Region imaged: Lower extremity
Maturity: Beta
- The LOINC Groups project is a work in progress. The contents of this file may change from release to release as we receive feedback from users and refine our processes.
- The contents of the file and the groupings MUST be validated by the user prior to implementation in any aspect of clinical care. We have created Groups that may be useful in specific contexts, but these Groups have not been vetted for use in either patient care or research and should be used with caution.
- More information on LOINC Groups is available on our website.
Basic Attributes
- Version First Released
- Pending promotion to Production status (Beta)
- Parent Group
- LG41814-1 RadRegion:LowerExtremity
- Group Category
- Radiology
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- ValueSet definition
- https:
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//fhir.loinc.org/ValueSet/$expand?url=http: //loinc.org/vs/LG41849-7
LOINC terms in Group
LOINC | Long Common Name |
103230-9 | XR Knee - bilateral 1 or 2 Views |
103232-5 | XR Toe third - right GE 2 Views |
103233-3 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right View AP and Views 2 or 3 |
103234-1 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right 2 or 3 Views |
103235-8 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left 2 or 3 Views |
103236-6 | XR Toes - right GE 2 Views |
103237-4 | XR Toes - left GE 2 Views |
103238-2 | XR Hip - right 2 or 3 Views |
103242-4 | XR Hip - left 2 or 3 Views |
103244-0 | XR Great toe - left GE 2 Views |
103246-5 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral 2 Views |
103247-3 | XR Great toe - right GE 2 Views |
103248-1 | XR Femur - right GE 2 Views |
103249-9 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left View AP and Views 2 or 3 |
103250-7 | XR Femur - left GE 2 Views |
103252-3 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral View AP and View 2 |
103253-1 | XR Knee - bilateral GE 4 Views |
103258-0 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right Single view |
103262-2 | XR Calcaneus - right GE 2 Views |
103264-8 | XR Calcaneus - left GE 2 Views |
103265-5 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral GE 5 Views |
103266-3 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral 3 or 4 Views |
103267-1 | XR Hip - bilateral 3 or 4 Views |
103270-5 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left Single view |
103271-3 | XR Hip 2 or 3 Views |
103272-1 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right GE 2 Views |
103274-7 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral View AP and Views 3 or 4 |
103279-6 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral GE 2 Views |
103286-1 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left GE 4 Views |
103289-5 | Portable XR Hip - right Single view |
103295-2 | XR Knee - bilateral Single view W standing |
103298-6 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right GE 4 Views |
103300-0 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left GE 2 Views |
103303-4 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral AP and Views |
103306-7 | XR Toes - bilateral GE 2 Views |
103311-7 | XR Hip - bilateral GE 2 Views |
103317-4 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left AP and Views |
103318-2 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left AP and GE 2 Views |
103319-0 | XR Foot - bilateral Single view |
103320-8 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right AP and Views |
103321-6 | XR Hip - right GE 4 Views |
103323-2 | XR Ankle - left 4 Views |
103324-0 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right AP and GE 2 Views |
103327-3 | XR Femur - bilateral GE 2 Views |
103330-7 | Portable XR Hip - left Single view |
103331-5 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right 3 Views |
103333-1 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left 3 Views |
103334-9 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral Single view |
103338-0 | XR Hip - left GE 4 Views |
103339-8 | XR Toe fourth - left GE 2 Views |
103340-6 | XR Lower extremity - right GE 2 Views |
103341-4 | XR Femur - bilateral Single view |
103342-2 | XR Knee - bilateral GE 3 Views |
103343-0 | XR Lower extremity - left GE 2 Views |
103344-8 | XR Toe fifth - left GE 2 Views |
103345-5 | XR Calcaneus - bilateral GE 2 Views |
103347-1 | Portable XR Ankle - right 2 Views |
103348-9 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral 5 Views |
103350-5 | XR Tibia and Fibula - left 3 Views |
103352-1 | XR Hip - bilateral GE 5 Views |
103354-7 | XR Tibia and Fibula - right 3 Views |
103357-0 | Portable XR Tibia and Fibula - left 2 Views |
103358-8 | Portable XR Tibia and Fibula - right 2 Views |
103361-2 | XR Tibia and Fibula - bilateral Single view |
103363-8 | Portable XR Ankle - left 2 Views |
103380-2 | XR Toe third - left GE 2 Views |
103381-0 | XR Ankle - right 4 Views |
103384-4 | XR Toe second - left GE 2 Views |
103386-9 | Portable XR Foot - left Single view |
103387-7 | Portable XR Foot - right Single view |
103388-5 | XR Toe fourth - right GE 2 Views |
103391-9 | XR Lower extremity - bilateral GE 2 Views |
103392-7 | XR Lower extremity - left 2 Views |
103394-3 | XR Toe fifth - right GE 2 Views |
103398-4 | Portable XR Femur - right Single view |
103402-4 | XR Toe second - right GE 2 Views |
103404-0 | XR Hip - bilateral Views during surgery |
103407-3 | XR Ankle and Foot - right 2 Views |
103410-7 | Portable XR Femur - left Single view |
103411-5 | Portable XR Tibia and Fibula - bilateral 2 Views |
103412-3 | Portable XR Foot - left 2 Views |
103417-2 | Portable XR Knee - right 3 Views |
103419-8 | XR Ankle and Foot - left GE 3 Views |
103420-6 | XR Ankle and Foot - right GE 3 Views |
103424-8 | XR Ankle - bilateral Single view |
103428-9 | XR Lower extremity - bilateral 2 Views |
103429-7 | Portable XR Foot - right 2 Views |
103431-3 | XR Knee - bilateral 5 Views |
103437-0 | XR Patella - left 1 or 2 Views |
103440-4 | Portable XR Hip - bilateral Views |
103458-6 | Portable XR Hip - bilateral Single view |
103459-4 | Portable XR Femur - left 2 Views |
103460-2 | XR Ankle and Foot - left 2 Views |
103463-6 | XR Ankle - right Views AP |
103464-4 | Portable XR Femur - right 2 Views |
103465-1 | Portable XR Ankle - right AP and Lateral |
103466-9 | XR Ankle - left Views AP |
103471-9 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral 2 or 3 Views |
103487-5 | Portable XR Knee - right 1 or 2 Views |
103494-1 | Portable XR Knee - bilateral 1 or 2 Views |
103496-6 | XR Ankle - right Lateral Views |
103497-4 | Portable XR Tibia and Fibula - bilateral Single view |
103499-0 | XR Ankle - left Lateral Views |
103505-4 | Portable XR Ankle - bilateral 2 Views |
103517-9 | Portable XR Femur - bilateral 2 Views |
103518-7 | Portable XR Knee - left 3 Views |
103535-1 | XR Ankle - bilateral Views AP |
103866-0 | CT Lower leg - bilateral W contrast IV |
103867-8 | CT Lower leg - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
103880-1 | CT Ankle - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
103883-5 | CT Foot - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
103922-1 | US Lower extremity vein - left limited |
103923-9 | US Lower extremity vein - right limited |
103924-7 | US Lower extremity artery - left limited |
103925-4 | US Lower extremity artery - right limited |
103927-0 | US.doppler Lower extremity artery - left limited |
103928-8 | US.doppler Lower extremity artery - right limited |
105133-3 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - left W contrast IV |
105134-1 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - right W contrast IV |
105135-8 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
105155-6 | MRA Lower extremity veins - bilateral |
106253-8 | US Guidance for aspiration of Pelvis and Hip - bilateral |
106254-6 | US Guidance for aspiration of Pelvis and Hip - left |
106255-3 | US Guidance for biopsy of Pelvis and Hip - right |
106256-1 | US Guidance for aspiration of Pelvis and Hip - right |
106259-5 | US Knee - bilateral |
106260-3 | US Knee - left |
106261-1 | US Guidance for aspiration of Knee - left |
106262-9 | US Knee - right |
106263-7 | US Guidance for biopsy of Knee - right |
106264-5 | US Guidance for aspiration of Knee - right |
106265-2 | US Guidance for biopsy of Tibia and Fibula - left |
106270-2 | US Guidance for Guidance for placement of non-tunneled central venous catheter in Femoral vein |
106274-4 | US Foot - left |
106275-1 | US Foot - right |
106290-0 | US Guidance for biopsy of Femur - left |
106293-4 | US Toes - left |
106294-2 | US Toes - right |
106306-4 | US Ankle - bilateral |
106314-8 | US.doppler Lower extremity veins - bilateral |
106326-2 | US Forefoot - right |
106330-4 | US Guidance for biopsy of Foot - left |
106331-2 | US Guidance for biopsy of Foot - right |
107267-7 | RF Guidance for percutaneous aspiration thrombectomy of Lower extremity artery - left |
