Version 2.80

Term Description

This term is used to report any surgeries the patient has undergone that may be relevant to the current physical therapy treatment. Either ICD-10-CM or SNOMED-CT procedure codes can be used. This term was created for, but is not limited in use to, the American Physical Therapy Association's Physical Therapy Outcomes Registry panel.

Fully-Specified Name

Surgical history relevant to physical therapy treatment

Additional Names

Long Common Name
Surgical history relevant to physical therapy treatment
Short Name
Surg hx relevant to PT tx

Preferred Answer List: LL3882-9

Source: American Physical Therapy Association
Answer Code Score Answer ID
Cardio/pulm: Angioplasty LA22097-2
Cardio/pulm: Aorta-iliac-femoral vascular bypass LA25527-5
Cardio/pulm: Aortic dissection repair LA25528-3
Cardio/pulm: Coronary bypass grafting LA25529-1
Cardio/pulm: Defibrillator LA25530-9
Cardio/pulm: Heart surgery (general) LA25531-7
Cardio/pulm: Heart transplant LA25532-5
Cardio/pulm: Lung lobectomy (Wedge resection) LA25533-3
Cardio/pulm: Lung transplant LA25534-1
Cardio/pulm: Lung volume reduction surgery LA25535-8
Cardio/pulm: Maze procedure LA25536-6
Cardio/pulm: Pacemaker placment LA25537-4
Cardio/pulm: Pneumonectomy LA25538-2
Cardio/pulm: Stent placement LA25539-0
Cardio/pulm: Valve replace/repair-Aortic LA25540-8
Cardio/pulm: Valve replace/repair-Mitral LA25541-6
Cardio/pulm: Valve replace/repair-Pulmonary LA25542-4
Cardio/pulm: Valve replace/repair-Tricuspid LA25543-2
Cardio/pulm: Ventricular assistive device LA25544-0
Med: Abdominal surgery LA25545-7
Med: Amputation-Above knee LA25546-5
Med: Amputation-Below knee LA25547-3
Med: Amputation-Transmetatarsal LA25548-1
Med: Bariatric surgery LA25549-9
Med: Breast reconstruction LA25550-7
Med: Breast removal LA25551-5
Med: Colon resection LA25552-3
Med: Esophagectomy LA25553-1
Med: Kyphoplasty LA25554-9
Med: Lumpectomy LA25555-6
Med: NG tube, G-tube placement LA25556-4
Med: Perineoplasty LA25557-2
Med: Prostatectomy LA25558-0
Med: Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous (TRAM) Flap LA25559-8
Med: Urinary Incontinence-Implantation of Sacral Nerve Stimulator or Pudendal Nerve Stimulator LA25560-6
Med: Urinary Incontinence-Pubovaginal (Suburethral) Slings LA25561-4
Med: Urinary Incontinence-Retropubic (Burch) Colposuspension LA25562-2
Neuro: Aneurysm clipping LA25563-0
Neuro: Baclofen pump placement LA25564-8
Neuro: Brain blood clot resection/removal LA25565-5
Neuro: Brain tumor resection/biopsy LA25566-3
Neuro: Craniotomy for pressure relief LA25567-1
Neuro: Deep brain stimulator implant LA25568-9
Neuro: Dorsal rhizotomy LA25569-7
Neuro: Neuroma excisions LA25570-5
Neuro: Shunt placement LA25571-3
Neuro: Tethered cord release LA25572-1
Ortho-Spine: Cervical fusion LA25573-9
Ortho-Spine: Laminectomy LA25574-7
Ortho-Spine: Lumbar disc removal LA25575-4
Ortho-Spine: Lumbar fusion LA25576-2
Ortho-Spine: Rod placements (eg. Harrington Rods) LA25577-0
Ortho-Spine: Thoracic fusion LA25578-8
Ortho-Shd: Biceps tenodesis or release LA25579-6
Ortho-Shd: Cartilage restoration of the glenohumeral joint (Microfracture) LA25580-4
Ortho-Shd: Clavicle distal excision LA25581-2
Ortho-Shd: Dislocation repair (recurrent) LA25582-0
Ortho-Shd: Hemiarthroplasty LA25583-8
Ortho-Shd: ORIF-Humerus LA25584-6
Ortho-Shd: Pectoralis major repair LA25585-3
Ortho-Shd: Rotator cuff repair LA25586-1
Ortho-Shd: Stabilization (e.g. Remplissage Latarjet, Bankhart) LA25587-9
Ortho-Shd: Subacromial decompression LA25588-7
Ortho-Shd: Superior labrum anterior to posterior LA25589-5
Ortho-Shd: Total replacement LA25590-3
Ortho-Shd: Total replacement (Reverse) LA25591-1
Ortho: Tendon lengthening procedures LA25592-9
Ortho-Elbow/wrist/hand: Arthroscopic debridement of elbow LA25593-7
Ortho-Elbow/wrist/hand: Carpal tunnel surgery LA25594-5
Ortho-Elbow/wrist/hand: ORIF of wrist LA25595-2
Ortho-Elbow/wrist/hand: Osteochondritis dissecans LA25596-0
Ortho-Elbow/wrist/hand: UCL reconstruction of elbow LA25597-8
Ortho-Hip/thigh: Arthroplasty LA25598-6
Ortho-Hip/thigh: Arthroscopy with capsular modifications LA25599-4
Ortho-Hip/thigh: Arthroscopy with labral debridement/repair LA25600-0
Ortho-Hip/thigh: Femoroplasty LA25601-8
Ortho-Hip/thigh: Hip resurfacing LA25602-6
Ortho-Hip/thigh: Leg lengthening procedures (e.g. Ilizarov) LA25603-4
Ortho-Hip/thigh: ORIF-Femur LA25604-2
Ortho-Hip/thigh: ORIF-greater trochanter LA25605-9
Ortho-Hip/thigh: Proximal hamstring repair LA25606-7
Ortho-Knee: ACL recon- bone-patellar tendon-bone Allograft LA25607-5
Ortho-Knee: ACL recon- bone-patellar tendon-bone Autograft LA25608-3
Ortho-Knee: ACL Recon-hamstrings Allograft LA25609-1
Ortho-Knee: ACL Recon-hamstrings Autograft LA25610-9
Ortho-Knee: Arthroplasty LA25611-7
Ortho-Knee: Athroscopy LA25612-5
Ortho-Knee: Cartilage repair/restoration (Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI); Microfracture; Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation; Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation (OATs)) LA25613-3
Ortho-Knee: Extensor tendon repair (patellar tendon repair) LA25614-1
Ortho-Knee: MCL reconstruction LA25615-8
Ortho-Knee: Meniscal surgery (arthroscopic debridement, excision (menisectomy), or repair) LA25616-6
Ortho-Knee: Meniscal transplantation Allograft LA25617-4
Ortho-Knee: Osteochondritis dessicans treatment LA25618-2
Ortho-Knee: Osteotomy (medial wedge high tibial, lateral femoral , tibial tubercle) LA25619-0
Ortho-Knee: Patellar instability- arthroscopic lateral release LA25620-8
Ortho-Knee: PCL reconstruction LA25621-6
Ortho-Foot/ankle: Achilles tendon repair LA25622-4
Ortho-Foot/ankle: Achillies tendon refelease LA25623-2
Ortho-Foot/ankle: Bunion procedures LA25624-0
Ortho-Foot/ankle: Cheilectomies LA25516-8
Ortho-Foot/ankle: ORIF– bimalleolar/trimalleolar LA25515-0
Ortho-Foot/ankle: Plantar fascia release LA25517-6
Ortho-Foot/ankle: Posterior tib tendon repair LA25518-4
Ortho-Foot/ankle: Syndesmotic repairs LA25519-2
Women's Health: C-section LA25520-0
Women's Health: Episiotomy LA25521-8
Women's Health: Hysterectomy (TVH or TAH) LA25522-6
Women's Health: Pelvic prolapse repair: (Abdominal sacral colpopexy: Colpocleisis; Enterocele repair; Iliococcygeal vaginal suspension; Sacrospinous ligament suspension; sling; Uterosacral ligament suspension) LA25523-4
Women's Health: Urinary Incontinence-Tension-free Vaginal Tape (TVT) LA25524-2
Other, Please specify: LA46-8
NoneCopyright ID:260413007 None (qualifier value) LA137-2

