Basic Properties
- Name
- PhenX14_35
- Description
- Yes/No/Don't know
- LOINCs using this list
- 68
Answer List
Answer | Code | Score | Answer ID |
YesCopyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:373066001 Yes (qualifier value) | 1 | LA33-6 | |
NoCopyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:373067005 No (qualifier value) | 2 | LA32-8 | |
Don't knowCopyright http://snomed.info/sct ID:456791000124100 Do not know (qualifier value) | 3 | LA12688-0 |
LOINC terms using this Answer List
66174-4 | Are you currently pregnant [PhenX] |
64536-6 | At bedtime does your child usually have difficult routines or rituals, argue a lot, or otherwise behave badly [PhenX] |
64516-8 | At night, does your child usually become sweaty, or do the pajamas usually become wet with perspiration [PhenX] |
64517-6 | At night, does your child usually get out of bed for any reason [PhenX] |
64518-4 | At night, does your child usually get out of bed to urinate [PhenX] |
64511-9 | Child restless legs bed [PhenX] |
64561-4 | Did any difficulties with breathing occur before, during, or after surgery [PhenX] |
66419-3 | Did the patient have a pre-travel encounter with a health care provider [PhenX] |
64555-6 | Did your child stop growing at a normal rate at any time since birth [PhenX] |
64522-6 | Do any allergies affect your childs ability to breathe through the nose [PhenX] |
64487-2 | Do you snore [PhenX] |
64525-9 | Does your child complain of an upset stomach at night [PhenX] |
64549-9 | Does your child complain that he or she feels sleepy during the day [PhenX] |
64566-3 | Does your child drink caffeinated beverages on a typical day - cola, tea, coffee [PhenX] |
64526-7 | Does your child get a burning feeling in the throat at night [PhenX] |
64554-9 | Does your child get a headache at least once a Mo, on average [PhenX] |
64527-5 | Does your child grind his or her teeth at night [PhenX] |
64524-2 | Does your child have a dry mouth on waking up in the morning [PhenX] |
64548-1 | Does your child have a problem with sleepiness during the day [PhenX] |
64534-1 | Does your child have difficulty falling asleep at night [PhenX] |
64512-7 | Does your child have growing pains - unexplained leg pains [PhenX] |
64513-5 | Does your child have growing pains that are worst in bed [PhenX] |
64531-7 | Does your child have nightmares once a week or more on average [PhenX] |
64510-1 | Does your child have restless sleep [PhenX] |
64539-0 | Does your child have trouble falling back asleep if he or she wakes up at night [PhenX] |
64528-3 | Does your child occasionally wet the bed [PhenX] |
64556-4 | Does your child still have tonsils [PhenX] |
64523-4 | Does your child tend to breathe through the mouth during the day [PhenX] |
64568-9 | Does your child use any recreational drugs [PhenX] |
64570-5 | Does your child use cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, or other tobacco products [PhenX] |
64520-0 | Does your child usually sleep with the mouth open [PhenX] |
64551-5 | Does your child usually take a nap during the day [PhenX] |
64540-8 | Does your child wake up early in the morning and have difficulty going back to sleep [PhenX] |
64547-3 | Does your child wake up feeling unrefreshed in the morning [PhenX] |
64538-2 | Does your child wake up more than twice a night on average [PhenX] |
64553-1 | Does your child wake up with headaches in the morning [PhenX] |
66570-3 | Has a doctor ever said that you had a broken or fractured bone [PhenX] |
64575-4 | Has a doctor ever told you that your child has a high-arched palate, roof of the mouth [PhenX] |
64577-0 | Has a health professional ever said that your child has attention-deficit disorder, ADD, or attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder, ADHD [PhenX] |
64550-7 | Has a teacher or other supervisor commented that your child appears sleepy during the day [PhenX] |
64562-2 | Has your child ever become suddenly weak in the legs, or anywhere else, after laughing or being surprised by something [PhenX] |
64533-3 | Has your child ever been moving or behaving, at night, in a way that made you think your child was neither completely awake nor asleep [PhenX] |
64563-0 | Has your child ever felt unable to move for a short period, in bed, though awake and able to look around [PhenX] |
64559-8 | Has your child ever had a condition causing difficulty with breathing [PhenX] |
64560-6 | Has your child ever had surgery [PhenX] |
64565-5 | Has your child ever sensed that he or she was dreaming, seeing images or hearing sounds, while still awake [PhenX] |
64576-2 | Has your child ever taken Ritalin, methylphenidate, for behavioral problems [PhenX] |
64529-1 | Has your child ever walked during sleep - sleep walking [PhenX] |
64532-5 | Has your child ever woken up screaming during the night [PhenX] |
64564-8 | Has your child felt an irresistible urge to take a nap at times, forcing him or her to stop what he or she is doing in order to sleep [PhenX] |
64490-6 | Has your snoring ever bothered other people [PhenX] |
64507-7 | Have you ever been concerned about your childs breathing during sleep [PhenX] |
64508-5 | Have you ever had to shake your sleeping child to get him or her to breathe, or wake up and breathe [PhenX] |
64530-9 | Have you ever heard your child talk during sleep - sleep talking [PhenX] |
64506-9 | Have you ever seen your child stop breathing during the night [PhenX] |
64509-3 | Have you ever seen your child wake up with a snorting sound [PhenX] |
64535-8 | How long does it take your child to fall asleep at night [PhenX] |
64552-3 | Is it hard to wake your child up in the morning [PhenX] |
64573-9 | Is your child overweight [PhenX] |
64521-8 | Is your child's nose usually congested or stuffed at night [PhenX] |
64502-8 | While sleeping, does your child always snore [PhenX] |
64500-2 | While sleeping, does your child ever snore [PhenX] |
64501-0 | While sleeping, does your child ever snore more than half the time [PhenX] |
64504-4 | While sleeping, does your child have heavy or loud breathing [PhenX] |
64505-1 | While sleeping, does your child have trouble breathing, or struggle to breathe [PhenX] |
64503-6 | While sleeping, does your child snore loudly [PhenX] |
64514-3 | While your child sleeps, have you seen brief kicks of one leg or both legs [PhenX] |
64515-0 | While your child sleeps, have you seen repeated kicks or jerks of the legs at regular intervals - about every 20 to 40S [PhenX] |
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- CodeSystem lookup
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- https:
//fhir.loinc.org/ValueSet/?url=http: //loinc.org/vs/LL1643-7 - ValueSet expansion
- https:
//fhir.loinc.org/ValueSet/$expand?url=http: //loinc.org/vs/LL1643-7
Third Party Copyright
This material includes SNOMED Clinical Terms® (SNOMED CT®) which is used by permission of the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) under license. All rights reserved. SNOMED CT® was originally created by The College of American Pathologists. "SNOMED" and "SNOMED CT" are registered trademarks of the IHTSDO.
This material includes content from the US Edition to SNOMED CT, which is developed and maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and is available to authorized UMLS Metathesaurus Licensees from the UTS Downloads site at https://uts.nlm.nih.gov.
Use of SNOMED CT content is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the SNOMED CT Affiliate License Agreement. It is the responsibility of those implementing this product to ensure they are appropriately licensed and for more information on the license, including how to register as an Affiliate Licensee, please refer to http://www.snomed.org/snomed-ct/get-snomed-ct or info@snomed.org<mailto:info@snomed.org>. This may incur a fee in SNOMED International non-Member countries.
LOINC Copyright
Copyright © 2025 Regenstrief Institute, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To the extent included herein, the LOINC table and LOINC codes are copyright © Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) Committee. See https://