24535-7 | XR Acetabulum Views |
24538-1 | MR Ankle |
24539-9 | MR Ankle WO and W contrast IV |
24540-7 | XR Ankle 2 Views |
24541-5 | XR Ankle Views |
24612-4 | XR Calcaneus Views |
24686-8 | XR Lower extremity Views |
24687-6 | MR Lower Extremity Joint |
24698-3 | RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Femoral artery-- W contrast IA |
24699-1 | RFA Femoral artery Runoff W contrast IA |
24700-7 | XR Femur and Tibia Views for leg length |
24701-5 | DXA Femur [Mass/Area] Bone density |
24702-3 | MR Thigh |
24703-1 | MR Thigh WO and W contrast IV |
24704-9 | XR Femur Views |
24707-2 | MR Foot |
24708-0 | XR Foot Views W standing |
24709-8 | XR Foot Views |
24760-1 | US Hip |
24761-9 | XR Hip Single view |
24762-7 | XR Hip Views |
24764-3 | RF Hip Arthrogram |
24800-5 | RF Knee Arthrogram |
24801-3 | XR Knee Merchants |
24802-1 | MR Knee |
24803-9 | MR Knee WO and W contrast IV |
24804-7 | NM Knee Views |
24805-4 | XR Knee AP and Lateral W standing |
24806-2 | XR Knee 2 Views |
24807-0 | XR Knee AP W standing |
24808-8 | XR Knee AP and PA W standing |
24809-6 | XR Knee Views W standing |
24820-3 | MRA Lower leg vessels W contrast IV |
24821-1 | MR Lower leg |
24861-7 | XR Patella 2 Views |
24872-4 | MR Pelvis and Hip |
24881-5 | US Popliteal space |
24882-3 | RFA Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of Popliteal artery-- W contrast IA |
25003-5 | MRA Thigh vessels W contrast IV |
25011-8 | XR Tibia and Fibula Views |
25012-6 | Deprecated RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Tibial artery-- W contrast IA |
25013-4 | XR Toes Views |
26070-3 | RF Hip - bilateral Arthrogram |
26071-1 | RF Hip - left Arthrogram |
26072-9 | RF Hip - right Arthrogram |
26073-7 | RF Knee - bilateral Arthrogram |
26074-5 | RF Knee - left Arthrogram |
26075-2 | RF Knee - right Arthrogram |
26085-1 | XR Knee - bilateral Views W standing |
26086-9 | XR Knee - left Views W standing |
26087-7 | XR Knee - right Views W standing |
26088-5 | NM Knee - bilateral Views |
26089-3 | NM Knee - left Views |
26090-1 | NM Knee - right Views |
26094-3 | XR Foot - bilateral Views W standing |
26095-0 | XR Foot - left Views W standing |
26096-8 | XR Foot - right Views W standing |
26097-6 | XR Ankle - bilateral Views |
26098-4 | XR Ankle - left Views |
26099-2 | XR Ankle - right Views |
26100-8 | XR Calcaneus - bilateral Views |
26101-6 | XR Calcaneus - left Views |
26102-4 | XR Calcaneus - right Views |
26112-3 | XR Lower extremity - bilateral Views |
26113-1 | XR Lower extremity - left Views |
26114-9 | XR Lower extremity - right Views |
26118-0 | XR Femur - bilateral Views |
26120-6 | XR Femur - left Views |
26122-2 | XR Femur - right Views |
26127-1 | XR Foot - bilateral Views |
26128-9 | XR Foot - left Views |
26129-7 | XR Foot - right Views |
26130-5 | XR Hip - bilateral Views |
26131-3 | XR Hip - left Views |
26132-1 | XR Hip - right Views |
26133-9 | XR Acetabulum - bilateral Views |
26134-7 | XR Acetabulum - left Views |
26135-4 | XR Acetabulum - right Views |
26163-6 | XR Tibia and Fibula - bilateral Views |
26164-4 | XR Tibia and Fibula - left Views |
26165-1 | XR Tibia and Fibula - right Views |
26166-9 | XR Toes - bilateral Views |
26167-7 | XR Toes - left Views |
26168-5 | XR Toes - right Views |
26178-4 | RFA Femoral artery - bilateral Runoff W contrast IA |
26179-2 | RFA Femoral artery - left Runoff W contrast IA |
26180-0 | RFA Femoral artery - right Runoff W contrast IA |
26187-5 | MR Ankle - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
26188-3 | MR Ankle - left WO and W contrast IV |
26189-1 | MR Ankle - right WO and W contrast IV |
26196-6 | MR Thigh - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
26197-4 | MR Thigh - left WO and W contrast IV |
26198-2 | MR Thigh - right WO and W contrast IV |
26199-0 | MR Knee - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
26200-6 | MR Knee - left WO and W contrast IV |
26201-4 | MR Knee - right WO and W contrast IV |
26208-9 | MR Ankle - bilateral |
26209-7 | MR Ankle - left |
26210-5 | MR Ankle - right |
26227-9 | MR Lower extremity joint - bilateral |
26228-7 | MR Lower extremity joint - left |
26229-5 | MR Lower extremity joint - right |
26235-2 | MR Thigh - bilateral |
26236-0 | MR Thigh - left |
26237-8 | MR Thigh - right |
26241-0 | MR Foot - bilateral |
26242-8 | MR Foot - left |
26243-6 | MR Foot - right |
26250-1 | US Hip - bilateral |
26251-9 | US Hip - left |
26252-7 | US Hip - right |
26256-8 | MR Knee - bilateral |
26257-6 | MR Knee - left |
26258-4 | MR Knee - right |
26259-2 | MR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral |
26260-0 | MR Pelvis and Hip - left |
26261-8 | MR Pelvis and Hip - right |
26262-6 | US Popliteal space - bilateral |
26263-4 | US Popliteal space - left |
26264-2 | US Popliteal space - right |
26283-2 | XR Knee - bilateral Merchants |
26284-0 | XR Knee - left Merchants |
26285-7 | XR Knee - right Merchants |
26358-2 | XR Knee - bilateral AP W standing |
26359-0 | XR Knee - left AP W standing |
26360-8 | XR Knee - right AP W standing |
26361-6 | XR Knee - bilateral AP and PA W standing |
26362-4 | XR Knee - left AP and PA W standing |
26363-2 | XR Knee - right AP and PA W standing |
26364-0 | XR Knee - bilateral AP and Lateral W standing |
26365-7 | XR Knee - left AP and Lateral W standing |
26366-5 | XR Knee - right AP and Lateral W standing |
26373-1 | Deprecated RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Tibial artery - bilateral-- W contrast IA |
26374-9 | Deprecated RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Tibial artery - left-- W contrast IA |
26375-6 | Deprecated RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Tibial artery - right-- W contrast IA |
26385-5 | XR Ankle - bilateral 2 Views |
26386-3 | XR Ankle - left 2 Views |
26387-1 | XR Ankle - right 2 Views |
26394-7 | XR Knee - bilateral 2 Views |
26395-4 | XR Knee - left 2 Views |
26396-2 | XR Knee - right 2 Views |
26397-0 | XR Patella - bilateral 2 Views |
26398-8 | XR Patella - left 2 Views |
26399-6 | XR Patella - right 2 Views |
26400-2 | XR Hip - bilateral Single view |
26401-0 | XR Hip - left Single view |
26402-8 | XR Hip - right Single view |
28565-0 | XR Knee Views |
30624-1 | CT Lower extremity W contrast IV |
30625-8 | CT Lower extremity WO contrast |
30638-1 | RF Guidance for injection of Hip |
30671-2 | MR Pelvis and Hip WO contrast |
30672-0 | MR Pelvis and Hip WO and W contrast IV |
30680-3 | MR Ankle WO contrast |
30681-1 | MR Foot WO contrast |
30682-9 | MR Foot WO and W contrast IV |
30687-8 | MR Hip WO contrast |
30688-6 | MR Hip WO and W contrast IV |
30691-0 | MR Knee WO contrast |
30692-8 | MR Lower extremity |
30709-0 | US Lower extremity |
30711-6 | US Hip developmental joint assessment |
30712-4 | US Hip WO developmental joint assessment |
30764-5 | Portable XR Acetabulum - bilateral Views |
30765-2 | Portable XR Acetabulum Views |
30767-8 | XR Pelvis and Hip Views |
30768-6 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral Views |
30769-4 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral Maximum abduction Views |
30770-2 | XR Pelvis and Hip AP and Lateral frog |
30779-3 | XR Ankle AP and Lateral |
30784-3 | XR Foot 2 Views |
30785-0 | XR Foot Views W forced dorsiflexion |
30786-8 | XR Hip Lateral frog |
30788-4 | XR Knee 3 Views |
30789-2 | XR Knee 4 Views |
30790-0 | XR Knee Tunnel |
30791-8 | XR Patella Views |
30792-6 | Portable XR Patella Views |
30807-2 | CTA Lower extremity vessels WO and W contrast IV |
30838-7 | RFA Aorta and Femoral artery - bilateral Runoff W contrast IA |
30869-2 | MR Lower leg WO contrast |
30870-0 | MR Lower leg WO and W contrast IV |
30871-8 | MRA Femoral vessels |
30872-6 | MRA Foot vessels |
30874-2 | MRA Lower extremity vessels |
30881-7 | US.doppler Lower extremity vein |
30888-2 | MRA Tibioperoneal vessels |
35888-7 | RF Guidance for arthrocentesis of Hip |
35896-0 | CT Guidance for biopsy of Lower extremity |
35939-8 | XR tomography Ankle |
35940-6 | CT Ankle |
35941-4 | CT Ankle - bilateral |
35942-2 | CT Ankle - left |
35943-0 | XR tomography Ankle - left |
35944-8 | CT Ankle - right |
35971-1 | CT Lower extremity |
35972-9 | XR tomography Lower extremity |
35973-7 | CT Lower extremity - bilateral |
35974-5 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - bilateral |
35975-2 | MR Lower extremity - bilateral |
35976-0 | CT Lower extremity - left |
35977-8 | XR tomography Lower extremity - left |
35978-6 | MR Lower extremity - left |
35979-4 | CT Lower extremity - right |
35980-2 | MR Lower extremity - right |
35984-4 | CT Thigh |
35985-1 | XR tomography Femur |
35986-9 | XR tomography Femur - bilateral |
35987-7 | CT Thigh - left |
35988-5 | XR tomography Femur - left |
35989-3 | CT Thigh - right |
35991-9 | CT Foot |
35992-7 | XR tomography Foot |
35993-5 | CT Foot - bilateral |
35994-3 | CT Foot - left |
35995-0 | XR tomography Foot - left |
35996-8 | CT Foot - right |
36011-5 | XR tomography Calcaneus |
36012-3 | XR tomography Hip |
36013-1 | MR Hip |
36014-9 | CT Hip |
