 outbreak N