Basic Attributes

First Released
Version 2.52
Last Updated
Version 2.56 (MIN)
Order vs. Observation

Member of these Panels

LOINC Long Common Name
76464-7 American Physical Therapy Association registry panel

Language Variants Get Info

Tag Language Translation
el-GR Greek (Greece) Χειρουργικό ιστορικό σχετικό με τη φυσικοθεραπεία:Type:Pt:^Ασθενής:Nom:
Synonyms: Type Χειρουργικό ιστορικό σχετικό με τη φυσικοθεραπεία
es-MX Spanish (Mexico) Historia quirúrgica relevante para el tratamiento de fisioterapia:Tipo:Punto temporal:^ Paciente:Nominal:
it-IT Italian (Italy) Anamnesi chirurgica pertinente alla fisioterapia:Tipo:Pt:^Paziente:Nom:
Synonyms: American Physical Therapy Association - Associazio paziente Punto nel tempo (episodio)
zh-CN Chinese (China) 与物理疗法治疗相关的外科手术史:类型:时间点:^患者:名义型:
Synonyms: APTA(American Physical Therapy Association、美国物理疗法协会);物理疗法(物理治疗、理疗、理疗法) 与物理疗法治疗(处理、处治、处置)相关的外科手术史;与物理疗法相关的外科手术史 ICD10 代码;与物理疗法(物理治疗、理疗、理疗法)相关的外科手术史(手术史、外科病史、外科学病史) ICD10 代码(编码);物理疗法相关外科手术史 ICD10 代码;国际疾病分类;international Classification of diseases;ICD 分类型应答;分类型结果;名义性;名称型;名词型;名词性;标称性;没有自然次序的名义型或分类型应答 医疗服务对象;客户;病人;病患;病号;超系统 - 病人 型 时刻;随机;随意;瞬间 物理治疗;理疗

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