36015-6 | XR tomography Hip - bilateral |
36016-4 | CT Hip - bilateral |
36017-2 | MR Hip - bilateral |
36018-0 | CT Hip - left |
36019-8 | XR tomography Hip - left |
36020-6 | MR Hip - left |
36021-4 | CT Hip - right |
36022-2 | MR Hip - right |
36037-0 | CT Knee |
36038-8 | XR tomography Knee |
36039-6 | XR tomography Knee - bilateral |
36040-4 | CT Knee - bilateral |
36041-2 | CT Knee - left |
36042-0 | XR tomography Knee - left |
36043-8 | CT Knee - right |
36074-3 | CT Lower leg |
36075-0 | MR Lower leg - left |
36076-8 | MR Lower leg - right |
36079-2 | MRA Lower extremity veins |
36092-5 | CT Hip limited |
36093-3 | MR Lower Extremity Joint limited |
36106-3 | CT Lower extremity limited WO contrast |
36107-1 | MR Lower extremity joint - left limited WO contrast |
36115-4 | MR Ankle Arthrogram |
36116-2 | MR Ankle - left Arthrogram |
36117-0 | MR Ankle - right Arthrogram |
36120-4 | MR Hip Arthrogram |
36121-2 | MR Hip - left Arthrogram |
36122-0 | MR Hip - right Arthrogram |
36124-6 | CT Knee Arthrogram |
36125-3 | MR Knee Arthrogram |
36126-1 | MR Knee - left Arthrogram |
36127-9 | MR Knee - right Arthrogram |
36135-2 | CT Ankle W contrast IV |
36136-0 | MR Ankle W contrast IV |
36137-8 | CT Ankle - left W contrast IV |
36138-6 | MR Ankle - left W contrast IV |
36139-4 | CT Ankle - right W contrast IV |
36140-2 | MR Ankle - right W contrast IV |
36163-4 | MR Lower extremity - bilateral W contrast IV |
36164-2 | CT Lower extremity - left W contrast IV |
36165-9 | MR Lower extremity - left W contrast IV |
36166-7 | CT Lower extremity - right W contrast IV |
36167-5 | MR Lower extremity - right W contrast IV |
36172-5 | CT Thigh W contrast IV |
36173-3 | MR Thigh W contrast IV |
36174-1 | CT Thigh - left W contrast IV |
36175-8 | MR Thigh - left W contrast IV |
36176-6 | CT Thigh - right W contrast IV |
36177-4 | MR Thigh - right W contrast IV |
36178-2 | CT Foot W contrast IV |
36179-0 | MR Foot W contrast IV |
36180-8 | MR Foot - bilateral W contrast IV |
36181-6 | CT Foot - left W contrast IV |
36182-4 | MR Foot - left W contrast IV |
36183-2 | CT Foot - right W contrast IV |
36184-0 | MR Foot - right W contrast IV |
36199-8 | MR Hip W contrast IV |
36200-4 | CT Hip W contrast IV |
36201-2 | CT Hip - bilateral W contrast IV |
36202-0 | MR Hip - bilateral W contrast IV |
36203-8 | CT Hip - left W contrast IV |
36204-6 | MR Hip - left W contrast IV |
36205-3 | CT Hip - right W contrast IV |
36206-1 | MR Hip - right W contrast IV |
36213-7 | MR Lower Extremity Joint W contrast IV |
36214-5 | MR Lower extremity joint - left W contrast IV |
36215-2 | MR Lower extremity joint - right W contrast IV |
36222-8 | CT Knee W contrast IV |
36223-6 | MR Knee W contrast IV |
36224-4 | MR Knee - bilateral W contrast IV |
36225-1 | CT Knee - left W contrast IV |
36226-9 | MR Knee - left W contrast IV |
36227-7 | CT Knee - right W contrast IV |
36228-5 | MR Knee - right W contrast IV |
36258-2 | CT Lower leg W contrast IV |
36259-0 | MR Lower leg W contrast IV |
36260-8 | CT Lower leg - left W contrast IV |
36261-6 | MR Lower leg - left W contrast IV |
36262-4 | CT Lower leg - right W contrast IV |
36263-2 | MR Lower leg - right W contrast IV |
36268-1 | CT Ankle WO and W contrast IV |
36269-9 | CT Ankle - left WO and W contrast IV |
36270-7 | CT Ankle - right WO and W contrast IV |
36288-9 | CT Lower extremity WO and W contrast IV |
36289-7 | MR Lower extremity - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
36290-5 | CT Lower extremity - left WO and W contrast IV |
36291-3 | MR Lower extremity - left WO and W contrast IV |
36292-1 | CT Lower extremity - right WO and W contrast IV |
36294-7 | XR Ankle 3 Views |
36295-4 | XR Ankle - bilateral 3 Views |
36296-2 | XR Ankle - left 3 Views |
36302-8 | XR Femur 3 Views |
36305-1 | XR Foot 3 Views |
36306-9 | XR Foot - bilateral 3 Views |
36307-7 | XR Foot - left 3 Views |
36308-5 | XR Hip - bilateral 3 Views |
36309-3 | XR Hip - left 3 Views |
36310-1 | XR Knee - bilateral 3 Views |
36311-9 | XR Knee - left 3 Views |
36316-8 | XR Toes - left 3 Views |
36317-6 | XR Ankle 4 Views |
36324-2 | XR Femur - left 4 Views |
36325-9 | XR Knee - bilateral 4 Views |
36326-7 | XR Knee - left 4 Views |
36333-3 | MR Lower extremity - right WO and W contrast IV |
36338-2 | CT Thigh WO and W contrast IV |
36339-0 | CT Thigh - left WO and W contrast IV |
36340-8 | CT Thigh - right WO and W contrast IV |
36341-6 | CT Foot WO and W contrast IV |
36342-4 | MR Foot - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
36343-2 | CT Foot - left WO and W contrast IV |
36344-0 | MR Foot - left WO and W contrast IV |
36345-7 | CT Foot - right WO and W contrast IV |
36346-5 | MR Foot - right WO and W contrast IV |
36359-8 | CT Hip WO and W contrast IV |
36360-6 | CT Hip - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
36361-4 | MR Hip - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
36362-2 | CT Hip - left WO and W contrast IV |
36363-0 | MR Hip - left WO and W contrast IV |
36364-8 | CT Hip - right WO and W contrast IV |
36365-5 | MR Hip - right WO and W contrast IV |
36371-3 | MR Lower Extremity Joint WO and W contrast IV |
36372-1 | MR Lower extremity joint - left WO and W contrast IV |
36373-9 | MR Lower extremity joint - right WO and W contrast IV |
36379-6 | CT Knee WO and W contrast IV |
36380-4 | CT Knee - left WO and W contrast IV |
36381-2 | CT Knee - right WO and W contrast IV |
36408-3 | CT Lower leg WO and W contrast IV |
36409-1 | CT Lower leg - left WO and W contrast IV |
36410-9 | MR Lower leg - left WO and W contrast IV |
36411-7 | CT Lower leg - right WO and W contrast IV |
36412-5 | MR Lower leg - right WO and W contrast IV |
36416-6 | MRA Lower extremity veins WO and W contrast IV |
36425-7 | CT Ankle WO contrast |
36426-5 | CT Ankle - left WO contrast |
36427-3 | MR Ankle - left WO contrast |
36428-1 | CT Ankle - right WO contrast |
36429-9 | MR Ankle - right WO contrast |
36449-7 | CT Lower extremity - bilateral WO contrast |
36450-5 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - bilateral WO contrast |
36451-3 | MR Lower extremity - bilateral WO contrast |
36452-1 | CT Lower extremity - left WO contrast |
36453-9 | MR Lower extremity - left WO contrast |
36454-7 | CT Lower extremity - right WO contrast |
36455-4 | MR Lower extremity - right WO contrast |
36460-4 | CT Thigh WO contrast |
36461-2 | MR Thigh WO contrast |
36462-0 | CT Thigh - left WO contrast |
36463-8 | MR Thigh - left WO contrast |
36464-6 | CT Thigh - right WO contrast |
36465-3 | MR Thigh - right WO contrast |
36466-1 | CT Foot WO contrast |
36467-9 | MR Foot - bilateral WO contrast |
36468-7 | CT Foot - left WO contrast |
36469-5 | MR Foot - left WO contrast |
36470-3 | CT Foot - right WO contrast |
36471-1 | MR Foot - right WO contrast |
36484-4 | CT Hip WO contrast |
36485-1 | CT Hip - bilateral WO contrast |
36486-9 | MR Hip - bilateral WO contrast |
36487-7 | CT Hip - left WO contrast |
36488-5 | MR Hip - left WO contrast |
36489-3 | CT Hip - right WO contrast |
36490-1 | MR Hip - right WO contrast |
36497-6 | MR Lower Extremity Joint WO contrast |
36498-4 | MR Lower extremity joint - left WO contrast |
36499-2 | MR Lower extremity joint - right WO contrast |
36505-6 | CT Knee WO contrast |
36506-4 | MR Knee - bilateral WO contrast |
36507-2 | CT Knee - left WO contrast |
36508-0 | MR Knee - left WO contrast |
36509-8 | CT Knee - right WO contrast |
36510-6 | MR Knee - right WO contrast |
36537-9 | CT Lower leg WO contrast |
36538-7 | CT Lower leg - left WO contrast |
36539-5 | MR Lower leg - left WO contrast |
36540-3 | CT Lower leg - right WO contrast |
36541-1 | MR Lower leg - right WO contrast |
36551-0 | XR Ankle Single view |
36557-7 | XR Lower extremity - bilateral Single view |
36558-5 | XR Lower extremity - left Single view |
36559-3 | XR Femur Single view |
36560-1 | XR Femur - left Single view |
36561-9 | XR Foot Single view |
36564-3 | XR Calcaneus Single view |
36566-8 | XR Knee - bilateral Single view |
36567-6 | XR Knee - left Single view |
36571-8 | XR Ankle AP |
36574-2 | XR Lower extremity AP |
36575-9 | XR Femur AP |
36579-1 | XR Foot AP |
36580-9 | XR Foot - bilateral AP |
36581-7 | XR Hip AP |
36582-5 | XR Hip - left AP |
36584-1 | XR Knee AP |
36585-8 | XR Knee - bilateral AP |
36590-8 | XR Knee - bilateral AP and Lateral |
36592-4 | XR Ankle Lateral |
36593-2 | XR Femur Lateral |
36598-1 | XR Foot - left Lateral |
36602-1 | XR Hip Lateral |
36603-9 | XR Hip - left Lateral |
36604-7 | XR Knee Lateral |
36605-4 | XR Knee - bilateral Lateral |
36606-2 | XR Knee - left Lateral |
36609-6 | XR Femur Oblique |
36614-6 | XR Foot Oblique |
36615-3 | XR Foot - left Oblique |
36617-9 | XR Hip Oblique |
36618-7 | XR Hip - bilateral Oblique |
36619-5 | XR Knee Oblique Views |
36631-0 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left Views |
36635-1 | XR Knee - bilateral Views |
36636-9 | XR Knee - left Views |
36638-5 | XR Patella - bilateral Views |
36639-3 | XR Patella - left Views |
36651-8 | XR Lower extremity 2 Views |
36652-6 | XR Femur 2 Views |
36653-4 | XR Femur - bilateral 2 Views |
36654-2 | XR Femur - left 2 Views |
36657-5 | XR Foot - bilateral 2 Views |
36661-7 | XR Calcaneus 2 Views |
36662-5 | XR Calcaneus - left 2 Views |
36663-3 | XR Hip 2 Views |
36664-1 | XR Hip - left 2 Views |
36671-6 | XR Tibia and Fibula - bilateral 2 Views |
36672-4 | XR Tibia and Fibula - left 2 Views |
36673-2 | XR Toes - left 2 Views |
36676-5 | XR Knee - left 5 Views |
36678-1 | XR Knee - bilateral 6 Views |
36682-3 | XR Knee - bilateral 8 Views |
36684-9 | XR Ankle - bilateral AP and Lateral |
36685-6 | XR Ankle - left AP and Lateral |
36686-4 | XR Calcaneus - bilateral AP and Lateral |
36692-2 | XR Lower extremity AP and Lateral |
36693-0 | XR Femur AP and Lateral |
36694-8 | XR Femur - bilateral AP and Lateral |
36695-5 | XR Femur - left AP and Lateral |
36696-3 | XR Foot - bilateral AP and Lateral |
36697-1 | XR Foot - left AP and Lateral |
36701-1 | XR Calcaneus - left AP and Lateral |
36702-9 | XR Hip AP and Lateral |
36703-7 | XR Hip - bilateral AP and Lateral |
36704-5 | XR Hip - left AP and Lateral |
36705-2 | XR Pelvis and Hip AP and Lateral |
36709-4 | XR Knee AP and Lateral |
36710-2 | XR Knee - left AP and Lateral |
36712-8 | XR Patella - bilateral AP and Lateral |
36713-6 | XR Patella - left AP and Lateral |
36717-7 | XR Tibia and Fibula - bilateral AP and Lateral |
36718-5 | XR Tibia and Fibula - left AP and Lateral |
36719-3 | XR Toes - left AP and Lateral |
36720-1 | XR Ankle - bilateral AP and Lateral and oblique |
36721-9 | XR Ankle - left AP and Lateral and oblique |
36728-4 | XR Foot AP and Lateral and oblique |
36729-2 | XR Foot - bilateral AP and Lateral and oblique |
36730-0 | XR Foot - left AP and Lateral and oblique |
36731-8 | XR Calcaneus AP and Lateral and oblique |
36732-6 | XR Knee - bilateral AP and Lateral and oblique |
36733-4 | XR Knee - left AP and Lateral and oblique |
36745-8 | XR Knee - bilateral Oblique Views |
36746-6 | XR Knee - left Oblique Views |
36749-0 | XR Tibia and Fibula - left Oblique Views |
36763-1 | RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Femoral artery and Popliteal artery-- W contrast IA |
36764-9 | RFA Guidance for atherectomy of Femoral vessel and Popliteal artery-- W contrast |
36780-5 | MR Toe |
36784-7 | MRA Lower extremity veins - left |
36785-4 | MRA Lower extremity veins - right |
36790-4 | MRA Inferior vena cava + tributaries |
36795-3 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - left |
36796-1 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - right |
36799-5 | MRA Knee vessels |
36800-1 | MRA Knee vessels - left |
36801-9 | MRA Knee vessels - right |
36824-1 | CTA Lower extremity veins - left W contrast IV |
36825-8 | CTA Lower extremity veins - right W contrast IV |
36831-6 | CTA Lower extremity vessels W contrast IV |
36849-8 | MRA Lower extremity veins - left WO and W contrast IV |
36850-6 | MRA Lower extremity veins - right WO and W contrast IV |
36858-9 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - left WO and W contrast IV |
36859-7 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - right WO and W contrast IV |
36862-1 | MRA Knee vessels - right WO and W contrast IV |
36879-5 | MRA Ankle vessels WO contrast |
36882-9 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - left WO contrast |
36894-4 | XR Tibia and Fibula Oblique Views |
36945-4 | XR Knee - bilateral 2 Views W standing |
36947-0 | XR Foot - bilateral 3 Views W standing |
36948-8 | XR Foot - left 3 Views W standing |
36973-6 | XR Hip Friedman |
36975-1 | XR Calcaneus - bilateral Harris |
36976-9 | XR Foot Harris |
36977-7 | XR Calcaneus - left Harris |
36978-5 | XR Knee Holmblad |
36981-9 | XR Hip Judet |
36982-7 | XR Hip - bilateral Judet |
36983-5 | XR Hip - left Judet |
36985-0 | XR Hip Lateral crosstable |
36986-8 | XR Hip - bilateral Lateral crosstable |
36987-6 | XR Hip - left Lateral crosstable |
36988-4 | XR Knee Lateral crosstable |
36993-4 | XR Hip - bilateral Lateral frog |
36994-2 | XR Hip - left Lateral frog |
36999-1 | XR Knee - bilateral Lateral W extension |
37000-7 | XR Knee - left Lateral W extension |
37001-5 | XR Foot Lateral W standing |
37002-3 | XR Knee - left Lateral W standing |
37004-9 | XR Knee Laurin |
37007-2 | XR Ankle Mortise |
37014-8 | XR Knee - left PA W standing |
37018-9 | XR Knee Rosenberg W standing |
37019-7 | XR Knee - left Rosenberg W standing |
37020-5 | XR Knee - bilateral Rosenberg W standing |
37021-3 | XR Calcaneus - bilateral Ski jump Views |
37022-1 | XR Calcaneus Ski jump Views |
37023-9 | XR Calcaneus - left Ski jump Views |
37027-0 | XR Knee - bilateral Sunrise |
37039-5 | XR Hip True lateral |
37040-3 | XR Hip - left True lateral |
37041-1 | XR Knee - bilateral Tunnel |
37042-9 | XR Knee - left Tunnel |
37043-7 | XR Knee - left Tunnel W standing |
37049-4 | XR Hip Von Rosen |
37058-5 | XR Calcaneus - bilateral Single view W standing |
37059-3 | XR Hip - bilateral Single view W standing |
37064-3 | XR Acetabulum - left 2 Views |
37068-4 | XR Foot - bilateral 2 Views W standing |
37069-2 | XR Foot - left 2 Views W standing |
37075-9 | Portable XR Hip Views AP |
37077-5 | Portable XR Hip AP and Lateral crosstable |
37086-6 | XR Hip AP and Lateral crosstable |
37087-4 | XR Hip - left AP and Lateral crosstable |
37088-2 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left AP and Lateral crosstable |
37089-0 | XR Pelvis and Hip AP and Lateral crosstable |
37090-8 | XR Knee AP and Lateral crosstable |
37091-6 | XR Hip AP and Lateral frog |
37092-4 | XR Hip - bilateral AP and Lateral frog |
37093-2 | XR Hip - left AP and Lateral frog |
37094-0 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left AP and Lateral frog |
37095-7 | XR Ankle AP and Lateral and Mortise |
37096-5 | XR Ankle - bilateral AP and Lateral and Mortise |
37097-3 | XR Ankle - left AP and Lateral and Mortise |
37102-1 | XR Knee - bilateral AP and Lateral and Oblique and Sunrise |
37106-2 | XR Knee AP and Lateral and Sunrise |
37107-0 | XR Knee - bilateral AP and Lateral and Sunrise |
37108-8 | XR Knee - left AP and Lateral and Sunrise |
37109-6 | XR Patella - bilateral AP and Lateral and Sunrise |
37110-4 | XR Patella - left AP and Lateral and Sunrise |
37111-2 | XR Knee AP and Lateral and Sunrise and tunnel |
37112-0 | XR Knee AP and Lateral and Tunnel |
37113-8 | XR Knee - bilateral AP and Lateral and Tunnel |
37114-6 | XR Knee - left AP and Lateral and Tunnel |
37115-3 | XR Knee AP and Lateral and Oblique and Tunnel |
37116-1 | XR Knee - bilateral AP and Lateral and Sunrise and tunnel |
37117-9 | XR Knee - left AP and Lateral and Sunrise and tunnel |
37118-7 | XR Knee - bilateral AP and Lateral and Oblique and Sunrise and Tunnel |
37134-4 | XR Ankle - bilateral Lateral and Mortise |
37135-1 | XR Ankle - left Lateral and Mortise |
37149-2 | XR Patella - left PA and Lateral and Sunrise |
37154-2 | XR Knee Oblique and Sunrise |
37155-9 | XR Knee Oblique and Sunrise and Tunnel |
37156-7 | XR Knee - left Sunrise and Tunnel |
37159-1 | Deprecated XR Foot - left Tarsal Views |
37163-3 | XR Knee - bilateral Sunrise and Tunnel |
37168-2 | Portable XR Hip Views |
37169-0 | Portable XR Hip - left Views |
37175-7 | RFA Femoral artery Views W contrast IA |
37176-5 | RFA Femoral artery and Popliteal artery Views W contrast IA |
37181-5 | RFA Popliteal artery - left Views W contrast IA |
37183-1 | RF Ankle Arthrogram |
37184-9 | RF Ankle - bilateral Arthrogram |
37185-6 | RF Ankle - left Arthrogram |
37196-3 | RFA Lower extremity veins - left Views W contrast IV |
37201-1 | XR Ankle Views W standing |
37202-9 | XR Ankle - bilateral Views W standing |
37203-7 | XR Ankle - left Views W standing |
37204-5 | XR Lower extremity Views W standing |
37205-2 | XR Calcaneus Views W standing |
37206-0 | XR Calcaneus - left Views W standing |
37207-8 | XR Hip - left Single view W standing |
37209-4 | XR Toes - left Views W standing |
37222-7 | MR Ankle and Foot |
37238-3 | CT Lower Extremity Joint Arthrogram |
37348-0 | XR Toes - bilateral 2 Views |
37364-7 | RFA Aorta and Femoral artery - left Runoff W contrast IA |
37414-0 | RFA Lower extremity veins - bilateral Views W contrast IV |
37416-5 | RFA Femoral vein Views W contrast IV |
37426-4 | RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Lower extremity vein-- W contrast IV |
37474-4 | XR Ankle - left Lateral Views W manual stress |
37475-1 | XR Ankle - left Mortise W manual stress |
37476-9 | XR Knee PA 45 degree flexion |
37477-7 | XR Knee PA 45 degree flexion W standing |
37484-3 | XR Knee - left Views AP W manual stress |
37486-8 | XR Ankle Broden Views W manual stress |
37487-6 | RFA Lower extremity arteries Views W contrast IA |
37489-2 | RFA Tibioperoneal arteries Views W contrast IA |
37513-9 | XR Tibia - bilateral 10 degree caudal angle |
37514-7 | XR Tibia - left 10 degree caudal angle |
37530-3 | XR Toe fifth - left Views |
37531-1 | XR Toe fourth - left Views |
37532-9 | XR Great toe - bilateral Views |
37533-7 | XR Great toe - left Views |
37534-5 | XR Toe second - left Views |
37535-2 | XR Toe third - left Views |
37540-2 | XR Knee - bilateral Holmblad Views W standing |
37545-1 | XR Hip - left Oblique crosstable |
37556-8 | XR Ankle Views W manual stress |
37557-6 | XR Ankle - bilateral Views W manual stress |
37558-4 | XR Ankle - left Views W manual stress |
37559-2 | XR Foot - left Views W manual stress |
37560-0 | XR Knee Views W manual stress |
37561-8 | XR Knee - bilateral Views W manual stress |
37562-6 | XR Knee - left Views W manual stress |
37574-1 | RFA Lower extremity vessels Views W contrast IV |
37583-2 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral Views and Lateral frog |
37584-0 | XR Great toe - left Views W standing |
37614-5 | XR Patella Single view |
37635-0 | XR Acetabulum 3 Views |
37664-0 | XR Acetabulum - right 2 Views |
37665-7 | XR Ankle - right 3 Views |
37666-5 | XR Ankle - right AP and Lateral and Mortise |
37667-3 | XR Ankle - right AP and Lateral |
37668-1 | XR Ankle - right AP and Lateral and oblique |
37669-9 | XR Ankle - right Lateral Views W manual stress |
37670-7 | XR Ankle - right Lateral and Mortise |
37671-5 | XR Ankle - right Mortise W manual stress |
37672-3 | XR Ankle - right 2 Views W manual stress |
37673-1 | XR Ankle - right Views W manual stress |
37674-9 | XR tomography Ankle - right |
37675-6 | XR Ankle - right 2 Views W standing |
37676-4 | XR Ankle - right Views W standing |
37689-7 | XR Femur - right Single view |
37690-5 | XR Femur - right 2 Views |
37691-3 | XR Femur - right 4 Views |
37692-1 | XR Femur - right AP and Lateral |
37693-9 | XR Femur - right Views W standing |
37697-0 | XR Foot - right 2 Views |
37698-8 | XR Foot - right 2 Views W standing |
37699-6 | XR Foot - right 3 Views |
37700-2 | XR Foot - right 3 Views W standing |
37701-0 | XR Foot - right AP and Lateral |
37702-8 | XR Foot - right AP and Lateral and oblique |
37703-6 | XR Foot - right Lateral |
37704-4 | XR Foot - right Oblique |
37705-1 | XR Foot - right Views W manual stress |
37706-9 | XR tomography Foot - right |
37718-4 | XR Calcaneus - right 2 Views |
37719-2 | XR Calcaneus - right AP and Lateral |
37720-0 | XR Calcaneus - right Views W standing |
37721-8 | XR Hip - right 2 Views |
37722-6 | XR Hip - right 3 Views |
37723-4 | XR Hip - right AP and Lateral crosstable |
37724-2 | XR Hip - right AP and Lateral frog |
37725-9 | XR Hip - right AP and Lateral |
37726-7 | XR Hip - right AP |
37727-5 | XR Hip - right Lateral crosstable |
37728-3 | XR Hip - right Oblique crosstable |
37729-1 | XR Hip - right Lateral frog |
37730-9 | XR Hip - right Lateral |
37731-7 | XR Hip - right Single view W standing |
37732-5 | XR Hip - right Judet |
37733-3 | XR Lower extremity - right AP W standing |
37734-1 | XR Lower extremity - right Single view W standing |
37735-8 | XR tomography Hip - right |
37740-8 | XR Knee - right AP and Lateral and Sunrise and tunnel |
37741-6 | XR Knee - right Single view |
37742-4 | XR Knee - right 3 Views |
37743-2 | XR Knee - right 4 Views |
37744-0 | XR Knee - right 5 Views |
37745-7 | XR Knee - right AP and Lateral |
37746-5 | XR Knee - right Views AP W manual stress |
37747-3 | XR Knee - right AP and Lateral and Tunnel |
37748-1 | XR Knee - right AP and Lateral and oblique |
37749-9 | XR Knee - right AP and Lateral and Sunrise |
37750-7 | XR Knee - right Lateral W extension |
37751-5 | XR Knee - right Lateral |
37752-3 | XR Knee - right Rosenberg W standing |
37753-1 | XR Knee - right Views W manual stress |
37754-9 | XR Knee - right Lateral W standing |
37755-6 | XR Knee - right PA W standing |
37756-4 | XR Knee - right Tunnel W standing |
37757-2 | XR Knee - right Oblique Views |
37758-0 | XR Knee - right Views |
37759-8 | XR Knee - right Sunrise and Tunnel |
37760-6 | XR tomography Knee - right |
37761-4 | XR Knee - right Tunnel |
37762-2 | XR Knee - right 2 Views W standing |
37763-0 | XR Knee - right 4 Views W standing |
37764-8 | XR Lower extremity - right Single view |
37765-5 | RFA Lower extremity vessels - right Views W contrast |
37766-3 | XR tomography Lower extremity - right |
37767-1 | RFA Lower extremity veins - right Views W contrast IV |
37776-2 | XR Patella - right AP and Lateral |
37777-0 | XR Patella - right Views |
37778-8 | RFA Popliteal artery - right Views W contrast IA |
37815-8 | XR Tibia and Fibula - right 2 Views |
37816-6 | XR Tibia and Fibula - right AP and Lateral |
37817-4 | XR Tibia and Fibula - right Oblique Views |
37820-8 | XR Toes - right 3 Views |
37821-6 | XR Toes - right 2 Views |
37822-4 | XR Toes - right AP and Lateral |
37823-2 | XR Toes - right Views W standing |
37893-5 | XR Tibia and Fibula Lateral |
37894-3 | XR Tibia and Fibula Single view |
37895-0 | XR Tibia and Fibula 2 Views |
37896-8 | XR Tibia and Fibula AP and Lateral |
37897-6 | XR Tibia and Fibula AP |
37898-4 | XR tomography Tibia and Fibula |
37899-2 | XR Tibia and Fibula Views W standing |
37900-8 | Deprecated RFA Tibial artery W contrast IA |
37902-4 | XR Toes 2 Views |
37935-4 | RFA Pelvis arteries and Lower extremity arteries - bilateral Views W contrast IA |
37941-2 | RFA Ankle arteries - right Views W contrast IA |
37942-0 | RF Ankle - right Arthrogram |
37995-8 | XR Calcaneus - bilateral Broden Views |
37996-6 | XR Calcaneus Broden Views |
37997-4 | XR Calcaneus - left Broden Views |
38003-0 | XR Foot - left Views AP W standing |
38013-9 | US Lower extremity - bilateral |
38037-8 | US Femur - left |
38039-4 | US Lower extremity - left limited |
38040-2 | US Lower extremity - left |
38042-8 | US.doppler Lower extremity artery limited |
38048-5 | US Femur - right |
38050-1 | US Lower extremity - right limited |
38051-9 | US Lower extremity - right |
38065-9 | XR Hip - left Single view during surgery |
38066-7 | XR Hip - left Lateral during surgery |
38086-5 | XR Knee Merchants 30 and 45 and 60 degrees |
38087-3 | XR Knee - left Sunrise 20 and 40 and 60 degrees |
38088-1 | XR Knee - bilateral Sunrise 20 and 40 and 60 degrees |
38108-7 | XR Knee - right 2 Oblique Views |
38114-5 | XR Tibia and Fibula - right 2 Oblique Views |
38128-5 | US Femoral vessels - bilateral |
38130-1 | US Lower extremity artery - bilateral |
38134-3 | US Femoral vessels |
38148-3 | XR Toe second - right Views |
38149-1 | XR Toe third - right Views |
38150-9 | XR Toe fourth - right Views |
38151-7 | XR Toe fifth - right Views |
38152-5 | XR Great toe - right Views |
38261-4 | DXA Hip [Mass/Area] Bone density |
38262-2 | DXA Calcaneus [Mass/Area] Bone density |
38263-0 | DXA Femur [T-score] Bone density |
38264-8 | DXA Hip [T-score] Bone density |
38266-3 | DXA Calcaneus [T-score] Bone density |
38768-8 | XR tomography Femur - right |
38769-6 | MR Lower extremity joint - right limited WO contrast |
38771-2 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right Views |
38772-0 | XR Hip - right True lateral |
38773-8 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - right WO contrast |
38776-1 | XR Calcaneus - right Harris |
38778-7 | XR Calcaneus - right Ski jump Views |
38784-5 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right AP and Lateral crosstable |
38785-2 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right AP and Lateral frog |
38786-0 | XR Patella - right AP and Lateral and Sunrise |
38790-2 | XR Patella - right PA and Lateral and Sunrise |
38792-8 | Deprecated XR Foot - right Tarsal Views |
38796-9 | Portable XR Hip - right Views |
38799-3 | RFA Aorta and Femoral artery - right Runoff W contrast IA |
38806-6 | XR Tibia - right 10 degree caudal angle |
38810-8 | XR Great toe - right Views W standing |
38814-0 | XR Calcaneus - right Broden Views |
38815-7 | XR Foot - right Views AP W standing |
38818-1 | XR Hip - right Single view during surgery |
38819-9 | XR Hip - right Lateral during surgery |
38824-9 | XR Knee - right Sunrise 20 and 40 and 60 degrees |
38837-1 | MRA Knee vessels - left WO and W contrast IV |
38840-5 | XR Ankle - left 2 Views W manual stress |
38841-3 | XR Ankle - left 2 Views W standing |
38845-4 | XR Femur - left Views W standing |
38846-2 | XR Foot - left 2 Views |
38849-6 | XR Lower extremity - left AP W standing |
38850-4 | XR Lower extremity - left Single view W standing |
38851-2 | XR Knee - left 2 Views W standing |
38852-0 | XR Knee - left 4 Views W standing |
38853-8 | RFA Lower extremity vessels - left Views W contrast |
38861-1 | RFA Ankle arteries - left Views W contrast IA |
38871-0 | XR Knee - left 2 Oblique Views |
38874-4 | XR Tibia and Fibula - left 2 Oblique Views |
39047-6 | RF Hip Single view during surgery |
39068-2 | XR Foot AP and Lateral W standing |
39069-0 | XR Foot AP and Lateral |
39071-6 | XR Knee AP and Lateral and Merchants |
39072-4 | XR Ankle AP and Lateral and oblique |
39073-2 | XR Knee AP and Lateral and Right oblique and Left oblique |
39075-7 | XR Toes AP and Oblique |
39076-5 | XR Foot AP and Oblique |
39291-0 | MR Lower extremity WO and W contrast IV |
39292-8 | MR Lower extremity WO contrast |
39293-6 | MR Lower extremity W contrast IV |
39330-6 | XR Ankle - bilateral AP and Lateral W standing |
39331-4 | XR Foot - bilateral AP and Lateral W standing |
39332-2 | XR Foot - left AP and Lateral W standing |
39334-8 | XR Foot - left AP and Lateral and oblique W standing |
39345-4 | XR Knee - left Sunrise and (Tunnel W standing) |
39368-6 | XR Ankle - right AP and Lateral W standing |
39369-4 | XR Ankle - right AP and Lateral and Oblique and (View W manual stress) |
39370-2 | XR Ankle - right Views and (View W manual stress) |
39371-0 | XR Ankle - right AP and Lateral and oblique W standing |
39372-8 | XR Ankle - right Views and Mortise |
39374-4 | XR Foot - right AP and Lateral W standing |
39375-1 | XR Foot - right AP and Lateral and oblique W standing |
39377-7 | XR Hip - right Views and Lateral crosstable |
39378-5 | XR Knee - right 2 Views and Oblique |
39379-3 | XR Knee - right 2 Views and Sunrise |
39380-1 | XR Knee - right 2 Views and Sunrise and Tunnel |
39381-9 | XR Knee - right 2 Views and Tunnel |
39382-7 | XR Knee - right 2 views and (Tunnel W standing) |
39383-5 | XR Knee - right 3 Views and Sunrise |
39384-3 | XR Knee - right 4 views and (AP W standing) |
39385-0 | XR Knee - right 4 Views and Oblique |
39386-8 | XR Knee - right 4 views and Tunnel |
39387-6 | XR Knee - right 4 Views and Sunrise and Tunnel |
39388-4 | XR Knee - right AP and Lateral and Right oblique and Left oblique |
39389-2 | XR Knee - right Views and Tunnel |
39390-0 | XR Knee - right Views and Oblique |
39391-8 | XR Knee - right Views and Sunrise |
39398-3 | XR Tibia and Fibula - right Views and Oblique |
39420-5 | US.doppler Lower extremity vein - bilateral |
39421-3 | US.doppler Lower extremity artery - bilateral |
39422-1 | US.doppler Lower extremity vessels - bilateral |
39430-4 | US.doppler Lower extremity vessels - left limited |
39431-2 | US.doppler Lower extremity vessels - left |
39432-0 | US.doppler Lower extremity vein - left |
39434-6 | US.doppler Lower extremity artery |
39441-1 | US.doppler Lower extremity vessels - right limited |
39442-9 | US.doppler Lower extremity vessels - right |
39443-7 | US.doppler Lower extremity vein - right |
39490-8 | XR Femur and Tibia - right Views for leg length |
39498-1 | US.doppler Femoral vessels - left |
39499-9 | US.doppler Lower extremity artery - left |
39504-6 | US.doppler Femoral vessels - right |
39505-3 | US.doppler Lower extremity artery - right |
39512-9 | XR Hip - right AP and Danelius Miller |
39513-7 | XR Hip - right Views and Danelius Miller |
39514-5 | XR Hip - right Danelius Miller |
41776-6 | Portable XR Pelvis and Hip - right AP and Lateral frog |
41777-4 | Portable XR Hip - right AP and Lateral |
41778-2 | Portable XR Femur - right Views |
41779-0 | Portable XR Knee - right Views |
41782-4 | Portable XR Ankle - right Views |
41812-9 | US Lower extremity artery limited |
41815-2 | US Lower extremity artery - right |
41817-8 | Portable XR Hip - left AP and Lateral |
41818-6 | Portable XR Femur - left Views |
41819-4 | XR Knee - left 2 Views and Tunnel |
41820-2 | Portable XR Knee - left Views |
41823-6 | Portable XR Ankle - left Views |
41834-3 | US Lower extremity artery - left |
42167-7 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral AP and Lateral frog |
42273-3 | XR Ankle - bilateral 6 Views |
42380-6 | XR Ankle - left AP and Lateral W standing |
42382-2 | XR Ankle - left Lateral and Mortise and Broden W manual stress |
42395-4 | XR Foot sesamoid bones - bilateral Axial |
42396-2 | XR Foot sesamoid bones - left Axial |
42398-8 | XR Foot Oblique and (AP and Lateral W standing) |
42399-6 | XR Foot sesamoid bones Views |
42400-2 | XR Foot sesamoid bones - bilateral Views |
42404-4 | XR Hip - left AP and Lateral Views for measurement |
42405-1 | XR Knee (AP W standing) and (Lateral W extension) |
42409-3 | XR Foot sesamoid bones AP and Lateral |
42417-6 | XR Ankle - bilateral AP and Lateral and Oblique and (View W manual stress) |
42418-4 | XR Ankle - left AP and Lateral and Oblique and (View W manual stress) |
42430-9 | XR Knee - right 2 views and (Views W standing) |
42431-7 | XR Knee - right PA 30 degree flexion W standing |
42432-5 | XR Knee - right Sunrise and (Views W standing) |
42434-1 | XR Foot sesamoid bones - right Views |
42461-4 | US.doppler Lower extremity vessel - left for graft |
42462-2 | US.doppler Lower extremity vessel - right for graft |
42685-8 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left 2 Views |
42686-6 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right 2 Views |
42695-7 | MR Lower leg - bilateral W contrast IV |
42696-5 | MR Lower leg - bilateral |
42697-3 | MR Lower leg - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
43449-8 | MR Ankle - right dynamic W contrast IV |
43452-2 | MR Knee - left dynamic W contrast IV |
43453-0 | MR Knee - right dynamic W contrast IV |
43482-9 | XR Knee - right GE 3 Views |
43483-7 | XR Foot - right 3 or 4 Views |
43498-5 | XR Knee - left GE 3 Views |
43499-3 | XR Foot - left 3 or 4 Views |
43503-2 | Deprecated Aorta and Lower extremity vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV |
43512-3 | MRA Lower leg vessels - bilateral W contrast IV |
43513-1 | MRA Lower leg vessels - left |
43514-9 | MRA Thigh vessels - left WO contrast |
43515-6 | MRA Thigh vessels - right WO contrast |
43555-2 | MR Ankle - left dynamic W contrast IV |
43556-0 | MRA Lower leg vessels - right |
43566-9 | US Hip and Thigh |
43641-0 | XR Foot sesamoid bones - left Views |
43779-8 | XR Knee - left Sunrise |
43780-6 | XR Knee Sunrise |
43792-1 | RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Tibioperoneal arteries - right-- W contrast IA |
43793-9 | RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Tibioperoneal arteries-- W contrast IA |
43794-7 | RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Tibioperoneal arteries - bilateral-- W contrast IA |
43795-4 | RFA Guidance for angioplasty of Tibioperoneal arteries - left-- W contrast IA |
44128-7 | MRA Lower extremity vessels WO and W contrast IV |
44129-5 | MRA Lower extremity vessels WO contrast |
44135-2 | MRA Lower extremity vessels - bilateral W contrast IV |
44174-1 | US.doppler Lower extremity vessels |
44176-6 | Portable XR Hip Single view |
44177-4 | XR Lower extremity - bilateral AP W standing |
44185-7 | Portable XR Femur AP and Lateral |
44186-5 | Portable XR Foot AP and Lateral |
44188-1 | XR Foot GE 3 Views |
44195-6 | XR Knee GE 5 Views |
44197-2 | XR Knee - bilateral GE 5 Views W standing |
44198-0 | XR Knee 1 or 2 Views |
44202-0 | Portable XR Knee 1 or 2 Views |
44205-3 | XR Lower extremity - bilateral Single view W standing |
44207-9 | Deprecated Knee - bilateral X-ray AP standing |
44210-3 | XR Ankle GE 3 Views |
46278-8 | DXA Hip - left [Mass/Area] Bone density |
46279-6 | DXA Hip - right [Mass/Area] Bone density |
46307-5 | CTA Lower extremity vessels - right WO and W contrast IV |
46308-3 | CTA Lower extremity vessels - left WO and W contrast IV |
46324-0 | MRA Lower extremity vessels W contrast IV |
46347-1 | XR Ankle - right GE 3 Views |
46362-0 | US.doppler Foot vessels |
46363-8 | US Lower extremity vein |
46364-6 | US Lower extremity vein - bilateral |
46378-6 | XR Knee - bilateral PA Views W standing and W flexion |
46390-1 | XR Ankle - left GE 3 Views |
47372-8 | XR Hip Views during surgery |
47373-6 | XR Knee - left 1 or 2 Views |
47374-4 | XR Knee - left GE 4 Views |
47375-1 | XR Knee - right 1 or 2 Views |
47376-9 | XR Knee - right GE 4 Views |
47377-7 | XR Knee - right LE 4 Views |
47986-5 | RFA Lower extremity arteries - left Views W contrast IA |
47987-3 | RFA Lower extremity arteries - right Views W contrast IA |
48433-7 | XR Calcaneus - bilateral 2 Views |
48462-6 | XR Knee - left AP |
48463-4 | XR Knee - right AP |
48476-6 | XR Foot - right GE 3 Views |
48477-4 | XR Foot - left GE 3 Views |
48478-2 | XR Foot - bilateral GE 3 Views |
48480-8 | XR Ankle - bilateral GE 3 Views |
48691-0 | US Lower extremity vein - right |
48692-8 | US Lower extremity vein - left |
48693-6 | US Lower extremity artery |
49511-9 | RFA Femoral artery Runoff WO and W contrast IA |
49570-5 | XR Ankle - bilateral GE 6 Views |
50755-8 | CT Lower extremity - bilateral W contrast IV |
51387-9 | XR Knee - bilateral Views and (AP W standing) |
51394-5 | XR Ankle and Foot - right Views |
51395-2 | XR Ankle and Foot - left Views |
69058-6 | XR Hip - bilateral 2 Views |
69059-4 | XR Hip - bilateral Views and Lateral crosstable |
69060-2 | XR Knee - bilateral 2 Views and Sunrise |
69061-0 | XR Knee - bilateral 2 Views and Tunnel |
69062-8 | XR Knee - bilateral 4 Views W standing |
69063-6 | XR Knee - bilateral 4 Views and Sunrise and Tunnel |
69064-4 | XR Knee - bilateral Sunrise and (Views W standing) |
69069-3 | XR Patella - bilateral Sunrise |
69087-5 | CT Ankle - bilateral WO contrast |
69088-3 | CT Knee - bilateral W contrast IV |
69089-1 | CT Knee - bilateral WO contrast |
69102-2 | CT Ankle - left Arthrogram |
69105-5 | CT Hip - left Arthrogram |
69106-3 | CT Knee - left Arthrogram |
69109-7 | CT Ankle - right Arthrogram |
69112-1 | CT Hip - right Arthrogram |
69114-7 | CT Knee - right Arthrogram |
69131-1 | XR Hip Views and Danelius Miller |
69132-9 | XR Hip Danelius Miller |
69133-7 | RF Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Hip |
69136-0 | XR Knee Sunrise and Tunnel |
69137-8 | XR Ankle - left AP and Lateral and oblique W standing |
69138-6 | XR Ankle - left 3 Views W standing |
69139-4 | XR Hip - left Views and Lateral crosstable |
69140-2 | XR Hip - left Views and Danelius Miller |
69141-0 | XR Hip - left Danelius Miller |
69142-8 | XR Knee - left 2 Views and Sunrise |
69143-6 | XR Knee - left 2 views and (Tunnel W standing) |
69144-4 | XR Knee - left 4 views and (AP W standing) |
69145-1 | XR Knee - left 4 views and Tunnel |
69146-9 | XR Knee - left AP and Lateral crosstable |
69147-7 | XR Knee - left AP and Lateral and Right oblique and Left oblique |
69148-5 | XR Knee - left Views and Tunnel |
69149-3 | XR Knee - left Sunrise and (Views W standing) |
69152-7 | XR Patella - left Single view |
69163-4 | MR Ankle - bilateral W contrast IV |
69164-2 | MR Ankle - bilateral WO contrast |
69172-5 | MR Femur - bilateral W contrast IV |
69173-3 | MR Femur - bilateral WO contrast |
69185-7 | MR Lower leg - bilateral WO contrast |
69207-9 | MR Hip - left Arthrogram WO and W contrast |
69210-3 | MR Lower Extremity Joint Arthrogram |
69217-8 | MR Hip - right Arthrogram WO and W contrast |
69239-2 | XR Patella Sunrise |
69249-1 | RFA Popliteal artery Views W contrast IA |
69254-1 | XR Ankle - right 3 Views W standing |
69255-8 | XR Knee - right Sunrise and (Tunnel W standing) |
69256-6 | XR Knee - right Sunrise |
69257-4 | XR Lower extremity - right 2 Views |
69258-2 | XR Lower extremity - right AP and Lateral |
69260-8 | XR Patella - right Single view |
69261-6 | XR Patella - right 3 Views |
69307-7 | XR Ankle - left Single view |
69309-3 | XR Foot - left Single view |
69311-9 | XR Calcaneus - left Single view |
69313-5 | XR Tibia and Fibula - left Single view |
69314-3 | XR Ankle - right Single view |
69316-8 | XR Foot - right Single view |
69319-2 | XR Calcaneus - right Single view |
69321-8 | XR Tibia and Fibula - right Single view |
69385-3 | US Lower extremity veins - bilateral |
69389-5 | US Femoral artery and Popliteal artery |
69392-9 | US Lower extremity veins - left |
69399-4 | US Femoral vein and Popliteal vein |
72238-9 | MR Toes - right WO and W contrast IV |
72239-7 | MR Toes - right WO contrast |
72240-5 | MR Toes - right W contrast IV |
72241-3 | MR Toes - left WO and W contrast IV |
72242-1 | MR Toes - left WO contrast |
72243-9 | MR Toes - left W contrast IV |
77311-9 | CTA Abdominal aorta and Bilateral vessels for endograft |
77312-7 | Deprecated Abdomen+Pelvis+Lower extremity.bilateral>Aorta.abdominal+Vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV |
77448-9 | CT Hindfoot and Midfoot |
77450-5 | Deprecated Chest+Abdomen+Pelvis+Lower extremity.bilateral>Aorta.thoracic+Aorta.abdominal+vessels CT angiogram W contrast IV |
77451-3 | CTA Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Vessels for endograft |
77455-4 | Deprecated Hindfoot and Midfoot X-ray tomography |
77456-2 | CT Hindfoot and Midfoot W contrast IV |
77457-0 | CT Hindfoot and Midfoot WO and W contrast IV |
77458-8 | CT Hindfoot and Midfoot WO contrast |
77459-6 | Deprecated Hindfoot and Midfoot X-ray Single view |
77460-4 | Deprecated Hindfoot and Midfoot X-ray |
77461-2 | Deprecated Hindfoot and Midfoot X-ray 2 views |
77462-0 | Deprecated Hindfoot and Midfoot X-ray AP and lateral and oblique |
77463-8 | Deprecated Hindfoot and Midfoot X-ray Broden |
77464-6 | Deprecated Hindfoot and Midfoot X-ray ski jump |
77465-3 | Deprecated Hindfoot and Midfoot X-ray standing |
77466-1 | CT Hindfoot - left and Midfoot - left W contrast IV |
77467-9 | CT Hindfoot - right and Midfoot - right W contrast IV |
77468-7 | CT Hindfoot - left and Midfoot - left WO and W contrast IV |
77469-5 | CT Hindfoot - right and Midfoot - right WO and W contrast IV |
77470-3 | CT Hindfoot - left and Midfoot - left WO contrast |
77471-1 | CT Hindfoot - right and Midfoot - right WO contrast |
77472-9 | Deprecated Hindfoot - left and Midfoot - left X-ray Single view |
77473-7 | Deprecated Hindfoot - right and Midfoot - right X-ray Single view |
77474-5 | Deprecated Hindfoot - bilateral and Midfoot - bilateral X-ray Harris |
77475-2 | Deprecated Hindfoot - left and Midfoot - left X-ray Harris |
77476-0 | Deprecated Hindfoot - right and Midfoot - right X-ray Harris |
77477-8 | Deprecated Hindfoot - bilateral and Midfoot - bilateral X-ray standing |
77478-6 | Deprecated Hindfoot - bilateral and Midfoot - bilateral X-ray |
77479-4 | Deprecated Hindfoot - left and Midfoot - left X-ray |
77480-2 | Deprecated Hindfoot - right and Midfoot - right X-ray |
77481-0 | Deprecated Hindfoot - bilateral and Midfoot - bilateral X-ray 2 views |
77482-8 | Deprecated Hindfoot - left and Midfoot - left X-ray 2 views |
77483-6 | Deprecated Hindfoot - right and Midfoot - right X-ray 2 views |
77484-4 | Deprecated Hindfoot - bilateral and Midfoot - bilateral X-ray AP and lateral |
77485-1 | Deprecated Hindfoot - left and Midfoot - left X-ray AP and lateral |
77486-9 | Deprecated Hindfoot - right and Midfoot - right X-ray AP and lateral |
77487-7 | Deprecated Hindfoot - bilateral and Midfoot - bilateral X-ray Broden |
77488-5 | Deprecated Hindfoot - left and Midfoot - left X-ray Broden |
77489-3 | Deprecated Hindfoot - right and Midfoot - right X-ray Broden |
77490-1 | Deprecated Hindfoot - bilateral and Midfoot - bilateral X-ray ski jump |
77491-9 | Deprecated Hindfoot - left and Midfoot - left X-ray ski jump |
77492-7 | Deprecated Hindfoot - right and Midfoot - right X-ray ski jump |
77493-5 | Deprecated Hindfoot - left and Midfoot - left X-ray standing |
77494-3 | Deprecated Hindfoot - right and Midfoot - right X-ray standing |
78031-2 | CTA Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Runoff Vessels WO and W contrast IV |
78032-0 | CTA Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Runoff Vessels WO and W contrast IV |
78037-9 | CTA Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Runoff Vessels W contrast IV |
78038-7 | CTA Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Runoff Vessels W contrast IV |
78973-5 | CT scanogram Lower extremity - bilateral for leg measurement WO contrast |
79355-4 | XR Foot 3 Views W standing |
79358-8 | XR Hip - bilateral GE 4 Views |
79359-6 | XR Hip - left GE 2 Views |
79360-4 | XR Hip - right GE 2 Views |
79361-2 | XR Hip GE 2 Views |
79363-8 | XR Knee - bilateral AP and Lateral and Merchants and (Views W standing) |
79364-6 | XR Knee GE 4 Views |
79373-7 | XR Toe GE 2 Views |
80502-8 | MRA Abdominal Aorta and Bilateral Runoff Vessels WO and W contrast IV |
80860-0 | US Lower extremity veins - unilateral limited |
80861-8 | US Lower extremity soft tissue |
80933-5 | DXA Hip [Z-score] Bone density |
80934-3 | DXA Femur [Z-score] Bone density |
80937-6 | DXA Hip - right [Z-score] Bone density |
80938-4 | DXA Hip - left [Z-score] Bone density |
80939-2 | DXA Femur - right [Z-score] Bone density |
80940-0 | DXA Femur - left [Z-score] Bone density |
80941-8 | DXA Calcaneus - right [Z-score] Bone density |
80942-6 | DXA Calcaneus - left [Z-score] Bone density |
80945-9 | DXA Hip - right [T-score] Bone density |
80946-7 | DXA Hip - left [T-score] Bone density |
80947-5 | DXA Femur - right [T-score] Bone density |
80948-3 | DXA Femur - left [T-score] Bone density |
80949-1 | DXA Calcaneus - right [T-score] Bone density |
80950-9 | DXA Calcaneus - left [T-score] Bone density |
80953-3 | DXA Femur - right [Mass/Area] Bone density |
80954-1 | DXA Femur - left [Mass/Area] Bone density |
80955-8 | DXA Calcaneus - right [Mass/Area] Bone density |
80956-6 | DXA Calcaneus - left [Mass/Area] Bone density |
81164-6 | US Pediatric limited Hip - bilateral |
82676-8 | CT Guidance for arthrocentesis of Knee - left |
82693-3 | CT Pelvis and Lower extremity W contrast IV |
82694-1 | CT Lower extremity - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
82695-8 | CT Pelvis and Lower extremity - bilateral W contrast IV |
82708-9 | CTA Lower extremity vessels - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
82710-5 | CTA Lower extremity vessels - right |
82711-3 | CTA Lower extremity vessels - bilateral |
82712-1 | CTA Lower extremity vessels - left |
82715-4 | CT Guidance for arthrocentesis of Knee - right |
83018-2 | XR Ankle 1 or 2 Views |
83030-7 | XR Foot 1 or 2 Views |
83031-5 | XR Pelvis AP and Hip - bilateral GE 2 Views |
83032-3 | XR Hip GE 2 Views preoperative |
83033-1 | XR Hip single view during surgery |
83034-9 | XR Pelvis and Hip - bilateral GE 2 views for pediatrics |
83035-6 | XR Knee 1 or 2 Views during surgery |
83036-4 | XR Lower extremity GE 2 Views |
83048-9 | XR Tibia and Fibula GE 3 Views |
83290-7 | CTA Pulmonary arteries - bilateral and Pelvis veins and Lower extremity veins - bilateral for pulmonary embolus and deep vein thrombosis W contrast IV |
83303-8 | CT Toe WO contrast |
86374-6 | RFA Pedal lymphatic vessels - bilateral Views W contrast intra lymphatic |
86375-3 | RFA Pedal lymphatic vessels - unilateral Views W contrast intra lymphatic |
86412-4 | RFA Pedal lymphatic vessels Views W contrast intra lymphatic |
86963-6 | CTA Lower extremity vessels - right W contrast IV |
86964-4 | CTA Lower extremity vessels - left W contrast IV |
86965-1 | CTA Lower extremity vessels - bilateral W contrast IV |
86967-7 | CT Foot - bilateral WO contrast |
86973-5 | CT Foot - bilateral W contrast IV |
86979-2 | CT Pelvis and Hip - bilateral WO contrast |
87129-3 | Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of Lower leg |
87132-7 | Guidance for injection of Ankle |
87133-5 | Guidance for percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of Femoral artery and Popliteal artery |
87134-3 | Guidance for placement of stent in Femoral artery and Popliteal artery |
87135-0 | Guidance for injection of Hip |
87136-8 | Guidance for arthrocentesis of Knee |
87137-6 | Guidance for injection of Knee |
87139-2 | Guidance for additional transluminal angioplasty of Lower leg |
87140-0 | Guidance for additional placement of stent of Lower leg vessel |
87280-4 | CTA Abdominal veins and Pelvis veins and Lower extremity veins - bilateral W contrast IV |
87281-2 | CTA Lower extremity veins - bilateral W contrast IV |
87843-9 | CTA Pelvis veins and Lower extremity veins - bilateral |
87845-4 | CTA Lower extremity vessels |
87848-8 | CTA Pulmonary arteries - bilateral and Lower extremity veins - bilateral for pulmonary embolus and deep vein thrombosis W contrast IV |
87849-6 | CTA Pulmonary arteries - bilateral and Lower extremity veins - bilateral for pulmonary embolus and deep vein thrombosis |
87878-5 | CT Knee - bilateral Arthrogram |
87879-3 | CT Lower leg - bilateral WO contrast |
87880-1 | CT Thigh - bilateral W contrast IV |
87881-9 | CT Thigh - bilateral WO contrast |
87882-7 | CT Lower leg - left |
88319-9 | CT Abdomen and Pelvis and Lower extremity - bilateral W contrast IV |
89626-6 | CTA Abdominal, Pelvis and Lower extremity vessels W contrast IV |
89698-5 | CT Guidance for injection of Ankle - right |
89699-3 | CT Guidance for injection of Ankle - left |
89700-9 | CT Guidance for injection of Hip - right |
89701-7 | CT Guidance for injection of Hip - left |
89706-6 | CT Guidance for injection of Knee - bilateral |
89707-4 | CT Guidance for injection of Knee - right |
89708-2 | CT Guidance for injection of Knee - left |
89715-7 | CT Lower extremity joint - right Arthrogram |
89716-5 | CT Lower extremity joint - left Arthrogram |
89846-0 | CT Midfoot - left and Forefoot - left WO and W contrast IV |
89847-8 | CT Midfoot - right and Forefoot - right |
89848-6 | CT Midfoot - right WO and W contrast IV |
89925-2 | CT Pelvis and Lower extremity - bilateral WO and W contrast IV |
89955-9 | CT Guidance for arthrocentesis of Hip - bilateral |
89956-7 | CT Guidance for arthrocentesis of Hip - left |
89957-5 | CT Guidance for arthrocentesis of Hip - right |
90307-0 | CT Guidance for injection of Foot joint - right |
90317-9 | CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Lower extremity - left |
90318-7 | CT Guidance for drainage and placement of drainage catheter of Lower extremity - right |
91597-5 | MR Toe WO and W contrast IV |
91598-3 | XR Knee GE 2 Views |
92677-4 | XR Pelvis and Hip GE 4 Views |
93604-7 | US.doppler Lower extremity arteries+veins - bilateral |
94682-2 | XR Calcaneus GE 2 Views |
94683-0 | XR Pelvis and Hip - unilateral GE 2 Views |
95929-6 | CT Calcaneus Multisection for bone density |
97384-2 | XR Tibia and Fibula - left Lateral |
97385-9 | XR Tibia and Fibula - left AP |
97386-7 | XR Tibia and Fibula - right Lateral |
97387-5 | XR Tibia and Fibula - right AP |
97409-7 | XR Toe fifth - left AP and Lateral and oblique |
97410-5 | XR Toe fourth - left AP and Lateral and oblique |
97411-3 | XR Toe third - left AP and Lateral and oblique |
97412-1 | XR Toe second - left AP and Lateral and oblique |
97413-9 | XR Great toe - left AP and Lateral and oblique |
97414-7 | XR Toe third - left AP and Lateral |
97415-4 | XR Toe fourth - left AP and Lateral |
97416-2 | XR Toe second - left AP and Lateral |
97417-0 | XR Toe fifth - left AP and Lateral |
97418-8 | XR Great toe - left AP and Lateral |
97419-6 | XR Toe third - right AP and Lateral and oblique |
97420-4 | XR Toe second - right AP and Lateral and oblique |
97449-3 | XR Great toe - bilateral AP |
97450-1 | XR Great toe - bilateral Oblique |
97451-9 | XR Great toe - bilateral Lateral |
97452-7 | XR Toe second - bilateral Oblique |
97453-5 | XR Toe fifth - bilateral Oblique |
97454-3 | XR Toe third - bilateral Oblique |
97455-0 | XR Toe third - bilateral AP |
97456-8 | XR Toe fourth - bilateral Oblique |
97457-6 | XR Toe fifth - bilateral AP |
97458-4 | XR Toe fourth - bilateral AP |
97459-2 | XR Toe second - bilateral AP |
97460-0 | XR Toe third - left Oblique |
97461-8 | XR Toe third - left AP |
97462-6 | XR Toe third - left Lateral |
97463-4 | XR Toe second - left Lateral |
97464-2 | XR Toe second - left AP |
97465-9 | XR Toe second - left Oblique |
97466-7 | XR Great toe - left Oblique |
97467-5 | XR Great toe - left Lateral |
97468-3 | XR Great toe - left AP |
97469-1 | XR Toe fourth - left AP |
97470-9 | XR Toe fourth - left Lateral |
97471-7 | XR Toe fourth - left Oblique |
97472-5 | XR Toe fifth - left Lateral |
97473-3 | XR Toe fifth - left Oblique |
97474-1 | XR Toe fifth - left AP |
97475-8 | XR Great toe - right AP |
97476-6 | XR Great toe - right Lateral |
97477-4 | XR Great toe - right Oblique |
97478-2 | XR Toe fifth - right Oblique |
97479-0 | XR Toe fifth - right AP |
97480-8 | XR Toe fifth - right Lateral |
97481-6 | XR Toe fourth - right Lateral |
97482-4 | XR Toe fourth - right AP |
97483-2 | XR Toe fourth - right Oblique |
97484-0 | XR Toe third - right Oblique |
97485-7 | XR Toe third - right Lateral |
97486-5 | XR Toe third - right AP |
97487-3 | XR Toe second - right Oblique |
97488-1 | XR Toe second - right Lateral |
97489-9 | XR Toe second - right AP |
97490-7 | XR Tibia and Fibula - bilateral AP |
97491-5 | XR Tibia and Fibula - bilateral Lateral |
97492-3 | XR Toe fifth - right AP and Lateral and oblique |
97493-1 | XR Toe fourth - right AP and Lateral and oblique |
97494-9 | XR Toe third - right AP and Lateral |
97495-6 | XR Great toe - right AP and Lateral |
97496-4 | XR Toe second - right AP and Lateral |
97497-2 | XR Toe fourth - right AP and Lateral |
97498-0 | XR Toe fifth - right AP and Lateral |
98033-4 | PET+CT Lower extremity |
98286-8 | US.doppler Foot vessels - right |
98287-6 | US.doppler Foot vessels - bilateral |
98288-4 | US.doppler Foot vessels - left |
98292-6 | US.doppler Femoral artery and Popliteal artery - right |
98293-4 | US.doppler Femoral artery and Popliteal artery - left |
98294-2 | XR Lower extremity joint - bilateral Lateral Views W manual stress |
98295-9 | XR Lower extremity joint - left Lateral Views W manual stress |
98296-7 | XR Lower extremity joint - right Lateral Views W manual stress |
98297-5 | XR Foot cuneiform bones - right Views |
98298-3 | XR Forefoot - right Views |
98299-1 | XR Ankle - right Mortise W gravity stress |
98300-7 | XR Calcaneus - right LE 3 Broden Views |
98301-5 | XR Knee - right AP W varus stress |
98302-3 | XR Knee - right AP W valgus stress |
98303-1 | XR Calcaneus - right Lateral |
98304-9 | XR Calcaneus - right Canale |
98305-6 | XR Foot cuneiform bones - left Views |
98306-4 | XR Forefoot - left Views |
98307-2 | XR Ankle - left Mortise W gravity stress |
98308-0 | XR Calcaneus - left LE 3 Broden Views |
98309-8 | XR Knee - left AP W valgus stress |
98310-6 | XR Knee - left AP W varus stress |
98311-4 | XR Calcaneus - left Lateral |
98312-2 | XR Calcaneus - left Canale |
98313-0 | XR Foot cuneiform bones - bilateral Views |
98314-8 | XR Forefoot - bilateral Views |
98315-5 | XR Calcaneus - bilateral Lateral |
98316-3 | XR Knee - bilateral Single view W valgus stress |
98317-1 | XR Knee - bilateral AP W varus stress |
98318-9 | XR Ankle - bilateral Mortise W gravity stress |
98319-7 | XR Calcaneus - bilateral LE 3 Broden Views |
98320-5 | XR Toe fourth - bilateral Lateral |
98321-3 | XR Toe second - bilateral Lateral |
98322-1 | XR Toe third - bilateral Lateral |
98323-9 | XR Toe fifth - bilateral Lateral |
98897-2 | XR Pelvis and Hip - left Abduction and Internal rotation |
98898-0 | XR Pelvis and Hip - right Abduction and Internal rotation |
99507-6 | XR Hip - right Judet external oblique |
99508-4 | XR Hip - left Judet external oblique |
99509-2 | XR Hip - left Judet internal oblique |
99510-0 | XR Hip - right Judet internal oblique |
99605-8 | US.doppler Lower extremity vein - left for venous mapping |
99606-6 | US.doppler Lower extremity vein - right for venous mapping |
99607-4 | US.doppler Lower extremity vein - bilateral for venous mapping |
LOINC Copyright
Copyright © 2025 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See https://